View Full Version : More Animated Furni

10-04-2006, 11:58 AM
I think that it would be great if Habbo would introduce more animated furni, or even sounds to go with that furni. Like for the dice when you roll it you can either choose it to say: the number that it lands or or bingo lawl...

Anyway, things that would be good as animated RARES:

Mini Moto - 30+ credits - Would go well with the new sports furni such as the track.

Electronic Security Gate - 25 credits - Would look good if it had detection lines flashing across it.

Scanner - 25 credits - Would look good if it had the line going across it that scans it, would go well in an office etc.

Printer - 25 credits - (Basically same as above).

10-04-2006, 12:23 PM
Those are good idea's. Personally i'd like to have a door item that is electronically programmed so say i only wanted Callie and Dionysus to be allowed through my hatch then they would be the only ones allowed to pass.

10-04-2006, 01:43 PM
Those are good idea's. Personally i'd like to have a door item that is electronically programmed so say i only wanted Callie and Dionysus to be allowed through my hatch then they would be the only ones allowed to pass.

Good idea, but that's probably only a dream. Cool if it actually got released :P

10-04-2006, 01:45 PM
Gr8 idea maybe you could type in the name of the people tht are allowed to go through the certain gate, it would be good for example a mafia

10-04-2006, 02:08 PM
Those are good idea's. Personally i'd like to have a door item that is electronically programmed so say i only wanted Callie and Dionysus to be allowed through my hatch then they would be the only ones allowed to pass.
Wow, what a great idea! I'd personally love that to become real! :)

10-04-2006, 09:29 PM
Nice ideas id love the mini moto Lol

11-04-2006, 11:15 AM
good idea iAlex, but i have known things which get posted in here come true, i will find the thread in a min, but it was the snow patch! :D

Love the idea :)

EDIT: http://www.habboxforum.com/showthread.php?t=1931 is the link, and look at the first post which says when the thread was made :)

15-04-2006, 03:43 AM
I think that it would be great if Habbo would introduce more animated furni, or even sounds to go with that furni. Like for the dice when you roll it you can either choose it to say: the number that it lands or or bingo lawl...

Anyway, things that would be good as animated RARES:

Mini Moto - 30+ credits - Would go well with the new sports furni such as the track.

Electronic Security Gate - 25 credits - Would look good if it had detection lines flashing across it.

Scanner - 25 credits - Would look good if it had the line going across it that scans it, would go well in an office etc.

Printer - 25 credits - (Basically same as above).

More animated rares -> more furnis -> more lag -> more complaining

Nice idea though :)

15-04-2006, 06:23 PM
Don't me wrong they are great ideas and sulake and habbo could have the ability to make them. But there are problems as :alpha I think said more lag more complaints, but there doesnt have to be lag if sulake fix the lagging problem with certain activities, but then again it would cost to do all of this. GOOD idea though :eusa_clap

15-04-2006, 09:08 PM
Don't me wrong they are great ideas and sulake and habbo could have the ability to make them. But there are problems as :alpha I think said more lag more complaints, but there doesnt have to be lag if sulake fix the lagging problem with certain activities, but then again it would cost to do all of this. GOOD idea though :eusa_clap

More lag -> more complain -> More servers -> Servers = Cash.

Sulake are cheap they will increase the credits price.

16-04-2006, 02:11 AM
I think Sulake should stop making more furni and try to make the ones that exist better. Like study desk could be rotated. Alot of other furni still can be perfected. But oh well, Sulake's just lazy. But you got some nice ideas there.

02-05-2006, 04:57 PM
I think Sulake should stop making more furni and try to make the ones that exist better. Like study desk could be rotated. Alot of other furni still can be perfected.
Yes, like the plasto chair. :s

04-05-2006, 09:18 PM
I like those ideas though.
They should make more habbo clothes, etc.
Especially for non-hcs :]

05-05-2006, 08:15 AM
i found that you cant fully rotate a pink loo... :S

14-05-2006, 06:53 PM
Yeah but if you had more animated furni, it would take up more sprites in the room, so you wouldn't be able to have as much furni as if it was full of non animated furni. Hence why you can fit more ducks in a room than dragons.

15-05-2006, 03:48 PM
Yes, like the plasto chair. :s

Yes, especially their names! I've seen rectangular tables with the name "Round dining table".

04-06-2006, 05:46 PM
Those are good idea's. Personally i'd like to have a door item that is electronically programmed so say i only wanted Callie and Dionysus to be allowed through my hatch then they would be the only ones allowed to pass.

good idea, thts wat passwords on your room are for but they dont work sometimes so ye i totally agree with u

05-06-2006, 01:08 PM
That's all nice and dandy but you have to put into consideration that it's much more work for habbo staff, and it will cause complete and utter lag which will completely RUIN the hotel.

This is why the mass message button was introduced on the console.

Maybe if habbo decide to somehow get bigger & better servers they could make all this possible, but until then... it won't happen unless you want extreme lag.

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