View Full Version : Ever Felt Like Your Hated Because Your Not Hc - Moved by Arcanum

02-01-2005, 09:02 PM
People sometimes are so selfish just because other habbos are hc and your not. I think its unfair that people dont like you as much. Tell me what you think about this? :'( :angel1:

EDITED by Arcanum - Forum Moderator

This is more of a question than an 'anything' thread. THREAD MOVED to 'Questions about Habbo'

02-01-2005, 09:03 PM
it does happen... but not from me, i treat everyone the same... i like to get hc coz i like the hair n im stoopid enough to buy credits! >.<

03-01-2005, 12:17 PM
Lolz my sis always buys hc and then after she says she hates being normal because no1 talks to her :(

03-01-2005, 12:22 PM
Yeah, but I'm not one of those mean hcs (mentioning no names :)). One gal said that she always thought all hcs were stupid, stuck-up people, till she met me :)
And yeah, it's stupid that some hcs treat non-hcs like 'lower' people. Umm, HELLO, we're all people behind the pixels. :)

03-01-2005, 12:22 PM
Its a bit sad if people will only talk to someone when there HC? If they only like u becuse your hc, are they realy worth handging around with? why not find people who will actaly like you, not just for being hc.
Plus am i right in saying u keep the hair and stuff after hc runs out :?

03-01-2005, 12:29 PM
Thats the problem because habbo makes u get all these different things like hair,clothes,furni so they try and make you buy it. i have lots of hc friends but places like adoptions are mean because little children only go up to the hcs because they expect them to be rich :@

03-01-2005, 12:36 PM
When I lost my HC I wasn't hated as I only hang about in places I'm known - HxHD, and where ever the party is.

HC was a good idea to make money, but it's increased the rift between poor habbo's and rich habbos.

03-01-2005, 12:37 PM
Ive just gone into this hc models and i think its unfair that normal habbos cant go into hc parties or hc models. :eusa_doh:

03-01-2005, 12:38 PM
Hmmm ye..
I dont tread them like lower people, I just like hc because it has more hairstyles and stuff..
But since thaMax is banned I dont buy it anymore.
Actually I stopped playing habbo so I dont care about it anymore.

Adoption is weird :s Personally I find it kinda sad to 'adopt' an habbo that talkies wike thwis. They are all golddiggers, out for the money. Cuz they are all aged 11 till 15 or something.

03-01-2005, 12:38 PM
I think non-hcs should get more choice of clothes. I mean, come on, they all wear practically the same stuff. If they got a couple of tops and a bit more hair then....

03-01-2005, 12:50 PM
Im not a hc and i dress completely different compaired to other people that go around with brown hair and pink top and a white skirt. Im different ;)
Ive got grey hair,sand colour crop top thing, baby blue/grey skirt and white sandles thats me :eusa_shhh

03-01-2005, 01:08 PM
I dont mind not being hc anymore because i dont like getting all the attention by boyz :)

Please don't double post, edit you're last message to add any extra comments. - :Illusion

03-01-2005, 01:10 PM
cause they tink tat all the models thingy they can win cause they r hc..i mean if u r hc or non-hc u r still a habbo..but the hc habbo don't understand..they will say i hav more funi than u..my hair looks nicer than u...blah bla..etc..

03-01-2005, 01:24 PM
Most hc people are nice but some hc are just mean. Ive got a bf and hes hc and hes not mean so it proves that most hcs arnt mean :D

03-01-2005, 01:37 PM
I dont realy like any of the hc cloths anyway? so i doubt i would change, if i did ever get hc, Athogh i admit they could do with a bit more varity.

(adoption is technily another scam, as the reason most of them get adopeted is so they can get presants of there adopters, wich is why the mainly choose hc as they think there more likly to have furni)

ps. Most Hc only parts dont realy inforce the rules, there one or to who site there shouting at people, but the rest dont cair, Hc partys tend to be a good place to trade, even thogh ive never actaly been a hc

03-01-2005, 02:22 PM
I don't wear HC clothes, just HC hair...

...and damn I look good :lol: xD

If you were friends with a HC, and they had a HC only party you would probably be allowed to go.

If you not friends, you only want to GO to the HC only party because your not allowed/not wanted there. If you were allowed there, you probably wouldn't go.

It's like at my school. They banned chewing gum, so more people chew it.

03-01-2005, 02:54 PM
i hate chewing gum anyway.
Plus i dont get this idea, friedns with a hc or non hc, im friends with habbo's, i relay dont think the hc bit makes much diffence, i usly only go in the rooms, if i want to trade for somthing.
The HC and Non hc thing always seems a little stupid, The only real diffrence is a badge and a bit mroe stuff, its not like they get a complty differnt vesrion of habbo, as some for a yet unexplained reason seem to think :/

03-01-2005, 07:54 PM
I Like gum Lolz i guess being non hc isnt that bad :D

03-01-2005, 08:00 PM
HC was a good idea to make money, but it's increased the rift between poor habbo's and rich habbos.

Exsatly i won free hc on .ca and people noticed me i lost a few friends when i lost it but no many and i was in a modiling place with hc and this girls like omg stupid hc's she so gonna win there such loser and there all stuck up then when i lost my hc it was really no diffrent....

03-01-2005, 08:23 PM
I know those people are so annoying oh well :) Im not dissing hcs by the way

04-01-2005, 12:05 PM
cant say i have, I dont care what people think of me, just because im not HC doesnt mean im not anything lower than someone who is.

04-01-2005, 12:12 PM
Lol, i wouldnt make a big deal about it. i mean , if they don't want other people in there room because you don't have a little badge then let them. I wouldn't ever want to go to a hc party anyway :P. p.s. i am not hc

04-01-2005, 05:24 PM
I think non-hcs should get more choice of clothes. I mean, come on, they all wear practically the same stuff. If they got a couple of tops and a bit more hair then....
If Non-HC people had clothes HC people didnt less people would buy HC as some people only buy HC for clothes (Like me)

04-01-2005, 05:53 PM
I really don't think it matters, I go on habbo once in a blue moon.
To be honest, I don't think it to be much a big issue, isn't there more important things to think about that pixelated clothes.
Oh I forgot you get a badge aswell, I suppose that makes it so much more worth the money.
I could buy a happy meal with that thanks.

04-01-2005, 08:06 PM
Yeah...I agree. Sometimes, you do get people who ask for 'HCs Only' to go to their room and things like that. I think it's really unfair and basically the same thing as racism etc. As a HC, I haven't ever done this because when I was not HC, I came across these things and vowed that I would never ever do this.

09-01-2005, 09:11 PM
I agree :D

17-01-2005, 09:32 PM
To be honest, I don't think it to be much a big issue, isn't there more important things to think about that pixelated clothes.
Oh I forgot you get a badge aswell, I suppose that makes it so much more worth the money.
I could buy a happy meal with that thanks.
I don't really buy HC for the clothes or the badge, the room layouts or the furni (although I do like the coloured bunches). I buy HC because I want to support Habbo. I enjoy spending time there and I'd like to do my little bit to make sure it stays there. Obviously I wouldn't buy HC at the expense of buying real life things, but as I can afford it, I buy it.
As for people excluding people because they can't afford to buy HC, or don't want to buy HC, all I can say is that it should be seen by Hobbas as what it is: bullying. Habbo should be doing everything they can to shut down "HC only" clubs.
PS. Happy Meals not only taste appauling and have terrible nutritional value, but by buying a Happy Meal, you are giving your money to a multinational corporation known to farm on former rainforest land in the Amazon, and known to keep its cattle in tiny cages without daylight for their whole lives. I'd rather give my money to Habbo :)

18-01-2005, 11:25 PM
I agree, I think that sometimes people don't like non-HCs. I'm in habbo club myself (I have nothing against non-HCs though) but when I wasn't, I worked at a help centre and I was always with people in habbo club. Almost everyone ignored me, it's like they were offended to ask me for help. They would go in a line to speak to the habbo club people, it was really mean.

19-01-2005, 05:23 PM
Im now hc well ive got credz and becoming hc but it doesnt mean that im going to hate other habbos just because ive got a stuped little badge. :eusa_clap

15-02-2005, 05:43 PM
Gr, It really annoys me when i run out of hc for like a DAY!
And ill use an eg for it.
I was in a trade shop and i was just stood there and this guy behind me says ''Haha im hc and you're not im rich you're not'' :s he really made me angry because he was steriotyping and everyone else was joining in. and i usually have hc!!!!

15-02-2005, 06:06 PM
If Non-HC people had clothes HC people didnt less people would buy HC as some people only buy HC for clothes (Like me)
I didn't mean ALL the stuff. Just a bit more normal (:p) looking stuff. Like a couple more tops and a few more hairstyles. And a bit more choice of colours :p But not as much as hcs have, just enough to have a bit of change ;)

15-02-2005, 06:13 PM
yeah i agree tina.
i buy hc cause i like lookin like a real cow girl- yeeehaaa whoop :p
i dont see y ppl r so silly bout hc n non hc though, cause i dont think there is any difference realli cept a few pixels!
i find it so hard to understand ppl hu treat habbos differently cause they dont have hc - its discrimination!!! :@

15-02-2005, 06:15 PM
Yeah and like I said - we're all people :) (yeah it's hard to believe it, I'm a person and not an alien....or am I...:p)
So, yeah. Hcs and non-hcs are the same. :)

15-02-2005, 09:21 PM
lol hcs call u poor i call them 'sad' im not poor i just wont waste 2.50 on 30 days extra pixelted hair and clothes and a piece of pixelated furni.

no offence to any hc members here - im reffering to the s**** ;)

15-02-2005, 10:03 PM
HC clothings for men is all camp, they're for girls!!! Well, most of them.

HC can be pointless but the offer is a good idea

16-02-2005, 08:52 PM
I really don't think it matters, I go on habbo once in a blue moon.
To be honest, I don't think it to be much a big issue, isn't there more important things to think about that pixelated clothes.
Oh I forgot you get a badge aswell, I suppose that makes it so much more worth the money.
I could buy a happy meal with that thanks.
It depends if your life hangs around habbo, And the badge, i turn mine off anyway it's really poooopoooo.
As for happy meals, the McDonalds near me, geez they horrible.

20-02-2005, 10:45 AM
LOL, when hc runs out and they dont let you in rooms i love it :D

05-03-2005, 06:45 PM
I dont 'judge a book by its cover' as they say. I have many non hc friends and thy are all people who dont just want me for my furni, but as a friend and i respect them for that.

12-06-2005, 04:12 PM
To be honnest i dont really mind that much all my friends like me for who i am and what i look like and i wouldnt spend 2.50 on McDo id spend it on millies cookies :D MmMmM

12-06-2005, 05:41 PM
I could do with some chocolate now :). To be honest I do treat people differently, you can tell exactly what type of person they are by what they. And if i'm mistaken - oh well!

12-06-2005, 05:54 PM
I do agree with this, but who is in the right? hcs or non-hcs. Think about it, hcs are people/kids who spend their money on graphics! and non-hcs are normal people saving der money to buy *real* things. lol. So why do people take full notice of hcs, who are money wasters, than non-hcs who must have an actual brain to not waste money. :p :D ;) :)

Either way, I am not hc and I am not planning to be hc. Although i WAS hc for quite a while I found I was spending like £10 which could of bought me a realllllly good game or year supply of sweets. lol. Anyway people have their own views. :p :D :) ;)

12-06-2005, 06:12 PM
I hate it when i go into a trade room & then someone says "HAHA You got no furni" When I DO! I Even got a rare!

Anyway, Habbo Isnt About Furni...Its About Freinds.

14-06-2005, 04:37 PM
i remeber back in 2003 i wasen't hc and i used to go up to all girls and hcgirls but they always use to hate me becasue i was non-hc but, if the hc girl meets a hc boy shes going to think his nice and stuff but really its a boy maybe ugly (im not gay) or maybe good behind the screen you never no. but im hc and i treat everyone the same becasue hc is nothing speical its just got the clothes and the hair and thats it.

18-06-2005, 05:44 PM
I had hc and after it ended i would ask people on my list what they were doing or where they were and they would ignore me so when i get hc again im going to ignore all of them and not accept friends request from any hc people unless they are sooo nice

18-06-2005, 07:50 PM
I only get Hc for the furni, not because I want to be mean to different Habbo's.

19-06-2005, 05:21 PM
I only get Hc for the furni, not because I want to be mean to different Habbo's.

I agree with mark027 i only get hc for the furni but i dont like to open the prezzies thats why i keep them in a special room :D

22-06-2005, 06:00 AM
I've noticed this when my HC ran out,
if I walked into a public room, i'll get called a n00b, which I think is totally unappropraite, as you dont know who your saying this too, they could be a really nice person in real life, and the HC person could be a really nasty person in real life! you really never know. I treat all people the same, depending on how they treat me really actually :)

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