View Full Version : Reall stuck

22-04-2006, 10:29 PM
Well me and me dad just got a new house, currently im going to a school in another town and its costing him loads to get me there each day, theres a school LITERALLY round the corner of my new house but im really really shy and i really dont wanna move school... Now i no im only in year 8 so i got the rest of this year + 3 years to go... I dont know what to do :(

23-04-2006, 12:50 PM
Well you're at the start of your high school life, right? So I'd say make the move. It'll save money, it'll be easier for you to get around and also when you make friends, they'll most likely live nearby, rather than being in the next town. A few of my friends are people that only came to the school in year 9, and I could see that it was difficult for them at first but everyone fits in after a while.

23-04-2006, 01:00 PM
Well you're at the start of your high school life, right? So I'd say make the move. It'll save money, it'll be easier for you to get around and also when you make friends, they'll most likely live nearby, rather than being in the next town. A few of my friends are people that only came to the school in year 9, and I could see that it was difficult for them at first but everyone fits in after a while.

Yeh I agree, and if not you could always go back to your old school?

25-04-2006, 05:10 PM
I suggest you talk this through with your dad. Find out if he can afford to send you to your old school and if he can, no worries. If he says he might encounter a few problems later then it would be probably best to make the move now before you start any serious schoolwork.

27-04-2006, 11:59 AM
Well me and me dad just got a new house, currently im going to a school in another town and its costing him loads to get me there each day, theres a school LITERALLY round the corner of my new house but im really really shy and i really dont wanna move school... Now i no im only in year 8 so i got the rest of this year + 3 years to go... I dont know what to do :(

Move before Year Nine Cause thats when u need to decide wat ur going to do with ur life... And u start Corse work and stuf

27-04-2006, 09:34 PM
Ty all, ive told my dad ill try and decide in the summer hol's

30-04-2006, 09:36 PM
Well me and me dad just got a new house, currently im going to a school in another town and its costing him loads to get me there each day, theres a school LITERALLY round the corner of my new house but im really really shy and i really dont wanna move school... Now i no im only in year 8 so i got the rest of this year + 3 years to go... I dont know what to do :(

push your stomach out and go for the new school. make a fresh new start, as if you were never shy in the first place.

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