View Full Version : HabboCommunity - A little help :)

03-04-2006, 11:05 PM
Hello my fellow Habbox Users of the Orange Forum,

I've recently became owner of www.habbocommunity.co.uk and I have been asked to create a new layout. So far it is pritty basic. Click here (http://www.habbocommunity.co.uk/greg/) to see it. Any ideas where I could go from here?


04-04-2006, 06:46 AM
I really like what's there! It's quite stylish!

04-04-2006, 07:16 AM
OMG thats B-E-A-UTIFUL lol dunno wt u could add:s :s :s

04-04-2006, 07:19 AM
Hello my fellow Habbox Users of the Orange Forum,

I've recently became owner of www.habbocommunity.co.uk (http://www.habbocommunity.co.uk) and I have been asked to create a new layout. So far it is pritty basic. Click here (http://www.habbocommunity.co.uk/greg/) to see it. Any ideas where I could go from here?


So the famous layout designer has desided to come to habbox :) I love the progress so far :)

04-04-2006, 07:26 AM
Put a logo on the left of the top banner :)

04-04-2006, 01:50 PM

Urmmm... If you goto the accualy site atm and click the Tabs it has Hab-Worlds content :S cos theres PHP Errors and the title says it aswell.

04-04-2006, 04:20 PM
Hey Greg, long time no see.

Personally, Loose the background, I hate to see blue and red together, too much colour and may look distorted. Thats all I can say at this moment in time, create more of it untill you are happy with what you have created, then I will be happy to pledge further critiques.

- Craig.

04-04-2006, 04:32 PM
ye lose the background but i love it

04-04-2006, 04:40 PM
Great layout, alot of hard work has been put into that :)

04-04-2006, 04:41 PM
http://www.habbocommunity.co.uk/ is nice, I'm not to keen on the other one.

04-04-2006, 04:54 PM
Good site. My friend Scott and Del helped you right?

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