View Full Version : Are Sulake And Habbo Just Money Grabbing?

18-03-2006, 09:54 PM
Do You Think sulake and habbo just want more and more money?

1) They make V9 so people have bigger rooms Which means more furni!
2) Hc Has better dances so people want hc !
3) They Bring Out Rares And People Just Want to buy THEM!
4) Non Hc Dont get special privaladges

Dont get me wrong i play habbo and i buy hc but its just a point ov view ;):P :P :P
And I play habbo all the time ;)

Just Like To Know Peoples Oppinions:s :s

+ Rep Will Be Given <3

19-03-2006, 09:13 AM
They're a business. An ever-growing business, so they need to come up with some more money making schemes to keep Habbo going and keep Habbo growing.

19-03-2006, 09:19 AM
Of corse they are, its a multi million buissiness. I think its rather clever of them actully!

19-03-2006, 09:24 AM
Of corse they are, its a multi million buissiness. I think its rather clever of them actully!
Yeah, it's sorta right, I can't believe people would actually buy pixelled furni for real money, it's true they're abit clever. :) And they have to make money I guess, so yeah.

19-03-2006, 09:33 AM
Yep of course they are. They're making it more fun for us (the "Customers") whilst doing it but all they really want is more and more money which they are getting. I wonder when/if Habbo will eventually close...

19-03-2006, 09:39 AM
To be honest, yes. Sulake and Habbo are both money grabbers. They seldomly reply with the Habbo Help Tool requests with speed. It usually takes them more than one month or perhaps a year for a reply.

They constantly come up with new ideas to attract customers and new customers to join Habbo Hotel and spend money on the pixelated furnis. For example, version 9 layouts. Desire of using MORE furni in the v9 layout is higher than using v8 layout since the furnis are WAY smaller in v9, thus, it is more probably for the users to purchase furnis from the catalogue.

They also attempt habbo users to become Habbo Club members by having Habbo Club ads around the hotel.

To sum up what I said, Habbo Hotel and Sulake are money grabbers. But to some extent, they actually do care about the customers. For example, we can see them actually hiring moderators to answer questions or problems that users encounter.

19-03-2006, 09:40 AM
Well, a business does aim to get money.....and sulake are doing an EXTREMELY good job!

19-03-2006, 02:39 PM
Habbo are a business therefore need to make money with out money they wouldn't be able to pay staff and for the servers so with out our money habbo wouldn't be able to run like every other business ... u could say Mcdonalds are a money grabbing company they aint providing us food for free the same with cokemusic their credits are free because they have other products like cocacola

Redmoon Evil
19-03-2006, 02:44 PM
Do You Think sulake and habbo just want more and more money?

1) They make V9 so people have bigger rooms Which means more furni!
2) Hc Has better dances so people want hc !
3) They Bring Out Rares And People Just Want to buy THEM!
4) Non Hc Dont get special privaladges

Dont get me wrong i play habbo and i buy hc but its just a point ov view ;):P :P :P
And I play habbo all the time ;)

Just Like To Know Peoples Oppinions:s :s

+ Rep Will Be Given <3

i dont find that bad at all, i did think it was bad though when habbo started advertising a certain instant messanger that were not allowed to say on the forum, cos theyre stopping us from saying these 3 letters so that we're safer and then they go and advertise it on the site :l at this point i was convince they were just bothered about the money and not the members.

19-03-2006, 05:40 PM
Businesses are set up to make profit, haboo was not set up for our enjoyment.

The only problem I see with their business plan is that their target audience is teenagers. Teenagers are not the richest people in thee country.
Then again, I doubt habbo could convince 12,000 adults to come to a certain chatroom every night :)

19-03-2006, 05:42 PM
They're a business. An ever-growing business, so they need to come up with some more money making schemes to keep Habbo going and keep Habbo growing.

Here here, but I still voted yes, even though money grabbing is what you need to do to stay alive in their business.

19-03-2006, 05:46 PM
Yes Habbo are just money grabbing, like putting the white pillow in the catalogue.. as it was a super before it would make MORE people want to but it thinking they would get alot out of it.

Same goes with putting the sport back in the catalogue and people buying the basketball trophie.

HC - Another money scheme such as limit on your console, it's VERY tight when you're a non HC member, and being able to get into a room less quicker. It shouldn't be about that.

19-03-2006, 08:05 PM
HC is like membership on runescape.

19-03-2006, 08:45 PM
Sulake is a professional buisness and needs the money to pay for the servers to provide Habbo, these servers are required to be extremley powerful to handle the 12,000 habbos that check in at once.

They are money grabbing, but then so are McDonalds with their Monopoly game and Megabowl with all the arcade machines :)

20-03-2006, 07:01 AM
At end of the day it's there website, they need to make profit however way they want, by comps, rares anything! Also stop blaming Callie :) well blame her but not too much! :rolleyes:

20-03-2006, 07:20 AM
Lmao, course there money grabbers but yet again there money makers.

20-03-2006, 07:36 AM
Yes of course they are-They're a business

20-03-2006, 07:40 PM
I think one of the main reasons is for making money. But if you owned habbo hotel (now worth millions) wouldnt you wna make more? I mean i think they are obssessed with making more and more tho

24-03-2006, 03:38 PM
Businesses are set up to make profit, haboo was not set up for our enjoyment.

What are you on about? It was set up for our enjoyment and also to make profit.

27-03-2006, 11:23 PM
Well, I don't know. They are a growing business, and need some money to help keep the domain and site running, but they also need a profit ;) I agree with Herman, it is very clever, and every business does have to make a profit. (Plus, imagine how much time some people spend trying to keep this site running? The people working at Sulake need some profit!)

27-03-2006, 11:34 PM
Does anyone agree with my that starbucks wants to make money.

I mean common they offer like 3 sizes of drinks because they want you to buy the biggest and spend the most money.

What is wrong with those people who own the company and need to make money to feed their family.

27-03-2006, 11:39 PM
What planet are you living on? Sulake is a massive millionaire company. you really think they will cut down on selling furni and everything when they can make even more money? If you had millions, but then had a chance to get even more millions, what would you do...? :rolleyes: Companys are made to make money, they won't ever stop making money just because they're making too much... People these days.

31-03-2006, 03:38 PM
Well Yes They Want Money.
But They Only Get The Money Cos People Like Habbo.
Plus Paying For Extra Features Isnt At All Too Bad.

31-03-2006, 04:33 PM
People moan that HC Costs, Well DUHHH !

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