View Full Version : Normal rare values.

21-04-2006, 05:48 PM
Red means that the peice of furni is trading lower then its value.
Orange means its trading at or close to its rare value.
And green means its trading higher its value.

http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/7769/alienartifact1337st9fh.png Alein/ smoke
habbox value = 0.7cs
I have seen it trade at:
0.5cs (2 times)
0.6cs (1 time)
0.7cs (2 times)
1cs (1time)
I am quite surprised that the smoke got sold at 1cs. Due to that i think that this peice of furni might go up to 1cs but it will probabl would go down. its a peice of furni that goes up and down.

http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/5472/classyfountainst5yk.gif Grey Birdbath
habbox value = 5cs
I have seen it trade at:
5cs (1 time)
6cs (2 times)
7cs (1 time)
This BB is quiet a rare that catches everyones eye but this rare might go up in habbox value due to people buying it this price of 7cs.

Habbox value = 1cs
I have seen it trade at:
1cs (2 times)
1.2 (2 times)
This rare seems to be very likeable to alot of people. Maybe since it summer they all want to stock up on hammocks this will proably stay around 1cs-1.4cs

http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/673/greenwoolypillowst5sc.pngGreen pillow
habbox value = 6.5cs
I have seen it trade at:
6.5 cs (2 times)
7cs (1 time)
This rare is quiet hard to find so people wouldnt mind paying that bit extra for one. This rare will proably stay around 6.5 to 7cs.

Habbox value = 24cs
I have seen it tradea t:
24cs (4 times)
25cs (1 time)
Quiet surprisingly people are still paying high prices for thrones but they would proably stay at 24cs.

http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/3081/bronzeelephantst8ph.gifBronze Nelly
habbox value = 5cs
I have seen it trade at:
5cs (2 times)
5.5cs (1time)
This rare is quiet hard to get but it is losing popularity so it will just stay around habbox value.

http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/7923/blueamberlampst8mh.gifBlue amber
habbox value = 2cs
I have seen it trade at:
2cs (3 times)
2.2cs (1 time)
People still dont mind paying that bit extra for a blue amber but it proably stay at 2cs- 2.2cs.

http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/6524/festivefanst9hu.pngRed festive fan
Habbox value = 1cs
1cs (1time)
0.9cs (2 times)
People when they are selling there fans they trya nd sell them quick so some people dont mind selling it that bit less to get rid of it. this rare will proably stay around 0.9 - 1cs.

Well these are all the values that have changed the most throughout the hotel and its trade rooms. All the other rares are selling at the values of habbox.

As usual criticism is greatly appreciated thxs. hope this helps u traders out ;)

22-04-2006, 10:30 AM
Great Values !! Keep this effort up very accurate :)


22-04-2006, 08:21 PM
Thanks For The Report'e !

22-04-2006, 11:32 PM
Very nice values although i do disagree with the grey birdbath and green pillow values. Well done though keep it up! :)

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