View Full Version : Callie's Reasons To Verify

03-05-2006, 11:38 AM
Written By Callie
Why do all the best Habbos verify their email addresses? Read on to find out!
Did you know....
Over half the registered Habbos in Habbo Hotel, don't have verified email addresses! Now, that's good news for those of you that do, but bad news for those Habbos that didn't click the link! They won't get emails from me telling them about updates, cool campaigns, celebrity visits, Credits offers, other fun stuff OR Shayne Ward!
http://images.habbohotel.co.uk/c_images/content/hotelmans_nosd.gifA verified what?
When you make a Habbo account or change the email on your existing account and email will be sent to the email address you give us to verify that email is the right one, but why? And why should you click the link to verify it?
We verify your email addresses, to make sure it belongs to you. You might think it is safer to enter a fake email address, but we don't want to go emailing everyone about Habbo they might not want to receive those emails and we're not spammers you know!
PLEASE NOTE: If you enter a fake email address you will be ineligible for Player Support assistance, we can only offer Player Support assistance to Habbos with up to date and verified email addresses.
So, when you make an account or change your email address we send an email out to your new email account. In that email there is a link, to verify your email address you just click it! When you change your email address, you should make sure you receive an email from us. If you don't, you might have typed your email address incorrectly.
Why should I verify?
http://images.habbohotel.com/c_images/album109/combo_9.gifHere's a few good reasons to verify your email address:
1) If you don't verify your email address and tick the box 'Yes, I want to get the occasional e-mail from the Hotel Manager' you won't get emails from me telling you about updates, cool campaigns, celebrity visits, Credits offers and other fun stuff.
2) If you don't verify your email address you won't be eligible for Player Support help, that means no emails from the lovely Lost_Witness. We can only send emails to verified email addresses, so if someone steals your account or you have problems accessing Habbo we won't be able to help.
3) If your email address isn't verified you will be ineligible to win competitions with real life prizes, (prizes other then Habbo Furni, Credits or Habbo Club). We always contact real life prize winners via email.
How Do You Verify Your Email Address?
To verify your email address, please do the following:
When you created your Habbo account, an email will have been sent to the email address you entered during registration. If you still have this email (the one Habbo sent you), you can click the link in the email to verify your account now.
If you don’t have the email in your inbox anymore, you can resend your verification email. Click Here (http://www.habbohotel.co.uk/email_verification_resend.html) to resend.
If the email on your account isn't correct or is old you can update your Habbo ID with a new email address and verify that email address.
Click on 'Update my Habbo ID' when you're in logged into Habbo Hotel and a pop-up window will open. You can find ‘Update my Habbo ID’ in the left hand corner of the Hotel view screen (The view you first get of Habbo when you check-in). Go to page two of your Habbo ID and select 'change your email'. You must to know the current date of birth on your Habbo account to change your e-mail.
When you enter a new email address, an email will be sent to your new email address to verify that address is correct. To verify that email address, just click the link in the email.

SAFETY TIP: Never change your email to something someone has told you to, they could steal your account by getting a new password sent to their email address. If someone asks you to change it, then you should send a 'call for help' and report them to a Moderator.

Neversoft (Forum Moderator) Thread closed, already been posted.

03-05-2006, 11:39 AM

Sorry Jordan ;(

03-05-2006, 11:44 AM
Okie Dokie can a mod please close it now :)

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