View Full Version : Jobs jobs.. All sorts of staff needed..

18-01-2005, 04:41 PM
You might remember when I was all hectic about HabboLines.tk - I still am but I believe that however you put it, and althought it was awesome especially for a freewebs webbie... freewebs and three people are not enough! So I got another hosting, I will try and get a new domain and a real radio server.. But I can't do it alone with Happ..

There's so many of you, that I am sure there will be interest for this positions..

The website will be changed, the layout, the hosting, the domain, content and staff. Hopefully the name will remain But apart from that I want to get it as good as I can. So, is anyone interested?

Avaliable spots - be:
-co-owner - Possibly buys a domain or a server, needs to know how to code, FTP knowledge, has former experiences
-website designer - Does some of the coding thru FTP, gives advices, also looks for errors etc.
-manager - Manages diferent parts of the site, get's sure the articles get to the site in time, checks for errors, reports to the owners...
-news reporter - Can you get the newest news?
-pixel artist - For the alternatations, banners and other
-DJ - If we get the server, has to have either Winamp, Sam 2, Sam 3 or anything LEGAL for playing music.
-have your own column - Anything from Ask a hobba to Rumours
-safety writer - All about safety, articles, random safety sayings or guides..
-article writers - Write about hot topics on habbohotel.com
-layout designer - Design layouts, no - all the work will not be put on your shoulders, but we've basicly ran out of ideas..
-forum moderator - moderate the already exsisting forum - click here (http://hl.viperhosting.net/phpBB/index.php)
-news and articles editor - need to have perfect spelling and vocalbury (not like me.. :eusa_doh: )
-ME (just joking..)
-Content writer - FTP knowledge needed - you write diferent content from the page that mostly stays the same, needs to be spicy, easy to read..
and so on.. and so on..

There's plenty of spots to fill.. At some you need to know how to code, other how to draw on the comp, write news, moderate, have perfect spelling, good imagination.. But that will be cleared later.

If you are interested, just post below.

18-01-2005, 05:52 PM
i could help with being the manager but what exactly are you going to do?!

18-01-2005, 06:18 PM
I Have Deleted This Text, As The Problem Has been sorted

18-01-2005, 06:44 PM
Mmm, so it is stolen. Yeh it was me.. Sep on .com was saying that he has a really good layout and there will be a website out soon.. I asked him if he want's to join and he said ok, few minutes later he sent me the link.. He's a silver hobba, I don't know how he could of done this.. It might be Nessle since she did the website - I don't think he even knows how to code.. Weird..

Anyhow, habbolines is a habbohotel.com fansite, but I want it to be unique.. I don't have a layout, I might request it somewhere or me and Happ will do it.. Depends! But as said before, we can't do it by ourselfs, that's why we closed the original thingy.. It was too hard! Only me and him from time to time were doing the work! It was impossible! It was popular, had a radio a domain, but all free..

Btw, sorry it's not Tasha, it's Nessle - so please change that it's the wrong name..

18-01-2005, 06:50 PM
ok Teen10, Thanx

18-01-2005, 06:57 PM
ok Teen10, Please Take Down The Layout, Or Pay Habbonet The £2.00 And Pay Us 10 Credit's, Or Take It Down


If I haven't explained before.. I thought he knows how to code, I thought he has a layout, as soon as I saw the coding and the layout I declined. It is not the type that I want to use for my website! :@ Also the coding was rubish, it was quickly done and it was reminding me of another one made ages before.

Talk to Sep or Nessle on habbohotel.com - say thanks don't judge, I wouldn't go and tell you the layout is stolen if it was my website :@ Tho I wouldn't of steal it in the first place. Sep is a greedy habbo and popular too, if I wouldn't of said this he could make a fine website out of your work.

18-01-2005, 07:02 PM
i really dont think u should demand money... :eusa_shif

18-01-2005, 07:19 PM
This Post Has Been Deleted AS The Problem Was Sorted

18-01-2005, 08:32 PM
I might talk to him, I'll see if he is online at the moment..

Sorry, he's not, neither is Nessle...

Now please if you need any more info, PM me. This topic is about habbolines..

20-01-2005, 06:04 PM
Ok, Thanx Anyway And I Did Not Mean Any Harm As In The Word "MATE" It Was Just Somthing I Offen Say To People,

20-01-2005, 06:47 PM
ok ipodi if she has posted it on your site please deal with it there dont bring trouble here. And please dont close the thread due to a problem you started here i be contacting an admin bit pathetic m8.

20-01-2005, 06:51 PM
Jamie4k The Problem Has Been, Sorted And Teen10 WAs Contacted As Well

So May We Stay On Topic?

20-01-2005, 06:53 PM
yes well you shouldnt have started something here seeing as your a mod please dont go round acting the biggy and showing off by locking threads when not needed admin will also look in to this, so i wouldnt deleted the posts.

20-01-2005, 06:55 PM
OK Jamie, Please May We All Let It Become Old News? As It Is All Sorted And Deault With Now.

Btw Personal Note To Me : Please Stay On Topic

20-01-2005, 06:58 PM
teen10 nice site is webpage designer job open? if so i be one.

20-01-2005, 07:20 PM
Hey Teen?

Any News And Dj Jobs Going I Would Like To be 1 :D

20-01-2005, 07:50 PM
Yeh, both are possible. I'll sign you for a candidat ;) About 8 of us now. :P

23-01-2005, 04:44 PM
Hey teen is the manager job still free? if so f/r me (xsposed2)

23-01-2005, 04:55 PM
erm... xander123 try applying here


as well, :)

16-09-2005, 08:15 AM
hey its truth77 im interested... i would like to be
have your own collom!!!

16-09-2005, 03:34 PM
you do realise you have started a nine month old topic "/

16-09-2005, 03:36 PM
lmao lol .

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