View Full Version : Habbo On EBAY! Cool/Funny Idea

23-06-2006, 01:13 PM
People that are selling stuff Illeagaly on ebay, have come up with a new idea, here it is:

"Please note you are paying for my help with any questions you may have and the item is a free gift.

I will need to know your habbo name and a room that has rites so anybody can drop items.

Many Thanks :)"

Apperantly you are not paying for the Item (In this case a petal) but for the Help and effort, also another one
ive seen is paying for a joke then getting a hc as a free gift.

It isnt illegal as your not selling the item (Methephorically)(SP?) Ebay are happy with it, but Sulake are fuming.

EDIT: 400TH Post!!!!!

Neversoft (Forum Moderator) Thread closed to prevent arguments.

23-06-2006, 01:23 PM
yer selling on ebay is "illegal"
technically your furni isnt actually your furni, it may be on your account but its still belongs to to Sulake and if you sell on ebay youre selling their pixelated property without their permission ;)

23-06-2006, 01:25 PM
Thanks for telling me what i already knew. :D

What im saying is:

There not selling the furni.

There selling the Help/Joke and giving Item as a free gift.

23-06-2006, 01:28 PM
yes i know ;)

Just thought id reiterate on that point

23-06-2006, 01:40 PM
Well around here things do need to be told and re-told in as many different ways as possible, and you still get that jackass who starts ranting for half a page when he's completely misunderstood the topic of conversation. I swear most of you are under 12.

Especially when people start a thread about something on a maturer scale of things i.e. Habbo development or economy, and you get some people retorting with either the classic no brainer: "What der hell is you on about m8 I dnt get u." or the more in depth verbal diarrhoea spouting dork: "Well I tink dat Habbo ecinomy is doin wel, seein as lods of ppl are able to trade der furnis."

Then there's the jerks that use any post as an excuse to rant about the other people on the forum being idiots. I love those guys. Oh yeah.
yer selling on ebay is "illegal"
technically your furni isnt actually your furni, it may be on your account but its still belongs to to Sulake and if you sell on ebay youre selling their pixelated property without their permission ;)
Wow, N!ckG actually used a whole punctuation point in this ramble. Usually he just blabbers on and on without a single comma or full stop anywhere i mean he really should learn to use them because the quality of someones typing affects how people view them on an intellectual level even if its suubconcious dont you agree nick

Yes, selling Habbo Hotel furniture on ebay is supposedly illegal.
Technically your furni isn't actually your furni, it may be on your Habbo account but it still belongs to Sulake, and if you sell it on ebay, essentially you're selling their property without their authorization ;)
Ooh, I am being a jerk today. It feels like a be-a-jerk day though. Come on, someone else post rubbish, I need the rush. :)

23-06-2006, 02:01 PM
because the quality of someones typing affects how people view them on an intellectual level even if its suubconcious dont you agree nick
If youre going to be picky subconcious is spelt with one u, not 2
Who cares about punctuation? its still readable isnt it? More readable than those you gave examples of above
Also youre going the right way to get a lot of -rep today, just a heads up ;)

23-06-2006, 02:07 PM
Actually they are still selling off furniture, but as a free gift when you buy their so called 'help.' I suppose they can sell help, if you can sell air guitars on eBay, you can sell Help aswell... Even if they do demolish the word help. How is buying something helping you? They are not helping you, they are just finding a short cut into getting money for virtual furniture. You cannot say they are helping you to make a Habbo room or get rich as that would be deemed rediculous...

I do disagree about spelling show intelligence, I know someone who is really intelligent and has dyslexia which makes it hard for him to spell. He is really intelligent though, excellent at Philosophy and Computer related things. I normally don't care about how someone spells. I find the fact that they are getting their point across and it is maybe a tiny bit easy to read good enough, you can get some good comments from bad spellers on this forum.

23-06-2006, 02:10 PM
If youre going to be picky subconcious is spelt with one u, not 2
Who cares about punctuation? its still readable isnt it? More readable than those you gave examples of above
Also youre going the right way to get a lot of -rep today, just a heads up ;)
Well seeing as I type extremely well using proper punctuation and proper grammar each and every day, all day, I am allowed on occasion to make a mistake. I'd say about 2 errors a day. If the same ratio were applied to you, you would have to make -23534787 mistakes a day just to catch me up.

Who cares about punctuation? Well anyone who cares about the future really. Every time I see a kid who thinks he's a walking encyclopedia cover everyone in fecal matter from voicing his opinion, I want to kill him. Every time I hear some idiot saying "ROFL" or "LOL" out loud in public, I want to kill him. Just think what the future will be like with all you jerks growing up and not going into science or teaching, or doing anything to benefit mankind. We'll have a world full of mechanics and supermarket checkout girls, and no cars or supermarkets, because nobody would have the brains to manage them. That's why people care about punctuation. Intelligence.

I deem -Rep an honour if I know I got it from being right. A death at the hand of martyrs whom you've stood against, is a death earned.

EDIT: *Commence DamBusters theme*

23-06-2006, 02:10 PM
rofl at that air guitar seller xD
Also i did manage to find someone selling a PSP box, opened and without the PSP or anything inside for £207, he even stated it was just a box 3 times, yet people still bid on it ;)

IRT Sabre: Riiiight o.0
And no one says rofl or lol in public :s

23-06-2006, 02:15 PM
rofl at that air guitar seller xD
Also i did manage to find someone selling a PSP box, opened and without the PSP or anything inside for £207, he even stated it was just a box 3 times, yet people still bid on it ;)

IRT Sabre: Riiiight o.0
And no one says rofl or lol in public :s
Nor do you need to spell to use a computer, make a car or get a career in science... You could say you need to know how to spell to read something, but reading and spelling are completely different...

23-06-2006, 02:19 PM
Sadly some people do say Lol out loud.

23-06-2006, 02:19 PM
IRT Sabre: Riiiight o.0
And no one says rofl or lol in public :s
You'd wouldn't think so, would you? ;)

Nor do you need to spell to use a computer, make a car or get a career in science... You could say you need to know how to spell to read something, but reading and spelling are completely different...
Gomme, as much as I like the way you think, I don't think you quite got what I was trying to say. I meant that people who type correctly, or indeed write correctly are naturally more intelligent than those who can't. I say can't because don't means something else. I'm talking about people who can distinguish punctuation, grammar, spelling. Many kids growing up who are in school right now don't listen, cannot be bothered, so they don't learn, simple as. Therefore if somebody can't or doesn't know how to punctuate properly, I assume they can't do a lot of other things.

This is of course ignoring dyslexia and other illnesses or complications that stop people.

When I see someone using proper english, without slang or shortcuts, with appropriate sentences properly punctuated, I see intelligence, I see intellect. When someone does use slang or shortcuts, badly put together sentences...I don't know I just see an underacheiver, someone who can't be bothered, someone who doesn't care. I mean if you can't be bothered to take the time to write out a proper sentence what can you be bothered to take the time for?

Do you see what I mean? Also, completely off context, (as if we aren't off topic enough already) I get the feeling you're only disagreeing with me because I wrote you that Personal Message.

23-06-2006, 02:21 PM
yer actually
ive never heard anyone, ever
rofl and lol and other chat speak terms dont tend to come up in our regular conversation

23-06-2006, 02:22 PM
Well seeing as I type extremely well using proper punctuation and proper grammar each and every day, all day, I am allowed on occasion to make a mistake. I'd say about 2 errors a day. If the same ratio were applied to you, you would have to make -23534787 mistakes a day just to catch me up.

Who cares about punctuation? Well anyone who cares about the future really. Every time I see a kid who thinks he's a walking encyclopedia cover everyone in fecal matter from voicing his opinion, I want to kill him. Every time I hear some idiot saying "ROFL" or "LOL" out loud in public, I want to kill him. Just think what the future will be like with all you jerks growing up and not going into science or teaching, or doing anything to benefit mankind. We'll have a world full of mechanics and supermarket checkout girls, and no cars or supermarkets, because nobody would have the brains to manage them. That's why people care about punctuation. Intelligence.

I deem -Rep an honour if I know I got it from being right. A death at the hand of martyrs whom you've stood against, is a death earned.

EDIT: *Commence DamBusters theme*

Why dont you go out a get a job then?

Instead of buying VIP On a forum like this (No offence)

Im 15 and i have a job (Only in a shop but still)

How old are you? 21?

And when has teaching been a good job? :s

"Those who can do, those who can't TEACH"

23-06-2006, 02:23 PM
I think I have heard some people say that, like lol litterally, pronounced lawl, but that's about it. It depends where you are really and what sort of people go to your school or live in your area...

23-06-2006, 02:25 PM
ive had people say it is a joke though, a couple of guys at my school went round for 2 days speaking in nothing but chat speak
i.e. removing every vowel from their speech, it got quite confusing after a while and they were definitely glad to be back to the queens english by the end of the experience ;)

23-06-2006, 02:26 PM
Giving isnt ilegal :rolleyes:
you can simply give the person the hcs for 'free' then they give you soem money for 'free' :rolleyes:

23-06-2006, 02:29 PM
You'd wouldn't think so, would you? ;)

That's your second mistake of the day! One more and you're out :P

23-06-2006, 02:31 PM
Im from East London (Originally from Pool) And its Mostly Blacks (Rap, Mc's) No-one reallu goes on Habbo or talks like Lawl on msn, mostly Oil Blad i get out of them ^o) So no i dont notice anyoen talking like that.

Btw this has gone a bit OT

23-06-2006, 02:39 PM
Well around here things do need to be told and re-told in as many different ways as possible, and you still get that jackass who starts ranting for half a page when he's completely misunderstood the topic of conversation. I swear most of you are under 12.

Especially when people start a thread about something on a maturer scale of things i.e. Habbo development or economy, and you get some people retorting with either the classic no brainer: "What der hell is you on about m8 I dnt get u." or the more in depth verbal diarrhoea spouting dork: "Well I tink dat Habbo ecinomy is doin wel, seein as lods of ppl are able to trade der furnis."

Then there's the jerks that use any post as an excuse to rant about the other people on the forum being idiots. I love those guys. Oh yeah.
Wow, N!ckG actually used a whole punctuation point in this ramble. Usually he just blabbers on and on without a single comma or full stop anywhere i mean he really should learn to use them because the quality of someones typing affects how people view them on an intellectual level even if its suubconcious dont you agree nick

Ooh, I am being a jerk today. It feels like a be-a-jerk day though. Come on, someone else post rubbish, I need the rush. :)

My, oh my. Could this be? Sabre making errors!? :o
"diarrhoea" Actually spelt - "diarrhea".
"i" Should be capital.
"suubconcious" Should be - "subconscious".
"nick" Should be - Nick?

23-06-2006, 02:40 PM
*Claps YMO*

Thank You lmao.

23-06-2006, 02:44 PM
Oh and I say lol out loud.
So? It's funny.
I have a thing called a 'sense of humour'.
My friends do it. They have a 'sense of humour' too.
Most people want to live their lives as a kid. Looks like you're one of the people that would pretend to be so mature when you're possibly like... 15 - 17? It's people like you that would look back on their lives and miss their times as a youth.

23-06-2006, 02:46 PM
Thats exactly what i meant!!

They are just bitter.

23-06-2006, 02:47 PM
My, oh my. Could this be? Sabre making errors!? :o
"diarrhoea" Actually spelt - "diarrhea".
"i" Should be capital.
"suubconcious" Should be - "subconscious".
"nick" Should be - Nick?
:D This has cracked me up, especially Scouse clapping him for it.

Diarrhoea - You actually made me paranoid here, so much so I had to go and check on a website to make sure it was correct. Did you? Obviously not.
As for the rest, I was typing in the same way as I felt N!ckG typed all the time, mimicking him to further my point. You need to leave and go back to whatever you were doing before you decided to jump in and embarrass yourself. Take ScouseOrient with you.

Thankyou for making me feel good, this should last at least until the bottom of my big mug of tea. :)

23-06-2006, 02:52 PM
:D This has cracked me up, especially Scouse clapping him for it.

Diarrhoea - You actually made me paranoid here, so much so I had to go and check on a website to make sure it was correct. Did you? Obviously not.
As for the rest, I was typing in the same way as I felt N!ckG typed all the time, mimicking him to further my point. You need to leave and go back to whatever you were doing before you decided to jump in and embarrass yourself. Take ScouseOrient with you.

Thankyou for making me feel good, this should last at least until the bottom of my big mug of tea. :)

Oh yeah... LOL.
*Runs out of thread*

23-06-2006, 02:56 PM
Amazing how all of this has developed purely due to my lack of punctuation ;)

23-06-2006, 03:00 PM
Amazing how all of this has developed purely due to my lack of punctuation ;)
And I didn't really mean it in the first place. I had to vent, it was nothing personal.

23-06-2006, 03:01 PM
And I didn't really mean it in the first place. I had to vent, it was nothing personal.

Ive had worse and i completely understand, everyone needs a release at some point :)

23-06-2006, 03:11 PM
Ive had worse and i completely understand, everyone needs a release at some point :)
Thankyou for being so understanding, many people would not. It was just playful ribbing anyway. :)

23-06-2006, 03:17 PM
Shame i dont have such patience with others
The main one being, people who claim to have something they dont actually have to make them look bigger/richer on this forum
Cribert is a prime example ;)

23-06-2006, 03:22 PM
Well around here things do need to be told and re-told in as many different ways as possible, and you still get that jackass who starts ranting for half a page when he's completely misunderstood the topic of conversation. I swear most of you are under 12.

Especially when people start a thread about something on a maturer scale of things i.e. Habbo development or economy, and you get some people retorting with either the classic no brainer: "What der hell is you on about m8 I dnt get u." or the more in depth verbal diarrhoea spouting dork: "Well I tink dat Habbo ecinomy is doin wel, seein as lods of ppl are able to trade der furnis."

Then there's the jerks that use any post as an excuse to rant about the other people on the forum being idiots. I love those guys. Oh yeah.
Wow, N!ckG actually used a whole punctuation point in this ramble. Usually he just blabbers on and on without a single comma or full stop anywhere i mean he really should learn to use them because the quality of someones typing affects how people view them on an intellectual level even if its suubconcious dont you agree nick

Ooh, I am being a jerk today. It feels like a be-a-jerk day though. Come on, someone else post rubbish, I need the rush. :)

You tried so hard to make your self look smart , that it actually made you look like a stupid fool, you were trying to use grammar and didnt notice that you spelt some things wrong and i just wanted to let you know , you ''Jerk''

23-06-2006, 03:25 PM
You tried so hard to make your self look smart , that it actually made you look like a stupid fool, you were trying to use grammar and didnt notice that you spelt some things wrong and i just wanted to let you know , you ''Jerk''
Oh no. Oh No. Tell me you didn't just refer to the bottom part about N!ckG without first reading the rest of the comments. Otherwise you would have seen me already explain this to another moron who didn't quite understand. You tried so hard to make yourself look smart, that it actually made you look like a stupid fool, you were trying to bust my balls and didn't notice that you're a complete idiot. Just wanted to let you know, jerk.

23-06-2006, 03:31 PM
Oh no. Oh No. Tell me you didn't just refer to the bottom part about N!ckG without first reading the rest of the comments. Otherwise you would have seen me already explain this to another moron who didn't quite understand. You tried so hard to make yourself look smart, that it actually made you look like a stupid fool, you were trying to bust my balls and didn't notice that you're a complete idiot. Just wanted to let you know, jerk.

You know you dont want to pick a fight with me you complete and utterly noob, your very hated on this forum, not just for you ******* attitude but for your ******* attitude, do you think people actually give a flying pig of what you think or type, I was going to be tolerant, but you had to spam even more to try to even make a little bit sense which you make none, because all youve done this thread is flame people, so does that not make you a jerk , here is the definition for you In slang, the term "jerk" can be used to describe a foolish, rude, immature, stupid, or contemptible person

23-06-2006, 03:38 PM
Seriously dudeitsme, You really need a medal!!

Everyone else thinks his behaviour is acceptable.

But he is just arrogant

23-06-2006, 03:40 PM
You know you dont want to pick a fight with me you complete and utterly noob, your very hated on this forum, not just for you ******* attitude but for your ******* attitude, do you think people actually give a flying pig of what you think or type, I was going to be tolerant, but you had to spam even more to try to even make a little bit since which you make none, because all youve done this thread is flame people, so does that not make you a jerk , here is the definition for you In slang, the term "jerk" can be used to describe a foolish, rude, immature, stupid, or contemptible person
I'm sorry i've lost my Jerk <--> English Dictionary, and I don't speak fluent moron, so I have no idea what you just said. Speak English. You're a complete a*s, you can't even type correct english fluently enough to tell me i'm a jackass. That's it, with a post as bad as that I don't actually need to say any more. Either that or it's because i'm out of time, I have to get going. It's pub time. I'm ghost, though I expect many of you will still be here come 10pm.

23-06-2006, 03:41 PM
Seriously dudeitsme, You really need a medal!!

Everyone else thinks his behaviour is acceptable.

But he is just arrogant

I dont think its acceptable :s
But ill live ;)

23-06-2006, 03:44 PM
Sabre i wasent calling you a jackass, i was calling you a ''Ąsshole''
but thats besides the point, im not going to sit here and waste my time arguing with a fake gothic jewish nerd, so ill be the bigger man and walk away.

23-06-2006, 04:32 PM
I dont think its acceptable :s
But ill live ;)
I agree, I don't think it's acceptable

23-06-2006, 04:42 PM
"You're paying for the time it takes me to put the furni in your room"

23-06-2006, 04:43 PM
"You're paying for the time it takes me to put the furni in your room"
Lol, some people use pathetic excuses to sell furni on eBay

23-06-2006, 04:51 PM
To be fair, I really don't get why some people dig at other people buying/selling furni on ebay for many different reasons.

Bascially, if you had that much furni on habbo, don't play on it anymore and was short of cash, wouldn't you sell stuff on ebay?

Alot of people on this forum need common sense.

23-06-2006, 04:56 PM
I would want to but Habbo is against it

23-06-2006, 05:01 PM
Seriously dudeitsme, You really need a medal!!

Everyone else thinks his behaviour is acceptable.

But he is just arrogant
The funny thing is, you are such a one sided prat it isn't funny "/ You are basically going with ANYONE who is on your side, thinking they are cool. You really are a sad little brat :rolleyes: You say you are 15, the way you act, I would say 11.

As for behaviour, live with it. Life is boring with the same personality, or would be. This has just turned into a lame argument about spelling, punctuation and other stuff, it is spam. It was spam to start off with, idiot use eBay to buy stuff and probably get scammed or conned out of things anyway.

23-06-2006, 05:05 PM
There are some people that really annoy me on this forum

23-06-2006, 09:22 PM
You turned it into spam so wind your neck in and shut up.

23-06-2006, 09:50 PM
Reading the thread I didn't. You are either blind or simple minded :rolleyes:

23-06-2006, 10:17 PM
You'd wouldn't think so, would you? ;)

Gomme, as much as I like the way you think, I don't think you quite got what I was trying to say. I meant that people who type correctly, or indeed write correctly are naturally more intelligent than those who can't. I say can't because don't means something else. I'm talking about people who can distinguish punctuation, grammar, spelling. Many kids growing up who are in school right now don't listen, cannot be bothered, so they don't learn, simple as. Therefore if somebody can't or doesn't know how to punctuate properly, I assume they can't do a lot of other things.

This is of course ignoring dyslexia and other illnesses or complications that stop people.

When I see someone using proper english, without slang or shortcuts, with appropriate sentences properly punctuated, I see intelligence, I see intellect. When someone does use slang or shortcuts, badly put together sentences...I don't know I just see an underacheiver, someone who can't be bothered, someone who doesn't care. I mean if you can't be bothered to take the time to write out a proper sentence what can you be bothered to take the time for?

Do you see what I mean? Also, completely off context, (as if we aren't off topic enough already) I get the feeling you're only disagreeing with me because I
wrote you that Personal Message.

My god can you stop going on about bloody english? Noone really cares to be honest, plus how the hell can you be an underacheiver if you dont use "perfect" English? Its a forum you really dont need to use perfect grammer at the end of the day who cares, as most people said its readable and it does not take as long to write, mayby some people arnt very fast typing so they use slang? Btw if your gonig to be a complete *** dont bother even replying and ingore it "jerk"

23-06-2006, 10:27 PM
well i would be like woo great idea, but i did it before and it doesnt work, still got removed

24-06-2006, 12:58 AM
hahahahaha thats a good idea

24-06-2006, 08:19 AM
Reading the thread I didn't. You are either blind or simple minded :rolleyes:
I think I know which one :rolleyes:

24-06-2006, 11:55 AM
I think I know which one :rolleyes:

Shut up, **** licker.

24-06-2006, 12:01 PM
Shut up, **** licker.
Don't be so rude

24-06-2006, 12:06 PM
People that are selling stuff Illeagaly on ebay, have come up with a new idea, here it is:

"Please note you are paying for my help with any questions you may have and the item is a free gift.

I will need to know your habbo name and a room that has rites so anybody can drop items.

Many Thanks :)"

Apperantly you are not paying for the Item (In this case a petal) but for the Help and effort, also another one
ive seen is paying for a joke then getting a hc as a free gift.

It isnt illegal as your not selling the item (Methephorically)(SP?) Ebay are happy with it, but Sulake are fuming.

EDIT: 400TH Post!!!!!

there doing the same to runescape accounts!

24-06-2006, 12:08 PM
Yeah going back to he first page... Sabre_1, you really need to get a life really. your a bit sad and pathetic, your probaly having a rubbish time and taking it out on others for the kick. So yeah, who cares, he doesn't type using proper punctuality or spelling, oh noes the world will end!

Get over yourself.

But now, more on topic. Its still kinda against the Habbo Way, because its obivous they are just trying to find a way round it.

24-06-2006, 02:22 PM
lol i won the bid.

24-06-2006, 02:43 PM
lol i won the bid.
Realy !?!!?!!?!? What did you win ?

25-06-2006, 12:59 AM
people have been using this loop hole for games for years now..old news

25-06-2006, 08:38 AM
I'd sell furni on ebay but its illegal :(

On the topic of spelling and punctuation, whats the point in trying to use 15 letter words when people won't understand. A lot of very intelligent people abreviate their words, this isn't a formal forum, if it was i'm sure people would type better.

25-06-2006, 09:11 AM
Why dont you go out a get a job then?

Instead of buying VIP On a forum like this (No offence)

Im 15 and i have a job (Only in a shop but still)

How old are you? 21?

And when has teaching been a good job? :s

"Those who can do, those who can't TEACH"

:eusa_clap What a Silly comment.
I'd rather teach than be an overpayed Idiot who kicks a football or punches people for a living. You actually get something out of teaching. What do you get out of football? Money. Great?!? Does that make you a better person? No. wealth is taken too seriously. Bill gates is the only rich person i Admire. And NOT because of microsoft and NOT because of all his money, but what he does with it.

Off topic Rant Over.

25-06-2006, 10:33 AM
yer actually
ive never heard anyone, ever
rofl and lol and other chat speak terms dont tend to come up in our regular conversation

Actually people at my school say "lol" "rofl" and "lmao" at my school but only as sarcasm. Also they would actually say "roffle" or "lah-mayo"

25-06-2006, 11:21 AM
:eusa_clap What a Silly comment.
I'd rather teach than be an overpayed Idiot who kicks a football or punches people for a living. You actually get something out of teaching. What do you get out of football? Money. Great?!? Does that make you a better person? No. wealth is taken too seriously. Bill gates is the only rich person i Admire. And NOT because of microsoft and NOT because of all his money, but what he does with it.

Off topic Rant Over.

Whats with the football?


So you would spend the rest of your life in a place where you spend 6 Hours a day already.

And @ Your rep; Why dont you grow up, instead of digging up old threads that have been done and dusted.

25-06-2006, 11:28 AM
You could always buy a car park car.

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Buy-a-Habbo-Hotel-car-park-car_W0QQitemZ230001568362QQcategoryZ4596QQrdZ1QQcm dZViewItem

25-06-2006, 11:52 AM
its a very good way to get quick and good money, but im not sure if u buy the joke and that as a free gift is still illegal. im not sure it is because your buying the help and not the furni so the furni is a gift from them to say thanks for helping them get money:s lol

25-06-2006, 12:04 PM
Someone close this thread please?

People like Sabre1 and Gommeinc have spammed it.

25-06-2006, 12:20 PM
Yet you spam it yourself by going off topic about teaching? I think someone is being a hypocrit :rolleyes: Besides, it was a spam thread to begin with "/

25-06-2006, 12:24 PM

It was your Bumchum sabre1 who spoke about teaching, so shut it.

25-06-2006, 12:33 PM
Well around here things do need to be told and re-told in as many different ways as possible, and you still get that jackass who starts ranting for half a page when he's completely misunderstood the topic of conversation. I swear most of you are under 12.

Especially when people start a thread about something on a maturer scale of things i.e. Habbo development or economy, and you get some people retorting with either the classic no brainer: "What der hell is you on about m8 I dnt get u." or the more in depth verbal diarrhoea spouting dork: "Well I tink dat Habbo ecinomy is doin wel, seein as lods of ppl are able to trade der furnis."

Then there's the jerks that use any post as an excuse to rant about the other people on the forum being idiots. I love those guys. Oh yeah.
Wow, N!ckG actually used a whole punctuation point in this ramble. Usually he just blabbers on and on without a single comma or full stop anywhere i mean he really should learn to use them because the quality of someones typing affects how people view them on an intellectual level even if its suubconcious dont you agree nick

Ooh, I am being a jerk today. It feels like a be-a-jerk day though. Come on, someone else post rubbish, I need the rush. :)

lol how pathetic is this guy? :s

25-06-2006, 01:29 PM

It was your Bumchum sabre1 who spoke about teaching, so shut it.
Your immaturity does make me laugh :P Honestly, you are so lame and bratty, that it's so sad it's funny!

25-06-2006, 01:32 PM
You have a go at people's spelling but every post you do, you have to edit it, because youve made a mistake, are you that Up your own **** that you feel you need to?

25-06-2006, 01:44 PM
You have a go at people's spelling but every post you do, you have to edit it, because youve made a mistake, are you that Up your own **** that you feel you need to?
Since when did I say I hate it when people spell badly? You are such an idiot it is annoying! Get your facts right, jeez, that is what I hate. Idiots who blindly make accusations without proof or reading the facts, like you! I said:

"I don't mind people who cannot spell. I am happy enough if they get their point accross and it is understandable."

Idiot :rolleyes:

25-06-2006, 01:46 PM
Look at you 10,000 Posts in 2 years Damn! Get a life!!!

And btw i know ive done 400 in a month, so if you want ot go on facts, ive dont Approximatly 10 A Day and youve done 13.

25-06-2006, 01:49 PM
Look at you 10,000 Posts in 2 years Damn! Get a life!!!

And btw i know ive done 400 in a month, so if you want ot go on facts, ive dont Approximatly 10 A Day and youve done 13.
This is what I meant, blind accusations, where you make stupid comments without the full facts :rolleyes: You are the idiot of this forum...

I have a life thank you, I went to the O2 Music Festival and was on TV, I hang around with my friends alot, I talk to them alot via text, I am off the computer most of the day, I have a job, I am socialble to those who deserve it and I am also considered helpful and friendly, to those who deserve it.

Plus those facts mean nothing, why would I care? It is easy to make a post, and two years is along time, with boredom and pointless randoms in aid.

Plus, what you just said shows you are losing this argument, only a loser would take the losers route of arguiing by going personal :rolleyes:

25-06-2006, 01:54 PM
This is what I meant, blind accusations, where you make stupid comments without the full facts :rolleyes: You are the idiot of this forum...

I have a life thank you, I went to the O2 Music Festival and was on TV, I hang around with my friends alot, I talk to them alot via text, I am off the computer most of the day, I have a job, I am socialble to those who deserve it and I am also considered helpful and friendly, to those who deserve it.

Plus those facts mean nothing, why would I care? It is easy to make a post, and two years is along time, with boredom and pointless randoms in aid.

Plus, what you just said shows you are losing this argument, only a loser would take the losers route of arguiing by going personal :rolleyes:
Rofl 0wned bad!

25-06-2006, 02:29 PM
Like ive said before, this is the 3rd time.. Close the damn thread.

25-06-2006, 10:55 PM
Like ive said before, this is the 3rd time.. Close the damn thread.
You forgot to add "because I am a brat who cannot argue without swearing and cannot voice my opinion without looking for someone else to back me up."

Are you one of those people that are so insecure that after everything they say they have to turn to someone and go "Isn't that right *insert friend's name*?"

Oh what, you thought I wouldn't come back after being called a bum-chum? Oh Your God, you surely owned me good with that witty remark. Well yes after a lengthy period in the pub (which I left only so I could drag my friend back to his house so he could talk to god down the porcelain telephone) I am back. I surely doubt that this post will die until a moderator closes it or deletes it like the last one. :) Have fun racking your brain trying to come up with another insult with more than 2 syllables you ignoramus.

26-06-2006, 03:27 PM
Rofl 0wned bad!
I HATE that word

26-06-2006, 04:40 PM
You forgot to add "because I am a brat who cannot argue without swearing and cannot voice my opinion without looking for someone else to back me up."

Are you one of those people that are so insecure that after everything they say they have to turn to someone and go "Isn't that right *insert friend's name*?"

Oh what, you thought I wouldn't come back after being called a bum-chum? Oh Your God, you surely owned me good with that witty remark. Well yes after a lengthy period in the pub (which I left only so I could drag my friend back to his house so he could talk to god down the porcelain telephone) I am back. I surely doubt that this post will die until a moderator closes it or deletes it like the last one. :) Have fun racking your brain trying to come up with another insult with more than 2 syllables you ignoramus.

Doesn't that just tell you something?

Your legally allowed to go to a pub, and your online most of the time. :s

26-06-2006, 07:03 PM
Doesn't that just tell you something?

Your legally allowed to go to a pub, and your online most of the time. :s
So because he's not an alcoholic, you think he is strange. Riiiiigghht :rolleyes:

26-06-2006, 07:07 PM
Doesn't that just tell you something?

Your legally allowed to go to a pub, and your online most of the time. :s
So the world revolves round drink? Not that I know of "/ Why do you need to drink to socialise? Or are you admitting, the only time you can socialise is when you are drunk in some gutter?

26-06-2006, 07:12 PM
Lol SOme proper murkin goin on here.

26-06-2006, 07:38 PM
Doesn't that just tell you something?

Your legally allowed to go to a pub, and your online most of the time. :s
I know your type :rolleyes:

26-06-2006, 08:12 PM
Your obiously one of them then, Come next year, i wont be on this Forum, ill be out, getting mashed, and living My life.

I Know some of you would like to stay on and become MODS.

26-06-2006, 08:23 PM
Your obiously one of them then, Come next year, i wont be on this Forum, ill be out, getting mashed, and living My life.

I Know some of you would like to stay on and become MODS.
"Gettign mashed" If you carry on liek you are now, you'll end up mashed in a gutter (no offence)

26-06-2006, 08:29 PM
lay off scouse you losers.

26-06-2006, 08:49 PM
lay off scouse you losers.
Losers? Surely if we are losers then we would be having a good time with Scouse, losers playing with a loser...

Scouse is an idiot, who loses arguments easily and starts them as quickly as they are finished.

27-06-2006, 04:37 PM
Losers? Surely if we are losers then we would be having a good time with Scouse, losers playing with a loser...

Scouse is an idiot, who loses arguments easily and starts them as quickly as they are finished.

FFS, Is this in your favourites or soemthing???

And btw, You edit everyone of your messasges, because you find a mistake, but your up your own **** that much, that you really care if other people shout SP!!!! At you.

I Think you should seriously just move on.

27-06-2006, 06:55 PM
I fail to see why I editting my posts is such a problem, and most of the time I edit it is because I am adding information or simply editting a spelling mistake "/ I fail to see how it makes me up my own backside, which you seem to have a fetish for lately. I don't mind if people say I spell wrongly, never said I did, idiot. Again, you make up false info.

Are you actually going to say something worth while or are you going to repeat the same rubbish over and over again, with false information making yourself even more dumber than you already are?

And what is in my favourites? This thread? Nope, more false information from you it seems "/

27-06-2006, 07:48 PM
He's full of false information

27-06-2006, 08:27 PM
He's full of false information

You really are a **** licking loser.

27-06-2006, 08:36 PM
Normally you backside **** someone when you are kissing up, but I can assure you, he isn't ;) Because what he said, was true ;)

27-06-2006, 08:47 PM
Wow, if you were a girl, people would say you fancied me, being horrible to me, waiting outside my house at all hours.

O.o Maybe your just a tiny little bit gay?

27-06-2006, 09:14 PM
Lol you deffinately are losing this argument, now it has turned to an argument about sexual inclination :rolleyes: How sad...

27-06-2006, 10:45 PM
Doesn't that just tell you something?

Your legally allowed to go to a pub, and your online most of the time. :s
What does that tell you? Yes, I am legally entitled to go into a pub and buy an alcoholic beverage. I don't know what else you got from it other than a face full of your own phallus.

I'm not online most of the time. Not at all. How would you even know that? Do you sit and madly click Refresh like you've got uncontrollable Parkinson's disease just to see as and when I log onto websites? That's the only way you'd know and if you do, then my allotted Internet time is the least of your worries.:rolleyes:

Wow, if you were a girl, people would say you fancied me, being horrible to me, waiting outside my house at all hours.

O.o Maybe your just a tiny little bit gay?
So now that you've had your pathetic childish remarks stuffed back down your throat from whence they came for another two pages, you've moved on to accusing other users of homosexual tendencies. I'm actually starting to think you're too young for Habbo. Waiting outside your house? Besides the verbal sewage you're dishing out I think you should go ahead and burst that ego-inflated noggin of yours.

If you want the pain to end, admit fault, turn, and run with your tail firmly tucked between your legs. Otherwise this will probably keep going until you're so put down you wouldn't be able to read "You have been crushed by Sabre" if I wrote it on the bottom of my shoe.

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