View Full Version : Christians

23-04-2006, 09:38 PM
Is anyone here a christian??

I am Just wondering if anyone else is.

23-04-2006, 09:39 PM
Technically speaking, I'm not.

23-04-2006, 09:39 PM

I don't believe in god.
I don't believe in satan.
I don't believe in heaven.
I don't believe in hell.

23-04-2006, 09:40 PM
I was christened, so yes.
But due to the fact i'm atheist, I'm not.
Give me reason to believe.

23-04-2006, 09:40 PM
Im not religious. But if I am very stressed, I blame it on God, I also believe God made the world, but no, Im not religious :rolleyes:

23-04-2006, 09:42 PM
I was born a catholic (considered Christian), but now... religion is nothing... I have no religion.

23-04-2006, 09:42 PM
Oh.. well i thought more people would have a religion :p

23-04-2006, 09:44 PM
I just cannot put my faith into something which doesn't have proof. Blind Faith is an extremely dangerous thing.

23-04-2006, 09:44 PM
I have to see something to believe it, so no

23-04-2006, 10:00 PM
I was christened and had comunion only because my family forced me into it.. so no.

23-04-2006, 10:38 PM
Im athiest, however I do not know, there is no SOLID proof of a god or no god. So if I did believe, I wouldnt have an orginized religion.

23-04-2006, 10:43 PM
Good Thought ;)

23-04-2006, 11:08 PM
Athiest, Althogh you cannot say absoulty whether you have a god or not, all god does is add pointless compliction and a tone of logical flaws.

23-04-2006, 11:36 PM
I aM <3

23-04-2006, 11:43 PM
Yay One!!

23-04-2006, 11:48 PM
Ijm not REALLY Religious Though.. Just A bit :P

24-04-2006, 12:22 AM
The christan consept of god cant realy exist, the consept is flawed "/
Omniptance in itself carrys an inherant contradition.
Benovlance yet another, since if god can do anything, how can it be then limited to only doing what is not evil?
Then you have the problem of evil itself. How can there be bad things in a word modled by a single deaity, esplay when both omnisance, transendance and omniptance are added to the mix "/

A pardox easyer to see is:
Can god create somthing more powerful than himself.
Could god make a rock so hevey he could not lift it.

Omniptance requres the abilty to create, while also requireding the created to be immposaible.

24-04-2006, 12:26 AM
A thoery with that many long words in it cannot be argued with.

I was born an English Anglican, and then became an Irish Catholic (o.o) but when I noticed nothing in my life changed after I changed religion, I became atheist.

(Although it's Christian either way)

24-04-2006, 12:29 AM
The christan consept of god cant realy exist, the consept is flawed "/
Omniptance in itself carrys an inherant contradition.
Benovlance yet another, since if god can do anything, how can it be then limited to only doing what is not evil?
Then you have the problem of evil itself. How can there be bad things in a word modled by a single deaity, esplay when both omnisance, transendance and omniptance are added to the mix "/

A pardox easyer to see is:
Can god create somthing more powerful than himself.
Could god make a rock so hevey he could not lift it.

Omniptance requres the abilty to create, while also requireding the created to be immposaible.

A truly omnipotent being could do anything (hence the term, omnipotent). Including the impossible. If I was a Christian I could use this logic to win any religious argument.

"How come God doesn't stop all suffering?"
"He's omnipotent, he can do bad stuff, call it good and still be right."

Sounds like the perfect job to me, being omnipotent. That's my new goal in life, actually. When I grow up, I want to be omnipotent. I'm agnostic by the way, I study religions and rites as well as sciences to see if there's any truth to any of it. So far I must say, the Big Bang theory seems to make the most sense, but who knows, maybe a God caused it? The theory itself doesn't account for a cause, it just explains the creation of the universe.

24-04-2006, 12:46 AM
A truly omnipotent being could do anything (hence the term, omnipotent). Including the impossible. If I was a Christian I could use this logic to win any religious argument.

"How come God doesn't stop all suffering?"
"He's omnipotent, he can do bad stuff, call it good and still be right."

Sounds like the perfect job to me, being omnipotent. That's my new goal in life, actually. When I grow up, I want to be omnipotent. I'm agnostic by the way, I study religions and rites as well as sciences to see if there's any truth to any of it. So far I must say, the Big Bang theory seems to make the most sense, but who knows, maybe a God caused it? The theory itself doesn't account for a cause, it just explains the creation of the universe.

You see what I made bold.

That is actually everything I hate. Well, not that specifically, but the basic idea. The idea of "a god caused it" is called intelligent design, which has sparked a lot of controvercy here in the U.S. Its the idea that sounds like science, but couldnt be any more anti-science. Its about how if there is evidence of evolution or anything that proves something against the bible, then "Thats the way god made it". Its actually a class that used to be taught in school (although its banned now). Its that type of thinking that gets dangerous. Its ignorant and against everything free thinking.

Not saying that against you, but Im just saying I hate that basic idea. I didnt get into the details of it either, it gets pretty rediculous.

24-04-2006, 12:58 AM
Its ignorant and against everything free thinking.

It's hardly against free thinking, I'm not saying that the Jewish/Christian god (aptly named "God", quite inventive) made whatever happen, just that there had to be an energy to start the Big Bang (the Big Bang theory starts with raw energy). I know America is becoming heavily Christian-based in its laws and such, so I guess they do/did teach that it was their God who made everything happen, but I was just saying that there must have been a god or creative force at some time, even if it no longer exists (I have a theory that the energy source to start the Big Bang may have been a being, and that it combusted either of its own creative will or by accident, but that's up to your own speculation, as it can't be proved either way).

Also, who's to say that a god needs any special power? High intelligence perhaps, or access to certain materials needed to make a universe, but they need not be immortal, omnipotent beings. And why would it necessarily be a "good" god? I'm sure most people have made something at some time in their life, only to destroy it or watch it crumble under its own weight for fun. In the same way, there may be a creator (or group of creators) who is/are simply observing everything, adding bits and pieces when they feel they're needed, and of course turning the magnetic poles of the Earth around every few million millennia ^_^

24-04-2006, 06:04 AM
Nope, I'm a muslim. :)

24-04-2006, 07:20 AM
I'm Catholic, and proud (baptised, communion and confirmation) :)

I do not believe God made the Universe as that has been (very nearly) proved to be the Big Bang. I believe it was merely a way for primitive humans to explain natural occurances (but I am not totally sure because this begs the question "what caused the big bang?"). I do, however, believe he is watching over us.
I think that the reason there is evil in the world is that everything needs an opposite. Imagine a world where only "up" exists but "down" doesn't, it just wouldn't work. The same applies to "good" and "evil". Without "evil" in the world how can we truly know what is "good"?
I can understand why people say "I don't believe in God because there is no proof" but that is the whole point of a faith. To have faith! It is important to believe in God no matter how many people tell you he's "not real" because that is what truly shows your faith and dedication to God.

Anywhoooooo, haven't typed that much in a while; we should discuss religion more often :P

25-04-2006, 04:14 PM
If you're a devout Catholic then you should have faith that your God created the world the way it is written in the Bible. Oh.. Please don't tell me that the Bible's metaphorical, that's just the excuse that Christians came up with so that they don't actually have to abide by the laws of their own religious texts. Members of other religions believe their stories through and through, despite whatever scientific knowledge pops up, and they live to their rules. I say good on them, it must be nice being able to believe in something so much that you'd do all that you can to make your deity/deities happy.

25-04-2006, 04:18 PM
im catholic and had my communion and im gonna have my conformation [sp] soon i think?

25-04-2006, 04:20 PM
I'm from the jedi religion ^^

Nope, i dnt have one.
But you have every right to make your own religion too =)
So if you wanted you could make a religion and worship a lump of cheese =p

25-04-2006, 04:24 PM
Well i'm supposed to be because i got christened but na i dont believe in god ettc

25-04-2006, 04:25 PM
I worship a lump of cheese =)

25-04-2006, 04:26 PM
I'm not in a religion, although I did go to a C.E primary school where bible bashing was of the essence.. however, hyms [Sp?], reading stories from the bible didn't convince me. My parents never really lead me to religion either.

And since i've gotten older, I realise i'm lucky not to devote part of my life to a religion.

25-04-2006, 04:27 PM
i wasnt christened so no
and im not any other religion xD
so it has to be not in a religion vote

25-04-2006, 04:28 PM
I'm not in a religion, although I did go to a C.E primary school where bible bashing was of the essence.. however, hyms [Sp?], reading stories from the bible didn't convince me. My parents never really lead me to religion either.

And since i've gotten older, I realise i'm lucky not to devote part of my life to a religion.

That happened at my primary school

25-04-2006, 04:33 PM
That happened at my primary school
Yeh, tis quite sad..

25-04-2006, 04:44 PM
If I know some ones ill, I'll maybe ask god to help them but only mainly in school. My parents force me to church every week, so yes. Catholic I think, I can't remember what it's called :P

25-04-2006, 04:45 PM
If I know some ones ill, I'll maybe ask god to help them but only mainly in school. My parents force me to church every week, so yes. Catholic I think, I can't remember what it's called :P
Lol, you must be bored not to pay attention to what religion you believe in ;D

25-04-2006, 04:51 PM
Lol, you must be bored not to pay attention to what religion you believe in ;D
whats the point in going to a building everyweek? They blatantly ask for your money but the charity stuff is great and I know the seramony off by heart, I just fantasise about stuff and get through it.

25-04-2006, 04:51 PM
I used to go to a C of E primary school.
I also go to Church at Christmas (Parents), I like the old fashioned Churches. Not the new wave type who believe it did happen (Jesus)..

25-04-2006, 04:54 PM
I used to go to a C of E primary school.
I also go to Church at Christmas (Parents), I like the old fashioned Churches. Not the new wave type who believe it did happen (Jesus)..
Haha, same as me, like at the beginning of December we had to go Church every morning to practise the dreaded hymms. Argh and we had to sing hymms in the assembly all the time.

25-04-2006, 04:54 PM
Charles I'm guessing you mean Jews? Seeing as how Christians have always believed in Jesus and his miracles...

I just fantasise about stuff and get through it.

Shouldn't be doing that sort of thing in a church, tut tut.

25-04-2006, 04:56 PM
My primary school was well crap, they made us pray and sing hymns.

25-04-2006, 04:57 PM
My primary school was well crap, they made us pray and sing hymns.
Rofl, oh the praying, the good ol days.

25-04-2006, 04:58 PM
Charles I'm guessing you mean Jews? Seeing as how Christians have always believed in Jesus and his miracles...

Shouldn't be doing that sort of thing in a church, tut tut.
Nope, I watched this program (Dispatches on Ch4) about Evangelicalists and how they go over the top with their worships..

25-04-2006, 04:59 PM
Rofl, oh the praying, the good ol days.
SERIOUSLYYY they made us pray like THREE BLOODY TIMES A DAYY -.-

25-04-2006, 05:00 PM
i hated primary school. they made the jehovahs witnesses pray. horrid. im trying to get into wicca, but it just seems to complicated, so im catholic technicly (sp) but i dont go 2 church.

25-04-2006, 05:02 PM
SERIOUSLYYY they made us pray like THREE BLOODY TIMES A DAYY -.-
Lmao, instead of play time it was 'pray time' :rolleyes:

25-04-2006, 05:02 PM
SERIOUSLYYY they made us pray like THREE BLOODY TIMES A DAYY -.-

We had *Counts* Morning prayer, lunch time pray, after lunch pray, night time pray.

25-04-2006, 05:03 PM
I'm hindu, we don't have any prayers and stuff at school but in that Muslim festival *can't remember name* me thinks they have a prayer room where they spend their lunchtime praying.

25-04-2006, 05:05 PM
Lol Nathan, its true.

We had *Counts* Morning prayer, lunch time pray, after lunch pray, night time pray.
Woah ;o! We just had morning, lunch, end of day.

25-04-2006, 05:06 PM
Nope, I'm not. God sucks.

25-04-2006, 05:09 PM
Nope, I'm not. God sucks.

I wasn't aware we were aquainted ;)

25-04-2006, 05:11 PM
I was christened, so yes.
But due to the fact i'm atheist, I'm not.
Give me reason to believe.

Exactly what he said ^

25-04-2006, 05:16 PM
I wasn't aware we were aquainted ;)

[Smiles] God works in mysterious ways you see.


25-04-2006, 06:04 PM
A truly omnipotent being could do anything (hence the term, omnipotent). Including the impossible. If I was a Christian I could use this logic to win any religious argument.

"How come God doesn't stop all suffering?"
"He's omnipotent, he can do bad stuff, call it good and still be right."

Sounds like the perfect job to me, being omnipotent. That's my new goal in life, actually. When I grow up, I want to be omnipotent. I'm agnostic by the way, I study religions and rites as well as sciences to see if there's any truth to any of it. So far I must say, the Big Bang theory seems to make the most sense, but who knows, maybe a God caused it? The theory itself doesn't account for a cause, it just explains the creation of the universe.
No he cant, Humans are defineing words not god. Unless along with the 10 commandments god sent along a Heverns dictonary, The definitions of words are the creation of humanity.
If an omiptent being exits, it could change this, but then the flaw woulnt be there. The flaw is there so no omniptent being has changed this, and hence if existing is still stuck with the contardiction.
For god to do anything, he must then be able to do things he cannot, Such as Make it so someone never has existed. But hows that possible, you can errase them from exstiance, but they still would have existed, and once they have how can any deitey ever change that? it cannot?
Hence god is also forced to abide by the laws of logic.

Its like saying god could create a 4 sided trainage. By deffinition if it had 4 sides it would cease to be a trianged :)

25-04-2006, 07:14 PM
If you're a devout Catholic then you should have faith that your God created the world the way it is written in the Bible. Oh.. Please don't tell me that the Bible's metaphorical, that's just the excuse that Christians came up with so that they don't actually have to abide by the laws of their own religious texts. Members of other religions believe their stories through and through, despite whatever scientific knowledge pops up, and they live to their rules. I say good on them, it must be nice being able to believe in something so much that you'd do all that you can to make your deity/deities happy.

Please don't try and tell me what I should/shouldn't believe. There are many different interpretations of the Bible and the "excuse" that you come up with is precisely what I believe.

25-04-2006, 07:20 PM
Im not in a religion, not my thing to be honest.

25-04-2006, 07:30 PM
Im not religious. But if I am very stressed, I blame it on God, I also believe God made the world, but no, Im not religious :rolleyes:

Im not religious, however whenever something bad happens i blame it on god :rolleyes: Who eles to blame!?!

25-04-2006, 07:38 PM
Im not religious, however whenever something bad happens i blame it on god :rolleyes: Who eles to blame!?!

In that case, who else to thank for good things?

25-04-2006, 07:40 PM
In that case, who else to thank for good things?

i use the following sayings alot.

Thank God!
Bloody hell does God hate you?
LOL F***ing hell God!

So yuh. :)

25-04-2006, 07:41 PM
I'm not religious. My parents chose not to dictate to me how my life would span out. They chose to allow me to make my own decision with religion. I did believe in G-d for a while though. Then I didn't feel that there could be one. I don't think I've ever been truely religious. the most religious thing I've done is sang in Christmas choirs and that's about it.

Jim Rotates
25-04-2006, 07:42 PM
I am part of a Christian family, I've been christened, had communion, had confirmation, go to mass regularly but I, myself am not very religious =/.

25-04-2006, 07:44 PM
I'm not religious. My parents chose not to dictate to me how my life would span out. They chose to allow me to make my own decision with religion. I did believe in G-d for a while though. Then I didn't feel that there could be one. I don't think I've ever been truely religious. the most religious thing I've done is sang in Christmas choirs and that's about it.

Are you Jewish?

25-04-2006, 07:45 PM
Please don't try and tell me what I should/shouldn't believe. There are many different interpretations of the Bible and the "excuse" that you come up with is precisely what I believe.
Yea and he just described the Catholic one. if your takeing the metiphocal meaning you aint classed as chafilic, There are 100'000 of subsets all with differing interpations and understandings of the dietys, bible etc in question. To class in to one, you need to forfill that way of belife, Catholic is a fundermalist set, You lack that you aint Catholic.
Althogh chances are many will class you as that, since most people dont tend to know any that roman chatholic and protisatnts "/

Plus half the bible was written metaphicaly and proven by other litriture from the time, Son of god, was more aless every other person, it just ment a devout christan, way to misinterpite "/
- Notice jesus never clames to be the son of god, even in the metpahical sence...

25-04-2006, 07:48 PM
I belive in G-D

25-04-2006, 07:54 PM
Why are you all saying G-D ? ;s

25-04-2006, 08:09 PM
Are you Jewish?
As I said I'm not religious.

I've had several people ask me if I'm Jewish..So this is an officialy announcment....I'M AN ATHIEST! lol.

25-04-2006, 08:17 PM
It's just that usually Jewish people write God as "G-d"

25-04-2006, 08:24 PM
People that say G-d usually just don't believe in him.

25-04-2006, 08:24 PM
Unless someone gives me photographic proof of a Chocolate God, then I sahll sit in my corner throwing things at passers by. Besides, the only real use for God is to be shouted at and called a <Person who has sexualness with someone without their permission> for taking Virgin Mary when she did not want love :rolleyes: And I bet Jesus was gay...

25-04-2006, 08:38 PM
It's funny, I believe that Jesus could have existed..just not through G-d. I also believe that he married and there is still a blood going through since his time.

But God himself..no I dont' believe in him.

25-04-2006, 10:07 PM
It's funny, I believe that Jesus could have existed..just not through G-d. I also believe that he married and there is still a blood going through since his time.

But God himself..no I dont' believe in him.
If thats the case, then jesus is just an ordinary bloke, so who realy cairs about his blood line or not? it was a pretty common name back then, and realy ...still is in some places "/

25-04-2006, 10:16 PM
Did you read that news story about how Judas was apparently asked by Jesus to betray him? Theres a translated text that proved it.

25-04-2006, 10:24 PM
Well yeah, supposedly at the last supper Jesus said that someone there would betray him and that he would suffer for it, then he told Judas to go "do what you have to do".

25-04-2006, 10:37 PM
Whats specal about any of that?
A. Make a marter of himself... yes thats real orignal.
B. If hes as close to his decipes as he is described as being and didnt know if one was gona betray him, your going in to a whole new level of stupidty on his part "/

25-04-2006, 10:58 PM
Whats specal about any of that?
A. Make a marter of himself... yes thats real orignal.
B. If hes as close to his decipes as he is described as being and didnt know if one was gona betray him, your going in to a whole new level of stupidty on his part "/

Haha, I dont even know if the bible is true or not, I dont have a religion. I just found it interesting.

25-04-2006, 11:13 PM
Same, I'm really interested in religion but I don't believe in any of it myself.

26-04-2006, 01:17 AM
yup, I'm christian.

26-04-2006, 04:52 AM
I'm jew

26-04-2006, 10:28 AM
I'm jew


The Bible is fictional guys, sorry.

26-04-2006, 04:48 PM
Haha, I dont even know if the bible is true or not, I dont have a religion. I just found it interesting.
If the bibles not true, then christanty falls flat on its face, christans cant deney the bible without deniying the entire religion, complaty with the deity conspet called God.

26-04-2006, 06:19 PM
Well i don't know i go to a christian school & ive been confirmed/christened and everything but im not sure really :S

26-04-2006, 06:21 PM
Well i don't know i go to a christian school & ive been confirmed/christened and everything but im not sure really :S
Well if you don't believe in God etc.. then no, you arn't :) I went to a bible bashing school but there activities never convinced me.

26-04-2006, 06:28 PM
Techincally speaking i'm christian.
I was christened and celebrate christmas.
If you celebrate christmas you are a christian.
If you celebrate easter you are a christian.
So why all these "i'm not in a religion" votes.
I don't go to church though.
And i'm attracted to men which is apparently against the bible.
Wow i used a lot of space.

26-04-2006, 06:32 PM
Techincally speaking i'm christian.
I was christened and celebrate christmas.
If you celebrate christmas you are a christian.
If you celebrate easter you are a christian.
So why all these "i'm not in a religion" votes.
I don't go to church though.
And i'm attracted to men which is apparently against the bible.
Wow i used a lot of space.
Because England is a christian country, well we'll be Hindu, Jew, Muslim soon. As a christian country we have 'holy' holidays like easter and christmas.

26-04-2006, 06:32 PM
Yes, I am Christian. Lol. Christened, Christmas, Easter. I dont care what people think. I cant change it. But i dont go to church.

26-04-2006, 06:42 PM
Techincally speaking i'm christian.
I was christened and celebrate christmas.
If you celebrate christmas you are a christian.
If you celebrate easter you are a christian.
So why all these "i'm not in a religion" votes.
I don't go to church though.
And i'm attracted to men which is apparently against the bible.
Wow i used a lot of space.
Christamas was around over 10000 years before christany came around, they realy cant lay clame to that one, They just rebradned a midwinter festival. They actaly moved christes birth date to match it lol. (such religios conviction - i belive it should be in eraly jan some time - calinder changes thuther confuse it, so his birthdate techicaly moved again with that "/)

Plus, To be christan a bilife in god is needed. No belife in god, no christan...

27-04-2006, 12:50 AM
As Mentor said, Christmas is a remake of an old pagan festival of Winter. Basically, the early Christian Kings of England couldn't stop the pagans from taking part in their own rituals, so one of them decided to make it a Christian festival, that sneaky weasel ;)

And let's just sort something :P Being Christened and celebrating Christmas/Easter doesn't make you a Christian, nor does attending church. None of it means anything if you don't have the faith to go with it, you can hardly be a Christian if you don't completely believe that Jesus was born of a "pure" woman and died to save the sins of mankind. Oh, and all the rest of the Bible too, but from my experience today's Christians just focus on the main aspect of the religion and ignore the rest.

29-04-2006, 08:47 PM
Not trying to bump - Just flicked through.
I am....

29-04-2006, 08:55 PM
And i'm attracted to men which is apparently against the bible.

Its how you interprit it. It doesnt say "You can't be gay" nor does it even hint twards homosexuality, but it has to do with the part about intercorse. I hate it when people who say take all the time to protest gay marrage because of the bible, yet the bible I know says a million times to help the poor. But no, they cant help the poor which the bible is very big on, they have to stop boys from kissing.

And celebrating a christian religion doesnt mean you're christian. Its just fun, and people enjoy it. If there was "athiest day", everyone would be allowed to celebrate.

29-04-2006, 09:52 PM
So your saying:
Anyone can enjoy the holy festivals. Its about enjoying but also remebering G*d.

29-04-2006, 10:24 PM
I guess i'm kinda like a Lazy Christian, I believe in god and Jesus and everything but I'm far too lazy to go to church and everything lol.

29-04-2006, 10:26 PM
I guess i'm kinda like a Lazy Christian, I believe in god and Jesus and everything but I'm far too lazy to go to church and everything lol.
Also known as President bush..a lazy christian.

29-04-2006, 10:27 PM
Also known as President bush..a lazy christian.

I always thought Bush was just lazy in general.

29-04-2006, 10:29 PM
I always thought Bush was just lazy in general.
Lmao. True./

29-04-2006, 10:31 PM
Im bored.

Edited by CortezHelsing [Forum Mod]: Please stay on topic.

29-04-2006, 10:34 PM
Im bored.

Wanna get it on?

Edited by CortezHelsing [Forum Mod]: Please stay on topic.

29-04-2006, 10:38 PM
im christian :)

29-04-2006, 10:39 PM
So your saying:
Anyone can enjoy the holy festivals. Its about enjoying but also remebering G*d.

Remembering? If holy festivals are to remind you about God, then the people forgeting arent really into their religion.

29-04-2006, 10:55 PM
I believe in god, well because I do, you look at life differently when you've been through different things. I lost my dad and my brother but I probably believe in god more than I did before. Don't ask my why, I just know he's there and I just do... :s There's more to this world than what we can see. Even now I can feel god just, odd... hard to put into words.

29-04-2006, 10:57 PM
I just can't believe in God. My brain always comes up with reasons as to why he doesn't exist, so that's why I'm an atheist I guess..

29-04-2006, 10:59 PM
Look at all the people in the world, and look at all the selfless actions people do, firemen just random people on the street helping people in need, look at 9/11 countless people gave their lives to save others, I don't care what anyone says that's not "intelligent design" that's somthing more deeper. One of the reason god put us down here was to gain access to heaven through belief. If everyone knew a logical reason for god's existence then we wouldn't need to be on this plain...
To be honest I can just tell he's here. Odd but heh :p

29-04-2006, 11:04 PM
Jewish :D

29-04-2006, 11:07 PM
Look at all the people in the world, and look at all the selfless actions people do, firemen just random people on the street helping people in need, look at 9/11 countless people gave their lives to save others, I don't care what anyone says that's not "intelligent design" that's somthing more deeper. One of the reason god put us down here was to gain access to heaven through belief. If everyone knew a logical reason for god's existence then we wouldn't need to be on this plain...
To be honest I can just tell he's here. Odd but heh :p
I could list a few ape specices other than humans that do the same... Anyway god being the creator and omnisint, would already know the actions and choises, hence the tests all being pointless.

Natural desatsers like the sunamri, would have to be directly caused by god in the conseption. It caused suffering, and if thats gods aim he must be evil, not benevolent, and if thats so the diety in discussion cannot be god.

29-04-2006, 11:22 PM
Intelligent Design gets me mad. I dont need to explain hopefully.

I have no problem with people of faith, so dont get offended by this: Before hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast, a conservative woman went on Fox News (I think it was Fox) and said that God was trying to punish the homosexuals who make up a great portion the French District in New Orleans. Ironically, after the storm, every part of the city was flooded except the French District. That cracked me up.

29-04-2006, 11:23 PM
If you read genesis adam's sin caused the human race to be "booted" out of garden of eden, pretty much heaven.

The reason we were given free will was to decide between what we will choose, we haven't earned the right to enter heaven, we must prove it, think of it as a test of faith.

The natural disasters all boil down to the adam and eve part of genesis, their sins lead us into earth as it is now, where we can feel pain. I will never deny that I am a chrstian I will be for the rest of my life, if i'm wrong? so what? I'd prefer to ascend into heaven knowing I believed in god than to not believe and suffer in hell for it. Also animals are gods creatures too. They dwell in heaven also.

It's not a question of who is right and wrong. It's what you believe. My dad before he died used to get whispers in his ear whilst walking to work and just told him to sit at a bench, and he looked at a statue right next to him and it had a phrase of great importance.
He also had a push to talk this woman, who was suffering with extreme depression, with my mum aswell they helped her through it for about a year, but she took ill and couldn't face the world anymore and took her life :( but that thing knew that pushed my dad to help her, gave her another year of her life with her son.

I'm afraid no amount of scientific proof will take me away from my religion although I do believe in the creation theory by darwin.

A few points: one day is not 24 hours universally, one of saturns days is 100 earths days i believe? so the people who say the creationism is a fad I believe are pretty dumb.

Look at a tiny seed, it's planted and say 20 years later it turns into a huge oak.

Edit: to redstratocas, natural disasters are just natural, if god wanted to punish people he wouldn't do it in this life. He'd just send them off to hell...

I understand why people choose not to believe in god, there's so much pain the world and suffering, but alot of it is self bought on, ie world war 2 where the germans decided to bully, they bought murder and death to their own kind!

Going off track I think that the people who fought for world war 1 and 2 and all of the other battles that have happened in our history, theese people must have had somthing guiding them, to face the terror they had to face, you must have had to have a heart of gold.

29-04-2006, 11:27 PM
I dont have any religion

29-04-2006, 11:32 PM
So life only exists to make death better in Ezzie's opinion.

29-04-2006, 11:34 PM
That wasn't my opinion atall? Please give a valid reason for that?

29-04-2006, 11:35 PM
Edit: to redstratocas, natural disasters are just natural, if god wanted to punish people he wouldn't do it in this life. He'd just send them off to hell...

Well the person who wrote that believed God controlled the weather. I just found it hillarious, I dont believe what she does.

Thats actually another thing that confused me about some religion. Some people (not everyone, probably not even most) believe that god controls everything, such as weather, and he uses it to punish us. Some people even believe 9/11 was a warning from god. What confuses me about that kind of thing is that if he controls everything like that, why cant he control us from doing the wrong thing?

Again, that isnt everyone, just a question Ive always had twards people who believe that.

29-04-2006, 11:37 PM
Yes, i am Christian/Catholic

29-04-2006, 11:37 PM
People who believe god kills people for fun or some sick reason= idiots
People who think god will murder people who are homosexuals= it's a touchy subject but if there is any punishment for homosexuallity which i have no problem with is like purgatory like only spending a certain time of punishment if you get me?

Also I think the commandments need to be revised a bit. maybe made a bit longer ^_^

Also also God is kind of leaving us to fend for ourselves if you need me. You see in bruce almighty? "god" says one of the reasons he doesn't answer most prayers is because people can find the strength in themselves if they just looked into their hearts .

29-04-2006, 11:39 PM
That wasn't my opinion atall? Please give a valid reason for that?

It seemed as though you were saying life is to prove yourself worthy of heaven, so basically that means we're living for a good death?

29-04-2006, 11:41 PM
Also I think the commandments need to be revised a bit. maybe made a bit longer ^_^

Haha, have you ever seen The History Of The World (Part One)? I love the part where the FIFTEEN commandments are received on 3 stones, and he holds them up and says "I have these 15 commandments that--", and he drops one and it shatters. "I have these 10 commandments..".

Yes, random I know. Just reminded me of that.

29-04-2006, 11:44 PM
That was a very arrogant comment jordan... Ok let me put this straight...
the christian belief is that our life is like a school almost. we learn to choose right from wrong, what to do in our life, if we mess up we can be forgiven but like terrible sins like killing somone for no reason, or a terrible act of cruelty you're going to goto hell so yano.
You know what I like, my teacher gave me this little almost childrens book about heaven and stuff after my dad died, he said no matter what age you can get it. The nicest thing i saw was "and when you go up to the brilliant light you don't remember your pain and suffering only the happy moments in your life, you don't remember how you died" That to me put it clear for me :)

and to red I never seen that :( sounds funny :p but the commandments need to be revised. and to the people who "fear god" I don't because i don't have anything to fear? I believe in him and hold him close to my heart *shrugs*

30-04-2006, 11:18 AM
People who believe god kills people for fun or some sick reason= idiots

What's to say that any god/gods wouldn't? I know that the Christian god (God) isn't portrayed in that aspect, but as I said earlier in this thread, I'm sure everyone has at some point made something, only to destroy it and be amused. If you really think that I'm an idiot, I'd like you to at least back it up.

People who think god will murder people who are homosexuals= it's a touchy subject but if there is any punishment for homosexuallity which i have no problem with is like purgatory like only spending a certain time of punishment if you get me?

Ever been to Sodom? No? That's because your God rained sulphur down onto it and turned all of its inhabitants to salt.

Also I think the commandments need to be revised a bit. maybe made a bit longer ^_^

Why? They're quite clear. If you really need to elaborate on "thou shalt not steal" to understand it, you really shouldn't be a theologian.

the christian belief is that our life is like a school almost. we learn to choose right from wrong, what to do in our life, if we mess up we can be forgiven but like terrible sins like killing somone for no reason, or a terrible act of cruelty you're going to goto hell so yano.

Actually, you're wrong. The Christian faith teaches that all sins, no matter how terrible, can be forgiven, and all you have to do is believe in Jesus. Sounds great to me, I can go around murdering half of England and as long as I believe that some guy got killed a couple of thousand years ago, I'm safe. Also, why is killing more of a sin than any other? It's just one of the Ten Commandments, the other nine are just as bad.

and to the people who "fear god" I don't because i don't have anything to fear? I believe in him and hold him close to my heart *shrugs*

You should still fear and respect him, as the Bible teaches. It really gets to me how many "Christians" don't actually take note of their own teachings.

30-04-2006, 04:51 PM
Intelligent Design gets me mad. I dont need to explain hopefully.

I have no problem with people of faith, so dont get offended by this: Before hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast, a conservative woman went on Fox News (I think it was Fox) and said that God was trying to punish the homosexuals who make up a great portion the French District in New Orleans. Ironically, after the storm, every part of the city was flooded except the French District. That cracked me up.
What persifcaly does that have to do with ID? ID is stupid since its just an idiotic misconseption of the diffences between faith and sciance.
Your refering to a religios sect of christanty ive currnly forgoten the name of "/

If you read genesis adam's sin caused the human race to be "booted" out of garden of eden, pretty much heaven.

The reason we were given free will was to decide between what we will choose, we haven't earned the right to enter heaven, we must prove it, think of it as a test of faith.

Only threw ignorance can omniptance be opposed to free will. The Christan consept of god, includes omnisciances, As in Knowing the outcome to every action, exvery desion. All Knolage.
Hence GOD already knows what they would do and for them to do it it, would have had to have been his will.
Haveing the choise doesnt conflict with god already knowing the outcome :)

The natural disasters all boil down to the adam and eve part of genesis, their sins lead us into earth as it is now, where we can feel pain. I will never deny that I am a chrstian I will be for the rest of my life, if i'm wrong? so what? I'd prefer to ascend into heaven knowing I believed in god than to not believe and suffer in hell for it. Also animals are gods creatures too. They dwell in heaven also.
If we were in the middle ages that would be the responce to your final sentance :)
ANIMALS are lesser beings, NOT made in gods image. animals in the bible are vary cleary said to have no SOLE. hence they do NOT go to hevern. Its supposed to be your religion, shoulnt you know this stuff?
PLus, you waste your life preying to a dieaty that doesnt exist, i have a happy and full life.
Death = end.

You wasted yours, i used mine. I think i come out better thankyou very much :)

It's not a question of who is right and wrong. It's what you believe. My dad before he died used to get whispers in his ear whilst walking to work and just told him to sit at a bench, and he looked at a statue right next to him and it had a phrase of great importance.
He also had a push to talk this woman, who was suffering with extreme depression, with my mum aswell they helped her through it for about a year, but she took ill and couldn't face the world anymore and took her life :( but that thing knew that pushed my dad to help her, gave her another year of her life with her son.
.... im not actaly sure if your seriosly trying to use that as evidance or justifcation for a god... i mean Comeine.. i dont think that even justifes a responce...

I'm afraid no amount of scientific proof will take me away from my religion although I do believe in the creation theory by darwin.

Then your already away from your religion aint you.
You can belive what you will. But the Truth remains perminat. And The God of the gaps is slowy dieing as i speak :)

A few points: one day is not 24 hours universally, one of saturns days is 100 earths days i believe? so the people who say the creationism is a fad I believe are pretty dumb.
Actaly, yes it is. You see, Hours also get longer, not just the days. a hour is a 24th of a day you see.
So 24 hours on satten would equal a 100 days here..

Look at a tiny seed, it's planted and say 20 years later it turns into a huge oak.
Well i dont have 20 years free, but im gona have to suggest resiting biolgy :)

Edit: to redstratocas, natural disasters are just natural, if god wanted to punish people he wouldn't do it in this life. He'd just send them off to hell...
But god made the earth, he directly influcnces it in christanty. God would have had to have willed the desaster for it to happen. else he could have prevneted it, in his benvolence "/

I understand why people choose not to believe in god, there's so much pain the world and suffering, but alot of it is self bought on, ie world war 2 where the germans decided to bully, they bought murder and death to their own kind!
Your aware thats one of the reasons that DISPROVES GOD.
God is Omniptant
God is Benvolnet.
Therefor there cannot be evil or suffering.

There is suffering. Hence no god.

Going off track I think that the people who fought for world war 1 and 2 and all of the other battles that have happened in our history, theese people must have had somthing guiding them, to face the terror they had to face, you must have had to have a heart of gold.

So gods guideing people to go kill each other .... Wow how nice he is....

Well the person who wrote that believed God controlled the weather. I just found it hillarious, I dont believe what she does.

Thats actually another thing that confused me about some religion. Some people (not everyone, probably not even most) believe that god controls everything, such as weather, and he uses it to punish us. Some people even believe 9/11 was a warning from god. What confuses me about that kind of thing is that if he controls everything like that, why cant he control us from doing the wrong thing?

Again, that isnt everyone, just a question Ive always had twards people who believe that.
Well religion caused 9/11
God didnt stop it.
so all i can conclude is religion is bad, and god doesnt exist...

People who believe god kills people for fun or some sick reason= idiots
Yet the bible shows him doing it quite a few times

People who think god will murder people who are homosexuals= it's a touchy subject but if there is any punishment for homosexuallity which i have no problem with is like purgatory like only spending a certain time of punishment if you get me?
No old testiment says starit to hell and wants them to be stoned to death, Same as if you disobay your parets, a good stoneing, Or work on a sunday, your also stoned to death and go to hell.
You see old testiment gods a little less frindly than the new testiment version

Also I think the commandments need to be revised a bit. maybe made a bit longer ^_^

Also also God is kind of leaving us to fend for ourselves if you need me. You see in bruce almighty? "god" says one of the reasons he doesn't answer most prayers is because people can find the strength in themselves if they just looked into their hearts .
God made those hearts, god made that strengh, God is perfect so could if wished quite easy answer all preyers and avoide anything contradictions or canciling each other out, God being benvoilent would obvioslu do this... but then again he doesnt..

Haha, have you ever seen The History Of The World (Part One)? I love the part where the FIFTEEN commandments are received on 3 stones, and he holds them up and says "I have these 15 commandments that--", and he drops one and it shatters. "I have these 10 commandments..".

Yes, random I know. Just reminded me of that.
In the bible that kinda happend, you see mosis came back with 10, then noticed his followers worshiping another god, since they thoght hed died. So he then made half of them kill there familys as punishment after droping the stone tablets in outrage.
Then comes up with a revised lot, with a few major changes, so god must have changed his mind i guess, within all the makieng his followers slaugter children, as a loveing god always does :)

30-04-2006, 06:01 PM
Whats the point in having a rubbish life where you can't do any 'wrongs' just to have a nice 'afterlife'? Thats on the concept that there is afterlife. I would personally spend up to 90 years of doing what made me feel happy than to get a 'good afterlife'

01-05-2006, 01:00 AM
Alot of your theories are flawed mentor, you seem to act as if you're right everyone else is wrong? You're sounding like a nazi :s

01-05-2006, 01:44 PM
Alot of your theories are flawed mentor, you seem to act as if you're right everyone else is wrong? You're sounding like a nazi :s
1) Saying my theories are flawed dont hold any wieght if you dont present any evidance as to WHY, HOW or even which ones....
Also Many of them are this thing called FACT and are not thertical.
2) I suggest you look up the word nazi to prevent futher ignorant misuse :)
3) if you try reading your own bible you may notice alot of it is just paraphasing of whats in there :)

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