View Full Version : ~ 200k neopoints per my HC, fr Balv on HABBO, 300 HCS TO GO ~

20-06-2006, 03:11 PM

The reason why my prices are 200k, because neopets is a very un popular game at this moment.

Don't complain, dont tell me my prices are high, I DONT CARE WHAT YOU THINK.

Alot of people have bought at 200k, and alot of people buy off anotherkid3 for

If your interested, drop a line here and/or FR Balv on habbohotel.co.uk

I'm online alot, so you should get fast repsonses

Ask around, check my other threads, I have dozens of successful trades with millions with them going first..

Thank you

20-06-2006, 03:53 PM
Its not that unpopular, seen quite a few people buying ATM, giving a hc for 50k-100k Np each.

20-06-2006, 04:25 PM
Raspberrys, are you still doing 1mil neopets for your 1m runescape?
If so, I'm interested.

20-06-2006, 05:43 PM
Lol, i wouldnt EVER buy neopets! I think you got the wrong guy...

20-06-2006, 07:02 PM
Very trustworthy guy, traded him 1.1M. +Rep.

I went first, everything went smoothly.

- Spider.

25-06-2006, 11:07 AM
I hate people who say 'I'll only give you a rubbish rate bexcause they're upopular.' If it's unpopular why do you want it? I've seen 50-100k as the usual deal. And why has this guy started a whole accoutn called 'neopoint seller'?

25-06-2006, 05:09 PM
Because he sells Neopoints?

- Spider.

30-06-2006, 05:22 PM
mm. Neopets is popular ;l. I've seen many new comercialass for it lawl.

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