View Full Version : Really Upset...

24-01-2005, 03:23 PM
Okay well I had Habbo open but I wasn't paying much attention to it, and then when I flicked back to the tab with Habbo in it, I saw someone say to someone "Okay I'll just go on your account and do that for you then" and they left, and I went to tell the other person to go change their password STRAIGHT AWAY but they left too before I could explain, probably because the other person had just logged onto their account. I feel so guilty. If I'd been looking I could have stopped that earlier.

24-01-2005, 04:12 PM
it happens everyday...most likely it wasa newbie iwth no furni so it wouldn't of matterred too much

24-01-2005, 04:52 PM
Its still sad, they might have had a stool that they thought was the BEST. Oh well you couldn't have done anything they mightn't have even believed you.

24-01-2005, 05:10 PM
Its still sad, they might have had a stool that they thought was the BEST. Oh well you couldn't have done anything they mightn't have even believed you.
I guess so. Maybe Habbo Staff should send out little console alerts about scams from time to time as not everybody reads the newsie. Too many would be annoying but I could cope with one every day.

24-01-2005, 05:14 PM
Its still sad, they might have had a stool that they thought was the BEST. Oh well you couldn't have done anything they mightn't have even believed you.

so true. Or they could have had a duck. And thought They were lucky to have that :)

24-01-2005, 06:35 PM
I dont think I have ever actualy seen people fall for a scam with my own eyes. Doesnt tend to happen that much now people seem more aware

24-01-2005, 06:37 PM
ive seen it nearly happen but i interupted 0=] *giggles*

25-01-2005, 04:36 PM
I dont think I have ever actualy seen people fall for a scam with my own eyes. Doesnt tend to happen that much now people seem more aware
This is probably part of the reason it upset me so much - I was shocked. Most players know about scams now and don't fall for them.

25-01-2005, 04:39 PM
Oh well, they need to be aware, you shouldn't feel guilty, because atleast you cared.

25-01-2005, 04:56 PM
I'd die if my account was logged, I love my name and my Mizki trophy :)

25-01-2005, 05:45 PM
Lol I think we all would if our account got stolen.

25-01-2005, 07:23 PM
It's only a game tho, I'd rather lose my account then my family etc. ;)

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