View Full Version : Getting 'Ranged' up? +REP

01-07-2006, 07:23 AM
Im 36 Ranged and i havent a clue at whats best at getting it up?

Can you give me a quick guide with what to fight against and what to use etc.


01-07-2006, 07:25 AM
well at 36 you should really be training on either unicorns or cows (cows are good ;) )
at lvl 40 go for scorps up to 55
then go onto lessers

lvl 36 you shud wear : Studded chaps and body, iron arrows , good bow DONT USE LONGBOWS!
lvl 40 : full green, good bow, steel arrows
55 : full blue with mithril arrows and mage bow

01-07-2006, 07:26 AM
well at 36 you should really be training on either unicorns or cows (cows are good ;) )
at lvl 40 go for scorps up to 55
then go onto lessers

What should i use?? Knives?

01-07-2006, 07:27 AM
welll knives are good if u have alot of money to waiste or a good smith and mining and patience. id go for bow and arrows ;)

01-07-2006, 07:27 AM
well at 36 you should really be training on either unicorns or cows (cows are good ;) )
at lvl 40 go for scorps up to 55
then go onto lessers

lvl 36 you shud wear : Studded chaps and body, iron arrows , good bow DONT USE LONGBOWS!
lvl 40 : full green, good bow, steel arrows
55 : full blue with mithril arrows and mage bow

lol lvl 36 range to train on cunicorns or cows??

Train on rock crabs or something thats if your members, use the highest bow you can and iron arrows or iron knives.

01-07-2006, 07:28 AM
studed chaps and iron kinves ^^

get 1k iron ore and 10 rings of forgin and make 300 iron bars.. then make them into arrows ect

01-07-2006, 07:28 AM
lol lvl 36 range to train on cunicorns or cows??

Train on rock crabs or something thats if your members, use the highest bow you can and iron arrows or iron knives.

unicorns and cows are good XP
rock crabs giv great XP but u need to travel back and forth to get food or arrows
unless u have telle runes or have completed throne of miscellena

01-07-2006, 07:35 AM
Use bows, not knives. Far to expensive (unless there bronze or iron).

Just use steel arrows on monks, good xp and quick kills.

01-07-2006, 07:37 AM
unicorns and cows are good XP
rock crabs giv great XP but u need to travel back and forth to get food or arrows
unless u have telle runes or have completed throne of miscellena

Well I know from having a 1 def pure that training at rock crabs you dont need alot of food so you can still spend a good few hours theres..

01-07-2006, 07:37 AM
Do halberds get you any range xp, havent used..?


01-07-2006, 07:43 AM
Do halberds get you any range xp, havent used..?


No melee.

Lost Prophets
01-07-2006, 07:47 AM
Im 36 Ranged and i havent a clue at whats best at getting it up?

Can you give me a quick guide with what to fight against and what to use etc.


01-07-2006, 08:24 AM
I've trained my range from 1-40 at the Battlefield South-East of the Ardounge Zoo. There are tons of hiding spots and tons of gnomes or guards to kill. I trained my range from 40-50 at the Moss Giants West of the fishing guild. It can be crowded there but if you have an empty world it's perfect, they have reasonable drops depending what you're used to get.
At level 50 you can use a cannon to train fast without gaining much combat levels because you don't get any hp xp.
You can train on fire giants if you've done the waterfall quest, good drops and good xp. When you're about level 60 you can go to the hellhounds in Taverly dungeon and kill them for clue scrolls. =)

01-07-2006, 09:07 AM
Or you can just play pest control and spend the point thingys you get on range xp :p
World 42 and 48 are good for mossy's aswell ;)

01-07-2006, 09:08 AM
Or you can just play pest control and spend the xp on range :p
World 42 and 48 are good for mossy's aswell ;)
But that's not very good if you don't have a high level.
The xp you get per point is:
level * level / 6
(for prayer it's /12)

01-07-2006, 09:12 AM
Cows to 40, then guards to 45-50, then lessers. I'm basing that on a F2P player. I trained from 36 to 60 solely in the wildy, so I'm not too sure tbh. 60+ goto fire giants.

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