View Full Version : Habbo didnt do anythin for me

22-12-2004, 08:51 PM
rite my first ever habbo was decel he was hacked ..........serch his name
i emailed habbo to give back my password foned them and everytin but they are not doin anythin
then my other habbo godlikesme got his furni stolen now it wont lemme login i spoke 2 a mod all she sed was email habbo so i did and its been a cuple of weeks and no reply
i was rich with decel and pretty with godlikesme id brougt loadsa creds aswell now i no how frigin stupid i was
why arent they doin anythin

23-12-2004, 03:40 PM
you should have learned lesson after the 1st time. alot of people send emails, its pretty obvious that some will get overlooked.

23-12-2004, 09:04 PM
It's unfortnate but sadly happens all the time. Best thing to do is write a formal letter send it to Sulake Labs, Helsinki then photocopy the letter and send it to the Habbo Offices UK aswell.

Odd xx

23-12-2004, 11:03 PM
Sadly sometimes people forget the original email they put in when they made their Habbo and THINK it was something when in actual fact it wasn't. This causes great problems when Habbo try to reply as they will usually send mail to the first email addie. The best thing to do is contact Habbo again and give as many details as you can. Try to remember that first email and give them some more details such as roughly when you made the habbo maybe a few buddies from your console as much as you can to prove the account is yours. Make sure you provide them with a valid email for them to contact you on and always check your junk mail, as occasionally mail you are expecting can end up there! Good Luck.
Oh and look after that pass of yours to get hacked once is bad luck twice is careless!

24-12-2004, 02:37 PM
It's unfortnate but sadly happens all the time. Best thing to do is write a formal letter send it to Sulake Labs, Helsinki then photocopy the letter and send it to the Habbo Offices UK aswell.

Odd xx
Bad idea, all they say is we do not deal with Habbo Hotel *they give you a link to contact us*. They dont care either.

24-12-2004, 08:07 PM
habbo jst dont care as long they are makin money they are happy

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