View Full Version : :'( Self Harming :'(

30-04-2006, 09:02 AM
It comes in many shapes and forms . . Lately i have been having problems which resolve in my cuttin my arm . . :'( i feel that it takes out all of my pain and anger . . i know it is wrong but what will i do ? ? ? please help me on this :'( I tried ice but it only worked for a lil bit :'( thnx -_x

30-04-2006, 09:04 AM
instead of selff harmingharm a bean bag , call it the anger bag or something ;)

30-04-2006, 09:05 AM
Thnx __x Ill try it :D

30-04-2006, 09:14 AM
Get a stressball x]

30-04-2006, 10:19 AM
It comes in many shapes and forms . . Lately i have been having problems which resolve in my cuttin my arm . . :'( i feel that it takes out all of my pain and anger . . i know it is wrong but what will i do ? ? ? please help me on this :'( I tried ice but it only worked for a lil bit :'( thnx -_x

Anyway.. during work expierence, I wanna go see Michele at school. (Thursday) and I know your not working then..so we can go up together?

I need to hand Maths coursework in

Ice, how does ice help?

30-04-2006, 02:56 PM
Ok . . . Eternal i will come with yoooh !

30-04-2006, 03:08 PM
Your scarey "/

30-04-2006, 04:37 PM
Your scarey "/

And your not, I believe its scary too.

30-04-2006, 04:48 PM
instead of selff harmingharm a bean bag , call it the anger bag or something ;)
And add Saddam Hussains face on it

30-04-2006, 08:55 PM
It comes in many shapes and forms . . Lately i have been having problems which resolve in my cuttin my arm . . :'( i feel that it takes out all of my pain and anger . . i know it is wrong but what will i do ? ? ? please help me on this :'( I tried ice but it only worked for a lil bit :'( thnx -_x

You should stop before you get into a "habit" of doing it.

30-04-2006, 08:56 PM
Use a stressball

30-04-2006, 09:00 PM
I been trying to stop for 2 years now :'( I only ever cut my wrists once and it didnt hurt :'( It hurts me more under my ribs or on the top part of my leg or below my knee :'( I want to stop really badly becuase it makes me more depressed but i cant stop :'(

I Blame The Bullies

Anyone got any suggestions?


30-04-2006, 09:02 PM
Man why harm yourself? Harm others. Pathetic.

30-04-2006, 09:24 PM
Man why harm yourself? Harm others. Pathetic.
lol ye it much funner..
counselling or school counsellor.

30-04-2006, 09:31 PM
It comes in many shapes and forms . . Lately i have been having problems which resolve in my cuttin my arm . . :'( i feel that it takes out all of my pain and anger . . i know it is wrong but what will i do ? ? ? please help me on this :'( I tried ice but it only worked for a lil bit :'( thnx -_x

let me get this straight: you inflict pain on yourself to "take out all of [your] pain"?

makes tonnes of sense to me..

01-05-2006, 02:38 AM
No.. seeing as i selfharm, it releases the pain on the inside, and it comes on the outside/focusing on different pain/physical pain instead of emotional/mental pain.
I suggest you tell you parents, or try going to connexions site and asking for advice on their, or try getting help from a professional, that way you can stop before it gets addictive like it is for me.
Trust me, you DONT want to get addicted to selfharming, its horrible.
If ice didnt work, try listening to loud music.. scream into your pillow... talk to a close friend... talk to your sister/brother (if you have sister(s) and or brother (s).. Try researching selfharm on ask.co.uk or google.co.uk, you should get loads of websites with techniques to use instead of inflicting it upon yourself. Goodluck, i hope everything works out alright. x

10-05-2006, 11:46 PM
It comes in many shapes and forms . . Lately i have been having problems which resolve in my cuttin my arm . . :'( i feel that it takes out all of my pain and anger . . i know it is wrong but what will i do ? ? ? please help me on this :'( I tried ice but it only worked for a lil bit :'( thnx -_x
wow you're well emo.

11-05-2006, 10:23 AM
Why post it on here where nobody realy cares... Go to the Doctor simple! Pffffft

11-05-2006, 10:37 AM
How the hell can you be addicted to slitting your wrists?
I hate all self harmers, In my mind it's all a cry for attention yet you blame it on other people and being depressed? loool
I seriously feel sorry for you in a funny kinda way because cutting yourself for attention is really low.

11-05-2006, 11:30 AM
I know I beleive in nothing but it is my nothing


11-05-2006, 11:31 AM
I know I beleive in nothing but it is my nothing


huh?! ;s

11-05-2006, 11:37 AM
Why are all you ***** judging him? he's asking for help and you just turn around and stereotype him, seirously its stupid.

Try cutting somthing else, NOT on your body.. Or as others said, use a stressball of some sort.

11-05-2006, 04:46 PM
wow you're well emo.

Erm, just cry if it gets too much. Wreck your room up, throw pillows around, write songs, scream etc.

Stress Free
11-05-2006, 05:22 PM
My friend used to slit his wrists and other parts of his body.
I was witnessed him slice his stomach open with a blade out of a sharpener
once at the bus stop.He was in so much pain i cant get my head around why anyone does it ,he still has the scar today and will probaly have it for the rest of his life

11-05-2006, 05:45 PM
The person saying " Why post it on here where nobody realy cares... Go to the Doctor simple! Pffffft"...can shut up. If someone posts asking for help on a suject such as self harming then do not make stupid posts like that.
The other person who is saying they hate all self harmers and they do it for attention...can also shut up as you obviously know nothing about self harming, until you actually know someone who self harms and know their true reasons for doing it then don't make stupid comments.
As there are many people out there who self harm and don't go out flaunting their cuts. I really do hate some people on this forum when they make stupid posts to other peoples threads who are asking for help, i hope one day you are in someones situation who is asking for help and no one gives it to you.

Anyway sorry Darren_x i just had to give my opinion to those who are making stupid posts.

12-05-2006, 01:07 AM
The person saying " Why post it on here where nobody realy cares... Go to the Doctor simple! Pffffft"...can shut up. If someone posts asking for help on a suject such as self harming then do not make stupid posts like that.
The other person who is saying they hate all self harmers and they do it for attention...can also shut up as you obviously know nothing about self harming, until you actually know someone who self harms and know their true reasons for doing it then don't make stupid comments.
As there are many people out there who self harm and don't go out flaunting their cuts. I really do hate some people on this forum when they make stupid posts to other peoples threads who are asking for help, i hope one day you are in someones situation who is asking for help and no one gives it to you.

Anyway sorry Darren_x i just had to give my opinion to those who are making stupid posts.
Yes, but I know Darren in real life, he done it ONCE and that was to get out of a lesson at school so he could come with me to see Michele (My mentor) for the same problem, except mine is genuine.
With Darren he cuts to get out of lessons, with me I can't help it. When I cut I keep asking myself, why am I doing this? yet can't stop.

12-05-2006, 01:13 AM
The person saying " Why post it on here where nobody realy cares... Go to the Doctor simple! Pffffft"...can shut up.
i thought this forum was about freedom of speech? He asked for someones help and he got his opinion. Go see a doctor. Although "why post it on here" was unnessessary. And you cant make anyone shut up Jack. Well I watched this movie and this girl had an elastic around her wrist and when ever she had an urge to cut, she pulled the elastic back and hit herself. But although, its self pain and you dont want that. if you want another solution, and im serious on this one, try mastur.bating. it really helps you get the releif off your chest.

12-05-2006, 09:57 AM
I was in a really bad mood last night, so what I did, is I put all my anger into my kicks. I kicked my football against my garage wall for about 7 minutes before my mum told me to stop. I also have a punch bag which helps. Punch punch bags. :)

12-05-2006, 03:36 PM
i thought this forum was about freedom of speech? He asked for someones help and he got his opinion. Go see a doctor. Although "why post it on here" was unnessessary. And you cant make anyone shut up Jack. Well I watched this movie and this girl had an elastic around her wrist and when ever she had an urge to cut, she pulled the elastic back and hit herself. But although, its self pain and you dont want that. if you want another solution, and im serious on this one, try mastur.bating. it really helps you get the releif off your chest.

If its freedom of speech then i have the freedom of speech to say shut up.
And how would you like it if someone made stupid posts in a thread if you asked for help? I doubt you would be to happy, so try thinking of how you would feel if you needed help and someone made stupid comments to you.

And if that is true that he slits his wrists to get out of lessons then that is very sad...but i doubt my teacher would let me out of a lesson if i did that, they would just tell the head and try to get me help.

12-05-2006, 04:23 PM
If its freedom of speech then i have the freedom of speech to say shut up.
And how would you like it if someone made stupid posts in a thread if you asked for help? I doubt you would be to happy, so try thinking of how you would feel if you needed help and someone made stupid comments to you.

And if that is true that he slits his wrists to get out of lessons then that is very sad...but i doubt my teacher would let me out of a lesson if i did that, they would just tell the head and try to get me help.
he went to see Michele (MY mentor) and she talked to him and he came back ike 5 mins before the end of the lesson

12-05-2006, 04:32 PM
If your cutting, stop, if your not, dont start.
Cutting can be a way to get out of lessons, but soon, it will be addictive, you will start doing it because of everything else, you wont be able to stop, you will proberley have people bullying you because of it, you may do a serious injury, you will end up in a physc ward, and then the day you come out, is the day you start again, and then you do that final slash, and then boom, your dead.
For the record, i cut, its addictive, dont bloody do it just to get outta class, thats the most pathetic thing ive ever heard, to cut yourself just to get outta class, come on, thats pathetic dude, so stop, besides, one day you could actually do it bad, and hit a vein, and then ull bleed to death, and all you ever wanted was to skip class, well too bad, oh well, he had it coming, didnt he? People use cutting as a coping mechnism (cant spell), NOT TO SKIP DAMN CLASS. *sighs*, this world is getting dumber and stupider by the minute. Just stop ok? No offense, but... its my honest opinion, and i have the 'freedom of speech' to say that.

12-05-2006, 04:43 PM
Awww.. dont do that i didnt cut my wrists i just punched a wall one time i dislocated 2 knuckles but just attack other stuff like get a punching bag a life size figure or a bean bag. :P.

13-05-2006, 09:10 PM
Its 2 l8 i alredy started :'( and i dnt do it 2 get outa lessons

13-05-2006, 09:55 PM
I dont know what the hell youre talking about and Ive been through a lot.
Ive tried to kill myself once but thats the only time I "harmed" myself.
Give yourself a punch in the stomach or Ill do it for you. While youre winded itll give you a chance to think about how stupid you are.

13-05-2006, 10:13 PM
I dont know what the hell youre talking about and Ive been through a lot.
Ive tried to kill myself once but thats the only time I "harmed" myself.
Give yourself a punch in the stomach or Ill do it for you. While youre winded itll give you a chance to think about how stupid you are.

Tht is shan ! ! ! ! u reeely need 2 srt ya sel oot u wer probly 1 ov those attention seekers

14-05-2006, 02:14 PM
Its 2 l8 i alredy started :'( and i dnt do it 2 get outa lessons

Darren I said to you 'why are you doing that?' and you said 'to get out of PE' and laughed. I remember.

16-05-2006, 05:31 PM
Probly cz i didnt want any1 to no th real reason !

16-05-2006, 05:38 PM
take it out on other people (ur sister or brother), just beat them for it lol or any1 u dont like releive some stress on there face:eusa_wall

16-05-2006, 05:47 PM
Self harming can be a way to deal with depression but it usualy makes you feel worse. When you get over your depression every time you see you scarred arm it will make you feel depressed again! Dude I have self harmed, man don't do it plz !

16-05-2006, 09:09 PM
Its 2 l8 i alredy started :'( and i dnt do it 2 get outa lessons

soz i spent my sympathy cheque today.
stop with the _x's too, one is fine but jeez, not on the end of every sentence.

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