View Full Version : Attension All Guys: Whåt dö ¥ôÜ |öòk 4 ìñ å gìr|??

24-03-2006, 05:55 AM
Well Being A Girl And Replying To Another Thread, I Want To Know What All The Guys Out There Look For In A Girl!
I.e.:Looks, Personality Etc...
Also What Do Guys Think When They See A Girl They Like?

Hmmm Feel Free To Add Bits And Pieces Of Advice For Others,[The 2nd Question Is Really Just For My Own Benifit, Pmsl But Hey!]

25-03-2006, 12:30 AM
What I look for especially is personality .
If the girl is a little shallow air head.. I won't touch her with a barge pole . It would be like trying to talk to a brick wall :rolleyes:

She has to be kind , loving , expressive and obviously good personality.
Look don't extremely matter but some looks wouldn't go a miss , they aren't the main factor I look for though .

25-03-2006, 12:34 AM
a nice rack.

25-03-2006, 03:37 PM
a nice rack.
How did I know you was gonna say that?

25-03-2006, 03:39 PM
What I look for especially is personality .
If the girl is a little shallow air head.. I won't touch her with a barge pole . It would be like trying to talk to a brick wall :rolleyes:

She has to be kind , loving , expressive and obviously good personality.
Look don't extremely matter but some looks wouldn't go a miss , they aren't the main factor I look for though .

25-03-2006, 03:40 PM
Beautiful, Fiesty, Caring,

25-03-2006, 03:49 PM
gotta have a big butt, some nice thighs and a big rack. :) She could be a **** it dont matter :)

Barkseh (Forum Moderator) - Please don't be rude.

25-03-2006, 03:51 PM
gotta have a big butt, some nice thighs and a big rack. :) She could be a sk.ank it dont matter :)

amen brother ^^

25-03-2006, 03:54 PM
What I look for especially is personality .
If the girl is a little shallow air head.. I won't touch her with a barge pole . It would be like trying to talk to a brick wall :rolleyes:

She has to be kind , loving , expressive and obviously good personality.
Look don't extremely matter but some looks wouldn't go a miss , they aren't the main factor I look for though .

Ditto! Completly agreed

25-03-2006, 03:56 PM
So Far i think theres being 3 Good Guys (Including myself) the rest appear to be Body Loving Nutters

25-03-2006, 04:02 PM
Having a girlfrind you can talk to is a BIG key, Cause having a girlfriend who is just looks, then... I'd rather not date them, I'd be there friends, but not date them.

25-03-2006, 04:07 PM
Hell i dont want a girl who is an uggo and looks like a troll

25-03-2006, 04:11 PM
Hell i dont want a girl who is an uggo and looks like a troll

It's better than having someone who is worried about breaking a nail... :eusa_whis

25-03-2006, 04:13 PM
if it gets me *** every week?

Barkseh (Forum Moderator) - Please don't be rude.

25-03-2006, 04:16 PM
if it gets me s▀ex every week?

Then its Still not right- you sound like a Chav , (Although i'm usually not one to Sterotype) , i can see you as a Chav, who only cares for his weekly treat and not the girl

25-03-2006, 04:18 PM
Then its Still not right- you sound like a Chav , (Although i'm usually not one to Sterotype) , i can see you as a Chav, who only cares for his weekly treat and not the girl
No actually i was just pointing out if u can get a girl who likes to pork, then id figure youd be all set lmao

25-03-2006, 04:19 PM
gotta have a big butt, some nice thighs and a big rack. :) She could be a sk.ank it dont matter :)

Dont,want the butt that big.

Yeh,nice thighs big rack

She cant be A **** if she dont wash and sleeps with everyone she might have thing living up there.

Barkseh (Forum Moderator) - Please don't be rude.

25-03-2006, 04:19 PM
Well Arn't you the Little Romantic ...

25-03-2006, 04:21 PM

please stop abusing the shift key, its really starting to annoy me, and alot of people :(.

25-03-2006, 04:24 PM
If your refering to me then its a problem I have, , the caps come randomly at the beguing of different words and i can't stop it, the only way i can is by going back through it and removing them. like i have now and most of the time, i just forget, i'm sorry if its annoyed you,

25-03-2006, 04:29 PM

It's your own fault if it annoys you, many people arn't bothered such as myself, So suck it up princess
[Back too topic]

1) watch the swearing
2) You guys gross me out, All you want is a Girl that is like all.. "Oh my, i better not break a nail.. Gosh! :("

Graghh, you make me sick.

(Lycan, this doesn't apply to you)

25-03-2006, 04:30 PM
How did I know you was gonna say that?

Because that's what most shallow guys look for in a bird?

25-03-2006, 05:20 PM

I look for a girl who is nice, funny, caring, has good looks and likes to go to the cinema, go out on friday nights with friends :P.


25-03-2006, 06:12 PM
So Far i think theres being 3 Good Guys (Including myself) the rest appear to be Body Loving Nutters

lOL Its So True.....

25-03-2006, 06:36 PM
Righty o' here we go (Meh it rhymed!)

Good Looks - Obviousily, don't want to be hanging around with a fat spotty *****r.

Accepts my views 'nd opinions - As some of you may know, I'm a nationalist. Not many girls accept that.

Someone who isn't a coward - Basically, If I get into a fight they don't run away crying, they stay and watch.


27-03-2006, 06:04 AM
A Rack Of Lamb Perhaps :D

28-03-2006, 08:47 PM
They've gotta have a bright fun personallity and also sensitive aswell, erm the rest like physically *coughs* is good ;)

31-03-2006, 05:44 PM
:@ Being a girl, i think that its just sick what people have been saying about, having a nice body. Oh no, you dont care what were like as a person, but i say, people like you, your not worth going out with. When we open our mouths to tell you to SHUT UP or STOP IT, then you'll just blow us off anyway.
Im sorry if i have just offended someone, but i do feel strongly about it. :@

31-03-2006, 05:58 PM
Well, obviously I first notice appearance. Hair, eyes etc. Then I get to know their personality. If they're both in good shape, she's a good 'un! And then I date them. Amen

a nice rack.

31-03-2006, 05:59 PM
:@ Being a girl, i think that its just sick what people have been saying about, having a nice body. Oh no, you dont care what were like as a person, but i say, people like you, your not worth going out with. When we open our mouths to tell you to SHUT UP or STOP IT, then you'll just blow us off anyway.
Im sorry if i have just offended someone, but i do feel strongly about it. :@
Sod off, girls are the same you complete pleb.

31-03-2006, 06:00 PM
I'm not going to date an ugly bird just because her personality is awesome.

I go for looks first, then personality.

31-03-2006, 06:02 PM
Sod off, girls are the same you complete pleb. *Goes Completly Shocked* Girls are not all like me! Some girls wouldnt even care. Im just a sensitive loser, so take no notice to me.

31-03-2006, 06:03 PM
Im with Sheepy on the looks/personality thing.

Also, she can't be frigid, that's boring.

03-04-2006, 04:56 PM
Fun loving and good to talk to.

And a good body would be nice though, personallity first.

(I'm bi, by the way)

05-04-2006, 11:43 AM
What I look for especially is personality .
If the girl is a little shallow air head.. I won't touch her with a barge pole . It would be like trying to talk to a brick wall :rolleyes:

She has to be kind , loving , expressive and obviously good personality.
Look don't extremely matter but some looks wouldn't go a miss , they aren't the main factor I look for though .

ye and don't say much but still say whats on there mind.

07-04-2006, 07:56 AM
Jeeze Thanks For All the Advice. Really Did Help Keep The Replies Coming!

07-04-2006, 10:31 AM
*Goes Completly Shocked* Girls are not all like me! Some girls wouldnt even care. Im just a sensitive loser, so take no notice to me.

I believe he meant that a lot of girls just go for looks too, and it's true. What's wrong with being shallow? Primal instincts are generally pretty good to go by - they made humans the most advanced race on Earth. Myself, I prefer to be with people that I can talk to, because otherwise it can get boring, but as someone (I think Sheepy) said, I wouldn't go out with a complete ming just because of her personality. If she's got the personality, she's a friend. If she has looks, she's a lay. If she has both, that's girlfriend material.

And don't act all upset and shocked, girls don't go for guys that are ugly. There's no point being with someone who you don't want to look at.

07-04-2006, 10:50 AM
I believe he meant that a lot of girls just go for looks too, and it's true. What's wrong with being shallow? Primal instincts are generally pretty good to go by - they made humans the most advanced race on Earth. Myself, I prefer to be with people that I can talk to, because otherwise it can get boring, but as someone (I think Sheepy) said, I wouldn't go out with a complete ming just because of her personality. If she's got the personality, she's a friend. If she has looks, she's a lay. If she has both, that's girlfriend material.

And don't act all upset and shocked, girls don't go for guys that are ugly. There's no point being with someone who you don't want to look at.

I believe with everything you said there.. + Rep.

07-04-2006, 10:51 AM
The things i look for in a girl is:
Someone that actually cares for my feelings and are caring a kind to other people aswell as me,
I look for people that i can love who will love me back and is good at expressing love (aka kissing , cuddling up :P)
Obviously she has to have a bit of good looks but, my girlfriend now is just great everyone is against her because she used to be Emo and now she is scremo but she is beautiful and the best i'm ever gunna get and i love her to bits and whenever i see her i get a tingling feeling that makes me feel loved.


07-04-2006, 10:19 PM
So Far i think theres being 3 Good Guys (Including myself) the rest appear to be Body Loving Nutters

So you'd rather go out with a fat bird (Yes that is a sexist comment pfft.) than one with a nice bod?

07-04-2006, 10:21 PM
Also, she can't be frigid, that's boring.

I haven't been with a frigid girl in AGES, but yes they are one bore especially when they can't kiss....


09-04-2006, 08:59 AM
This is to all the guys getting mad at boys replying with shallow comments. Well, you really can't ask a bunch of teenage boys what they look for in a girl with out expecting mostly shallow answers.

Although, one thing I can't stand is when guys like girls who act all ditzy and dumb, I really just do not get it!

09-04-2006, 09:25 AM
Blonde or Brunett, Sexy, Freindly, Nice, Caring, and as SHEEPY said, a nice rack! Also a nice back side.

09-04-2006, 12:22 PM
Good personality, not a complete IDIOT, Pretty but not full of themselves, Not always worrying about their nails or hair, Down to earth, that kind of person.

Pretty air heads arent my type!

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