View Full Version : Do looks matter?

30-04-2006, 08:48 AM
Well, do they? Have you ever fancied someone who doesn't exactly look good (or looks worse than you)?

The reason I ask is because at the moment I really like this girl who is really different to the sort of girls I normally like. She isn't ugly but she's not exactly great.

And don't be scared of being branded "shallow" :p

30-04-2006, 09:36 AM
Good topic.
Um, no I don't really go for looks, I could never go out with someone who is just good looking with a bad personality.
But I don't even need to worry about this cause i've got someone who is hot and has a great personality.
And have I ever fancied someone who looks worse than me?
Dude... Everyone looks worse than me :rolleyes:
Nah, I don't actually think about if they're too good looking or too ugly for me lol
But you should ask her out, if she's not ugly then what's the problem?
Has she got a good personality aswell?
If so, then lucky you!

30-04-2006, 09:46 AM
Have you ever fancied someone who doesn't exactly look good (or looks worse than you)?

Let's be honest, no-one's as good looking as me *cheesy smile*

Ok but in truth, you're not going to go out with someone who you think is a *****r. You can say how personality does it for you mostly, and I guess it does, but think about it:

Good looks, no personality = A bed for a night
Good personality, ugly = A great friend

You need both really. Even if they aren't the prettiest thing you've ever set eyes on, you just wouldn't be able to be with someone that you don't find attractive.

30-04-2006, 09:56 AM
They don't matter, it's whats inside that really counts.

You could have supermodle material but she could be as thick as wood and not have a personality.

Or, you could have a not so attractive friend and she could be great, by caring for you or making you laugh x]

30-04-2006, 09:58 AM
It just depends on you, if you dont mind that shes not the prettiest girl youve seen then go for it

30-04-2006, 10:13 AM
Or, you could have a not so attractive friend and she could be great, by caring for you or making you laugh x]

True enough, but could you really be completely involved with someone that you don't find attractive? Friends, yes, but lovers? This is being realistic, not shallow, but you can't perform properly and won't enjoy it if you don't find them aesthetically pleasing.

30-04-2006, 10:15 AM
True enough, but could you really be completely involved with someone that you don't find attractive? Friends, yes, but lovers? This is being realistic, not shallow, but you can't perform properly and won't enjoy it if you don't find them aesthetically pleasing.


I R Confused.

30-04-2006, 10:22 AM
I personally don't go for looks - but I TEND to notice that you can get a really nice, caring person that is not attractive and usually they don't have a bf/gf, sorry to sound shallow.
You get those people who say 'It's what inside that counts' and they've probably got a nice gf/bf that isn't attractive but not ugly.
In my view; I've noticed that there are nice people who aren't good-looking at all that don't have one, and people are shallow enough to just walk them by. They're people, too.
So, while I would like to say that I don't give a damn about who people are on the outside - a lot of people think 'not a troll, nice personality' is cool for them, they'd never have 'troll, nice personality' and that for me just isn't good enough.
Anyway; if you like her, go for her.

30-04-2006, 10:32 AM

I R Confused.

I'll rephrase my point with questions:

Would you go to bed with an absolute monster?

If you did, would you really enjoy it as much as you might with someone you found better looking?

Would you really be happy in a relationship knowing that you could do better?

30-04-2006, 05:01 PM
It all depends on what kind of person you are:

If you are a girl/boy who loves fashion, yes, they do.
If you are a person who doesn't hang round with good looking people, popular people etc, then they don't :D

Im a bit of both, but my girlfriend is quiet ugly, though I adore her. She hasn't done a bad thing in her life =)

30-04-2006, 05:11 PM
I personally dont let looks affect me majorly. Of course they account for a small margin of who I like, but to be honest I cant like somebody who is really fit + is an awful person. I have liked someone before who is not what people would call fit.. and their looks just didnt enter into it with me.

30-04-2006, 06:03 PM
I think the reason that I normally fancy people who are a bit good looking is because you might not want to go up to a girl who is a *****r and start chatting to her so you wouldn't get to know her enough to fancy her.

So I guess what I'm saying is if its a random girl that you're pulling then looks matter, but if its someone you've known for a while you get to know their personality and then you fancy them.

30-04-2006, 06:10 PM
Well, I think looks don't really matter, but I wouldn't like to date an ugly girl with a great personality.

Anywho, dating a girl with pretty looks and a great personality is what I like.

30-04-2006, 07:48 PM
well i dont think it really matters to me coz ive never fancied ani1 jus for their looks but i have to admitt that if they are ugly then i find it hard to get to know them becoz i think that first impressions count the most.

i am very lucky tho coz my bf is gorgeous and has a great personality


30-04-2006, 07:52 PM
Looks do matter for me.
I don't think i could go out with someone ugly. I know it sounds shallow, but meh tis the truth.
and i'm usually first attracted by looks.

but they obviously gotta have a nice personality too.

01-05-2006, 10:56 AM
I fall for people's personality not their looks. I've noticed that if you fall for looks, you get the complete ******* like I did once lol. Matt Willis look alike, very dishy...awfully horrible personality though >;(

01-05-2006, 12:02 PM
Well, I think looks don't really matter, but I wouldn't like to date an ugly girl with a great personality.

Anywho, dating a girl with pretty looks and a great personality is what I like.

You obviously do think looks matter, but just don't wanna sound shallow. You completely contradicted yoruself by saying 'oh looks don't matter, but I wouldn't go out with someone ugly even if they had the greatest personality ever'. Lol, don't get me wrong, I don't give a damn what sorta people you like to date and what you go for in someone, but I wish you would just be honest rather than look stupid by contradicting yourself.

Looks do matter for me.
I don't think i could go out with someone ugly. I know it sounds shallow, but meh tis the truth.
and i'm usually first attracted by looks.

but they obviously gotta have a nice personality too.

Thank god someones honest.

Personally, I've never really dated a 'minging' girl as such... I think what attracts you to someone, to get to know what their personality is like - is their looks. They dont have to be drop dead gorgeus, but with some people there's just something that makes them stand out, and makes youw ant to get to know them more.

01-05-2006, 12:18 PM
To be honest you've all gotta admit looks do matter to you no matter how much. If theres this ugly person your not going to get close to them etc are you? Its just the way life is. For example if you met someone say if your a guy and you met Jennifer aniston [i think thats her name] you'd go crazy and be constantly trying to talk to her.

Looks do matter to me but i think on the internet its better because you know someones personality before looks. But yea if theres this mingin guy in rl i won't talk to him like i do a good looking guy i know that sounds shallow but its true.

01-05-2006, 12:26 PM
To be honest you've all gotta admit looks do matter to you no matter how much. If theres this ugly person your not going to get close to them etc are you? Its just the way life is. For example if you met someone say if your a guy and you met Jennifer aniston [i think thats her name] you'd go crazy and be constantly trying to talk to her.

Looks do matter to me but i think on the internet its better because you know someones personality before looks. But yea if theres this mingin guy in rl i won't talk to him like i do a good looking guy i know that sounds shallow but its true.

Exactly. It's how life works. Unfortunate, but true.

However, I disagree with the internet thing, as I don't think you can get to know someones true personality via the internet, you only get to see what they want to you and what they tell you.

01-05-2006, 12:36 PM
Looks matter,
It's the sad truth.
Human judge by looks as if you walk down the street you look at people and judge them even if you never seem them before or spoke to them.
If you find someone who looks attractive, you'll want to get to know them, rather than someone who doesn't have it in looks.
But I believe there is someone for everyone. People have different tastes so what may not appeal to one person, will to another, so in the end everything works out.
My boyfriend isn't the sort of person i'd walk down the street and fancy. He's not ugly, but not my type of person, but we got to knwo eachother as friends, then I could see that acctually, I found him really attractive, because his great personality helped me to look deeper. Now I find him totally attractive S;
So yeah, looks and personality both count.
But without looks theres not usually a good first impression so you don't get the chance to know the person.

01-05-2006, 02:22 PM
I agree that humans always judge...but thing is they could be the most incredible looking person on the planet..and then end up being a complete dork. So I look past the looks and find the person within.
I've found that the more you love a persons personality, the more you find them attractive.

01-05-2006, 02:25 PM
People you don't find attractive but personality - Great Friends
People you find attractive but have a bad personality - Forget it
People you find attractive and have a good personality - Go for it!

01-05-2006, 09:33 PM
Sounds a bit sad but of course looks matter, you have to be attracted to somone to like them.

01-05-2006, 09:39 PM
I Wouldnt tend to date a ugly girl but with a good personality, i usually go for nice looks and a good personality

02-05-2006, 10:43 AM
in my opinion I would obviously say NO looks does not matter at all! all that matters is that you have a good personality,

The Professor
02-05-2006, 04:35 PM
Looks matter,
It's the sad truth.
Human judge by looks as if you walk down the street you look at people and judge them even if you never seem them before or spoke to them.
If you find someone who looks attractive, you'll want to get to know them, rather than someone who doesn't have it in looks.
But I believe there is someone for everyone. People have different tastes so what may not appeal to one person, will to another, so in the end everything works out.
My boyfriend isn't the sort of person i'd walk down the street and fancy. He's not ugly, but not my type of person, but we got to knwo eachother as friends, then I could see that acctually, I found him really attractive, because his great personality helped me to look deeper. Now I find him totally attractive S;
So yeah, looks and personality both count.
But without looks theres not usually a good first impression so you don't get the chance to know the person.

Amen to that. My girlfriend isnt really what youd call hot, but when im with her and look at her i find her really attractive. I still havent worked out why, but im not complaining. But she has a great personality, wouldnt trade her the world.

And in reference to freakydude, go for it, if you make a mistake you learn from it, dont listen to a bunch of people on the net. Go with what feels right. Dont plan for things in life, takes the fun of surprise out of it.

Wise words from the professor ;) Or not... :p

02-05-2006, 05:41 PM
People you don't find attractive but personality - Great Friends
People you find attractive but have a bad personality - Forget it
People you find attractive and have a good personality - Go for it!

I'd just change the "Forget it" to "Bed for a night", but other than that, well put.

02-05-2006, 06:23 PM
Thank god someones honest.

Personally, I've never really dated a 'minging' girl as such... I think what attracts you to someone, to get to know what their personality is like - is their looks. They dont have to be drop dead gorgeus, but with some people there's just something that makes them stand out, and makes youw ant to get to know them more.

Yayyy someone who agrees.

02-05-2006, 08:07 PM
yeah looks do matter but not alot.

personality is like.. 99% and looks is 1% of what matters.

02-05-2006, 08:08 PM
Yeah I go for looks, who doesn't?

02-05-2006, 08:10 PM
good question xD
personality is like the big part of it
looks are like a minor part of it xD
follow feelings not looks xD

02-05-2006, 08:11 PM
If you're not shallow, you're desperate.
You just can't win.

03-05-2006, 08:14 PM
:( Im ugly, and most of the boys *Chavylowlifes* go for all the slùts and girls who feel the need to wear five million coats of foundation and mascara. But then again all the boys are total losers, so i wouldnt go out with them anyways.

03-05-2006, 08:45 PM
It's got to be a bit of both I suppose. Personality is one thing you also have to take into the picture.

03-05-2006, 08:57 PM
:( Im ugly



03-05-2006, 09:31 PM

pft mike dont be mean x]

04-05-2006, 04:44 PM
yeah looks do matter but not alot.

personality is like.. 99% and looks is 1% of what matters.

I'm calling bull on this one. However much people don't want to be seen as "shallow", looks are always going to play a part, much larger than 1%. In some people it'll be all about looks, but for a full-on, mature relationship, there's no way it's going to happen if you think that person is absolutely repulsive. You might find someone attractive even though everyone else thinks they aren't, but that isn't being any different, as you still find them attractive. If you could be with someone who you find absolutely disgusting to look at and still have a happy, fun and fulfilling relationship, you're not human. Even if the person you're with isn't "the fittest", you'll find them attractive.

04-05-2006, 05:43 PM
Looks so do matter. If you're at a club or just somewhere and there are many girls/boys around you, you will go to the best looking one (if you dare to walk to a girl/boy in the first place). Less good looking people will always be friends first, you won't think you will fall in love with them (if you ever will) unlike good looking people. But once you get to know people better looks will matter less and less but will still play a big part when it comes to falling in love with somebody.
So yes, looks do matter.

04-05-2006, 08:52 PM
I'm calling bull on this one.

*thumbs up*
your opinion, not mine.
for me they hardly matter.

05-05-2006, 09:45 PM
Ok but in truth, you're not going to go out with someone who you think is a *****r. You can say how personality does it for you mostly, and I guess it does, but think about it:

Good looks, no personality = A bed for a night
Good personality, ugly = A great friend

You need both really. Even if they aren't the prettiest thing you've ever set eyes on, you just wouldn't be able to be with someone that you don't find attractive.

In all honesty, I believe with everything said above...

05-05-2006, 09:51 PM
You can always put bags over there head..

05-05-2006, 09:51 PM
I'm calling bull on this one. However much people don't want to be seen as "shallow", looks are always going to play a part, much larger than 1%. In some people it'll be all about looks, but for a full-on, mature relationship, there's no way it's going to happen if you think that person is absolutely repulsive. You might find someone attractive even though everyone else thinks they aren't, but that isn't being any different, as you still find them attractive. If you could be with someone who you find absolutely disgusting to look at and still have a happy, fun and fulfilling relationship, you're not human. Even if the person you're with isn't "the fittest", you'll find them attractive.


06-05-2006, 11:42 AM
I love it when people agree with me, it's so much easier because I don't have to argue more ^_^

09-05-2006, 05:16 AM
Nope. The good looking ones are always snobby and rude anyway. x_x (Usually, from what I've seen)

09-05-2006, 02:39 PM
Looks do count.:D

18-05-2006, 12:21 AM
They shouldnt be what the whole relationship is based on but they do help! :D

18-05-2006, 08:08 AM
Originally yea, but I started hanging around with some friends, now I wouldnt call them ugly but knowing me I would never of thought about them before.

Kinda confooozing

19-05-2006, 12:37 PM
Well everyone would say looks matter... you dont exactly want a 10000kg female with really bad teeth and bad breath and earwax and a maustache (cant spell)!

19-05-2006, 12:49 PM
you obviously like this girl for more than her looks which is great, you go for the person inside, nobody, no matter what they say will go for someone just for thier personality so its a good thing she isnt ugly!!!
she must be a catch if she isnt ugly and she must have a personality.
dont be afraid of what your mates think either, if they get with girl that are pretty and have no personality, you will the last one laughing cos you have someone you can relate to xxx

19-05-2006, 02:06 PM
Exactly, when you get with someone, I think it is a mix of their personality and looks that attract you to them. For some people it would be moreso looks, and vise versa.

19-05-2006, 02:11 PM
yeah they do. PARTLY.
about 10% me finks

19-05-2006, 03:34 PM
Well, I'd say 100% personality, looks I don't care about at all.
I originally met my girlfriend on Habbo, then online dated her for a while then met up with her in real life. She is really pretty and an amazing person, but I wouldn't of cared if she was ugly. I didn't know what she looked like until after I started to really like her.
Go for it if you like her, it's what YOU care about/want NO ONE else, except perhaps the girl you're talking about. :)

27-05-2006, 03:46 PM
good topic!, its not about looks its about personality and whats inside ur heart that counts!:)

28-05-2006, 12:25 PM
Well, do they? Have you ever fancied someone who doesn't exactly look good (or looks worse than you)?

The reason I ask is because at the moment I really like this girl who is really different to the sort of girls I normally like. She isn't ugly but she's not exactly great.

And don't be scared of being branded "shallow" :p

I cant compare a girl to the way I look. If she looked like me that would be weird and wrong
I always try for girls who are out of my league and talk them round :P
Alota girls I like my friends say "what do you see in her" and I dunno. Cant help it if you like someone [ Unless theyre a *****r and I need a slap]

28-05-2006, 04:21 PM
Okay don't go all flaming on my bum for this =]
I believe in looks quite a lot, I can't stand fat people. Sorry but I only like people with an average build. I believe it is important too have someone that you find attractive. Personality does count also alot it good too have a 50/50 balance.

28-05-2006, 10:38 PM
good topic!, its not about looks its about personality and whats inside ur heart that counts!:)

Obviously a virgin.

30-05-2006, 06:24 PM
:eusa_danc Yesh. Of course looks matter.

Ignore all that tish tosh about "Look on the inside". We all like to have fit boyfriends and girlfriends, it's human nature and it's how we've evolved.

Maybe the older generations would dissagree, but it's the way we're brought up.

However, I've got to be able to have a conversation with the person. It gets kind of annoying when you crack a joke and they look confused and awkward. :l.

Yeah. Good looking, with an IQ higher than their shoe size. :D


30-05-2006, 06:26 PM
I dont really go for looks

31-05-2006, 09:55 AM
Looks are a bonus but personality is better k

31-05-2006, 02:39 PM
Well, do they? Have you ever fancied someone who doesn't exactly look good (or looks worse than you)?

The reason I ask is because at the moment I really like this girl who is really different to the sort of girls I normally like. She isn't ugly but she's not exactly great.

And don't be scared of being branded "shallow" :p

as long as they wernt super fat
its personaitly rather than looks
id rather take a ugly girl with a super personaitly
then some plastic barbie doll wonna be

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