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28-03-2006, 06:31 PM
i finaly got round to tell my family and friends that im bi family hate me now dont talk to me and i got beaten up bye the rumbers going around but on the pluss side ive got a relation ship that is going a bit se.xual but good we get up to alot my dad walked in while we was doing summink it got realy alkward

Do u dink i dun the right thing telling people

And how do u fink i should make up with my family

28-03-2006, 06:36 PM
Well you would have had to tell them eventually...actually my stepdad has a friend who is 40 years old and living with another man and his parents still don't know he's gay! *rofl*
They'll probably get over it in time...but I am just cringing about your dad walking in...arghh! How embarrassing!

And I don't think they hate you, they're probably just in shock. Its not up to you to 'make up' with them because you haven't done anything wrong.

28-03-2006, 06:37 PM
Ignore your family, if they can't accept you for who you are then they are stupid (Don't take offence, just couldn't find the right word). But they probably will accept it eventually, just will take some time.
Aslong as you are 100% sure you are bi then sure you did the right thing.

28-03-2006, 06:38 PM
Try not to get angry with them when you talk about it, that'll worsen things. Just try to act like everything's normal, like nothing's happened and nothing's been said. Ignorance is bliss, as they say.

29-03-2006, 03:55 PM
It really annoys me when family members act like this... They are supposed to stick by you no matter what..

My friend was in the same situation as you a year or so ago, his parents "banned" him from telling his grandparents and other family members about his sexuality, his brother acted like it was an illness.

I think in the end his parents started to accept the fact that he is gay, but it took a while...

Be patient and see whether your parents accept you for who you are.

29-03-2006, 05:07 PM
thanks all that is great advise going back to jack i am sure im bi and im glad and happy now i was not getting anywhere with girls still like eyeing girls up but corr being with boys much better pmsl just hope i have done the right fing see you all soon

ps... keep replyig il love to read ur replys if ur a boi call me lol joke

29-03-2006, 05:10 PM
It's their problem if they can't accept you, its not like it's your fault.

29-03-2006, 05:58 PM
If they can't accept the fact your gay then they ain't much of a family, Also if your parent caught you with your boyfriend i would be more careful in the future. As it may take some time for it to sink and get use to and seeing you with another boy may not help.

29-03-2006, 07:26 PM
yea spose it was stupid of me to be starke naked lol but never mind

Mr Vodor
29-03-2006, 07:36 PM
ewwwwwwwwwwww ur gay ewwwwwwww u had gay S_x ewwww u were naked arrrh ewww

29-03-2006, 07:39 PM
ewwwwwwwwwwww ur gay ewwwwwwww u had gay S_x ewwww u were naked arrrh ewww

If you've got nothing nice to say, Don't say anything at all

29-03-2006, 08:03 PM
Yeah, juts kind of act normal with your family, and I'm sure they'll accept it, as soon as thye realize that you're the same person you always were. I mean, they're your parents, so you don't need to go that deep in rleationships, so make sure that your parents know that you're happy, but don't act like you've done something worng, because then they'll worry more.

29-03-2006, 08:15 PM
lol i didnt have se,x we was just being creitive and dont be so homophobic u noob

thanks for the advise do reply more pmsl but i dont fink im going to far ive never had a proper gf that i can do stuff with if u know what i mean i may be going head first into the sexual bit but he hasent rushed to any thing yet btw his 16 im 14 *cringes* lol pmsl

29-03-2006, 08:33 PM
And, you're 14 which means it's illegal to engage in *** with male or female. I'd wait until you're a bit older, after all you'll only end up regretting it.

Your family will come to terms with it eventually, trust me.

01-04-2006, 07:41 AM
This reminds me of the thing with Bree and her son on Desperate Housewives ;o

01-04-2006, 07:45 AM
U definately did the right thing. with your family you should try to discuss it with them more if they don't liek you for it. try telling them exactly how you feel and why..if this doesn't work you may just have to leave it. if they can't accept you, you will have to leave it and give it time

01-04-2006, 07:47 AM
great andvise guys my mum forgives me but its jus t my dad who cant stand in the same room as me or look at me not even talking to me

01-04-2006, 09:21 AM
Your family should love you no matter what

01-04-2006, 11:33 AM
great andvise guys my mum forgives me but its jus t my dad who cant stand in the same room as me or look at me not even talking to me
this april fools thing is confusing..

She doesn't have to forgive you! you've done nothing wrong...

01-04-2006, 12:28 PM
It doesn't matter if your bisexual, to you its normal, dont let your parents get in the way of what you think is right for you, its your decision what you are, and noone should change just because your bisexual, being bi is just like a boy loving a girl or a girl loving a boy, its normal for you to be bisexual, your not the only one who worries from it. Give it some time and your parents will come around, and it will pass by, dont worry :) http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g56/Ell090/biggthumpup.gif

03-04-2006, 03:30 PM
This reminds me of the thing with Bree and her son on Desperate Housewives ;o

I love desperate housewives sooo much lol. Aww Bree's son is dead cute. I loved the scene last week where they were in bed together and Bree walked in lol! And the kiss near the start was really cute :P

Tom xx

05-04-2006, 06:50 AM
were going as bit off toppic but doesent matter all fixed my dad talked to me for the first time he siad "Happy Birthday" and i said i was sorry to go strange and he went "ur not strange but it was a shock to se my son gay" and he gave me £150 to say sorry then i was shocked so fanks for the advise u have helped me alot but im gunna stop going out with guys if it upsets my family its the last thing i want

05-04-2006, 01:41 PM
Your family are starting to come to terms with it, which is good, like your dad said it was a shock but i bet he would want you to be happy, and if your happy being with a guy, why give that up? Stick with being with guys and see how things go.

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