View Full Version : Basic HTML Tutorial

09-04-2006, 01:24 PM
Im bored, so Im just gonna make yet another boring tutorial type thingy to HTML :P

Heres a code on how to set the background colour:

<body bgcolor="#COLOUR CODE HERE">

Where it says 'COLOUR CODE HERE' you will need to insert a code that represents the colour. Where can I find the colour codes? Well heres a link to a big chart with lots of colours (use this in making anything in coour, e.g text) http://www.pagetutor.com/pagetutor/makapage/colors/bgcolors1536png.html Make sure that the '#' is before the colour code!!

Now, I will show you the code to set a background image.

<body background="IMAGE URL HERE">

Where it says IMAGE URL HERE paste in the URL where your image is located.

Here are some basic tags that you use for text effects.

<b>text to be bold here</b>

<i>text to be in italics here</i>

<u>text to be underlined here</u>

<marquee>marquee text here</marquee>

Now, lets learn how to change the font size. Fonts come in 7 different sizes. 1, the smallest, and 7, the biggest. So if you was going to make some text the Arial font, then this is the code you would use.

<font face="arial">Arial text here</font>

Note: Viewers can only see the font if they have it installed on their computer. So for example, if the user didnt have the Volter (habbo font) installed on their computer, and the text you was using was Volter then they would see the default font instead of Volter.

Now, lets learn how to make text certain colours. Ok, so yes we will need to use this (again): http://www.pagetutor.com/pagetutor/makapage/colors/bgcolors1536png.html So the code for making text a colour would be like this:

<font color="#COLOUR CODE HERE">The text that will be the colour that you put in the colour code.</font>

Now, in HTML you have to put in a code to make a new line. So, for example if you typed in your coding program:


It would still appear on the web page as This Is My Site. So to make it look like above, after every line you put in <br> There is NO </br> code. You can even make gaps in lines, so if you were to put in this code:
Is<br> My<br><br><br><br>Site It would appear as this:



Because of the multiple <br> s you put in.

Now, there is a html code for a space. That doesnt mean that you have to put it in between everyword, just when your putting more than one space in. That code is: &nbsp; So if you wanted to put in this:

This is my site (there is four spaces) The html code would be:

This is my&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;site

Ok, nearly done, but now Im going to tell you how to insert images to your page. Heres the code:

<img src="URL OF THE IMAGE" width="WIDTH" height="HEIGHT">

You must specify the width and the height of the image. To find out what the width and height is, open up the image on paint and click on Image>Attributes and you will find it there.

Now, for the last part of this tutorial we will learn how to make links to other pages. In this code, we will link to good ol' Habbox Forum.

<A href="http://www.habboxforum.com/">Click here to go to Habbox Forum!</a>

Also, we can create e-mail links, so when clicked on it will open up the default e-mail editor with the e-mail adress already there.

<a href="mailto:[email protected]">E-mail me!</a>

Ok, well I hope that helped you. If you want to know more, then a very good website with a good beginners tutorial that I learnt from is www.pagetutor.com its very easy to understand with lots of images and examples.


09-04-2006, 01:33 PM
Didnt read it all but looked ok so far,

or you could use css :D much easier

09-04-2006, 01:41 PM
most of that is crap especially with the EVIL! <font> tag.. learn xhtml and css.. its the future..

09-04-2006, 01:48 PM
most of that is crap especially with the EVIL! <font> tag.. learn xhtml and css.. its the future..

lol font.

09-04-2006, 01:49 PM
I hate the tag "<b>" I always use "<strong>". I suppose it's just my style though.

- Craig.

09-04-2006, 01:50 PM
I hate the tag "<b>" I always use "<strong>". I suppose it's just my style though.

- Craig.

strong is xhtml though. i think

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