View Full Version : A Habbo Veteran Badge...

25-06-2006, 01:31 AM
Wouldn't it be cool to have like a Habbo Veteran Badge to show that you've been on habbo since 2000-2001? I think it would be cool. Separate the noobs from the "un-Newbs" :-P

25-06-2006, 01:32 AM
It'd just cause more diversity among Habbos, and the people with the badge would think they're better than everyone else etc. and would just lead to those annoying riots in the hallways.

But maybe it could work. Or they should just give the badge to people who've been on Habbo for 5 years, not just people from 2001 so then next year people from 2002 would get it.

25-06-2006, 02:41 AM
Or people who have been on for a certain amount of hours e.g 2000 hours could get a badge of some sort.

25-06-2006, 06:42 AM
Yeh good idea also i was thinking of a good thing if you been on habbo for 1 year you get a rare then so on and if youve been on for 3 or 4 years you get a super. and if your habbo club you dont get a rare every 1 year you get a super every 2 years including the usual every month rares you get for habbo club.

04-07-2006, 01:05 PM
alot of people have switched accounts since then, like me. and just cause youve been on longer than most people dosent make you better than them :S

04-07-2006, 07:56 PM
Wouldn't it be cool to have like a Habbo Veteran Badge to show that you've been on habbo since 2000-2001? I think it would be cool. Separate the noobs from the "un-Newbs" :-P

I think that the hotel has enough diversity as it is. This is an interesting idea but its not entirely fair in my opinion.

05-07-2006, 01:55 AM
I think that the hotel has enough diversity as it is. This is an interesting idea but its not entirely fair in my opinion.Whats with the word ''diversity'' its not like this is real life, and affects our emotions if it does then your like pretty stupid and need a life fast

05-07-2006, 06:45 AM
Whats with the word ''diversity'' its not like this is real life, and affects our emotions if it does then your like pretty stupid and need a life fast
Since when has divertsity only been associated with real life, or emotions for that matter? "/

n. pl. di·ver·si·ties

The fact or quality of being diverse; difference.
A point or respect in which things differ.To further simplify the learning process for you, diversity refers to a ceratain difference in a group, in this case, Habbos. So, with that, shoot yourself in the foot for calling anyone else stupid. :rolleyes:

And yes, I agree that with more badges will come more issues. By incorporating this idea in the hotel, it will only lead to more elitism. Also, the only reason HC members have a badge is to encourage non-HC members to purchase HC, ergo, spending money on the game.

06-07-2006, 10:23 AM
LOL most of the true veterans have left anyways

06-07-2006, 04:38 PM
Don't see the problem with diversity anyway.. some people are different, some are better than others.. this idea isn't fantastic as loads of old accounts that aren't used would suddenly be worth loads (people trade ridiculous amounts for a badge). Does anyone complain about the user titles on the forum? That's diversity for the number of posts you've done, the same idea pretty much.

07-07-2006, 09:29 AM
Maybe if you could buy different colour badges or something? I reckon that'd be cool :P

14-07-2006, 09:54 PM
Wouldn't it be cool to have like a Habbo Veteran Badge to show that you've been on habbo since 2000-2001? I think it would be cool. Separate the noobs from the "un-Newbs" :-P i really like ur idea its kl but maybye a differant badge for each year
or even every year ur badge changes so its purly about the time youve been on not the date :)

15-07-2006, 03:57 PM
it would be cool for the people who are veterans but would be bobba for the people who arnt!

15-07-2006, 04:19 PM
Bad idea.

15-07-2006, 06:37 PM
Nice Ideas

16-07-2006, 03:00 AM
Same, I was on in 2002 but lost interest and forgot my account I've been playing for years on and off. But badge sounds extream.

The hours thins its crap you would have broadband and leave your habbo on . . . .

Dont like the badge idea. =[

22-09-2006, 02:44 PM
Wouldnt a Habbo achievement idea be ok? I mean you recieve a badge for completely all achievements. Sounds a bit Xbox360 but i think itd go down well..

22-09-2006, 03:59 PM
It would simply ruin habbo, Too many badges as it is ^_^:) :D ;) :P :o :s :rolleyes: :@ :( :8 :$ :p :eusa_clap :eusa_danc :eusa_wall

28-09-2006, 07:28 PM
I think this is a bad idea. Most of the people who would get the badge probably already have about 10badges anyway :S. It gets really annoying when people have several badges, and don't even bother showing them. If I had a badge, I would never turn it off. But I don't :(

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