View Full Version : [Bobba] Im sick of this! [Upset people cos of alts] Must Read! P@ND@ READ THIS!

03-01-2005, 08:23 PM
Look danny (and other people) is very upset because people saying he steals alts I know danny has stole a few but thats behind him ITS LIKE THE BOY WHO CRIED WOLF! danny has stole but now thta he made his alterations you think which is understanable that there stolen but you have to give pepople the BOTD (Benifit of the dought) Look if you can prove alts are stolen fine if you cant dont say there stolen i totally agree with P@ND@ that at least people have the guts to TRY my motto is Practice what you preach whicjh means if you tell someone to do that it means you should try it! But In this case my motto is Inocent until proven guilty! Its like my mate he stole a alt but he dont anymore! Now he can be trusted what im saying is that people are getting upset and LEAVING! habboforum to me is like home I can chat to peeps it dont matter what i tell them cos they dont know who I am! Same with danny so what im saying is that just cos you dont know danny dosnt mean he dosnt get upset! I was gonna leave once but I got perswaed to stay.

Conclusion: Inncoent until proven guilty if someone steals alts probve it DONT UPSET PEOPLE


03-01-2005, 08:28 PM
yea thats the things tho... its like the boy who cried wolf... if you do it in the past people are more suspicious about things in the present... its how it works
yea its not nice when ppl say u have stolen an alt if u havnt but if uve dun it in they past whats to say u aint dun it again?!
i only accuse people of stealing alts if i know they have.

but the main thing is not to steal alts in the first place then u wont get into that mess!

03-01-2005, 10:28 PM
Its always the way, people steal then realise that they can actually make alts.

04-01-2005, 01:57 AM
He cant though?

He steals true and apparently he has no friends on habbo as he as a room saying such and such is cool when in fact that person who is 'cool' is in fact him, sad or what.

I dont trust him but thats in the past now full stop.

04-01-2005, 07:12 PM
Hmmm, your quite sad yourself GommeInc...
Friends on habbo does not matter, for all you know he could have millions of friends outside of habbo, and just because he made fan rooms for himself, is obviously because selfish people like you GommeInc are putting him down, and he just wants to boost his confidence...

04-01-2005, 07:34 PM

In Holland we say: Eens een dief, altijd een dief.
Means sumthing like this: Once a thief, a thief forever


04-01-2005, 09:15 PM
I Know that everyone deserves a second chance. Fair granted.
I Just wonder why People steal in the first place.. I mean why take that risk. You should be proud to display work that is your own not live in guilt that your displaying someone elses hard grafted work.
Anyway I do think If your going to accuse someone that its better to proiof otherwisde your just going to either upset someone for no reason if it later turns out a false alligation.

04-01-2005, 09:21 PM
who cares, its only pixels.

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