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View Full Version : Whats the most annoying thing a teacher has done before?

04-01-2005, 03:00 PM
Read the title.
The most annoying thing was done by my RE teacher.
I stuck a pen up my nose and she made me stay after school for 10 minutes!

08-01-2005, 06:50 PM
Why did you stick your pen up your nose.
Im sorry but my teacher has done nothing to me because i do not do stupid stuff,

08-01-2005, 06:56 PM
I dunno about my teachers....Its probably when my geography teacher (who is really mean) put my m8 in the closet for the rest of the lesson...i cant rememba why... :rolleyes_

08-01-2005, 07:27 PM
The worst thing my teacher has ever done was applying for a job at my school!

I was very happy with my british teacher now i have a swedish teacher and she can't say my name!

08-01-2005, 09:27 PM
i'm sorry, it may seem immature, but why be good all the time at school. its a waste of time.. yeah, i mess around, but in short im a pretty bright kid, and i dont let my grades slip..
Whats a lunchtime/afterschool detention? its boring.. yeah, but its not going to kill you. :D

School is for fun, but you have to know when to stop messing around!

08-01-2005, 11:31 PM
I have many, throwing a stone at a teachers car and he made us stay at school for games, then there was the time I got told off for making a tally chart on one of my teachers on how many times she say this and that.

SO many I cannot add...

18-01-2005, 02:24 AM
stop blowing your hair up its disrespectful


you have been acting up and i am getting tierd of it.....


18-01-2005, 02:45 AM
I got yelled at for burping in class...hehehe! :) (accidently while answering a question hahahahahah)

18-01-2005, 09:42 AM
I think my year 5 teacher gave me an afterschool detention for sneezing too loud. :')

18-01-2005, 12:41 PM
I got sent to head of school and given to after school detentions for cheering the name
"Jesus" since a girl in my class had a chain with the Jesus cross on, it wasnt used in any offencive way or anything so I shouldn't have got in trouble lol - But it was still funny as I was laughing in the Head teachers face when he was yelling at me for it :p

28-01-2005, 03:23 AM
Back in the day, Grade 4, I was a wee young lad and I threw a snowball at a kid, gotta love that snow in the great white north!


I got a lunch detention thingie, but it was so fake :P

Otherwise, in high School, 2 years running, I have not got 1 detention, nor 1 late :D

Call me a Nerd, if you will :D


28-01-2005, 03:25 AM
my teacher hit me with a big red box :| damn college is a laugh lol

28-01-2005, 08:18 AM
My old science teacher pushed a kid of the chair and got suspended.. :')

28-01-2005, 06:52 PM
We had this I think sweedish teacher once and he pretended to faint in lesson to get us to shutup, then someone nicked his shoe while he was down and we all had to stay in for it. Lol

28-01-2005, 06:56 PM
My RS teacher makes us stay 10 minutes after school EVERY week. Just cos it's the only lesson we can have a bit of fun ;)

28-01-2005, 11:52 PM
I was giving a Offical On Call, 1 hr Detention... and Headmaster Detention just for saying a couple of louzy words to the teacher ;)
But one time my Tech teacher toughed my bum! :o MICHAEL JACKSON! LOL

I don't know if i'm aloud to tell you what i said to my Art Teacher in this forum... *Ask Forum Mods...* "Can i say the naughty words just this onec? ;)"

29-01-2005, 12:08 AM
Probably, when my IT removed me from the internet for a day. So I blocked Administrator from accessing my computer and passworded it. ( He didn't know i knew how ). Then he completly removed me from internet. So I went on this thingy where I can control the master computer and brought up some games on everyone computer screen and the projector. We all laughed :) Then we stopped my total school account was banned completly wiped from the system.

I now work in school on my own laptop :) Yay!

Jim Rotates
29-01-2005, 01:14 AM
In 5th class, all of my friends were sitting at one table, the biggest table of the whole classroom, and then she puts me in the corner by myself, on purpose, coz I called her a :rude: after she gave us piles, and piles upon piles of homework in one night, and finally the day i could move, her favourite student I was to swap with, and she says the thing I've been waiting for a month, and then her fave says "I dont want to sit over at that table" (she had put my single table back with a populated table, and tells me to sit back in my corner at the end of the day, and I didnt move for another month, i really hated that :rude:

29-01-2005, 01:18 AM
failed me because i was talking through the test. >:( And i was talking because my pencil broke. So she failed me. :(

29-01-2005, 10:49 AM
It was one of the last days of school and I was given a detention (for no reason) so when they were watching a video, I was sent on message after message..
But it was only so they could sign my leaving card. :')

29-01-2005, 07:15 PM
RollingInMoney: No you can't :D

It was a rugby lesson, wet, and cold, last lesson. So me and about 8 other lads sprinted and slid in the biggest puddle in our field :lol:

We got a detention for "making the changing room messy"

Easiest detention ever. We sat in the gym for about 20 mins until the teacher got bored :D

29-01-2005, 09:08 PM
I got sent to head of school and given to after school detentions for cheering the name
"Jesus" since a girl in my class had a chain with the Jesus cross on, it wasnt used in any offencive way or anything so I shouldn't have got in trouble lol - But it was still funny as I was laughing in the Head teachers face when he was yelling at me for it :p

Oh the hilarity, quite the comedian. I see where the humour comes in, making fun of a girl who believes in the most believed in religeon in the world.

30-01-2005, 11:07 AM
Haha, that's the best one.
One of my detentions was so funny. You just had to answer questions about why this girl had fallen asleep in class "What were her reasons for this" "Why do you think she did this", ahh so stupid.

05-02-2005, 10:19 AM
The most annoying thing my teacher has ever done before is told my friend to not do "Eh Eh Eh!" (Little Britain) or he would be expelled !
And I'm like thinking "Your just an English teacher mate! You can't expell anybody!"

05-02-2005, 08:19 PM
Lol the head couldn't expell anyone for doing that. Imagine the newspapers the next day "Pupil expelled for doing Little Britain imitations"

Seriously if a teacher ever threatens you for doing something minor like that (not start a fight or anything) just laught in their face.

Something stupid my German teacher did once to someone in my class was send a letter hom because the pupil foregot her ruler lol.

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