View Full Version : She so confuses me.

18-05-2006, 12:20 AM
:eusa_wall :eusa_wall :eusa_wall
Shes been my best friend since second grade and I thinkish I like her and she always hints then when someone says "Aww, you two would make a cute couple" we BOTH go ew. lol! Yea and we get that a lot since we are as our teacher says "connected at the hip" only because we have all the same classes and are always together and best friends and yea.
:eusa_wall :eusa_wall :eusa_wall

I dont know if I should ask her out, let things flow or just find someone else :s

and if I do ask her out and she says yes then what if our friendship goes Kaboom!

It's so confusing.
:s :s

18-05-2006, 08:12 AM
I know how you feel, I clearly dont know the situation as well as you so just ask yourself this.

1) Could you see her as your girlfriend, and if you could would it be a good relationship?
2) Do you think your friendship could last the relationship, if you break up incase.
3) Could you see yourself loving her, no matter what for a long long time?
4) If she says no, do you think it would be weird?

If you answered yes twice or more, go for it buddy.

But the real risk is if she says no, do you think you could last it?, anyways im rooting for you, best of luck!

19-05-2006, 02:17 PM
tell her how you feel and ask her if u can still b mates no matter what u say THEN ask her if she feels the same
if she says no. let it go and you can still b mates

19-05-2006, 02:42 PM
I understand.

You don't wanna ask her, and if she says no it could end up ruining your friendship, and even if she says yes it could still end up ruining your friendship!

Perhaps, she really does love you just as a friend, and thats why you both get on so well. If I was you, I would bide my time.

Wait another couple of weeks or so and see how things develop, if she is definetly flirting with you and stuff, then just go for it - but you need to be sure!

19-05-2006, 06:17 PM
I understand.

You don't wanna ask her, and if she says no it could end up ruining your friendship, and even if she says yes it could still end up ruining your friendship!

Perhaps, she really does love you just as a friend, and thats why you both get on so well. If I was you, I would bide my time.

Wait another couple of weeks or so and see how things develop, if she is definetly flirting with you and stuff, then just go for it - but you need to be sure!

i agree with you there !

19-05-2006, 08:55 PM
I understand.

You don't wanna ask her, and if she says no it could end up ruining your friendship, and even if she says yes it could still end up ruining your friendship!

Perhaps, she really does love you just as a friend, and thats why you both get on so well. If I was you, I would bide my time.

Wait another couple of weeks or so and see how things develop, if she is definetly flirting with you and stuff, then just go for it - but you need to be sure!

Same I totally agree also.

computer screen
19-05-2006, 11:37 PM
i had the exact same problem with a girl i liked
i met her this year in the new school i went to and webecame realy good freinds
i started liking her about a month after we met but i was so nervious to ask her about because i was afraid of being REJECTED:o
but u just have to get ur courage up and just ask hey i didnt get rejected and if u've know her that long u should ask her out
i'm glad i did

19-05-2006, 11:39 PM
i had the exact same problem with a girl i liked
i met her this year in the new school i went to and webecame realy good freinds
i started liking her about a month after we met but i was so nervious to ask her about because i was afraid of being REJECTED:o
but u just have to get ur courage up and just ask hey i didnt get rejected and if u've know her that long u should ask her out
i'm glad i did

But in the same respect, she could have totally different feelings from the girl you liked, and could simply just want to be close friends, and therefore it could ultimately ruin his friendship.

Like I said before, don't just go rushing into things - make sure you know what your doing, and have thought through the consequences, and decided whether they are worth it or not.

computer screen
19-05-2006, 11:49 PM
But in the same respect, she could have totally different feelings from the girl you liked, and could simply just want to be close friends, and therefore it could ultimately ruin his friendship.

Like I said before, don't just go rushing into things - make sure you know what your doing, and have thought through the consequences, and decided whether they are worth it or not.

yea thats right but he said he knew her for a long time he should know if she likes him maybe

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