View Full Version : My New Layout.

17-04-2006, 09:19 PM
Hi ya everyone!
Now ive just made this....
Im no pro at this as you can see...This is my 3rd layout ever(as you can obviously tell).
But never mind about that.
Please C+C on this and rate out of 10/ and please post what i need to improve on it help alot to me.
Thanks for reading.

17-04-2006, 09:24 PM
Way to mono tone, you need more colour variation, also gradiants may help. Try scaling box's to simlar sizes so they look more simetrical and less hap hazzard, and use outlines around the main content, not just inside it "/

17-04-2006, 09:24 PM
Done on Paint? If so it's ok, apart from the limo going through the box. I'm gunna say 4/10

17-04-2006, 09:26 PM
Some was on paint...
Ive done on photoshop aswell...
I agree the limos not good...
ANyway thanks alot for the comments..
It really does help me

17-04-2006, 09:30 PM
Hey guyz.
It's me again.
Im sorry for all you peep's that hate me.
Lol Jame's ill send you some decent fonts on msn

17-04-2006, 09:33 PM
Sorry for double post!
Edit wont work!
Ive taken your advice and heres the new layout

17-04-2006, 09:34 PM
Hey guyz.
It's me again.
Im sorry for all you peep's that hate me.
Lol Jame's ill send you some decent fonts on msn
Please dont spam. if your sending him something on msn, you dont need to tell him on the forum as well.
Whats the point in posting pointless messages, esplay when most of it has no relvance or use...

Sorry for double post!
Edit wont work!
Ive taken your advice and heres the new layout
Has imrpoved, simply becuse the outline makes in stand out more, theres still the error with the limo thogh, where it sticks in to the content box? or was that intentaional as it looks like an error, only advice is maybe clean some of the lines up a bit more "/ make the line lenghs match each other better, and possibly cut out some of the habbo graphics that dont realy add much "/

17-04-2006, 09:34 PM
good but there black line on left corner of the box in the bottom right hand corner.

17-04-2006, 09:34 PM
Hey guyz.
It's me again.
Im sorry for all you peep's that hate me.
Lol Jame's ill send you some decent fonts on msn

Agh Go away

I think Shading would make it alot better with Varried Tones of the colour

3/10 , becos its your third template

17-04-2006, 09:35 PM
good but there black line on left corner of the box in the bottom right hand corner.

Oh ye...
Thanks for spotting that!.
Would anybody like to buy this?
Probably not as its aload of junk

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