View Full Version : White Specs and light scratchs that wont come off my PSP....

09-05-2006, 06:34 PM
Well yeah. Theres some white dots on my screen also some light scratchs idk how it go there. Anyway, i wanted to see if theres anyway to take it off beforeputting my screen cover on. Is there a special spray or something?

09-05-2006, 08:04 PM
please someone answer

09-05-2006, 08:09 PM
Can only answer quick but I think you've got dead pixel.

White dots though... They might just be stuck. There are ways to get rid of those. Google "PSP stuck pixels" and have a look. If you can't find anything post and I'll try to help when I'm on tomorrow :)

09-05-2006, 08:12 PM
Can only answer quick but I think you've got dead pixel.

White dots though... They might just be stuck. There are ways to get rid of those. Google "PSP stuck pixels" and have a look. If you can't find anything post and I'll try to help when I'm on tomorrow :)

What he said, dead pixels, and possibly dust that has got under the screen.

To get the dead pixels off, their is a special video that has lots of different colours, go to www.pspcrazy.com (http://www.pspcrazy.com) and you will find it their, under downloads. You must download it to your PSP and play it to hopefully get rid of the dead pixel.

If it's dust, then tough luck, unless you take the screen off their is nothing really you can do, sorry.

09-05-2006, 08:29 PM
I dont think its dead pixels cause if u look at it close enough, u can see that there are tiny dots everywhere on the screen. Maybe if i wet it just a little bit and rub it it will come off. Is it safe? What can i wet it with?

09-05-2006, 08:45 PM
Well i just put some damp water on it and it all came off except this one dot. Looks like a spec of dust. it bothers me to see it.oh well. Im gonna order a screen cover so i dont have to worry bout cleaning the thing everyday.

09-05-2006, 09:10 PM
even with a screen covor you shoudl still clean it

10-05-2006, 12:17 AM
But keep in mind i dont have to worry bout lots of scratchs on it.

10-05-2006, 05:48 AM
I still think you have stuck pixels, sounds like it to me....

10-05-2006, 05:47 PM
To clean the screen follow these tips:
1, get a cloth any cloth wet it and then squeeze of all the water so its a light dew wipe gently only over the screen
2,get a t-towel rub gently to dry
3,get a duster and ad a light mist of any window cleaning substance carefully rub it over
4,if you know how carefully take the screen off blow of any excess dust orv anything
5,carefully clean other side followeing intructions 1-3
6,gently slip the screen back on
7,8,9and 10 repeat once every week for a month and you will have a perfect screen for more cleaning power soak the screen in a bowl of cillit ang or whatever you have oxy action ect ect

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