View Full Version : The Good ole Habbo Days

06-01-2005, 01:58 PM
Anyone remember being a new habbo, or even back when they were newer?
I still remeber my first habbo, and I got scammed, and then I became butcher11 lol.

06-01-2005, 05:19 PM
Back in early late 2001 early 2002 I joined Habbo. Can't remember where I seen it, none of my friends told me about it, but I joined. After a few months, I left, only to make a return in 2003 as Jacko2kn3 (also called Jackotoucanthreeeeeee *cough* MIZKI *cough* :p)

I made a few rooms, including a Hogwarts school for Harry Potter fans, **Hogwarts**, which was pretty good. Then I left, and came back, and found Habbox, which I've been with, on and off, ever since.
So here I am, posting a story about my earlier habbo life, and that's about it :D

06-01-2005, 07:03 PM
when i was new, I was obssessed with furni and stuff.

06-01-2005, 07:19 PM
I joined in 2002 I think. I don't know how I found out about it either...maybe in a magazine, but whatever.
Then I joined in January last year, but didn't go on much. I made an account, but got bored of it, and ditto another one after. Then I made my ..::Tina::.. account and...that's the end of my very long story :p
When I was a newbie I fell for a few scams, but I kinda didn't have furni for them to ACTUALLY scam me. :D

06-01-2005, 09:23 PM
I originally joined in 2001 as BlackGarden, when a friend told me about it. I then proceeded to forget about it for 2 years. In early 2003 I rejoined Habbo. My old account still existed but I couldn't remember the password for it. I used the account xBlackxGardenx until July 2003, when after mentioning that I missed my old account in Newsbox, it mysteriously became available. And that is the story of me.

19-01-2005, 01:30 AM
I joined a little before HC came out with the beta. I miss the old bugs and the pre HC clothes :(

22-01-2005, 04:08 AM
I joined habbo 4 whole years ago.. Wayyyy back :p I am alway's going on and off again . After awhile it gets boreing :p

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