View Full Version : Stablish - Story - Intoduction/chapter 1 [GRAPHIC CONTENT IN STORY]

30-04-2006, 01:21 PM
Grab, crack and rip. Three words that sound odd, odd when put together, but when you see it, you'd think it to be astonishingly disgusting. Who would of thought that in 2002 something so drastic could happen to someone? A serial killer that is. You see, when you're a serial killer, you don't believe in superstition. Because if you did you'd be haunted by every person you kill, the same goes for Stablish, yes, that is his real surname, Derec Stablish. He's a very famous serial killer of 2002, he took out a whole town, inhabiting 300 people, in 2 days using just one knife. This my friends, is where I begin the story, in the small town of Knotsville, the town where no one wants to live knowing that whereever you are, you aren't safe.So please, allow me to begin the story with the frightening ways inwhich Stablish kills people, his cruel sick mind, and for every time he kills people, only one devil appears to his top right shoulder, no good one comes to tell him off, only evil...

Chapter 1 - Death isn't always the cause of death, Stablish is.
"Mummy, I want to go out and play with the other kids" the 7 year old boy said, he wanted to go play on his tricycle with the other kids, because he still cant' ride a bike and nor can the other kids in Knotsville, because their are no bikes!
"No Jimmy, you're staying in, you heard about what happened to that little boy on the bus, he got on then the man behind him attacked him, the little boy died of fright before he even got to his own stop, and the boy was only supposed to be on the bus for one stop anyway, oh how cruel this town can be, how cruel people can be to the children." Jimmy's Mother said, concerned for him but frightening him too.
"Mummy your scaring me, stop it!" Jimmy cried, Jimmy's hands started to shake and he ran up to his room. Jimmy sat in his room all day, without moving, just crying, it is strange how some children can get so upset over not being allowed to play, and the fact he was told of how a kid got killed within minutes of getting on the bus.

Eventually the night came, it was 8:30pm, time for little Jimmy to go to bed, as usual though, Jimmy's Mother would read a bedtime story and sing, but now because Jimmy was told of the horrific story earlier in the day, Jimmy didn't ever want to hear any story ever again. About two hours after Jimmy's bedtime, at 10:30pm, Jimmy's big brother went to bed, it was school the next day afterall. Jimmy's brother gets the bus to school, Jimmy was still awake and he snuck into his brothers room.
"Matthew, I can't get to sleep, please can I stay in your room?" Jimmy asked in a low voice, almost silent.
"What? Me, let you, a 7 year old kid into my room to sleep, jesus people will think I'm some kid-abuser.." Matthew, Jimmy's brother, said, laughing then stopped as he noticed Jimmy began to cry.
"P-p-please, I beg you Mummy told me a scary story and I can't get to sleep!" Jimmy yelped.
"Jimmy, their are no ghosts, or monsters in your closet, just go to sleep.." Matthew asked, fed-up.
"No, she told me of the man who killed the boy on the bus, wait, you get the bus. NOO don't get the bus!" Jimmy screamed. Their Mum walked into the room, flicked on the light and asked what all the screaming was. "Mum, why did you tell Jimmy about the guy who killed the boy on the bus? Jimmy's petrified." Matthew asked, he was really fed-up, so he pulled the portable DVD player from under his bed and went to find a DVD. He came back and sat on his bed and waited for his Mum to answer.
"Jimmy darling, listen, no one will get you, Matthew told me you two can stay in here tonight, so you can have a fun sleepover, that sound ok?" Their Mum said.
"WHAT?! No no no no, no sleeping in my room except me and the dog, oh that means Jimmy can stay then" Matthew said with a sarcastic smile on his face. After around 20 minutes of argueing, Jimmy finally got his sleeping bag into Matthews room, and they all finally got to bed.

The next morning, Matthews alarm clock went of, it was 7:15am. Matthew got up and went to have a shower, he was the only one awake. Jimmy was still sleeping. As Matthew was in the shower, he saw someone walk past the window in the bathroom, the funny thing is the bathroom isn't even on the ground floor, but upstairs. Matthew got out and wrapped a towel around him, then opened the window and looked around, and saw a bird flying away. "Stupid birds.." he muttered silently. Matthew put the towel on the floor and got back in the shower. After about 20 minutes in the shower he got out, dried himself then walked towards the door to go to his own room, he heard a noise behind him, and turned around to see a bird inside the bathroom. Matthew let out a scream of shock then threw something at it and it flew out the window again. He went to the window to see if it gone, then he walked off towards the door. He thought he heard a footstep, turned around and nothing was their. He ran out quickly and opened the door. He saw Jimmy standing outside the door.

"Hey Jimmy, it's your 8th birthday today, isn't it?" Matthew asked
"Tomorrow. WHY DID YOU SCREAM YOU SCARED ME?" Jimmy shouted. Jimmy was trembling.
"Hey I'm sorry little fellar, didn't mean to frighten you, now come on back to your own room I need to get changed." Matthew said. Jimmy went into his own room and Matthew went in his and got changed. He got his bag and had some cereal, then headed off to school, it was 8:15am.

On his way to the bus stop, a man in an old grotty black jacket and brownish-grey trousers approached him. The man had alot of wrinkles, a cigar in his mouth, a grey wooly hat and spots on his face along with a few moles. The man spoke with his extremely low croaky voice, obviously caused by the smoking.
"Hey kid what gender are ya?" The old man asked.
"Excuse me? Isn't it blatantly obvious?" Matthew said, furiously.
"Hey how about you and me go down and make you pregnant." The old man said grabbing Matthews sleeve.
"What the? HELP! Get off me you old coffin dodger, jesus" Matthew said tugging away then ran off. Matthew was trembling. He finally arrived at his bus stop and their was a man their, waiting. Matthew sat down quietly and didn't speak. He looked at his watch every minute to see if the bus was coming. After 10 minutes he got up and walked ahead to see if the bus was here. As Matthew was walking he felt something jab into his back, he turned around to see the man he was sitting next to sticking a knife inside Matthews back. The man clenched onto Matthews face and dragged him along the floor. Every so often sticking the knife inside Matthews body. Matthew was screaming in pain, but the man stuck the knife through Matthews body and cut a hole, stuck his hand in the hole in Matthews body and pulled out his intestines and wrapped it around Matthews mouth, as a gag. Matthew was slowly dieing. But the man hadn't finished his fun yet...

30-04-2006, 01:23 PM
One Word:


30-04-2006, 01:24 PM
One Word:

I was going say that :(

30-04-2006, 01:25 PM
One Word:


One Word:


30-04-2006, 01:26 PM
Actually I did, but as I was on my upstairs computer, and their is no memory left, it just threw it into one big paragraph. It's fixed now as I'm on a different comp.

30-04-2006, 02:37 PM
cba. and this should be in stories

30-04-2006, 03:06 PM
cba. and this should be in stories


30-04-2006, 03:23 PM
Whats the point in saying 'agreed'? Why not just don't post? :lBtw if it should be in stories, send it their, moderators. But you shouldn't be the one telling me as that is breaking the rules.

30-04-2006, 03:56 PM
Whats the point in saying 'agreed'? Why not just don't post? :lBtw if it should be in stories, send it their, moderators. But you shouldn't be the one telling me as that is breaking the rules.

Saying agreed is posting. =]

30-04-2006, 03:57 PM
Whats the point in saying 'agreed'? Why not just don't post? :lBtw if it should be in stories, send it their, moderators. But you shouldn't be the one telling me as that is breaking the rules.

Never start a sentence with and or but, and also their is there! :)

30-04-2006, 03:57 PM
cba to read it, sorry.

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