View Full Version : teachers?

27-03-2006, 09:47 PM
well i have this 1 teacher and i really feel as if she is trying to make me upset. now don't call me a baby or be a n00b but i once had a breakdown, sobbing kind of one in front of my class a month ago and i feel exactly as i did back then now. this is mainly because of tests every friday. i get low marks and she yells at me and has a gruge against me the next week. i don't know how to handle this can anyone help. thanks.

27-03-2006, 09:52 PM
I would suggest getting better "marks" and trying harder at school.

Maybe only play habbo on the weekends because it is effecting how you do in school.

Getting good "marks" is more importaint than trading a majestic for a nelly on an internet chat game.

27-03-2006, 09:54 PM
i only play habbo once or twice a week. and it isn't as easy as some may think to get high marks.

but ty for replying,

27-03-2006, 09:59 PM
ok well then maybe you should talk to your parents and teachers abuot getting a tutor to help you learn more.

Once you get good marks you will be happier and school might be more fun.

28-03-2006, 03:57 PM
hahahah by any chance do you go to ****** School and is taught spainish by ******?

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28-03-2006, 04:21 PM
I used to get picked on by my PE teachers so I got my mam to ring up and they stopped. Don't be scared of grassing up teachers if they deserve it.

28-03-2006, 04:30 PM
If this teacher really is picking on you (and you're not just overreacting to things) then letting them get away with it will just make them think it's alright to do, and other students in the future will suffer for it. As Bl!nkey said, getting good marks does make you feel better about yourself, but if that's not the real problem then talk to someone, get someone to sort it out.

11-04-2006, 01:28 AM
I used to be a bit of a rebel in some classes

But now I've tried to turn a new leaf, but some of the teachers still have a grudge of sorts against me. I also have a short temper with some of my teachers :']

I had the same problem. I got my mum to phone up the head of year and problem solved! You could even ask to move classes for that subject?

11-04-2006, 01:40 AM
meh, who cairs, they can shout as much as they like "/ dosnt change anything. Esplaly if its a pointless test which no use.

I scored staite Fs threw my RS corce, and the teacher garenteed my failur with my work load, i scored an A in the real exsam :D

11-04-2006, 02:41 AM
That's poo. In my school district, you can be transferred to any school of your choice if you feel a teacher is harrassing you. That's been abused so much, lol. Kids find all these frivolous excuses and get transferred out. ;l

I really don't like my teachers. They usually try to make students feel inferior, and I really don't like that, so I usually get in trouble for making teachers look stupid and I get wrtten up for "disrupting class". :P

I swear. My teachers complain more then they teach. The only reason I never get suspended or anything is because I have really good grades. ;D

I suggest you do after-school tutorials or something. Does your school offer any kind of tutorial? If they do, you should go- it'll pay off.

11-04-2006, 05:59 AM
Inferiour, I totaly know what you mean. They shout at you for saying "Yep" instead of "Yes miss"

They forget that its taxpayers that pay for them ;) Taxpayers like our parents

11-04-2006, 10:34 AM
Hmm my teachers are sound because they just let us mess about :eusa_danc Lol :P

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