View Full Version : Worst Sports/Body Injury

24-04-2006, 10:40 AM
Hmm As You Can See Im Really Bored So I Decided To Make A New Thread. I Was Going For My Regular Jog When I Thought Of This.

What Is You Worst Sporting Injury?

Mine Well Its A Tie Between 2.

1] The first time I rolled my ankle was at indoor soccer. To cut a long story short I was goally and when I went to get the ball I over balanced, and it snapped under me. It went all kanely, and i was on crutches for 2 weeks.

2]I was jogging down a really seep hill with my sisters dog. And because they is only a small dirt path i thought i could run down it. Wrong! It had rained and the ground wasnt stable. Lets see I fell over in muddy sand, rolled my ankle, and still had to find a way to get the dog back with one shoe on.[My ankle swelled and the shoe hurt] I Did manage manage to cross 3 roads and a main road.

Well Feel Free To Share Your Injuries.

24-04-2006, 10:59 AM
I fell over :(

24-04-2006, 11:01 AM
Awww, Nothing A Band Aid Couldnt Fix :D

24-04-2006, 11:03 AM
hit in the **** by football, umm basicaly hit alot with a football ummm hit this nasty floor in our sports hall wen doin long jump, wen playing rugby bent my thumb bakc and could hardly move it 4 ages and thats all i have 2 mind

24-04-2006, 11:17 AM
Fell over ripped ligaments in knee
Chased a girl with snowball hit her on head turned for getway slipped n Torn tissues in my elbow
In year 5 my teacher kicked the football in my face sent me dizzy (teacher was well cool )

24-04-2006, 11:19 AM
lol oh yh i also had football rebound of face and it was a goal cos i was goalie it went ova my head rebounded off wall hit my face and went in

24-04-2006, 02:02 PM
Never had any, I'm in my final year at school and I dropped out of P.E. three years ago so I haven't really had much chance to get injured through sports.

27-04-2006, 07:48 PM
hahah, i had a terrible injury a couple of years ago. i was skiing down a moutain, happy as a skking person can be, and i stopped behind my friend. Next thing i knew some CRAZY french lady came crashing into the back of me, i landed on top of my friend and she landed on top of me! JO SANDWICHH lmao. hurt like hell because my knee twisted round and got trapped between my friends ski and the crazy french lady of course. i still have a large lump of bone on my knee where i bruised the bone and it kinda .. mutated rofl. Tres painful :D

28-04-2006, 05:08 PM
I was playing football and I went in for a sliding tackle but went down on my knew, I also ripped my ligaments in my knee and I was on crutches for 2 months. My knee aches if I do alot of walking or spotrs, looks like a life time injury.

28-04-2006, 05:09 PM
Broken my wrist 4 times playing sport.

28-04-2006, 08:01 PM
Broken my wrist but thats it. I've seen someone dislocate there knee and break there leg at the same time, that was pretty weird to see actually.

28-04-2006, 09:53 PM
Someone threw a frozen snicker at my head, I was knocked out for 12 seconds. And 4 years before that my big sister pushed me over in my nans car park and my head cracked open :)

28-04-2006, 10:27 PM
Shattered my chin doing iceskating. Or what i've done to my knee atm

28-04-2006, 11:47 PM
Broke my Thumb in 2 different places playing Cricket.

03-05-2006, 08:16 PM
well i fell down the stairs and fractured my shoulder AND my wrist... different arms ... so i was pretty useless for a couple of weeks lol

it hurt...

alot :D


04-05-2006, 12:37 AM
had a triangle roofing beam smack me on the head 24 stitches and a minor concusuion.

04-05-2006, 01:56 AM
I had my ankle crushed in a car accident.
now I have a metal pin holding my ankle in place.

04-05-2006, 10:56 AM
I've never seriously injured myself playing sports due to the fact I have an intensive warm up and warm down procedure. I also have something about me that crunching tackles do not effect, I have never syaed down for more than 30 seconds during a football match as a result of another player.

However there were two injuries that do stand out, first off getting smashed in the face by my own keeper's kick off the floor at point blank range after trying to shield the ball back to him. This broke my nose and happened again two weeks later.

Secondly I tore my right quadricep while taking a run up for a fast bowl when playing cricket, needless to say it hurt but like I say, I have a strong will and was playing football the next day even through sheer agony.

04-05-2006, 11:02 AM
Cut my arm open, bout a 4 inch long half an inch wide scare on my right arm just under my elbow.

Only 12 stiches needed though

08-05-2006, 11:52 PM
Awww, Nothing A Band Aid Couldnt Fix :D

Same ^^

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