View Full Version : Bring back the trusted list?

20-06-2006, 04:53 PM
I for one liked the trusted list it helps with trades and people can vouch to..

20-06-2006, 04:55 PM
I agree, bring it back.

20-06-2006, 04:56 PM
Can only but agree.

20-06-2006, 04:58 PM
I agree..
(i'll be on not trusted I bet)

20-06-2006, 04:58 PM
Wow im not the only one

20-06-2006, 05:02 PM
It does actually need put back up.

20-06-2006, 05:02 PM
Will never happen, it got removed for a reason. ;)

It was SO easy to get on it, people could just make up a new account and say they're trusted but really, they're not.

You can even get the Mods to answer, they'll say the same as me most probs. :P

20-06-2006, 05:04 PM
No bring it back.

But you have to get at least 5 people to say that ure trusted to get on.

20-06-2006, 05:04 PM
Only let the people with 300+ post reccomend someone or sombody who we all know well and needs 2+ reccomcendations to go on it ?

20-06-2006, 05:06 PM
Only let the people with 300+ post reccomend someone or sombody who we all know well and needs 2+ reccomcendations to go on it ?

Now thats a good idea

20-06-2006, 05:07 PM
:):8 :8

20-06-2006, 05:08 PM
Mhm.. oh well, you'll have to wait till the mods are on, i'm powerless now hah. although i wouldn't want to see it back. also getting 300+ posts is easy as pie. :P

20-06-2006, 05:09 PM
tbh i dont care i no who i trust and i no who i dont trust no list is gunna change that
- brody

20-06-2006, 05:12 PM
Mhm.. oh well, you'll have to wait till the mods are on, i'm powerless now hah. although i wouldn't want to see it back. also getting 300+ posts is easy as pie. :P

You can only recommend some if you have been on hxf for a while and everyone like knows you in rs section?

20-06-2006, 05:14 PM

20-06-2006, 05:16 PM
I don't really agree. If someone is on the list and then ends up scamming someone There will be loads of flamming towards the mods. Better to just have people vouch for you on their thread.

20-06-2006, 05:17 PM
All mixed points of view here,

20-06-2006, 05:19 PM
I think i'm the only person that's against it :P.

20-06-2006, 05:19 PM
Will never happen, it got removed for a reason. ;)

It was SO easy to get on it, people could just make up a new account and say they're trusted but really, they're not.

You can even get the Mods to answer, they'll say the same as me most probs. :P

Hence the reason the Trusted List should consist of reasons:

Atleast 5 people[5 well known people - not clone accounts] should vouch for the person to say their trusted
The person should have been using forum for atleast 2 months

And any other stuff like that I s'pose.

20-06-2006, 05:19 PM
Add a poll? Get rs user to vote and if the most of us want it back, Can we have it back? :)

20-06-2006, 05:20 PM
Hence the reason the Trusted List should consist of reasons:

Atleast 5 people[5 well known people - not clone accounts] should vouch for the person to say their trusted
The person should have been using forum for atleast 2 months

And any other stuff like that I s'pose.
Does that mean, what ever bad stuff they've done in the past, if they get 5 people vouching they go on the list? (eg. Me)

20-06-2006, 05:22 PM
People with a high ammount of rep and trust could get on the list easily. But some people take advantage of people who are not trusted and end up scamming them. Of course the rest of the forum will believe the trusted person.

20-06-2006, 05:25 PM
Does that mean, what ever bad stuff they've done in the past, if they get 5 people vouching they go on the list? (eg. Me)

Well tbh I'd say No if they've done bad stuff in the past because they've still scammed in the past and it will be giving off a bad reputation about the trusted list.

20-06-2006, 05:27 PM
Well tbh I'd say No if they've done bad stuff in the past because they've still scammed in the past and it will be giving off a bad reputation about the trusted list.
Urgh fair enough, I won't put what I was going to put as it would cause arguements.

20-06-2006, 05:27 PM
I disagree.

When you get on it, you'll be doing big trades, as you're 'Trusted'.

Then, bam, you scam a few ts, you deny it, people believe you, you stay on it, do it again 'til you get forund out.

20-06-2006, 05:27 PM
But it depends because i think it was Jake. use to scam but he is like the safest people i know. So i think people do deserve a second chance to show if they are trusted or they arent.

Sorry Jake for using you as an example :P

20-06-2006, 05:29 PM
Well think of it on this context [I know it's much worse the scenario I'm using but it's of the came context]
A man rapes a woman. He goes to prison and no longer rapes people. He still is a rapist though.

20-06-2006, 05:29 PM
But it depends because like Jake. use to scam but he is like the safest people i know. So i think people do deserve a second chance to show if they are trusted or they arent.

Sorry Jake for using you as an example :P
Tthat is what I was trying to tell everybody!


20-06-2006, 05:29 PM
A good idea would be "Middle Men". They could hang onto the peoples items and swap them if they don't trust each other. Obviously only extremely trusted people would be able to Middle Man. If they want they could also charge a small fee for their time.

20-06-2006, 05:31 PM
Just leave it as it is now!

20-06-2006, 05:32 PM
A good idea would be "Middle Men". They could hang onto the peoples items and swap them if they don't trust each other. Obviously only extremely trusted people would be able to Middle Man. If they want they could also charge a small fee for their time.

Mods could do that? But there is like only 5 mods and like 20+ trades, It is a bit harsh on them

20-06-2006, 05:32 PM
Alot of people still get scammed though lol.

20-06-2006, 05:35 PM
I wouldn't mind being a Middle Man tbh.

20-06-2006, 05:37 PM
Yeah, only extremely trusted Members should be Middle Men. They should also record ALL trades to show they havn't scammed if someone accuses them.

20-06-2006, 05:43 PM
Yeah, only extremely trusted Members should be Middle Men. They should also record ALL trades to show they havn't scammed if someone accuses them.

Like Craig :).

20-06-2006, 05:44 PM
Guess so.. We should take it into action.

20-06-2006, 05:46 PM
i dont like this idea its all abit risky

20-06-2006, 05:47 PM
Guess so.. We should take it into action.


It will never be put into action.

Too much risk.

20-06-2006, 05:48 PM
But we cant have just one, We will need alot. Cos say craig is not online no one can trade :p

20-06-2006, 05:48 PM
It's less risk than just trading anybody and getting scammed.

Mods should be Middle Men too then.

20-06-2006, 05:51 PM


Evil Saint
20-06-2006, 05:52 PM
I only scammed once in my whole entire life and i gave it back but that didnt matter to anyone everyone turned on me and now im the biggest scammer ever because i scammed 1 person (darkpharoh) and even though he forgave me and we are now good friends on rs nobody else will forgive me and ill probaly never be known as Trusted again :(

Also some people seem to be very trusting but when they get the chance for the big one *bang* they go in for the kill and scam there victim outa 7m an example being ssricky scamming me lol just had to get that in lol

20-06-2006, 05:52 PM
I'm for and against the idea :s

Good points -

People know who's trusted.

Bad points - People used to make account just to reccomend their main accounts so they can scam (not naming names here).

But I was thinking, to override that bad point, This is what should be needed for 1 Reccomendation (sp?)

A screenie(s) to see that A trade went well.
Make sure both people say it was a good trade
and more than 2 reccomendations(sp?) to get on..
People with like 1-100 posts that have been req'd should need more Req's untill Mods know they're 100% safe.

That middle man thing is a good idea but not everyone would give up their time to watch a trade.

20-06-2006, 05:55 PM
I only scammed once in my whole entire life and i gave it back but that didnt matter to anyone everyone turned on me and now im the biggest scammer ever because i scammed 1 person (darkpharoh) and even though he forgave me and we are now good friends on rs nobody else will forgive me and ill probaly never be known as Trusted again :(

Also some people seem to be very trusting but when they get the chance for the big one *bang* they go in for the kill and scam there victim outa 7m an example being ssricky scamming me lol just had to get that in lol

But he didn't exactly scam you.

And no-one thinks you're trusted now, is because you scammed because someone sort of did it to you.

20-06-2006, 05:55 PM
I only scammed once in my whole entire life and i gave it back but that didnt matter to anyone everyone turned on me and now im the biggest scammer ever because i scammed 1 person (darkpharoh) and even though he forgave me and we are now good friends on rs nobody else will forgive me and ill probaly never be known as Trusted again :(

Also some people seem to be very trusting but when they get the chance for the big one *bang* they go in for the kill and scam there victim outa 7m an example being ssricky scamming me lol just had to get that in lol

If your stress free, You trusted in my books ;)

20-06-2006, 05:56 PM
Well, I think that the rule about naming scammers should change.

If you have a video, non edited, then you can post it?

20-06-2006, 05:57 PM
I only scammed once in my whole entire life and i gave it back but that didnt matter to anyone everyone turned on me and now im the biggest scammer ever because i scammed 1 person (darkpharoh) and even though he forgave me and we are now good friends on rs nobody else will forgive me and ill probaly never be known as Trusted again :(

Also some people seem to be very trusting but when they get the chance for the big one *bang* they go in for the kill and scam there victim outa 7m an example being ssricky scamming me lol just had to get that in lol

Actually, I still think a few people trust you, you're just making this a big deal and everyone gets annoyed at you.

20-06-2006, 06:00 PM
Dont like idea of bringing it back :) Keep it as is...Just let people vouch for whose safe and what not

20-06-2006, 06:01 PM
Either way, people will get scammed.

20-06-2006, 06:03 PM
Either way, people will get scammed.
Yea, so no point in having the trusted list if people will still get scammed??

20-06-2006, 06:04 PM
But it might reduce the amount of scamming?

Evil Saint
20-06-2006, 06:06 PM
Another example would be though you may automaticaly asume kooldude is safe because hes jakes brother and everybody knows jake but then the members code he sold darkpharoh aint working and is probaly fake and he is scared to post about it because he thinks everyone will say kooldude is trusted and wont believe him

20-06-2006, 06:07 PM
Another example would be though you may automaticaly asume kooldude is safe because hes jakes brother and everybody knows jake but then the members code he sold darkpharoh aint working and is probaly fake and he is scared to post about it because he thinks everyone will say kooldude is trusted and wont believe him

No, it's because we have 3 Codes in use from our landline.

Evil Saint
20-06-2006, 06:09 PM
So why did he sell the code then if he knew it couldnt be used by him ?

20-06-2006, 06:10 PM
So why did he sell the code then if he knew it couldnt be used by him ?

Because he only thought we had 2 from our landine.

He never knew I got Yettle members from my Landline.

Evil Saint
20-06-2006, 06:12 PM
Ahhh ok sorry i don`t know the whole story i only knew what i had been told by darkpharoh ill but out now lol

20-06-2006, 06:12 PM
Nah, I don't think there should be a trusted list..
You trade who you trust, not who the list tells you to trust.
I like the idea of a middle man but it wouldn't have to be used for every trade, maybe just when you don't trust the other person.
It will be easy for scammers to get on the list even if trusted and respected people add them to the list..
Also mods shouldn't have the power, many threads i've seen a mod says someone is trusted and the person ends up scammed because the other person was vouched by a mod..

20-06-2006, 06:13 PM
Mods don't always have to be trusted.

(Just had to say that)

20-06-2006, 06:24 PM
Nah, I don't think there should be a trusted list..
You trade who you trust, not who the list tells you to trust.
I like the idea of a middle man but it wouldn't have to be used for every trade, maybe just when you don't trust the other person.
It will be easy for scammers to get on the list even if trusted and respected people add them to the list..
Also mods shouldn't have the power, many threads i've seen a mod says someone is trusted and the person ends up scammed because the other person was vouched by a mod..
Coming from somebody who got accused by everybody of scamming and who's old account (placee) is banned. ;)

I don't think the list should be brought back, it might reduce the amount of scams but let's say Eric (Cigaret) is on the trusted list, but he scams somebody because he hates that person or just for fun, all the mods will get the blame for putting him on the trusted list and I don't want a group of angry people and noobs (lol) flaming me.

The trusted list has failed before and I don't think there ever will be a trusted list that works 100% scam free.

A middle person is the biggest mistake you can make, let's take ssricky as an example, everybody trusted him, specially stress free did, but stress didn't get the stuff back he gave to ssricky, the fact wether ricky did or didn't scam doesn't matter for this example. If ssricky was the middle person and somebody gave him 12 thrones on habbo and somebody else 12m on rs, he can now just walk away because he isn't really doing anything wrong but you did lose your stuff.

Hope it's all clear lol.

Evil Saint
20-06-2006, 06:30 PM
Mods don't always have to be trusted.

(Just had to say that)
Yeh i dont trust dan nope nope i just don`t seems abit tooo nice

20-06-2006, 06:45 PM
Thanks for using me as an example x] i Feel all special inside x]
yeah - i still say no to the trusted list

20-06-2006, 06:48 PM
I say no to trusted list too. The idea was good but people as usual turned it into a ''scamming'' method. Some people were on trusted list even tho they weren't really trusty. I believe that every member should create their OWN personal opinion about other members and trade with people that he/she thinks are trusty.

20-06-2006, 07:09 PM
But anyone could do a Stress? He had been on for a while, and had a lot of posts, and when someone traded him, he scammed.

+ I was gonna say that same as Kyle

20-06-2006, 08:04 PM
maybe its not all about a trusted list, possibly a scammers list?

As i have just seen a video of a blatent scam this kind of evidence can be used to place people on THAT list, thus leaving people to learn to trust other members??
just an idea...

Evil Saint
20-06-2006, 08:10 PM
But anyone could do a Stress? He had been on for a while, and had a lot of posts, and when someone traded him, he scammed.

+ I was gonna say that same as Kyle i had done tons of trades in the past though with many people going first for me and never scammed and id like to forge abou that 1 incendent now if you don`t mind or you can just keep going on about it its entirely up to you as i dont realy give a flying.............:)

20-06-2006, 08:37 PM
Coming from somebody who got accused by everybody of scamming and who's old account (placee) is banned. ;)

I've never scammed anyone as I've never traded habbo for runescape or vice versa so I have no idea what the hell you are talking about.
Also Placee was banned for saying a moderator used to keylog ..

20-06-2006, 08:37 PM
I say no to the list aswell just gonna create more flaming between people, just lave it as they are with people vouching for one another it seems to go fine that way =)

20-06-2006, 11:57 PM
Yeh i dont trust dan nope nope i just don`t seems abit tooo nice

Erm Dan is one of the most trusted people I know, I've gone first tons of times with him on throne trades ;)

And just because he's a really nice guy :) shouldn't really make you think he's just acting that way to gain people's confidence. He's been on the forum a pretty long time and no one has ever accused him of scamming i think.

But yeah it's still always your choice on who you trust or not.

Personally I think the list shouldn't be brought back, get people to vouch as we're doing now :)

21-06-2006, 12:58 AM
I also disagree with the trusted list. It should be your own judgment if you go first or not. I remember when I’d just joined habbox forum to use the runescape section I got scammed three times by people that were on it and when I told people they said.. “OMGZ BUT HE’Z ON DA TRUSTED LIST”.

Is there no other way?

21-06-2006, 01:42 AM
I also disagree with the trusted list. It should be your own judgment if you go first or not. I remember when I’d just joined habbox forum to use the runescape section I got scammed three times by people that were on it and when I told people they said.. “OMGZ BUT HE’Z ON DA TRUSTED LIST”.

Is there no other way?
i say we leave it as be :) and let people vouch for people in the threads

21-06-2006, 01:56 AM
Will never happen, it got removed for a reason. ;)

It was SO easy to get on it, people could just make up a new account and say they're trusted but really, they're not.

You can even get the Mods to answer, they'll say the same as me most probs. :P

21-06-2006, 01:24 PM
Thanks for using me as an example x] i Feel all special inside x]
yeah - i still say no to the trusted list
Welcome. :P

Anyway, all the runescape mods are against it so even if somebody made the list, it won't be sticked anyway. ;) :P

21-06-2006, 03:32 PM
Bring it back.

It was a good idea and still is.

21-06-2006, 03:43 PM
i had done tons of trades in the past though with many people going first for me and never scammed and id like to forge abou that 1 incendent now if you don`t mind or you can just keep going on about it its entirely up to you as i dont realy give a flying.............:)

Exactly my point.... someone could do something similar to what you did. They could do lots of safe trades, get on the trusted list, then suddenly scam.

Heart Break Kid
21-06-2006, 03:55 PM
wat is it?

21-06-2006, 04:33 PM
This list never works, some idiot always "pretends" and makes a new account to say they're worthy, it never works, it only ends up people getting ripped. Thread closed.

21-06-2006, 04:34 PM
It is still open?:s

21-06-2006, 04:37 PM
mm :) ill close thread x]

21-06-2006, 04:39 PM
soz i lagged xD

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