View Full Version : Rate Template and Froum Template

17-04-2006, 01:43 AM
ey everyone can you please rate template for forum and site



17-04-2006, 01:47 AM
wicked site man:)

17-04-2006, 02:50 AM
That is a very nice site, looks like alot of potential, The layouts are especially well also
good job

17-04-2006, 07:58 AM
Nice 9/10 :)

17-04-2006, 01:25 PM
the login section needs to come left a bit and you need to make the 'username' and 'password' writing darker so people can see them.

Nice layout tho 9/10

17-04-2006, 01:56 PM
Yes, I nkow the usersystem is the last thing on my mind right now - the forum and main site are what im focusing on right now.

17-04-2006, 02:13 PM
Me being me, I dislike it.

The site on a whole looks cheap and ill-looking. The drop shaddow I think is the main problem, I dispise drop shaddow, although if used correctly, it will look nice. I can see where you were trying to go with it, but I dislike it anyway as it stands. The background doesn't match (the width and colours).
Red, blue and a pinkish red, doesn't go in a artist mind. Red a blue clash in my mind. To make an alright looking habbo fansite, think cheap and glossy. The pixel art is at a very poor standard with basic effects too boost it up, if you look closely, it looks asthough a person off the street has opened up paint, had around 2 weeks of practise, and then submitted the work. I'm a personal hatred of habbo hotel due to the managment and pixel art (basically everything on a whole of how it is maintained and managed)

The forum is,lets say, eye catching. Try and make the colours more suttle possibly and make the user feel drawn into the forum. I've noticed you've only changed a couple of icons on the forum, but I will not go into that as you may still be updating it. To make it a little more user-friendly, I would loose the gradients and redo them , as the just look asthough they are lines of colour, and also the banner, The main attention would be the banner, and as it stands now, I'm not really drawn into it.

- Craig.

the wombats
17-04-2006, 02:18 PM
I dont like the forum skin. If you are a guest and click a user you will see why. Plus I think its abit too blue, get a better background for it. It could do with some more skins to choose from, and maybe mix some colours to look better. I know that theres some good forum skinners on here if I remember correctly.

17-04-2006, 02:29 PM
yes braigex, i messed that up when you click a user, the weird background - im still working on everything. the skin too for the forum - and the buttons arent all up, craigg, :) but thanks guys, ill keep those ideas in mind

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