View Full Version : Future *sigh*

25-04-2006, 07:06 PM
I've been thinking about this lately and I have NO idea what I am gonna do as a future career. Im a A grade student and I dunno what to do.
Any sites/people can help me?
For gcse I took:

Double Science
English Lit
English Lang
Any help :(

25-04-2006, 07:09 PM
Well what job would you like?

25-04-2006, 07:14 PM
Im really good at maths and physics and mechanics and stuff like that

25-04-2006, 07:39 PM
I say that you should just do what you feel you like to do. If you don't have ANY ideas at all, why not take a walk or watch some tv for ideas? If you see somebody doing something that looks interesting or cool to you, why not try doing that?

25-04-2006, 07:50 PM
I suffer the same problem. 8 weeks 'til I leave school and I have no idea...

25-04-2006, 07:55 PM
I suffer the same problem. 8 weeks 'til I leave school and I have no idea...

Well what interests you? :D

25-04-2006, 07:59 PM
whast gujurati?

25-04-2006, 08:11 PM
i ended up choosing the one subject i'm v good at... (rest probebly rubbish at) and focusing on that... in my case it was computers, so now in sept i'm going to college to study etc

so just think what you can do the best and enjoy doing and look into jobs that have something to do with it

25-04-2006, 08:54 PM
Your list of GCSEs doesn't help much really I'm afraid. Looking at the list I'd say languages would probably be a strong point, but you then said you were into mechanics which isn't really anything like a language career.

The Connexions website (*Click* (http://www.connexions.gov.uk)) can help you see what sort of career paths are open to you with the courses you've chosen, but you really don't need to be worrying just yet. You mentioned your chosen GCSEs not A levels, so I'm guessing you're a year 10, possibly year 9 if you've just chosen them. I'm at the end of year 11, leaving school soon, and I have no idea what job I want to end up in. Remember, you'll most likely have college after school, which is usually at least 2 more years, and is more refined (as in, you have less subjects but from a wider range, so they're more likely to reflect you as a person).

If I'm mistaken and you are leaving school this year, your chosen A levels would help more than GCSE subjects. Even so, you shouldn't worry about full on careers just yet. For a very professional career you'll probably need not only A levels but degrees from university, so you have many many years to think of what you want to do.

25-04-2006, 08:58 PM
How about being an ear doctor?

25-04-2006, 09:01 PM
Well do what i am doing.. if you are doing ict a level do ict programming

Make programms of the future and make amazing softwares that people all over the world will be intersted by, then you will be on your way to making millions =p

25-04-2006, 09:48 PM
It's a nice dream, but bare in mind the fact that hundreds of thousands of people will be thinking along the same lines as you, and not many people can succeed.

25-04-2006, 10:19 PM
Meh, i didnt know what i wanted to do when i chose my options for gcse.. or A levels... or even now "/ (in the A levels)

Meh, mny advice is just go with what you find interesting, if you dont have any thing set, a good grade even in non relvent subjects always looks good.

ps. Whats a grade A studant? Are you predicted strait A's threw all your exsams? or what? what classifes you as Grade A?

ps2. Ict sucks, do computing, you get programming plus some theary on genral workings of computers and a bit of history... Always a good mix :D

27-04-2006, 12:02 PM
Well I would try Engineering as it can range from anything like... And u Have more GCSE's than me :D

28-04-2006, 06:21 PM
loool too many gcses ;[[

28-04-2006, 06:22 PM
NO NO NO I don't want to think about the future. I'd rather be a kid forever, so you don't have to have all the hassle of getting jobs etc

28-04-2006, 07:08 PM
hmmm but i gess it has 2 happen 1day ;[

28-04-2006, 07:09 PM
I've been thinking about this lately and I have NO idea what I am gonna do as a future career. Im a A grade student and I dunno what to do.
Any sites/people can help me?
For gcse I took:

Double Science
English Lit
English Lang
Any help :(

Your not even in year 11 so how have you took those GCSE :S Uh?
And you should speak to a carrears advisor, there are tonnes of people who don't know what they want to do in the future, i know i dont.

28-04-2006, 07:41 PM
took asin chose lol

28-04-2006, 09:09 PM
You choose your GCSE's in year 9, so I guess he meant those are the one's he chose.

29-04-2006, 06:38 AM
What the hell is Gujrati?

And I heard this place in some town's called "McDonalds" pay quite highly.

29-04-2006, 06:47 AM
Gujrati is an Indian language that is used in the Gujrat (Place in India) and other places in India .. for those who didn't know. :)

29-04-2006, 07:02 AM
Gujrati is an Indian language that is used in the Gujrat (Place in India) and other places in India .. for those who didn't know. :)

They teach that in English schools? My lord.

29-04-2006, 11:20 AM
How about being an ear doctor?

29-04-2006, 03:03 PM
McDonalds is hard to get into, because there are so many dropouts trying to get jobs there.

29-04-2006, 03:12 PM
I throw My Chips at people in Mc Donalds... I rather eat $#!T

29-04-2006, 04:13 PM
That's nice dear.

29-04-2006, 05:39 PM
rofl..youd much rather eat that..

30-04-2006, 09:44 PM
I've been thinking about this lately and I have NO idea what I am gonna do as a future career. Im a A grade student and I dunno what to do.
Any sites/people can help me?
For gcse I took:
Double Science
English Lit
English Lang
Any help :(

take maths, english, sciences, and business courses. history can only get you into one career: teaching history. technology is pointless, and any university will take a business course over a technology course for the majority of their classes. you really only need one other language other than english, but that's your choice.

i'd say get into a general business degree, as the business world today is expanding exponentially. even with a general arts degree you can always transfer, or get an accounting degree.

i wouldn't worry too much, you can always switch.

01-05-2006, 02:11 AM
I say that you should just do what you feel you like to do. If you don't have ANY ideas at all, why not take a walk or watch some tv for ideas? If you see somebody doing something that looks interesting or cool to you, why not try doing that?

Gotta agree with you =) I'm thinking of working with my dad and brother as a builder, but I don't know anything about wiring etc.

01-05-2006, 03:39 PM
take maths, english, sciences, and business courses. history can only get you into one career: teaching history. technology is pointless, and any university will take a business course over a technology course for the majority of their classes. you really only need one other language other than english, but that's your choice.

i'd say get into a general business degree, as the business world today is expanding exponentially. even with a general arts degree you can always transfer, or get an accounting degree.

i wouldn't worry too much, you can always switch.

History cant just get u into teaching, you could be some1 who goes round looking at old buildings or trees for example an archaeologist or a dendrochronologist. technology isn't pointless either, for example if you take electronics in tech, and therefore you could make products such as electronic toys or computers as you would be dealing with little chips and complex circuits. also if you got into graphics technology you could be a fashion designer, interior designer, product manufacturer etc..

but its your choice what career you want. i mean what do you spend your time doing? what are your hobbies? or you could look at what skills you are best at, but with that it would be advisable to quite enjoy this, so as you dnt get easily bored nd distracted of your job. i hav noticed you took quite a few languages, you could become a translator for example.

15-05-2006, 06:10 PM
History is also a very useful subject if you ever wante dto go into something like law. Hsve you been on www.fasttomato.com ? Our shcool recommended it to us, and it gives you a list of career suggestions at the end

15-05-2006, 10:49 PM
Never mind - accident sorry!

17-05-2006, 07:56 AM
Im really good at maths and physics and mechanics and stuff like that

Ok for them you should look at things like Aerodynamic engineers, rocket scientists or fighter pilots. All seem good fun :)

22-05-2006, 03:37 PM
Ok for them you should look at things like Aerodynamic engineers, rocket scientists or fighter pilots. All seem good fun :)

Yeahh I was looking into aerodynamic engineering the other day, seems goood!

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