View Full Version : New Council Member - Who are you voting for?

18-03-2006, 09:58 PM

Personally I'm voting littleredevil.
I dont think that cool-kitten007 deserves a place on the council as shes only famous for her overated school, I also dont think some of the Xs should be on there..

Anyway, just my opinion.
Who are you voting for?

18-03-2006, 09:59 PM
Missalice or Bluweesh. :)

18-03-2006, 09:59 PM
I'm voting for littleredevil.

18-03-2006, 10:01 PM
Bluweesh or MissAlice :)

uh huh her
18-03-2006, 10:02 PM
MissAlice :)

18-03-2006, 10:05 PM
MissAlice, I've seen her around Welcome Lounge on a regular occasion helping people and guiding them on her own. So I've voted her and hope she wins. :eusa_clap

Also, the link wasn't posted, so here it is;

18-03-2006, 10:10 PM
I voted for Missalice.
I havent heard of some of the people on the list, also some people are too big headed for the roll.
Im not going to be saying any names though.

18-03-2006, 10:19 PM
tegs - as he's a really nice guy and contributes alot to the habbo community

18-03-2006, 10:33 PM
Kaiora :).

18-03-2006, 10:37 PM
It was hard between Kaiora and Bluweesh :(

18-03-2006, 10:50 PM
Tegs or Kaiora they are both great. Can't make my mind up though.

18-03-2006, 10:55 PM
No One.

18-03-2006, 11:22 PM
Yet another competition for popular people I see?

18-03-2006, 11:25 PM
Missalice got my vote. =]

18-03-2006, 11:52 PM
!-noonie-! i know him personally hes such a lovely guy and everyone on habbo loves him !

18-03-2006, 11:55 PM
bluweesh or missalice <33

19-03-2006, 12:18 AM
I voted for 123angus,

In no way am i popular on Habbo, Although i would like to make the difference, in being in the council, Thanks to everyone who have voted for me and good luck to everyone else on the list.

19-03-2006, 02:06 AM
I'm not going to vote. Too tough.

19-03-2006, 02:37 AM
Kaiora or MissAlice if I actually cared to vote.
Isn't Y0WI an ex-hobba?

19-03-2006, 02:40 AM
Bluweesh, Kaiora, MissAlice, or Y0WI. Even though I don't know any of them personally, I'd like someone I know indirectly or have heard of to help me if I ever need any assistance.

19-03-2006, 02:41 AM
I'm gonna stand for it :]
I'll start a campaign thing tomorrow..

19-03-2006, 02:54 AM
MissAlice gets my vote :)

19-03-2006, 02:59 AM
I voted for MissAlice :)

19-03-2006, 03:17 AM
I voted Colin because I love him in a non homo way :eusa_whis

19-03-2006, 03:35 AM
I voted Colin because I love him in a non homo way :eusa_whis

Sure j...sure...


19-03-2006, 03:38 AM
I've voted Colin as i've known him for like.. Years. ;]

19-03-2006, 03:59 AM


I've voted Colin as i've known him for like.. Years. ;]

19-03-2006, 04:06 AM


What's the world come to? We're listening to STE! (Jk) No offense to Bluweesh, but I don't know of much he's done other than own a trade room. Does he own a help desk or work in some that I'm just too ignorant to know about or done something I was too stupid to pick up on or soething?

19-03-2006, 07:33 AM
lol I'm not going to vote for anyone because I rarely go on Habbo UK but if I were to vote, I would vote for blueeesh or alice something o.o

19-03-2006, 07:40 AM
It's a tough one, a lot of really cool people who deserve it so i'm not sure who my vote goes for..

19-03-2006, 07:54 AM
I'm voting for Kaiora because she likes helping people out, even though she's not that famous, she deserves a place. :)

19-03-2006, 07:57 AM
Hahaha! I am scared, *shakes!* I have work this morning and I am thoroughly excited about this. I just don't want to be in the middle of a rivalry battle, that's all. I'm not that sort of person.

I personally do not mind if I don't get through, as I can always say, I've been there and done that! Which is the most important part of participating in something of this nature.

Each day, gets better and better.. The smile on my face becomes more *cheesssyyy* ;D And that's because of those who make me happy. I thank everyone for voting. I love you so much! ;D

19-03-2006, 08:06 AM
Bluweesh gets my vote

19-03-2006, 08:39 AM
My vote will either go to BLuweesH,MissAlice or Kaiora.

I shall decide later:p

19-03-2006, 10:56 AM
Littleredevil deserves to be on there, as does Kaiora whos fabulous.

19-03-2006, 11:01 AM
MissAlice all the wayyyyyy!

19-03-2006, 11:20 AM
I don't see the point, it's just another popularity contest like everything is on habbo.

19-03-2006, 11:26 AM
Ha, I dunno who i'm going to vote for on there but some of them really deserve to be on there for the things they have done for the Habbo Community. Others from what I have seen have done nothing and Just happen to know a Council Member and is how they got in. I don't think it's another "popular" contest because not all of them are. Oh well :)

19-03-2006, 11:29 AM
I don't see the point, it's just another popularity contest like everything is on habbo.


I wanted to vote Missalice but i voted for Bigbutsound :)

19-03-2006, 11:36 AM
MissAlice deserves it.

19-03-2006, 11:37 AM
About 15 of them Just Know Famous People: E.G. Cool-klitten007 = Knows Callie Well.
LittereDevil = Just Famous because she won Always Salon

Only Antoyn04, 123Angus,BigButSound, People like them, Help People, And I'm sure would be dedicated to the job...

My Vote Was a hard choice between ant and angus but i voted angus :eusa_danc.

19-03-2006, 11:40 AM
Someone who isn't famous.

19-03-2006, 11:53 AM
Someone who isn't famous.

If you take a step back from the whole famous rubbish and consider who would actually bring something to Habbo.
Think about who would be able to represent the Joe-averages and get their views across. :rolleyes:

19-03-2006, 11:54 AM
Ha, I dunno who i'm going to vote for on there but some of them really deserve to be on there for the things they have done for the Habbo Community. Others from what I have seen have done nothing and Just happen to know a Council Member and is how they got in. I don't think it's another "popular" contest because not all of them are. Oh well :)

You may not know what i have done on habbo community because i don't go seeking fame I stick with what i love to do that is help and do productions.
I never asked to be on the council list and never asked a council memeber and I'm sure the person who voted me would be fair and true. But if you do want someone who will work hard and treat people fairly no matter the fame then you can vote me. I won't let any of the fame go to my head i assure you. If you don't agree with what i believe then vote someone else as i can't miss something I've never had. Plus i trust half of them would do a great job :D But please don't vote for the fame!


P.S I've been helping the habbo comunity for 3 and a half years. And been a memeber of the community for 5.

19-03-2006, 11:56 AM
I voted Y0WI, he rawks

19-03-2006, 11:57 AM
dharok h3 t3h pwnag3

Edited by Eckuii (Super Moderator) - Please do not make pointless posts.

19-03-2006, 12:32 PM
Tegs :D :eusa_clap

19-03-2006, 12:35 PM
Personally I'm voting littleredevil.
I dont think that cool-kitten007 deserves a place on the council as shes only famous for her overated school, I also dont think some of the Xs should be on there..

Anyway, just my opinion.
Who are you voting for?

I'm voting Tegs.

19-03-2006, 02:12 PM
I think everyone on the top 20 desvers it in some way But i still thinking about who to vote. lol Coz its to hard.

Redmoon Evil
19-03-2006, 02:13 PM
Alice of course ^^

19-03-2006, 02:23 PM
Blueweesh as he's a great guy.
Would of voted MissAlice but she's already a Habbo-X so i'll let Blueweesh have something instead of her getting 2 xD

19-03-2006, 02:38 PM
I wouldn't think about voting BluweesH .
1. he's never on .
2. Never known of him to contribute to the community .
3. His casino promotes scamming , he's never around to make sure his junk pit of a casino is safe , it's known that most of his dealers skem while he's not around.. which is nearly everyday .


Edit ::
I voted for Kaiora , I know that he/she [never reveals their sex] is a good contributor , plus I knew of them on habbo-council forum so.. they're cool !

19-03-2006, 02:56 PM
I voted for Bluweesh.

19-03-2006, 02:59 PM
It is between litteredevil and MIssAlice for me. Cool-kitten, deffinately not. As someone said, overated and she doesn't seem bright enough for a council.

19-03-2006, 03:49 PM

19-03-2006, 04:46 PM
If I vote it will be for some one who is actully intelligent not just some one who is famous and will get 100s of votes anyway (unless they are intelligent :p)

19-03-2006, 05:13 PM
I do reckon that intelligence is a big issue for something of this nature. But also being polite, kind and hard working is also neseccary.
There are alot of key points to becoming the "perfect member" shall I say.

But, I won't murmur on, haha! Alot of people on the list really do deserve the position but unfortunately some won't get it, :(.

If the people who don't make it through, don't make it through, they can always say they have been there, done that and got the t-shirt ;)

@<3. - I love, "My name is Earl". It's hilarious. (Sorry for going off topic).

19-03-2006, 05:17 PM
I do reckon that intelligence is a big issue for something of this nature. But also being polite, kind and hard working is also neseccary.
There are alot of key points to becoming the "perfect member" shall I say.

But, I won't murmur on, haha! Alot of people on the list really do deserve the position but unfortunately some won't get it, :(.

If the people who don't make it through, don't make it through, they can always say they have been there, done that and got the t-shirt ;)

@<3. - I love, "My name is Earl". It's hilarious. (Sorry for going off topic).

We Love you Colin!!!!!! ;) <33 myself n' James have voted for you, hopefully many more members have aswell. ;] <3

19-03-2006, 05:23 PM
Awww, Love you's so much! James messaged me yesterday like, yeah I voted for you.. I feel so happy, It's great!

I don't mind if friends don't vote me, because.. we'll it's totally up to them, it's not compulsory to vote for me or even anyone on the list.

But hey, -Dances!-

19-03-2006, 05:32 PM
I voted Bluweesh x] Nice guy.

19-03-2006, 05:34 PM
miss alice and kairoa ;)

19-03-2006, 07:04 PM
Its weird that Newsletter or Evolution isn't on that list. Well I could see that Newsletter isn't on the list since he got banned...

I won't vote for anyone.

19-03-2006, 07:14 PM
I'll Vote for Bluweesh.

19-03-2006, 07:16 PM
Haha, sensualized having a giveaway already!

Well, her freinds, but she is there fully promoting it.

DIdn't it say somewhere they are not going to let people who in who bought votes? Well, well, well...

19-03-2006, 07:23 PM
This is just a popularity contest. I shant vote.

19-03-2006, 09:33 PM
Actually, yes, some of my friends did do giveaways. I wasn't their "fully promoting" they asked me to come... just to show my face I guess. I agree with everything Kaiora said though. Everyone has a fair chance, I have said to everyone on my console when they have messaged me it is totally upto them... I mean what exactly are the people who don't get through losing? Absolutely nothing really. There are alot of deserving people on that list and its a shame some can't get through because I know alot of people would do an AMASING job of it. I wish everyone the best of luck who is on the list. x

19-03-2006, 10:25 PM
omg cool-kitten007 is always winning greedy she won valentines comitition and she won Funky friday 2 times

19-03-2006, 10:50 PM
She also won Queen of the Damned. I guess some people are just lucky? I don't understand how you can be queen of the damned and superloved though :P lol. Nevermind.

19-03-2006, 11:50 PM
I dunno, probily MissAlice, although Kitten is cool (my mate knows her).

DJ Rareness
20-03-2006, 11:50 AM
The council didn't do much when i was on it anyway. Of course everyone suggested stuff to be added to the site, however it was a bit pointless as sulake just do what they and high ranked habbo staff want!

20-03-2006, 11:54 AM
I voted Kaiora.

20-03-2006, 12:31 PM
I voted Kaiora

Go Colin <33

20-03-2006, 01:15 PM
i have 6 on my f/l so ill use clone account to vote for them all

20-03-2006, 01:37 PM
I can't believe my clone made it to the list!

:o :P

20-03-2006, 01:38 PM
I can't believe my clone made it to the list!

:o :P
Your clone is..?

20-03-2006, 01:49 PM
Your clone is..?

I'm joking. My sense of humour is an aquired taste. ;)

20-03-2006, 01:52 PM
Oh my days! Thanks once again, much appreciated. I'm sure once more members are added to the team more action will be taken throughout the Habbo Council, I'm sure alot of the new members will persuade it to happen. I know I would, I'm always up for a challenge, to have things done on time and right to the point!

Let's hope alot of the new Council Members are willing to do that to. I don't see this competition as a "popularity contest" as some people have referred to it by this. Current Habbo Council members had to recommend a numerous amount of Habbo's who would be a good addition to the council, once the recommendations were collected Callie then put up a poll and is now letting the whole of the hotel vote for who they think would be a good addition to the council.

It's giving Habbo's a chance to try out new things, and I am sure it will be a good experience.

20-03-2006, 04:44 PM
Iam voting littledevil or w.e her name is
But Missalice will win :rolleyes:

20-03-2006, 04:45 PM
MissAlice and ardl all the way <3

20-03-2006, 04:49 PM
Oh my days! Thanks once again, much appreciated. I'm sure once more members are added to the team more action will be taken throughout the Habbo Council, I'm sure alot of the new members will persuade it to happen. I know I would, I'm always up for a challenge, to have things done on time and right to the point!

Let's hope alot of the new Council Members are willing to do that to. I don't see this competition as a "popularity contest" as some people have referred to it by this. Current Habbo Council members had to recommend a numerous amount of Habbo's who would be a good addition to the council, once the recommendations were collected Callie then put up a poll and is now letting the whole of the hotel vote for who they think would be a good addition to the council.

It's giving Habbo's a chance to try out new things, and I am sure it will be a good experience.

It is in some aspects a popularity contest and isnt in others. Some people will be voting people cos they own a big room or are friends with this person. I on the other hand will be voting someone who deserves it and gives alot to the Habbo Community. I was in a tie between Kaiora and MissAlice but I realised as MissAlice is a Habbo X she already has alot of work to do:) So I shall be voting for you. And can't say I know you personally that well but you seem like you deserve it from some of the things you have done. I won't be voting for certain people who's names shall stay quiet who seem to get voted for something for every 2 months just cos of his/her name or their popularity.

20-03-2006, 04:55 PM
Yeah, I'll agree with you there CortezHelsing, and much appreciated for the votes.

20-03-2006, 04:58 PM
It is in some aspects a popularity contest and isnt in others. Some people will be voting people cos they own a big room or are friends with this person. I on the other hand will be voting someone who deserves it and gives alot to the Habbo Community. I was in a tie between Kaiora and MissAlice but I realised as MissAlice is a Habbo X she already has alot of work to do:) So I shall be voting for you. And can't say I know you personally that well but you seem like you deserve it from some of the things you have done. I won't be voting for certain people who's names shall stay quiet who seem to get voted for something for every 2 months just cos of his/her name or their popularity.

What has Kaiora done? :s

20-03-2006, 05:03 PM
You don't have to necessarily have done something for the hotel to be a part of the Habbo Council. As the current habbo council members had to put forward numerous recommendations for new members of the Habbo Council.

But, I have done bits and bobs. I have won various competitions and helped with the reindeer events. I have done events on the USA hotel, but I am not sure if that counts and I am an ex hobba of the French hotel. But I don't know if that counts ;(

20-03-2006, 05:06 PM
You don't have to necessarily have done something for the hotel to be a part of the Habbo Council. As the current habbo council members had to put forward numerous recommendations for new members of the Habbo Council.

But, I have done bits and bobs. I have won various competitions and helped with the reindeer events. I have done events on the USA hotel, but I am not sure if that counts and I am an ex hobba of the French hotel. But I don't know if that counts ;(

I'm not saying that you have to have necessarily done anything for the hotel, but cortez was saying he voted you because you were someone who had contributer or something along those lines, so I asked how you had contributed to the UK hotel - the one that matters atm. Winning competitions isn't exactly much of a contribution, and cool on being a hobba etc. but thats not really benefiting a hotel which you are going to be on the council for?

ps. I'm not having a go >: p

20-03-2006, 05:09 PM
LOL, Don't worry - I'm not having a go, Just having a civilised conversation. I've worked in various help desks and lurk around the Welcome Lounge also helping new Habbos.

I've dedicated most of my time to helping around Habbo Hotel. For example, I use to work at Think Help, and I currently work at Positive Help. I'm a long time serving Habbo and have been around for the last four years, so.. It's not all new to me.

But, I don't particularly want to turn this into a debate, as I hate debates.

20-03-2006, 05:10 PM
I Dont No Probs Tegs :)

20-03-2006, 05:13 PM
LOL, Don't worry - I'm not having a go, Just having a civilised conversation. I've worked in various help desks and lurk around the Welcome Lounge also helping new Habbos.

I've dedicated most of my time to helping around Habbo Hotel. For example, I use to work at Think Help, and I currently work at Positive Help. I'm a long time serving Habbo and have been around for the last four years, so.. It's not all new to me.

But, I don't particularly want to turn this into a debate, as I hate debates.

;o I love debates. Their delicious. No, no I know you wern't having a go, and I wasn't either haha. I don't want it to turn into a debate either to be honest, but that dude was saying he was voting you because you had done something or other, and I personally didn't see what was so great about you (No offence), but that's just because I have never seen any examples of any way you have contributed to Habbo as a community.

20-03-2006, 05:15 PM
That is fair enough. I respect your opinion. There are those who vote, and those who don't. I'm not worried. But at least it's leveled out now.

20-03-2006, 05:20 PM
That is fair enough. I respect your opinion. There are those who vote, and those who don't. I'm not worried. But at least it's leveled out now.

Yeh. I voted! :p

20-03-2006, 05:28 PM
What has Kaiora done? :s

Just to add to what Kaiora said previously. Kaiora has help create one of the biggest online Habbo communities - www.habbo-positive.co.uk, worked for [TH] and is now [PH] Management, been a very successful DJ on the most famous radio and has generally been a respected member of the community.

Need I say more? ;)

20-03-2006, 05:31 PM
Kaiora has helped PH acheive alot,help Habbox by doing quite a few jobs, worked for many fansites and helped on there and helps people when they need it. The fact that I see he is willing to challenge other council members about getting things done also encourages me to want to vote for him.

20-03-2006, 05:31 PM

20-03-2006, 05:32 PM
Bigbutsound and MissAlice :)

20-03-2006, 05:33 PM
I voted MissAlice all the way :)

20-03-2006, 05:50 PM
I'm gobsmacked now, lol! Rareoid and Cortez to the rescue!

20-03-2006, 06:24 PM
i only know Bluweesh & MissAlice on there so it will be one of those two :)

20-03-2006, 06:44 PM
I was very surprised to read I had been nominated to become a member of the Habbo Council. When I read the list my first thought was how can anyone be expected to vote for just one candidate. Personally I have found it practically impossible, as of course all my fellow X's would be RESPONSIBLE and TRUSTWORTHY Habbo Council Members. I also know fairly well Y0WI, BLuweesH (both of which are well known) and 123angus (many of you might not have heard of 123angus but I do know this, he has contributed to the Habbo Community for many years) and all three, would make excellent Members, I have sat and had a sensible conversation with them all. There are also several Habbo names I don't know and have never even met, and this surely applies to us all, I wish I knew them better! Actually maybe I don't, the choices are already difficult enough for me. So how do I decide who to vote for? Hopefully the same way as you. Who do I think is RESPONSIBLE and TRUSTWORTHY and always comes through with their promises, and won't EVER let us down? Who will relay what Habbos are thinking, and what they want? Hopefully someone that LISTENS, and is known to be RESPONSIBLE and TRUSTWORTHY, someone you recognise has all these qualities. It could well be someone who isn't so well known, they deserve a chance too.

I eventually voted today :), and chose one of the six possibilities I've mentioned, but I'm not about to tell anyone who got my vote ;)

20-03-2006, 06:46 PM
I voted for Missalice :)

20-03-2006, 10:14 PM
Meh only one deserves my vote.. *wink*

20-03-2006, 10:19 PM
I voted for MissAlice this Saturday. I voted for her because I knew if there was one member that would be around to talk to it would be her.

20-03-2006, 11:48 PM
I voted for..... WAIT! Nah I didn't vote. Congratulations to whoever s'ucks people off the hardest to gain entry to this exclusive club crawling with brilliant selfess people.

21-03-2006, 12:01 AM
I voted for..... WAIT! Nah I didn't vote. Congratulations to whoever s'ucks people off the hardest to gain entry to this exclusive club crawling with brilliant selfess people.
I never thought this topic would get a stereotype...

Anyhoo, MissAlice does seem like a good candidate for being in the Habbo Council, she is great to talk to when bored and rather intelligent. It is nice to see someone like her when you need someone to talk to, whether you need help or just general chat.

The only problem is, whether or not she want to do it. Afterall, being a Habbo X maybe alot of work for her...

21-03-2006, 12:25 AM
I voted for..... WAIT! Nah I didn't vote. Congratulations to whoever s'ucks people off the hardest to gain entry to this exclusive club crawling with brilliant selfess people.

Unless you know each one of the candidates then do not make such stupid comment's. Your probably just jealous if anything

21-03-2006, 12:26 AM
I am not voting. There are too many of my friends & good, decent people that could all be Habbo Council Members in that poll and I cannot pick between them.

21-03-2006, 12:34 AM
Im going for colin (kaiora) some might not of heard of him but loads have if you know him, youll know he is a VERY helpfull person and he puts alot of work into what he does and very genuine, so he gets my vote :)

21-03-2006, 01:15 AM
Many people there are my friends already, and several of them deserve it, however several wouldn't take the council as serious as you need to, and after awhile would get bored of it. Nobody has my vote, but im thinking of voting ardl, due to him being an overal nice guy.

21-03-2006, 01:56 AM
You do realize it wasn't a stereotype? Whoever tries the hardest to attain votes will obviously be proclaimed the winner. Already been like 4-5 people on my console saying "Don't want to beg for votes... but.... vote for me". The idiocy on the forum is hilarious. So are accusations of stereotypical slander from a guy bashing an entire grouo of people himself on another stereotype. Always loved bigotry.

21-03-2006, 02:36 AM
You got to love your little speeches over something so trivial as to whom goes into the Habbo Council.

it's obviously jealousy

you got that right, this guy needs help and he needs it fast. If you can't face facts that this is a habbo community which doesn't need you in it, then you should just be shoved away like a brown plasto :rolleyes_

21-03-2006, 02:56 AM
You got to love your little speeches over something so trivial as to whom goes into the Habbo Council.

you got that right, this guy needs help and he needs it fast. If you can't face facts that this is a habbo community which doesn't need you in it, then you should just be shoved away like a brown plasto :rolleyes_
Just as trivial and unrelated as the retaliation. Oh WOW!? A hypocrite preaching against sometbing one minute then doing it the next.

I'll vote Kenco for the sake he's the only one i can remember.

And please... if you're going to criticize me for something... assure yourself you aren't doing the exact same thing.

21-03-2006, 02:57 AM
You got to love your little speeches over something so trivial as to whom goes into the Habbo Council.

you got that right, this guy needs help and he needs it fast. If you can't face facts that this is a habbo community which doesn't need you in it, then you should just be shoved away like a brown plasto :rolleyes_
Just as trivial and unrelated as the retaliation. Oh WOW!? A hypocrite preaching against sometbing one minute then doing it the next.

I'll vote Kenco for the sake he's the only one i can remember.

And please... if you're going to criticize me for something... assure yourself you aren't doing the exact same thing too.

21-03-2006, 03:45 AM
I voted a random one :s

21-03-2006, 06:25 AM
I decided to vote for MissAlice.

Why you ask? Well, she has an amazing ability to make people happy and an amazing way of making others feel welcomed. I don't know if she was trained to do what she does but she does it very well and I am glad she is in this competition because she's a wonderful person, kind and sweet with a passion to help people. I value her time and thoughfulness for everything she has done for the hotel ever since she joined. I hope she makes it through and I hope a few other members get in as well because she isn't the only one who deserves this opportunity as a habbo council member. Everyone in this list has done something/contributed to the hotel in a small/large way. We got to value the office staff's decisions on who's going to be in the competition or not.

Don't get me wrong but she is an absolute angel and I hope she makes it through successfully. :angel1: I know she will contribute lots to the council and the hotel.

Good luck to her and the other Habbos in this competition.

21-03-2006, 11:22 AM
MissAlice she deserves it, she isnt up her own back side unlike most.

21-03-2006, 11:28 AM
Im going for colin (kaiora) some might not of heard of him but loads have if you know him, youll know he is a VERY helpfull person and he puts alot of work into what he does and very genuine, so he gets my vote :)
So did I RosieBaybee the Holotrannee <<3

21-03-2006, 03:33 PM
MissAlice she deserves it, she isnt up her own back side unlike most.

She has enough..
HabboX .
I think the member should devote ALL their time practically , she won't be able to while helping nublets so.. she shouldn't get voted in I believe

Vote Kaiora ! ! !

23-03-2006, 06:38 PM
I think voting closes tomorrow (Friday), so.. Good luck to all.

23-03-2006, 06:41 PM
!-Noonie-! ;]

23-03-2006, 06:47 PM
Noonie is fabulously fabulous! He's such a great guy and definetly deserves to be within the final ten, He tries damn hard and he would be excellent <3

23-03-2006, 07:11 PM
lol I wished I had the personality of MissAlice 's. I rarely go on the UK but by the sounds of it, she seems to be a fun-loving Habbo. I think the thing im missing out of hers is that I can sometimes be... boring. i dont get jokes that anyone says lol

23-03-2006, 09:57 PM
No offence, but what has YOWI ever done to the Habbo community?

23-03-2006, 10:25 PM
... Dosent anyone here like have Yowi and Missalice on there f/l ? ooo -Special- :D

24-03-2006, 06:51 AM
I'm not sure to what Y0WI has done for the community but I think with this batch it wasn't up to community service, However I could be wrong. The current council members had to recommend numerous candidates to Callie for them to become nominee's for the Habbo Council.

I'm actually quite scared, Ahh!

26-03-2006, 04:03 PM
Hey there! i was reading across the different posts about what everyone has done for the habbo community, there were some people who did not know what i had done, so here you go!

First of all my name is Marcus and i have been playing habbo hotel
since the end of 2002.
I have owned a habbo help centre named Mhh a year or two back
Magical Habbo Helpers was its name, it was one of the most popular help centres at the time, im always happy to help habbos if they need help and have helped many people in my time.
I have also owned a habbo fansite named Habbari.com which was one of the best things i have ever done, it was nearly offical but habbo messed up the polls :( so it never got there and then later on it closed, after i had moved schools and didnt have much time for it anymore.

Since then i have been helping people with there Habbo problems
i am in the welcome lounge, fansite drop in and habbo council drop in
most of my time when im on habbo hotel, helping with habbos problems.
I recently work at a few offical fansites as admin and im a very trustworthy habbo.

So there you go! thats me all in a paragraph :D

:D See you around Habbo Hotel UK!

26-03-2006, 04:04 PM
Ya i've seen ya in fansite drop in loads =]

I used to work for ya with your fansite old times... very old times... =]

Anyway Y0WI will do good.

26-03-2006, 04:05 PM
I didn't vote anyone xD

26-03-2006, 04:08 PM
Yep! i love helping with fansite related problems,
websites are one of my favourite hobbies
and its even better to be able to help with them on habbo! :D

26-03-2006, 07:45 PM
Hey there! i was reading across the different posts about what everyone has done for the habbo community, there were some people who did not know what i had done, so here you go!

First of all my name is Marcus and i have been playing habbo hotel
since the end of 2002.
I have owned a habbo help centre named Mhh a year or two back
Magical Habbo Helpers was its name, it was one of the most popular help centres at the time, im always happy to help habbos if they need help and have helped many people in my time.
I have also owned a habbo fansite named Habbari.com which was one of the best things i have ever done, it was nearly offical but habbo messed up the polls :( so it never got there and then later on it closed, after i had moved schools and didnt have much time for it anymore.

Since then i have been helping people with there Habbo problems
i am in the welcome lounge, fansite drop in and habbo council drop in
most of my time when im on habbo hotel, helping with habbos problems.
I recently work at a few offical fansites as admin and im a very trustworthy habbo.

So there you go! thats me all in a paragraph :D

:D See you around Habbo Hotel UK!

Ok thats all very nice...theres still plenty of people more deserving to be in the council.

26-03-2006, 07:50 PM
... Dosent anyone here like have Yowi and Missalice on there f/l ? ooo -Special- :D
MissAlice is a good friend of my'n, but i havent heard of Y0Wi tbh

26-03-2006, 08:46 PM
Well thanks for your opinion ryan :) see you around habbo

27-03-2006, 05:41 AM
What happened with the Council Nominations is that we were asked to nominate a few people to compile a list of potential candiates. We let Community influence our decision by letting them vote for it. Then we went through the list again and finalized our decision.

Anyone on that list was put on there because of their past contributions to Habbo or their potential.

27-03-2006, 07:50 AM
Well, I myself had never heard of:


Up till now.

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