View Full Version : Sam nearly stabs Lea

03-06-2006, 05:49 PM
Saturday 03 June
Day 17, 15:00
Sam has been very nice to everyone in the House so far, repeatedly telling them they're "amazing," and so forth. But he almost ruined all the good work today - by stabbing Lea through the heart.

And hey, we're not even joking. The busty blonde got a nasty surprise when she almost walked into a razor-sharp carving knife Sam was brandishing in the kitchen in a dangerous fashion.

"F******* hell, Sam!" she shrieked in terror as the blade came perilously close to her (admittedly prominent) left breast.
"Sorry," said Sam sheepishly, as the sunlight glistened off the lethal cutlery. Lea then stormed off into the garden, fuming: "Sam nearly just f****** stabbed me!"

"Don't you ever hold a knife like that in this House again," she yelled back at the shell-shocked Scot, who was gingerly chopping vegetables.

"I just got the fright of my life," he whimpered to Grace. "I was holding the knife out and Lea walked into me. I'm still shaking."

"No, I'm shaking mate, that could have gone straight through my ***," barked the returning Lea. "We're talking about 70 grand's worth of **** here, f****** hell!"

Clearly concerned about a potential bursting disaster, Lea went back out and showed Aisleyne her "scratch", with the fellow blonde advising her to "protect those babylons".

Sam opted to eat some fruit, saying: "This apple is amazing, do you want to try a bit, Grace?" But the recommendation was ignored as the dancer unpeeled a banana.

C'mon Grace, there's nothing to be scared of...

03-06-2006, 05:51 PM
ROFL, thanks for the news ^_^

03-06-2006, 06:01 PM
Roflmao, okay.. ;s

Ashley 12344
03-06-2006, 10:58 PM
And i missed it :@

04-06-2006, 07:39 AM
That wasn't on last night, So it must be on tonight :)

05-06-2006, 07:34 PM
OMG :o *Watches* I Wanna See That. Aww i think sam is genunie but over freindly LOL

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