View Full Version : HabboClub idea

20-01-2005, 11:05 PM
you no how you have the option to dance i thought maybe if you where in the habboclub you could have the option to break dance and the room owner can lock it s you cna't or unlock it so you can in there room. This would be good for rap rooms and stuff and another way for the staff to get money to keep habbohotel going :eusa_booh

21-01-2005, 09:21 AM
you no how you have the option to dance i thought maybe if you where in the habboclub you could have the option to break dance and the room owner can lock it s you cna't or unlock it so you can in there room. This would be good for rap rooms and stuff and another way for the staff to get money to keep habbohotel going

Omg, thats confusing :eusa_doh: :eusa_wall

I suppose breakdancing is okay for the boys in the hotel but the girls will think it is snooze-a-rama, And how will the little pixel habbo's do it? Good idea but, it needs reality :eusa_ange

22-01-2005, 02:36 PM
it might be a good idea but it allso lagg the room as well :)

22-01-2005, 03:44 PM
it might be a good idea but it allso lagg the room as well :)

Not really... :s That server can handle the currect dance features and some new ones wouldn't cause world war three.

Lag is just internet traffic, it's not caused by something as tedious as that.

That server is as big as any gaming server, it can handle 100 times as much, movements such as breakdancing would add to lag as much as walking does, in other words - not at all. :p

22-01-2005, 03:53 PM
I barely got that but,

People who don't have HC will complain.

Break Dancing will be nearly impossible considering a Habbo's Stature. They cannot bend the arms much, their legs only bend about 45 degrees. and getting them on the floor will be a bit of a challenge. Lag will also be a problem as Break Dancing is normally fast spasm's on the ground and everyone knows Habbo's move slowly and lag is caused by the most strangest of things.

22-01-2005, 04:35 PM
Good point mate, it would be kind of hard to make Habbos, as the way they are, breakdance.

22-01-2005, 06:29 PM
It is a good idea but, think about how to make them do break dancing!

They need to bend their arms and doing that in pixels graphics will be near impossible!

30-01-2005, 12:11 AM
I would just laugh if A habbo was break danceing :'] Maybe they could erm, shake there head as in ''No'' ''Yes''.

02-02-2005, 12:27 PM
I Agree With Nets That Would Be Cool Lol
But The Break Dancing Is A Bad Idea I Dont Like The Idea About My Habbos Back Getting Broken. :p

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