View Full Version : Time that Habbo UK should release the Nike Football Trophy.

21-03-2006, 11:27 PM
Erm I think that the time that'd make most sense for Habbo UK to release the Nike Football Trophy would be during World Cup 2006. Firstly because Habbo would be football crazy and releasing it might just boost buyers. Second since thats the ball they use for the World Cup anyways.. (I think.)
What do you think?

21-03-2006, 11:37 PM
It's a good idea but it would cost sulake to buy rights to use picture of it.
Though nike could use it as free advertising if they where smart :P Who knows they may do lets just hope :D

25-03-2006, 01:43 PM
pretty obvious but hey,then we'll know which habbo's are chavs and which aren't

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