View Full Version : Someone really has a disliking for this kid, his name is logan. (that's me.)

19-06-2006, 10:28 PM
Hacked, again?
Fraid' so.
Sadly, runescape is the only game my computer is compatible with (Doesn't run with shockwave, I have a linux based operating system).

My friend's going to be so pee'd at me. He let me use his account, and what happens? It gets hacked.

Start out fresh? Or just purely quit runescape. I'm on the edge with no choice.
Scanned my computer with several scans, tons of times. No spyware, viruses, keylogs, ect.

i luv rosie
19-06-2006, 10:51 PM
that sucks.

Barkseh (Administrator) - Please do not make pointless posts.

19-06-2006, 10:54 PM
yup. now out 14+M.

i luv rosie
19-06-2006, 10:54 PM
that sucks too.

Barkseh (Administrator) - Please do not make pointless posts.

20-06-2006, 01:38 AM
Welcome too my world, sorry too say. I was hacked over 20m and got pass back june 5th. Today after spending like 12 hours including yesterday, got hacked, found a keylog on my computer from my brother once again trying to get a macro! >;l I got the 5m loose it, friends no longer trust me.

My friend whom I've known for a while might lend me the necesary to merch more and get back 2 whips. But anyways, trust me. I feel your pain of being hacked. :eusa_wall

20-06-2006, 01:39 AM
It's so lame, how people feel so.. how can I say.. when they literally take someone's account.

20-06-2006, 01:43 AM
They we're roaming on my account for 3 mounths stealing things from my friends until I took action when a friend on HabboHotel asked me why I scammed his whip. -.-'

20-06-2006, 05:16 AM
Ok that does suck, not just you but your friend. Message jagex and find out ways to prevent this. Run scans for keyloggers. If not then start again.

20-06-2006, 05:22 AM
Logan? Are you the Logan I know? (Am Sam)

20-06-2006, 07:40 AM
Super sucks, I got hacked yesterday, played for a while, got food, it logged out as normal, try to log in, wrong password :( and jagex declined my forgot pass thing 4 times, but i havent seen it online once since :(

20-06-2006, 10:17 AM
Logan? Are you the Logan I know? (Am Sam)

Yes, he is.

Unluck Logan, you should of had a bank pin.

20-06-2006, 10:20 AM
Yes, he is.

Unluck Logan, you should of had a bank pin.
If you'd read it's his friend's account so his friend should of have it.

Wow Logan, thank god I didn't let you on my account when you asked me? same thing could of happen to my account eh.

20-06-2006, 10:21 AM
Funny how you were asking Kyle to use his account a few days ago? Now suddenly you've got access to someone else's account and you get hacked? Odd. An untrusting person would think you just did it yourself and came up with this as an extremely lame cover story, hmm?

20-06-2006, 10:22 AM
If you'd read it's his friend's account so his friend should of have it.

Wow Logan, thank god I didn't let you on my account when you asked me? same thing could of happen to my account eh.

Oh yeah :(

My bad.

20-06-2006, 02:16 PM
Funny how you were asking Kyle to use his account a few days ago? Now suddenly you've got access to someone else's account and you get hacked? Odd. An untrusting person would think you just did it yourself and came up with this as an extremely lame cover story, hmm?

seems fair but if so why'd he posted the topic , the only reason i could think was incase his friend posted a topic

20-06-2006, 02:19 PM
Just quit. RS is gay anyway.

20-06-2006, 02:20 PM
Just quit. RS is gay anyway.
How can a game be gay?

20-06-2006, 02:38 PM
seems fair but if so why'd he posted the topic , the only reason i could think was incase his friend posted a topic
so people would feel sorry for him? and maybe his ''friend'' visits this forum and he'd believe him easier..:rolleyes: or maybe to get donations? I'm not accusing you Logan but it's really weird that, that happened.

20-06-2006, 02:50 PM
Fair points, all i can say is unlucky. Good luck getting it back.

Evil Saint
20-06-2006, 02:57 PM
OoooH he was asking to go on my acount saying would i let him share my acount to make money on saying he would do work for me on it when i get tired ooooo i think your lying logan >:(

20-06-2006, 03:04 PM
OoooH he was asking to go on my acount saying would i let him share my acount to make money on saying he would do work for me on it when i get tired ooooo i think your lying logan >:(
If it isn't Mr. Stress. He KEPT asking me for allowing him to go on my account and let him use barrage for few times..even tho I've told him that I don't allow others on it.

20-06-2006, 03:23 PM
haha. Gutted.

Safe Virus
20-06-2006, 03:55 PM
Meh. I've been hacked for 200M. 200 Rune sets etc.

It does hurt.
It's a game. It's pixles. Get over it.

20-06-2006, 04:15 PM
Meh. I've been hacked for 200M. 200 Rune sets etc.

It does hurt.
It's a game. It's pixles. Get over it.

*sniffs* wow does anyone else smell that bulls.hit?? or isit just me..

Anyway, sorry to hear about it but it is common for someone to go on someone elses account and then say they got hacked but if its true im sorry to hear it <3

20-06-2006, 04:25 PM
what i dont get this so he is lying about being hacked and is hacking others?!?!

20-06-2006, 05:26 PM
You guys need to keep your PC safe..I doubt you could've been hacked if there was no keylogger or anythign on your computer. You said it was your friends account. He could've gave another one of his friends his pass and he took the stuff, or your friend had a keylogger on his PC and that's how it got hacked.

20-06-2006, 05:32 PM
You guys need to keep your PC safe..I doubt you could've been hacked if there was no keylogger or anythign on your computer. You said it was your friends account. He could've gave another one of his friends his pass and he took the stuff, or your friend had a keylogger on his PC and that's how it got hacked.

Fair point.

20-06-2006, 05:44 PM
Seems like he loves you because your a fool to be keep getting hacked

20-06-2006, 06:18 PM
Listen you ******s, it dnt take a rocket scientist to figure out hes faking it?

With all the proof in this thread, you would have thaught your small amount of brain cells would have clocked whats going on?

Jesus, if you had brains, you'd be dangerous.

20-06-2006, 06:20 PM
yeh real nice chaz i though u were nice all the time but i have changed my mind it must of taken plent of brain cells to say all of that!

Evil Saint
20-06-2006, 06:20 PM
Aww i love the new chaz so much more friendly

20-06-2006, 06:22 PM
Aww i love the new chaz so much more friendly

yeh lol you can say that lol chaz you used to real nice i rember we used to get on whats happend? lol you have changed.........

20-06-2006, 06:25 PM
yeh real nice chaz i though u were nice all the time but i have changed my mind it must of taken plent of brain cells to say all of that!
Lifes never nice. Keep thinking like that and you'll be eaten alive.

Evil Saint
20-06-2006, 06:27 PM
Nahhh he used ot be Boring Zzzz now hes all angry and well....

20-06-2006, 06:27 PM
i have met nice people chaz you used to be one i know plenty of nice people and anyway you cant get ur head bitten off its too big with ego

20-06-2006, 06:28 PM
I don't know you?

20-06-2006, 06:29 PM
Quit RuneScape, it's crap.

20-06-2006, 06:29 PM
i have met nice people chaz you used to be one i know plenty of nice people and anyway you cant get ur head bitten off its too big with ego

I think we're sick of people saying they've been hacked to get donations.

Everyone needs to let off some steam sometime.

20-06-2006, 06:30 PM
Holey crap!

Theres a rare find, someone with a braincell!

20-06-2006, 06:31 PM
he does flame quite alot tho jake :P.

Chaz he sorta lnows you Coz when im talking to you im usually talking to xav on phone, so he sorta knows what you're like

20-06-2006, 06:37 PM
yeh real nice chaz i though u were nice all the time but i have changed my mind it must of taken plent of brain cells to say all of that!
He's still nice ''/ just because he said the truth. Half of you don't even read the whole thread and just post silly comments.

20-06-2006, 06:41 PM
Kyle (unlike the most of you) knows what hes talking about "/

20-06-2006, 06:46 PM
Kyle (unlike the most of you) knows what hes talking about "/
Yeah I just showed chaz chatlogs between me and Logan. It proves a lot, I'd post it here but it's not allowed :rolleyes:

20-06-2006, 06:48 PM
Its kinda got "Scam" Written all over it...

Evil Saint
20-06-2006, 06:57 PM
6/17/200610:49:17 PM·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°* x`;_) ツ and i logged lol6/17/200610:49:21 PM·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°* x`;_) ツ i cudda kept it but6/17/200610:49:23 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0hahaha ownedd.6/17/200610:49:25 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0who was it?6/17/200610:49:37 PM·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°* x`;_) ツ darkpharoh6/17/200610:49:48 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0dont know him :S6/17/200610:51:16 PM·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°* x`;_) ツ no1 did but everyone all was licking mr.kylees **** and took his side6/17/200610:51:33 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0[ Zone Labs Security alert: Session not encrypted because x3logan********.com is not protected by IM Security ]6/17/200610:51:33 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0haha. he's my friend ^.66/17/200610:51:40 PM·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°* x`;_) ツ saying they have laost respect for em and ima scammer even tho i had the cash for about 5mins then gave it back lo6/17/200610:51:58 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0wow haha6/17/200610:52:00 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0harsh.,6/17/200610:54:36 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0[ Zone Labs Security alert: Session not encrypted because x3logan********.com is not protected by IM Security ]6/17/200610:54:36 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0i would've kept it. &_&6/17/200610:54:37 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0haha kidding.6/17/200610:54:44 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0omgsh. I need 8.3M really bad.6/17/200610:54:53 PM·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°* x`;_) ツ i shouda as i ahve 0gp atm6/17/200610:55:01 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0mm.6/17/200610:55:02 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0i have 3k6/17/200610:55:03 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·08-)6/17/200610:57:32 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0[ Zone Labs Security alert: Session not encrypted because x3logan********.com is not protected by IM Security ]6/17/200610:57:32 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0if i sold my armour and whip at normal prices, i'd have JUST enough to get 8M6/17/200610:58:47 PM·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°* x`;_) ツ hmm6/17/200610:58:54 PM·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°* x`;_) ツ i dont have ne armour or weapon lol6/17/200610:58:59 PM·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°* x`;_) ツ my bank is empty6/17/200610:58:59 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0[ Zone Labs Security alert: Session not encrypted because x3logan********.com is not protected by IM Security ]6/17/200610:58:59 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0lol why?6/17/200610:59:07 PM·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°* x`;_) ツ ssricky scammed me 7m6/17/200610:59:24 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0he took al of it?6/17/200610:59:30 PM·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°* x`;_) ツ yer6/17/200610:59:39 PM·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°* x`;_) ツ n i droppe deverythig else at draynor bank6/17/200610:59:42 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0wow... 6/17/200610:59:45 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0does it still have members?6/17/200611:00:09 PM·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°* x`;_) ツ 4 days left6/17/200611:00:15 PM·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°* x`;_) ツ gonan eb non meber then for a bit6/17/200611:00:27 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0I could try and help get you some easy cash?6/17/200611:00:51 PM·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°* x`;_) ツ How ?^?6/17/200611:00:57 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0mm..6/17/200611:01:03 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0mine/fish/wc/ect.6/17/200611:01:32 PM·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°* x`;_) ツ im 69 fletch gonna get 70 and amke yew longs6/17/200611:01:41 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0i could help you if ya want?6/17/200611:02:07 PM·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°* x`;_) ツ cud u cut me about 500 willows6/17/200611:02:14 PM·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°* x`;_) ツ iv got 1k of em atm6/17/200611:02:38 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0mm i would6/17/200611:02:43 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0but im on my pure6/17/200611:02:44 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0ahah6/17/200611:02:57 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0gonna mine and smith.6/17/200611:04:17 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0[ Zone Labs Security alert: Session not encrypted because x3logan********.com is not protected by IM Security ]6/17/200611:04:17 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0you would never trust me to acc share right?6/17/200611:04:29 PM·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°* x`;_) ツ dunno y6/17/200611:04:38 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0just checkin ;)6/17/200611:04:44 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0asked a few people6/17/200611:04:46 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0lol6/17/200611:06:51 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0[ Zone Labs Security alert: Session not encrypted because x3logan********.com is not protected by IM Security ]6/17/200611:06:51 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0oh and if you did we could like both wc6/17/200611:06:55 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0i'd wc when you slept and stuff6/17/200611:07:24 PM·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°* x`;_) ツ hmm wana amke a pure wc or fisher or other skiller otgehte6/17/200611:07:28 PM·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°* x`;_) ツ together6/17/200611:07:36 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0no idea6/17/200611:07:49 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0how high is all of stress's stuff? we could probably use him and get it really high6/17/200611:07:50 PM·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°* x`;_) ツ i mean dya6/17/200611:08:16 PM·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°* x`;_) ツ hmm i duno sound dodgey6/17/200611:09:01 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0.what's the worst that could happen? i have a level 88 account.. not like i need anything from you6/17/200611:09:13 PM·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°* x`;_) ツ im lvl 896/17/200611:09:52 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0oh. i have 87 fishing. ^_^6/17/200611:10:48 PM·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°* x`;_) ツ i dont wnna let sum1 on my acount sory6/17/200611:10:54 PM·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°* x`;_) ツ but i wud amke a pure wid u if u cba6/17/200611:10:55 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0np :)6/17/200611:11:14 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0nah, i'd rather be able to use your 70 fletch, it'd get you cash faster.6/17/200611:13:12 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0[ Zone Labs Security alert: Session not encrypted because x3logan********.com is not protected by IM Security ]6/17/200611:13:12 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0and you'd also have to spend alot getting stuff6/17/200611:15:03 PM·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°* x`;_) ツ to wc no u wunt6/17/200611:15:20 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0[ Zone Labs Security alert: Session not encrypted because x3logan********.com is not protected by IM Security ]6/17/200611:15:20 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0yeah but wouldn't you rather make money?6/17/200611:18:03 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0[ Zone Labs Security alert: Session not encrypted because x3logan********.com is not protected by IM Security ]6/17/200611:18:03 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0because yew bows sell pretty high, and if we made 1k of them you'd have like 700k :}6/17/200611:18:41 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0and i could get the 1k flax, we could either chop/buy 1k yews, and tada. spin the flax, cut the bows6/17/200611:19:04 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0but i'll brb.6/17/200611:20:57 PM·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°* x`;_) ツ you cud always just give me 1k flax and id cut the yews then string em sell for 600k and then give u 250k outa the eearnings6/17/200611:21:08 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0[ Zone Labs Security alert: Session not encrypted because x3logan********.com is not protected by IM Security ]6/17/200611:21:08 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0wait wait wait.6/17/200611:21:14 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0i have an awesome idea.6/17/200611:21:22 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0k, how about this.6/17/200611:21:33 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0I get 1k flax, give 500 to you, and we both spin it. right?6/17/200611:21:43 PM·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°* x`;_) ツ ye6/17/200611:21:45 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0after it's spun, you give to me, and we both wc 500 yew logs each.6/17/200611:21:55 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0we string them, sell them, and split the profit?6/17/200611:22:20 PM·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°* x`;_) ツ you cant make yew longs tho6/17/200611:22:27 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0oh right6/17/200611:22:30 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0well you could string them?6/17/200611:22:37 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0and i could help and go on stress if you got bored.6/17/200611:22:49 PM·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°* x`;_) ツ ok6/17/200611:23:03 PM·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°* x`;_) ツ when your on stress am i on damil ?6/17/200611:23:13 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0no it'd be like when your offline.6/17/200611:23:17 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0like sleeping6/17/200611:23:24 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0since you live in different timezone, y'no?6/17/200611:24:00 PM·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°* x`;_) ツ it just soundz like a scam im sorry6/17/200611:24:24 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0no problem haha, I was offering you ton's of help.. unlike your ex-friend ssricky who sCAMMED you.6/17/200611:24:59 PM·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°* x`;_) ツ you coulda changed ma pas and took oever my acount6/17/200611:25:31 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0set recoveries?6/17/200611:27:19 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0[ Zone Labs Security alert: Session not encrypted because x3logan********.com is not protected by IM Security ]6/17/200611:27:19 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0i swear on someone's life i wouldnt hack you. don't have a reason to6/17/200611:28:43 PM·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°* x`;_) ツ I aint even got the 70 fetch yet so :S6/17/200611:28:52 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0[ Zone Labs Security alert: Session not encrypted because x3logan********.com is not protected by IM Security ]6/17/200611:28:52 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0i know6/17/200611:29:50 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0okay uhhm..6/17/200611:29:55 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0i could help you get it6/17/200611:30:16 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0you need 1234 willow longs just in half.6/17/200611:30:18 PM·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°* x`;_) ツ i can get it myself i have alll the time in the world6/17/200611:30:22 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0like wiithout strung6/17/200611:30:35 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0whatever. you seemed so different on hxf ;\6/17/200611:31:35 PM·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°* x`;_) ツ So did u u didnt seem like omg lemme on ur acount i can help u honest i cud help u i cud help u i cud get ur stats up make ur money i can help u just lemme on ur acount 6/17/200611:32:12 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0yeah well i didn't scam you either now did i? ;\6/17/200611:32:22 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0I'm just trying to help you.. since you have 0k. god.6/17/200611:32:47 PM·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°* x`;_) ツ Well you wouldnt let anybody u just met on ur ao**** wud u6/17/200611:33:01 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0depending on what they were doing?6/17/200611:34:27 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0[ Zone Labs Security alert: Session not encrypted because x3logan********.com is not protected by IM Security ]6/17/200611:34:27 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0brb.6/17/200611:53:55 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0[ Zone Labs Security alert: Session not encrypted because x3logan********.com is not protected by IM Security ]6/17/200611:53:55 PM(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツ ·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0k back.6/17/200611:54:04 PM·#·$1w·$5w·$w.waushare.com·$·#·0(_;`x*°«ισgлή»°* x`;_) ツ k

20-06-2006, 06:59 PM

Evil Saint
20-06-2006, 07:01 PM
Im the big red bold wrting person and hes the green guy

20-06-2006, 07:04 PM
Im the big red bold wrting person and hes the green guy
JESUS, that chat log is messed up I liked the Mr.Kylee bit tho. Just because nobody supported you with your scam? and my chatlogs with logan are worse :p Jake can tell..and Ashley..and Chaz. They've seen them.

Evil Saint
20-06-2006, 07:07 PM
ok send them to me and ill post them lol

20-06-2006, 07:07 PM
JESUS, that chat log is messed up I liked the Mr.Kylee bit tho. Just because nobody supported you with your scam? and my chatlogs with logan are worse :p Jake can tell..and Ashley..and Chaz. They've seen them.
Damn right. It's obvious to anyone that sees the chatlogs Logan is DESPERATE to get onto the account for a reason other than "testing barrage"

20-06-2006, 07:08 PM
ok send them to me and ill post them lol
I think Chaz gona post them

20-06-2006, 07:09 PM
He's asked me twice if he can test Ice Blitz on my account...

"I've never done it before" "Man I really wanna do it" I'll pay for it"

Pretty much what he said^^

20-06-2006, 07:10 PM
[01:16:45] (_;`x*°«??g?: want to come play pest control? ( L )
[01:17:41] Kyle ;; Ashl: ive quit rs
[01:17:47] (_;`x*°«??g?: ****
[01:17:47] (_;`x*°«??g?: SERIOUSYL!?
[01:18:33] Kyle ;; Ashl: ye at least for atm
[01:18:43] (_;`x*°«??g?: why?
[01:19:16] Kyle ;; Ashl: cba with it..it bores me i rather play WoW
[01:19:43] (_;`x*°«??g?: aw. can i use it? ahah
[01:21:37] Kyle ;; Ashl: use what
[01:21:45] (_;`x*°«??g?: your account? (A)
[01:21:45] (_;`x*°«??g?: haha.
[01:23:16] Kyle ;; Ashl: oh no, im keeping everything like it is
incase if ill ever want to go back on it.
[01:24:07] (_;`x*°«??g?: i know, i was kidding.
[01:24:10] (_;`x*°«??g?: hence the "haha's."
[01:24:22] Kyle ;; Ashl: oh
[01:24:25] (_;`x*°«??g?: and who said anything about keeps? i said
"use" :p.
[01:24:40] (_;`x*°«??g?: to try a couple barrages, possibly. that'd be
it though
[01:24:45] Kyle ;; Ashl: rofl
[01:24:55] (_;`x*°«??g?: what? i love ancients rofl.
[01:24:59] (_;`x*°«??g?: i cant do it anymore either. 6_^
[01:25:08] (_;`x*°«??g?: and you love me enough right? :D
[01:25:54] (_;`x*°«??g?: you could bank pin all your stuff
[01:25:56] (_;`x*°«??g?: except some runes ^_^
[01:26:34] Kyle ;; Ashl: i rather dont
[01:27:43] (_;`x*°«??g?: :(
[01:27:44] (_;`x*°«??g?: but!!
[01:27:50] (_;`x*°«??g?: aha. so much for love :p
[01:28:05] (_;`x*°«??g?: i'd even put my own runes on to it if i could
[01:28:51] Kyle ;; Ashl: na sorry i dont allow people on my account.
[01:29:05] (_;`x*°«??g?: worth a try.
[01:29:22] (_;`x*°«??g?: ughh now the temptation -.-
[01:30:20] Kyle ;; Ashl: temptation of?
[01:34:26] (_;`x*°«??g?: using an ice barrager?
[01:35:27] (_;`x*°«??g?: can i make you a deal?
[01:36:53] Kyle ;; Ashl: what deal
[01:37:01] (_;`x*°«??g?: uhm..
[01:37:07] (_;`x*°«??g?: you let me play one round of castlewars on
your account?
[01:37:11] (_;`x*°«??g?: and i never ever ask again?
[01:37:48] Kyle ;; Ashl: ROFL
[01:37:56] (_;`x*°«??g?: :( damn
[01:38:07] Kyle ;; Ashl: aw
[01:38:19] (_;`x*°«??g?: hey it's just one game.
[01:38:27] (_;`x*°«??g?: it's all because of your powers to barrage.
[01:38:41] (_;`x*°«??g?: hell, if i had barrage, i would probably let
you use mine.. if that's all you wanted to do.
[01:38:56] Kyle ;; Ashl: then raise your mage lvl?
[01:39:15] (_;`x*°«??g?: its bad enough i have to spend 8M to get 82.
wanna lend me that?
[01:39:18] (_;`x*°«??g?: then i gotta do desert treasure.
[01:39:44] Kyle ;; Ashl: well i dont trust you enough to let you on my
[01:40:16] (_;`x*°«??g?: ..
[01:40:16] (_;`x*°«??g?: ouch
[01:40:43] (_;`x*°«??g?: uhm..
[01:40:51] (_;`x*°«??g?: we could trade accounts for a game of cw?
[01:41:46] Kyle ;; Ashl: why are you so desperate
[01:42:05] (_;`x*°«??g?: because im itching to barrage somebody?
[01:42:20] (_;`x*°«??g?: and since your not even putting it to use
[01:44:16] Kyle ;; Ashl: if you're so desperate raise your mage lvl.
[01:44:41] (_;`x*°«??g?: but why cant you trust me?
[01:44:48] (_;`x*°«??g?: im even switching you.. just for 20-25
[01:46:04] Kyle ;; Ashl: because i dont know you that well? ''/
[01:46:25] (_;`x*°«??g?: k. give me a different reason why you wont
trust me
[01:47:30] (_;`x*°«??g?: i mean, i've known you for what? six months
to a year.
[01:48:30] Kyle ;; Ashl: yes i know you..but i dont talk to you that
often or anything..
[01:48:46] (_;`x*°«??g?: because we're in totally different
[01:49:08] (_;`x*°«??g?: i never see you online during weekdays,
because im in canada and your in australia.
[01:50:29] Kyle ;; Ashl: er
[01:50:33] Kyle ;; Ashl: im in slovenia
[01:50:35] Kyle ;; Ashl: close to italy..
[01:50:40] (_;`x*°«??g?: k still
[01:50:40] (_;`x*°«??g?: 8-)
[01:50:45] (_;`x*°«??g?: what time is it there now?
[01:51:17] Kyle ;; Ashl: 2am
[01:54:21] (_;`x*°«??g?: oh.
[01:54:30] (_;`x*°«??g?: what? you have the same time as the uk
[01:54:51] Kyle ;; Ashl: no im an hour ahead
[01:56:36] (_;`x*°«??g?: oh
[01:56:38] (_;`x*°«??g?: .. well still
[01:56:56] (_;`x*°«??g?: your still 7-8 hours ahead of me
[01:57:06] (_;`x*°«??g?: 8*
[01:57:21] Kyle ;; Ashl: true
[01:57:21] (_;`x*°«??g?: so on weekdays your normally not on when i
am, hence why i cant talk to you.
[01:57:25] (_;`x*°«??g?: otherwise i would, way more.
[01:57:37] Kyle ;; Ashl: would you
[01:57:47] (_;`x*°«??g?: most likely..
[01:57:52] (_;`x*°«??g?: its just our conversations go like this.
[01:58:01] (_;`x*°«??g?: "hey"
[01:58:08] (_;`x*°«??g?: and then it ends.
[02:00:41] (_;`x*°«??g?: i guess it's because we're not into detail
with each other.
[02:02:01] Kyle ;; Ashl: excatly my points
[02:02:03] Kyle ;; Ashl: point*
[02:02:14] (_;`x*°«??g?: answer me this.
[02:02:27] (_;`x*°«??g?: Say we got in touch and got to know each
other more within the next week, would you trust me by
[02:04:25] Kyle ;; Ashl: im not letting you on my account sorry.
[02:04:37] (_;`x*°«??g?: fair enough, can't say i didn't try.
[02:05:43] (_;`x*°«??g?: btw. why are you up so late?
[[02:07:08] (_;`x*°«??g?: and it'd be pretty late for me.
[02:09:18] Kyle ;; Ashl: you're younger then me?
[02:09:30] (_;`x*°«??g?: ...yes?
[02:09:41] (_;`x*°«??g?: if i'm not correct your 17-20
[02:11:13] Kyle ;; Ashl: 18
[02:12:34] (_;`x*°«??g?: close enough, i was going to say 17.
[02:12:39] (_;`x*°«??g?: you thought i was older than you?
[02:13:55] Kyle ;; Ashl: you're not?
[02:14:00] Kyle ;; Ashl: i mean im older
[02:14:55] (_;`x*°«??g?: .. uhhh yes okay. good.

Evil Saint
20-06-2006, 07:11 PM
Welll he only asked like anybody he could find for the acount no way hes lieing and did he pm you guys asking you for you ms n or tell you his ms n and ask you to add him

20-06-2006, 07:14 PM
Welll he only asked like anybody he could find for the acount no way hes lieing and did he pm you guys asking you for you ms n or tell you his ms n and ask you to add him
Um I've had him on msn since ages but we never talked much

20-06-2006, 07:15 PM
god he really wants to steal someones account shame he did hack someone ash has a good point bout not knowing him lol and j cole just scored!!!!!!

20-06-2006, 07:15 PM
| Session Start: 18. june 2006 |
| Participants: |
| Kyle ;; Ashley <3 I don't give a s**t. (************) |
| (_;`x*°«??g??»°*x`;_) ? (**logan********.com) |
[01:16:45] (_;`x*°«??g?: want to come play pest control? ( L )
[01:17:41] Kyle ;; Ashl: ive quit rs
[01:17:47] (_;`x*°«??g?: ****
[01:17:47] (_;`x*°«??g?: SERIOUSYL!?
[01:18:33] Kyle ;; Ashl: ye at least for atm
[01:18:43] (_;`x*°«??g?: why?
[01:19:16] Kyle ;; Ashl: cba with it..it bores me i rather play WoW
[01:19:43] (_;`x*°«??g?: aw. can i use it? ahah
[01:21:37] Kyle ;; Ashl: use what
[01:21:45] (_;`x*°«??g?: your account? (A)
[01:21:45] (_;`x*°«??g?: haha.
[01:23:16] Kyle ;; Ashl: oh no, im keeping everything like it is
incase if ill ever want to go back on it.
[01:24:07] (_;`x*°«??g?: i know, i was kidding.
[01:24:10] (_;`x*°«??g?: hence the "haha's."
[01:24:22] Kyle ;; Ashl: oh
[01:24:25] (_;`x*°«??g?: and who said anything about keeps? i said
"use" :p.
[01:24:40] (_;`x*°«??g?: to try a couple barrages, possibly. that'd be
it though
[01:24:45] Kyle ;; Ashl: rofl
[01:24:55] (_;`x*°«??g?: what? i love ancients rofl.
[01:24:59] (_;`x*°«??g?: i cant do it anymore either. 6_^
[01:25:08] (_;`x*°«??g?: and you love me enough right? :D
[01:25:54] (_;`x*°«??g?: you could bank pin all your stuff
[01:25:56] (_;`x*°«??g?: except some runes ^_^
[01:26:34] Kyle ;; Ashl: i rather dont
[01:27:43] (_;`x*°«??g?: :(
[01:27:44] (_;`x*°«??g?: but!!
[01:27:50] (_;`x*°«??g?: aha. so much for love :p
[01:28:05] (_;`x*°«??g?: i'd even put my own runes on to it if i could
[01:28:51] Kyle ;; Ashl: na sorry i dont allow people on my account.
[01:29:05] (_;`x*°«??g?: worth a try.
[01:29:22] (_;`x*°«??g?: ughh now the temptation -.-
[01:30:20] Kyle ;; Ashl: temptation of?
[01:34:26] (_;`x*°«??g?: using an ice barrager?
[01:35:27] (_;`x*°«??g?: can i make you a deal?
[01:36:53] Kyle ;; Ashl: what deal
[01:37:01] (_;`x*°«??g?: uhm..
[01:37:07] (_;`x*°«??g?: you let me play one round of castlewars on
your account?
[01:37:11] (_;`x*°«??g?: and i never ever ask again?
[01:37:48] Kyle ;; Ashl: ROFL
[01:37:56] (_;`x*°«??g?: :( damn
[01:38:07] Kyle ;; Ashl: aw
[01:38:19] (_;`x*°«??g?: hey it's just one game.
[01:38:27] (_;`x*°«??g?: it's all because of your powers to barrage.
[01:38:41] (_;`x*°«??g?: hell, if i had barrage, i would probably let
you use mine.. if that's all you wanted to do.
[01:38:56] Kyle ;; Ashl: then raise your mage lvl?
[01:39:15] (_;`x*°«??g?: its bad enough i have to spend 8M to get 82.
wanna lend me that?
[01:39:18] (_;`x*°«??g?: then i gotta do desert treasure.
[01:39:44] Kyle ;; Ashl: well i dont trust you enough to let you on my
[01:40:16] (_;`x*°«??g?: ..
[01:40:16] (_;`x*°«??g?: ouch
[01:40:43] (_;`x*°«??g?: uhm..
[01:40:51] (_;`x*°«??g?: we could trade accounts for a game of cw?
[01:41:46] Kyle ;; Ashl: why are you so desperate
[01:42:05] (_;`x*°«??g?: because im itching to barrage somebody?
[01:42:20] (_;`x*°«??g?: and since your not even putting it to use
[01:44:16] Kyle ;; Ashl: if you're so desperate raise your mage lvl.
[01:44:41] (_;`x*°«??g?: but why cant you trust me?
[01:44:48] (_;`x*°«??g?: im even switching you.. just for 20-25
[01:46:04] Kyle ;; Ashl: because i dont know you that well? ''/
[01:46:25] (_;`x*°«??g?: k. give me a different reason why you wont
trust me
[01:47:30] (_;`x*°«??g?: i mean, i've known you for what? six months
to a year.
[01:48:30] Kyle ;; Ashl: yes i know you..but i dont talk to you that
often or anything..
[01:48:46] (_;`x*°«??g?: because we're in totally different

20-06-2006, 07:17 PM
hate you jake.

20-06-2006, 07:18 PM

Evil Saint
20-06-2006, 07:19 PM
When he was asking me it was hey can i use you acount please ill get all your levels maxed out and stuff and ill pick all your flax i just realy want that 70 fletch when i say no its ok then 5 seconds laters i have a great idea and he tells me the same thing again lol then after i denie him 10 times hes like you seems alot differeent on hxf and blocks me lol
And kyle im sorry i dont want to argue with you any more please forgive me :'(

20-06-2006, 07:20 PM
Wasn't whole convo, other parts was junk.

03/06/2006 02:21:56 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | thanks alot. <3
03/06/2006 02:22:05 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | god damnit. tedek was on and i cant do ****.
03/06/2006 02:22:19 | Jake | (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; Aww :'(
03/06/2006 02:22:31 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | but supposively i could try and get it back..
03/06/2006 02:22:47 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | i bought the members.. so if i prove with the bill.. then that means i might get him back!! :")
03/06/2006 02:23:06 | Jake | (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; And you could use any old Passwords aswell
03/06/2006 02:23:24 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | well there's like 3 i know..
03/06/2006 02:23:40 | Jake | (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; They're worth a try
03/06/2006 02:24:34 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | mm yeah.
03/06/2006 02:24:59 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | wow
03/06/2006 02:25:04 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | someone just dropped a mahogany bookcase
03/06/2006 02:25:10 | Jake | (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; ;o
03/06/2006 02:25:19 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | i had it too.
03/06/2006 02:25:22 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | but i dropped it
03/06/2006 02:25:22 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | 8-)
03/06/2006 02:25:25 | Jake | (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; lol
03/06/2006 02:25:34 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | my fault, didnt realise how good it was. haha
03/06/2006 02:25:46 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | thanks for being so nice to me even though i hardly know you.
03/06/2006 02:26:06 | Jake | (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; It's alright. I always give stuff away :P
03/06/2006 02:26:16 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | haha i realized. (surenuh)
03/06/2006 02:26:37 | Jake | (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; Lol, yeah, I gave Mohwar like 2M a few months back
03/06/2006 02:26:42 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | ...
03/06/2006 02:26:43 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | for free?
03/06/2006 02:26:46 | Jake | (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; Yup
03/06/2006 02:26:50 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | ****.
03/06/2006 02:27:01 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | see now im angry.
03/06/2006 02:27:17 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | because if i had tedek still i'd have enough money to get my mage to 78.
03/06/2006 02:27:28 | Jake | (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; ;o
03/06/2006 02:27:37 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | (once i make the planks.)
03/06/2006 02:27:49 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | but i have about.. iunno maybe 3m in total on this..
03/06/2006 02:28:02 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | im not sure. how much is full torag?
03/06/2006 02:28:22 | Jake | (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; I have no idea, alot of prices and dropped since the new skill came out
03/06/2006 02:28:36 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | yeah. its probably like 1M something.
03/06/2006 02:28:46 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | great..
03/06/2006 02:28:56 | Jake | (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; I'd reckon around 2-2.5
03/06/2006 02:28:58 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | tedek was just in world 2.. probably sold my dharocks and 2M of items
03/06/2006 02:29:05 | Jake | (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; Ouch
03/06/2006 02:29:13 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | Yeah. ^^.
03/06/2006 02:29:25 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | it was a fun time with tedek.
03/06/2006 02:29:36 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | man, i wish i had your account.
03/06/2006 02:29:39 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | i'd own x44339.
03/06/2006 02:29:44 | Jake | (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; lol
03/06/2006 02:29:45 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | have you done desert treasure?
03/06/2006 02:29:48 | Jake | (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; Yup
03/06/2006 02:29:55 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | then you'd definetly own.
03/06/2006 02:30:02 | Jake | (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; lol
03/06/2006 02:30:11 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | maybe if you trust me later on in life 8-)
03/06/2006 02:31:14 | Jake | (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; :-O I don't think I would be letting someone on my account that I don't know in Real life :( Although I never let anyone on my account even if I know them really well :P
03/06/2006 02:31:27 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | haha, dang.. it was worth a try.
03/06/2006 02:31:55 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | besides even if you did let me on your account, the only thing i'd be able to change is the password, and you'd get that back by recoveries anyways.
03/06/2006 02:32:27 | Jake | (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; Yeah, but I don't have a Bank Pin, they're too annoying
03/06/2006 02:32:34 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | ^^ me either.
03/06/2006 02:32:37 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | well on damil15 i do.
03/06/2006 02:32:42 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | but that was programmed in before.
03/06/2006 02:32:58 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | i'd probably trust you on damil.
03/06/2006 02:36:26 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | gah
03/06/2006 02:36:32 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | i wish i had 82 mage and uh..
03/06/2006 02:36:36 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | dt done.
03/06/2006 02:36:41 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | then i'd stake in duel.
03/06/2006 02:36:49 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | maybe win.
03/06/2006 02:37:11 | Jake | (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; Ice Blitz isn't so good for Dueling, Blood Blitz is better
03/06/2006 02:37:53 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | i know, but then i'd be able to use both.
03/06/2006 02:37:58 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | and supposively blood heals you eh?
03/06/2006 02:38:16 | Jake | (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; Aye it does
03/06/2006 02:38:26 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | awesome.
03/06/2006 02:39:09 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | i need to complete 3 quests and 2 skills before even starting dt.
03/06/2006 02:39:21 | Jake | (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; ;o
03/06/2006 02:43:26 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | wanna help me make planks? lol
03/06/2006 02:43:34 | Jake | (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; I'll pass
03/06/2006 02:43:40 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | okay =p
03/06/2006 02:44:20 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | brb
03/06/2006 02:44:25 | Jake | (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; k
03/06/2006 03:03:53 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | k im back but not really.
03/06/2006 03:03:58 | Jake | (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; ok
03/06/2006 03:16:12 | Jake | (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; Going to bed, Bye
03/06/2006 03:16:18 (_;`x*°«ισgлή»°*x`;_) ツcleaning; | Jake | nighttt. <3

20-06-2006, 07:22 PM
When he was asking me it was hey can i use you acount please ill get all your levels maxed out and stuff and ill pick all your flax i just realy want that 70 fletch when i say no its ok then 5 seconds laters i have a great idea and he tells me the same thing again lol then after i denie him 10 times hes like you seems alot differeent on hxf and blocks me lol
And kyle im sorry i dont want to argue with you any more please forgive me :'(
Sure, as long as you won't flame or insult me.

Evil Saint
20-06-2006, 07:26 PM
Kyle i wont im sorry and jake god he musta asked everyone lol

20-06-2006, 07:27 PM
And you guys wonderd why i had a go at you all?

20-06-2006, 07:46 PM
unluky my bros accounts got stolen twice he started again tho dont give up!!!!!!!!!

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