View Full Version : Values [#4]

07-06-2006, 09:26 AM
More values from iBenji :)

Love Stickies - Up - 14 RD - Seen 4 times, these arn't traded very often, I've seen alot go recently though which is pretty unusual, everyone is offering more than Habbox's value so they are pretty sure they will get them.

Knight Roller - Up - 20 RD - Seen 5 times, these are getting more popular when sold with Gold Rollers. When both together they contrast and compliment eachother. People just seem to want them a bit more.

All Seasonal Ducks - Down - 2 RD - Seen 6 times, they don't seem to be very popular, but when they are traded people only offer 2 Credits each really.

07-06-2006, 02:48 PM
thanx 4 the report

keep it up


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