View Full Version : [HHE] WWE Fantasy Writing.

27-05-2006, 05:17 AM
Hardcore Heinous Entertainment

All written by me, using the names of some WWE/ECW/WCW/WWF/TNA superstars, in real time context, with bits of old and current story lines, mixed with my own imagination.

Obviously I don't produce them in real time, but I write them as "RAW 27/5", and then Smackdown for "31/5", etc. This thread will contain all of my writings, starting from how much I've written for the first event. Juggling free time is difficult for me, so no promises on how long it will take, but below is a teaser.

RAW - 22nd May '06.

Jim Ross - Announcer
Jerry "The King" Lawler - Announcer
Misc speaker. (Mr McMahon and Lillian Garcia in this one)
The theme music and video plays for RAW. At the end of it the camera cuts to the crowd panning to the stage where pyrotechnics are going off.

Hello ladies and gentleman and welcome to tonight’s Monday night RAW, I am Jim Ross and we are live from the American Airlines Center in Dallas, TX, in front of a crowd of just below 18,000!

The announcer is cut off as Mr McMahon’s music hits the arena.

Mr McMahon is making his way to the ring, and it seems the chairman has something to say to kick things off tonight. The lovely Lillian handing him a microphone.. His music fades out.

Hello, Dallas, as you may have seen on Friday night, last week, your WWE heavyweight champion Triple H, rammed a sledge-hammer into my head! Crowd begins to cheer. Yeah, I bet you all love that, well guess what. When you mess with the boss, you will regret it, so if you liked seeing him open up my forehead, you’re gonna love seeing him get his *** kicked tonight! When he will defend his WWE title against Brock Lesnar!

Mr McMahon’s music begins to play again and he looks pleased with this.

Well, there you are fans, the chairman has spoken, and retaliated so to say, against the heavyweight champion, Triple H.

Goes to an ad. Returns with Matt Hardy’s entrance coming on.

Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, with a weight of 218 pounds, Matt Hardy!

Matt Hardy is making his way to the ring. Hardy is in a match tonight with Billy Kidman, the man who held the cruiserweight championship before it was nullified, along with the women’s championship, by the commissioner.

Matt Hardy stops walking around the ring and faces the stage and waits..

Billy Kidman’s music hits the arena, and out he comes from the stage.

Introducing next, with a weight of 217 pounds, Billy Kidman!

This fast, high risk manoeuvring, superstar is ready for a brawl. As he runs down to the ring and slides in, stands up and faces his opponent. Now I will be joined by the King.

Yes, nice to be here once again JR! Matt Hardy slapping Billy Kidman across the face, and Kidman not liking that one bit. Kidman taking Matt down to the canvas and barraging him with rights and lefts. The referee stopping Kidman from continuing this attack.

Hardy gets back up and spears Kidman to the ground, laying lefts and rights into him this time around. The referee breaking this up again, and if they don’t be careful, it will go to a no-contest. Both wrestlers back on their feet and standing face to face again. Kidman making the first move and pushing Hardy back.

Matt stumbling back, and then diving at Kidman again, but this time Kidman reverses it into an arm drag. Matt getting straight back up and trying to take Kidman down once again, but Kidman reverses it again into an arm drag. Matt rising straight away another time, and running at Kidman, this time Kidman lifts him up, and spine buster! Down to the canvas, and you could hear that through the arena.

Matt is staying down this time, and Kidman looking to end this quick, and climbs to the top rope, and gets ready for the shooting star press, he dives and its executed perfectly, but Hardy moves and Kidman comes thundering down to the canvas. Hardy crawling over to the fallen Kidman and looking for a pin, referee with the count. 1, 2, kick out! A near fall then, from the mistake of Billy Kidman.

Hardy lifting Kidman up from the canvas, and throwing him into the turnbuckle. Hardy chopping at Kidman’s chest, now Kidman is chopping back! Kidman running into the ropes and diving at Matt Hardy, but Hardy catching him with an elbow to the face. Kidman’s down again, Matt going for the pin again, 1, 2, another kick out!

Kidman keeps kicking out, and this is frustrating Hardy. Matt picks him up once more, and again throwing him into the turnbuckle, then rolling him up and using the ropes for leverage, 1, 2, Kidman reversing the rollup, and holding the tights of Hardy, 1, 2, 3! Bell rings.

Billy Kidman picked up a win, cheap, but a win none the less. Hardy still in the ring looking furious, that’s what you call karma, King.

And your winner of this match, Billy Kidman! Billy Kidman’s music plays as he leaves the arena, and cuts to an ad.

The end.. for now..

Opinions, comments, anything you feel like saying, appreciated. ^_^

27-05-2006, 08:57 PM
Wow, Nice, I dont have the patience to do anything like that. I hope to see theese weekly.

27-05-2006, 09:00 PM
Hardcore Heinous Entertainment

All written by me, using the names of some WWE/ECW/WCW/WWF/TNA superstars, in real time context, with bits of old and current story lines, mixed with my own imagination.

Obviously I don't produce them in real time, but I write them as "RAW 27/5", and then Smackdown for "31/5", etc. This thread will contain all of my writings, starting from how much I've written for the first event. Juggling free time is difficult for me, so no promises on how long it will take, but below is a teaser.

RAW - 22nd May '06.

The theme music and video plays for RAW. At the end of it the camera cuts to the crowd panning to the stage where pyrotechnics are going off.

Hello ladies and gentleman and welcome to tonight’s Monday night RAW, I am Jim Ross and we are live from the American Airlines Center in Dallas, TX, in front of a crowd of just below 18,000!

The announcer is cut off as Mr McMahon’s music hits the arena.

Mr McMahon is making his way to the ring, and it seems the chairman has something to say to kick things off tonight. The lovely Lillian handing him a microphone.. His music fades out.

Hello, Dallas, as you may have seen on Friday night, last week, your WWE heavyweight champion Triple H, rammed a sledge-hammer into my head! Crowd begins to cheer. Yeah, I bet you all love that, well guess what. When you mess with the boss, you will regret it, so if you liked seeing him open up my forehead, you’re gonna love seeing him get his *** kicked tonight! When he will defend his WWE title against Brock Lesnar!

Mr McMahon’s music begins to play again and he looks pleased with this.

Well, there you are fans, the chairman has spoken, and retaliated so to say, against the heavyweight champion, Triple H.

Goes to an ad. Returns with Matt Hardy’s entrance coming on.

Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, with a weight of 218 pounds, Matt Hardy!

Matt Hardy is making his way to the ring. Hardy is in a match tonight with Billy Kidman, the man who held the cruiserweight championship before it was nullified, along with the women’s championship, by the commissioner.

Matt Hardy stops walking around the ring and faces the stage and waits..

Billy Kidman’s music hits the arena, and out he comes from the stage.

Introducing next, with a weight of 217 pounds, Billy Kidman!

This fast, high risk manoeuvring, superstar is ready for a brawl. As he runs down to the ring and slides in, stands up and faces his opponent. Now I will be joined by the King.

Yes, nice to be here once again JR! Matt Hardy slapping Billy Kidman across the face, and Kidman not liking that one bit. Kidman taking Matt down to the canvas and barraging him with rights and lefts. The referee stopping Kidman from continuing this attack.

Hardy gets back up and spears Kidman to the ground, laying lefts and rights into him this time around. The referee breaking this up again, and if they don’t be careful, it will go to a no-contest. Both wrestlers back on their feet and standing face to face again. Kidman making the first move and pushing Hardy back.

Matt stumbling back, and then diving at Kidman again, but this time Kidman reverses it into an arm drag. Matt getting straight back up and trying to take Kidman down once again, but Kidman reverses it again into an arm drag. Matt rising straight away another time, and running at Kidman, this time Kidman lifts him up, and spine buster! Down to the canvas, and you could hear that through the arena.

Matt is staying down this time, and Kidman looking to end this quick, and climbs to the top rope, and gets ready for the shooting star press, he dives and its executed perfectly, but Hardy moves and Kidman comes thundering down to the canvas. Hardy crawling over to the fallen Kidman and looking for a pin, referee with the count. 1, 2, kick out! A near fall then, from the mistake of Billy Kidman.

Hardy lifting Kidman up from the canvas, and throwing him into the turnbuckle. Hardy chopping at Kidman’s chest, now Kidman is chopping back! Kidman running into the ropes and diving at Matt Hardy, but Hardy catching him with an elbow to the face. Kidman’s down again, Matt going for the pin again, 1, 2, another kick out!

Kidman keeps kicking out, and this is frustrating Hardy. Matt picks him up once more, and again throwing him into the turnbuckle, then rolling him up and using the ropes for leverage, 1, 2, Kidman reversing the rollup, and holding the tights of Hardy, 1, 2, 3! Bell rings.

Billy Kidman picked up a win, cheap, but a win none the less. Hardy still in the ring looking furious, that’s what you call karma, King.

And your winner of this match, Billy Kidman! Billy Kidman’s music plays as he leaves the arena, and cuts to an ad.

The end.. for now..

Opinions, comments, anything you feel like saying, appreciated. ^_^
That's great! +Rep!

27-05-2006, 10:55 PM
Awesome! +rep ;)

If, and only if, you make another, why not take a shot at using the Smackdown! superstars or ECW superstars? Or the brands, for that matter :P

27-05-2006, 11:05 PM
Great action. Nice coloured parts aswell to separate what's being said by who etc. +rep.

28-05-2006, 06:06 AM
Thanks for all the comments, and rep.
@ Lunk - You'll probably see them more often than weekly. ;)
@ Mystry - Like I said, I'm not doing a one off event, I'm trying to make it as realistic as possible, and I already know what matches/events I have planned for this 'day'.

Jim Ross - Announcer
Jerry "The King" Lawler - Announcer
Misc speaker. (Heyman & Lillian Garcia)

Part 2

Returns from the ad break.

What a great effort from Kidman, who had to resort to cheating in the end- hang on.. I’m being told someone is going to make an announcement.

Paul Heyman walks out from the stage with a microphone.

And the announcement will be from Paul Heyman himself, and the crowd beginning their oh-so-familiar chant, E C Dub.

Ladies and gentlemen, I stand here in the WWE ring, looking at all the WWE fans, after being around the WWE superstars, and I thought to myself.. this place needs some action.. so I took the liberty to approach Mr McMahon will an idea, he knocked it back. But anyone who knows me, will know that that won’t stop me. So I’m pleased to be in this ring, and announce to all the WWE fans around the world, that tonight, you will see the return of ECW! Heyman’s music starts as he leaves the ring.

Oh my god King, ECW is back once again, but who will Heyman have with him this time around?

Paul London’s entrance begins. And he and Kendrick run down to the ring and slide in.

London and Kendrick set for a tag team match tonight, but we don’t know who against yet, but I suppose we will find out in a second.

Ladies and gentlemen, the following tag team match is scheduled for one fall, but has now been changed to a hardcore match! Currently in the ring, with a combined weight of 382 pounds, the team of Brian Kendrick and Paul London! Music stops.

And who’s their opponents going to be..

ECW’s music plays, and outcome two superstars.

Oh my god, they’re here already. Tommy Dreamer and the homicidal, suicidal, genocidal, Sabu!

And making their way to the ring, a combined weight of 455 pounds, the team of Tommy Dreamer and Sabu!

The ECW members on the way to the ring with kendo sticks, their weapon of choice. I’ll now be joined by the King again..

Tommy Dreamer and Sabu getting on the ropes and into the ring, Kendrick and London looking worried, because they’re now in a hardcore match with the innovators of violence. The ECW. Kendrick taking a dive at Tommy Dreamer, and Dreamer connecting the kendo stick with Kendrick’s face, and he goes down straight away. Sabu catching London off guard with a kendo shot of his own.

Tommy Dreamer laying shots with the kendo stick into the ribs and back of Kendrick, and Sabu already getting bored of using the kendo stick. So he goes to the outside of the ring and begins looking under the ring. Dreamer continuing the attack with the weapon. Dreamer lifting Kendrick off the canvas, and throwing him over the ropes to the outside. Dreamer taking the kendo stick to London now, but London sees him coming and he dropkicks Dreamer in the knees, taking Dreamer down.

London with his own version of the shining wizard, connecting with Dreamers head perfectly, but Sabu’s back in the ring now, and this time he has a ***** driver with him, and a bag. Sabu puts the bag down, and takes to London, swiping at his head. Sabu connecting with that, and London goes down with ease, and begins bleeding from his head profusely. Sabu standing over London and tearing his face more with the *****driver.

Dreamer rolling out of the ring to recuperate, but Kendrick sees the happenings in the ring, and rolls back in, and runs at Sabu, but Sabu seeing him coming and drives the *****driver into the abdomen of Brian Kendrick, and he goes down too. Sabu now taking the *****driver to Kendrick’s face, lacerating it, and opening a new wound.

Dreamer sliding a table out from beneath the ring, and a ladder too. Dreamer sliding the ladder into the ring, and setting the table up on the outside. Dreamer thinking, and getting another table. And another, followed by one more. Dreamer setting two tables on the ground, with a table stacked on top of them. Sabu in the ring setting up the ladder next to the ring ropes.

We all know what Sabu and Dreamer have in mind here, and the crowd is getting on their feet, chanting E C Dub in unison. Sabu gets the bag he brought into the ring in earlier, and stands next to the ropes, and opens it and empties its contents onto the first top table, and outcomes hundreds, possibly thousands, of thumbtacks. Sabu telling Dreamer to get another bag, and empty that onto the other top table.

Dreamer getting into the ring again, lifting up London, super kick! London falling through the second rope to the outside. Sabu and Dreamer both looking at Kendrick, Sabu raising him off the canvas, and climbing up the ladder with him. Step by step, and Dreamer holding the ladder still, whilst Sabu climbs to near the top of the ladder.

Sabu holding Kendrick at the same level as he is at, and tells Dreamer to push over the ladder, and he does! Oh my god! Sabu and Kendrick both go plummeting through four tables, covered with thumbtacks. The crowd chanting “Holy ****!” now, and Dreamer just looks over the ropes to the other side where his team mate and opponent are laying lifeless and bleeding profusely from many places.

Dreamer rolling out of the ring now though, and going for the pin fall, and he has to have it now. 1, 2, 3, and he does. Bell rings and ECW’s music comes on.

And your winners of this match, Tommy Dreamer and Sabu, ECW!

Dreamer helping Sabu to his feet, and what a damned good return ECW has made so far. We’re still yet to see who Paul Heyman has gotten.

Goes to an ad with the crowd still chanting "E C Dub!"

28-05-2006, 11:22 AM
Thats much better ;) Especially when Heyman introduces ECW's return, and the ***** driver parts :D

28-05-2006, 09:27 PM
I'm gunna make my own wrestling thing but with my own roster etc, gunna be weekly, hope you dont mind stealing your idea :P

28-05-2006, 09:28 PM
There is a downloadable ZIP game which you can own your own fed and make matches etc, and chise what happens before and after matches.

28-05-2006, 09:35 PM
My mate sent me this table to plan your wrestling matches. I can try to post it on here :P If you want me to send you it, send me an e-mail ;) Don't worry, I don't hack accounts :)

29-05-2006, 01:06 AM
@ Lunk - Good luck. ;) And it's barely my idea, lols.
@ Wayne - Yeah, I have it. It's okay, just can get time consuming.
@ Mystry - I don't even know what the hell it is. ;S PM me it if you wish, and I'll check it out.

29-05-2006, 03:09 AM
Nobody's stealing anybody's idea, it's basically like an internet fed, but.. not as good, sorry - not trying to be mean. Dont get me wrong, yours is good, but e-fed roleplay writing, is alot more professional.

29-05-2006, 03:28 AM
Nobody's stealing anybody's idea, it's basically like an internet fed, but.. not as good, sorry - not trying to be mean. Dont get me wrong, yours is good, but e-fed roleplay writing, is alot more professional.

As I said; it isn't my idea.

I dislike e-fed roleplay writing, well, the style of it anyways, so that's why it's like this. :)

29-05-2006, 03:43 AM
As I said; it isn't my idea.

I dislike e-fed roleplay writing, well, the style of it anyways, so that's why it's like this. :)

Fair do's, fair do's. I do a bit of writing myself, but more like fan fiction. The forum shall not be exposed, to such.. HGA!

29-05-2006, 03:48 AM
Fair do's, fair do's. I do a bit of writing myself, but more like fan fiction. The forum shall not be exposed, to such.. HGA!
Yeah, a lot of this forum doesn't appreciate good writing. :rolleyes:

You should PM me some. :)

29-05-2006, 03:50 AM
I will when I get re-started, my comp got wiped. & By HGA, if you're not homosexual, I doubt you'd know what I meant. H being hot, A being action, I think you can figure out the G, haha.

29-05-2006, 01:01 PM
I can't attach it to my PM's, or messages. So the only way I can give it to you is via e-mail?

29-05-2006, 01:04 PM
PMing address.

29-05-2006, 01:22 PM
Sent it to you :)

Mr Vodor
29-05-2006, 05:05 PM
blah blah blah wrestlings fake mwhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaaha alalalalalalallalala shut up u pl0bbbbbbbbbs

29-05-2006, 06:19 PM
Vodor, get lost. No-one cares about you anymre since you got pwnz0red by hax.
On le topic, that was a good story Heinous.
And Mystry, can I have that program please (with the table)?
Lol :D

30-05-2006, 12:02 PM
Vodor, get lost. No-one cares about you anymre since you got pwnz0red by hax.
On le topic, that was a good story Heinous.
And Mystry, can I have that program please (with the table)?
Lol :D

Sure ;) I've sent you a PM,get back ASAP? :P

And Vodor, who said wrestling is real? We all know it's fake, hence the name World Wrestling Entertainment, but when you start looking at it as fake, it totally ruins the show ;\

05-06-2006, 07:33 AM
Enjoy. :) Comments and opinions always welcome and appreciated.

Jim Ross - Announcer
Jerry "The King" Lawler - Announcer
Misc speaker. (Triple H, Josh Matthews & Lillian Garcia)
Misc speaker #2 (Shane McMahon)

Part 3.

Returns from the ad with a backstage scene.

Camera pans to Josh Matthews standing there with a microphone. +Hello RAW fans, I’m here with Shane McMahon, who has something to say..

Paul Heyman, last time you tried the “ECW” in the WWE, you were put out of business, but last time I was on your side, this time I won’t be. In fact, I will be against you this time around. I will not sit back watching you waste our time again, be warned.

Camera cuts from backstage to the arena, and it pans the crowd who are on their feet, and Triple H’s music hits the arena.

Shane McMahon with strong words there, but I don’t see how one superstar can take on the whole of ECW, even though it is currently quite small.

Only time will tell, King, but right now the WWE champ is coming out to the ring, and he isn’t scheduled to wrestle until the main-event later tonight, but obviously he has something to say also.

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the ring, your WWE heavyweight champion, Triple H!

Triple H getting a microphone from the ring side crew, and gets in the ring. Vince, getting your little lackey to do your work for you, throwing around your weight, you haven’t changed one bit have you? How many years has it been now, 23? You’ve been around longer than most people here, all these years you have been throwing your weight around. When will it come to a stop, no one knows. But Vince, if you don’t quit throwing your weight around soon, I’ll stop you.

Brock Lesnar’s music hits the arena. Brock Lesnar’s the man that meets Hunter tonight for the title . . . but he is no where to be seen. Hunter leaning over the ropes looking at the stage waiting for Lesnar . . .

Lesnar’s in the ring behind Triple H with a chair! Lesnar lining Hunter up as he turns around, and Hunter going down from a thundering chair shot to the head. Lesnar standing over the WWE champion with his (Hunter’s) championship in one hand, and the steel chair used to take out the champion in the other.

Lesnar getting out of the ring and going backstage, leaving Triple H unconscious, which will play a part in tonight’s match, later.

Ad break.

Returns with Rob Van Dam’s music playing.

Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is a non-title contest scheduled for one fall, introducing first is the hardcore champion, weighing in at 275 pounds, Rob Van Dam!

RVD walking down to the ring, and he is scheduled for a non-title match with the heart break kid. He gets in the ring as Shawn Michael’s music begins.

And introducing next, weighing in at 262 pounds, he is the Heart-Break Kid, Shawn Michaels!

And now Michaels making his way down to the ring, and getting in showing off for the crowd. Having the mutual respect for each other, the two participants shake hands, then enter a mid-ring tie-up.

Shawn Michaels just over-powering RVD and pushing him back to the turnbuckle, and breaking the tie-up, RVD with a swift chop to the chest of Michaels, and now Michaels is returning the chop. Van Dam launching himself off the ring ropes, clothes lining Michaels to the ground.

It’s stuff like this that has earned Rob Van Dam his precious title once again. RVD running into the ropes, and rolling towards Michaels, rolling thunder! RVD with a lateral press, 1, 2! Michaels getting a shoulder up, but RVD with a near fall there. Michaels rolling out of the ring, and standing outside of the ring, getting himself together.

Rob Van Dam running into the ropes again, and running at HBK, and diving over the ropes, in senton formation, and HBK side-stepping to avoid being hit by RVD, and RVD goes down with a thud. HBK lifting RVD’s unconscious body off of the ground, and rolling him into the ring, and sliding in with a cover. 1, 2, 3!

Bell rings and HBK’s music plays. Ladies and gentlemen, your winner, Shawn Michaels!

Shawn Michaels getting outta there, and Rob Van Dam stirring, and slowly getting up. And out comes Shane McMahon, carrying a trash can, followed by a referee. Shane McMahon rolling into the ring, and Rob Van Dam is still dazed by that mistake he made. McMahon shoving the trash can on top of Van Dam’s head, and tripping him up by the legs, laying him on the ground stomach side up.

McMahon getting on the top rope, and signalling for the elbow drop, and he dives and comes thundering down on RVD, and he removes the trash can with a cover, for the hardcore title, 24/7 rule, and the referee counts 1, 2, 3!

Shane McMahon snatching the hardcore title from Lillian, and grabs the microphone too.

And I am your NEW hardcore champion of the world, Shane McMahon! And NOT ECW’s own, Rob Van Dam. Goes to an ad with Shane McMahon holding the title on his shoulder.

05-06-2006, 08:10 PM
They just get better and better each time.

06-06-2006, 08:01 PM
They just get better and better each time.

Agreed :D

07-06-2006, 02:12 PM
This is the last one for this 'event'. Suggestions for what matches you'd like to see for Smackdown, and I'll consider them. :) and thanks for all ze lovely commments; enjoy.

Jim Ross - Announcer
Jerry "The King" Lawler - Announcer
Misc speaker. (Triple H & Lillian Garcia)

Returns from the ad with Lillian in the middle of the ring.

Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the WWE heavyweight championship . . . introducing first . . .

Brock Lesnar’s music comes on.

Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 295 pounds, he is the challenger, Brock Lesnar!

Now Brock Lesnar makes his way to the ring, and yet another opportunity given to him by Mr McMahon to get this coveted championship. Lesnar jumping onto the apron and getting into the ring and bouncing on the canvas, facing the stage . . .

Triple H’s music comes on.

And introducing next, weighing in at 280 pounds, the “cerebral assassin”, the WWE heavyweight champion, Triple H!

The champ making his way to the ring slowly with the belt around his waist, keeping eye contact with the challenger. Triple H on the apron, and spraying the water up, then getting in the ring and standing on the ring ropes facing the crowd, showing off his precious championship title.

Triple H getting off the ropes, and Lesnar running at him and knocking him back into the turnbuckle. Lesnar getting onto the offensive from the get go, with elbows to Triple H’s kidneys. Lesnar now driving his shoulder into Hunter’s kidneys, and taking a few steps back, and running at him.

But Triple H scouting that perfectly, and drops to the canvas, and Lesnar smashes his shoulder into the turnbuckle post, hearing that collision through the arena. Lesnar getting back to his feet again, clenching that right shoulder of his. And Triple H running at, and clothes lining, Lesnar down.

Hunter in the mount position, delivering lefts and rights to Lesnar, but Lesnar catching them now, and returning them. Pushing Hunter off of him, he gets to his feet as does Hunter. Lesnar running at Hunter, and Hunter going for the clothes line, but Lesnar going under his arm and bouncing off the ropes again, and spearing Triple H as he turns around.

Triple H got all of that spear, and Lesnar going for the cover, 1, 2, kicked out! The audience cheering for the champion, and chanting “Triple H”. Lesnar thumping the canvas, standing back up and raising Triple H off the canvas also. Lesnar with knees to the abdomen of Hunter, and whipping him into the ropes again, going for a back body drop, but Triple H kicking Lesnar in the face.

Triple H whipping Lesnar now into the rope, and Hunter going for a spine buster on Lesnar, and he hits it, with Lesnar going down solidly on the canvas, with Hunter going for a cover, 1, 2, another kick out. Triple H rolling out of the ring and getting a sledge hammer, but now Mr McMahon is making his way to the ring, strutting. Mr McMahon getting on the apron, and distracting the referee, but Triple H lining up Lesnar on the inside of the ring.

Triple H charging, with the sledge hammer in hand, towards Lesnar, but Lesnar with a cheap low blow to Hunter, grabbing the sledge hammer off him and nailing him with it to the abdomen. Triple H holding his stomach as he drops to the ground, and Mr McMahon seeing that, gets off the apron, and the referee turns around to see the aftermath with Lesnar getting a cover, 1, 2, thr-! Triple H shooting his shoulder off the canvas!

Mr McMahon sliding the sledgehammer into the ring again to Brock Lesnar, Lesnar picking it up and lining up Triple H as he was starting to stand, Lesnar arguing with the referee as the referee tries to take the weapon away, but Mr McMahon gets in the ring with a steel chair, and a cheap chair shot over the cranium of the cerebral assassin, no pun intended either.

Lesnar letting go of the sledge hammer and going for another lateral press on Triple H, 1, 2, thre-! So close there for Lesnar, but Triple H got his shoulder up once again. Lesnar lifting Triple H off the canvas, getting frustrated, and whipping him into the ropes again, but Triple H returning to him with a clothes line, over the ropes.

The referee going to check on Lesnar on the outside, and Mr McMahon getting in the ring with a chair again, but this time Triple H sees him coming, and kicks him in the gut, and setting him up for the Pedigree! The crowd cheering, and Hunter taking the chairman down with a Pedigree. Lesnar rolls back into the ring as Mr McMahon rolls out.

Triple H turning around and seeing Lesnar, but it’s too late, Lesnar picking him up onto his shoulders, F-5! Wait, Lashley is running down to the ring, Bobby Lashley sliding into the ring, and the referee not seeing the pin by Lesnar. The referee telling Lashley to get out of the ring. Lesnar stopping the pin, and knocking Lashley to the outside of the ring.

Triple H with the steel chair in hand, but the referee stopping him from using it. Lashley sneaks back into the ring, and kicking Lesnar in the abdomen, and nailing him with the Dominator! Lesnar going down painfully, and Lashley rolling back out of the ring. Triple H making the most of this chance, and raises the fallen Lesnar off the canvas, and shouts at him, whilst supporting him. I’ve got two words for ya, SUCK IT!

The crowd joining in with Triple H at the end there, and he kicks Lesnar in the abdomen, and setting him up for the Pedigree to retain his title, and he holds the position, lining him up in the dead centre of the ring . . . PEDIGREE! Lesnar going down, and this has to be over, 1, 2, 3!

Bell rings and Triple H’s music plays. Ladies and gentlemen, your winner, and still the WWE heavyweight champion, Triple H!

Triple H and Bobby Lashley standing in the middle of the ring, raising each other’s hands, and Triple H holding the WWE heavyweight title in the other.

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us tonight for RAW, but tune in on Friday for Smackdown!

Show ends with Lashley and Triple H still in the ring celebrating.

21-06-2006, 03:55 AM
Next event.. (as normal, C&C is appreciated. <3)

Smackdown - 26 May '06
Part 1

Michael Cole - Play by Play Announcer
Tazz- Colour Announcer
Misc speaker. (Mr McMahon and Lillian Garcia in this one)

Video package to set up tonight’s main event is played. Showing highlights of the Triple H vs. Lesnar match, specifically Lashley’s interference.

The video intro for Smackdown starts, and once it finishes pans across the crowd who are their normal ecstatic selves, and goes to the stage where the pyrotechnics display goes off. Then Mr McMahon’s music plays.

Hello ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Friday night’s Smackdown! I’m Michael Cole and I’m joined by Tazz, and tonight we are in the AT&T Center in San Antonio, Texas, with a capacity crowd of around 16,000 audience members, and now we will be joined by the chairman, Mr McMahon, who is in the ring with a microphone.

Okay, so last week, I came out first thing, and announced the main event, but tonight, the main event has already been scheduled, but what I can promise you is two things. Number one, tonight, you will see my son, Shane, defend his newly acquired hardcore championship in a triple threat match, against the former champion, ECW’s Mr. Friday Night, Rob Van Dam, and the Heart Break Kid, Shawn Michaels. With all regular hardcore rules applying. No disqualification, no count out, falls count anywhere. And an added stipulation, victory has to be obtained by pin fall, can’t be submission. And secondly, I will announce to you all who has been the backstage commissioner, and will take over my booking position full-time, later in the evening. Mr McMahon’s music plays as he drops the microphone over the ropes and exits the ring, and arena.

Super Crazy’s music hits the arena now and he comes running out to the ring.

Well it will be good to finally find out who the person behind the scenes making some of the best matches over the last few months, including Monday’s ECW tag team match. But right now we have Super Crazy in the ring, and he was told by Mr McMahon last week on Smackdown that if he could beat his opponent tonight, he could have an intercontinental title shot. But we don’t know who is opponent will be yet.

Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is scheduled for one fall. Currently in the ring, weighing 193 pounds, Super Crazy! And his opponent, weighing 330 pounds . . .

Kane’s music hits the arena and pyrotechnics go off with a bang, as he begins to make his way slowly to the ring.

Well, he’s dead, Cole. Super Crazy is now just staring down the aisle, stunned, at the Big Red Machine. Kane getting on the apron and Super Crazy with a drop kick knocking Kane off the apron. Crazy is going straight onto the assault. Kane standing back up on the outside, and Crazy getting ready to throw himself over the top rope to the outside, and he does it and Kane sees him coming and moves out of the way, and Crazy just went down to the cement badly.

Crazy is struggling to get back up, and the match still technically isn’t underway. Kane just hoisting Crazy back up and lines him up, and a painful uppercut there, Crazy just dropping to the ground again. Kane lifting him back up another time, and guiding him to the barricade, and just throwing him back first into it.

Kane coming over the announcers table, and grabbing a steel chair and heading back over to Super Crazy, and Crazy just beginning to stand back up on his feet, and Kane lining him up. A thunderous chair shot on the top of the skull of Super Crazy, who is back on the ground motionless.

Kane picking the scraps of Super Crazy back off the ground and rolling him into the ring, and Kane follows getting in too, so the referee rings the bell for the match to begin. Kane with a cover straight away though, 1, 2, and a kick out! There’s the ECW spirit from Super Crazy. Kane grabbing him and throwing him into the turnbuckle, but Kane goes to the opposite turnbuckle and charges at Crazy.

Crazy dodges the big red machine, and Kane goes into the turnbuckle hard, bouncing off, into a drop kick into the back of the head by Super Crazy. Crazy standing up on the turnbuckle post now, and waiting for Kane to stand up. Kane’s on his feet, and Crazy with a diving neck breaker taking Kane down hard, now going for the pin, 1, 2, kick-out! Crazy only getting a two count there.

Super Crazy just stomping Kane down, not doing much to Kane though. Super Crazy coming off the ropes with a jumping leg drop on Kane, and going for the cover once again, 1, 2, and another kick-out! Super Crazy is getting frustrated here, so he drags Kane to the turnbuckle.

Super Crazy on the bottom rope, moonsault hitting it on Kane, and getting back up to the middle rope, hitting another moonsault, and going to the top rope, and going for another, but this time Kane gets his arm up, and grabbing Crazy by the throat. Kane sitting up still with a firm grasp on Super Crazy’s throat. Kane bringing Crazy up into the air, and back down thunderously to the canvas, and Super Crazy is out. 1, 2, 3! Bell rings and Kane’s music plays.

Your winner, Kane!

Well there goes Super Crazy’s title shot, so I guess that means Kane has one now? Goes to an ad break.

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