View Full Version : New Public Room Idea

24-07-2004, 03:09 AM
I Think That Habbo Hotel Should Make A Public Trade Room

I Think That Would Be Cool :D


24-07-2004, 05:05 AM
yea i had that same idea but never had the chance to post it, but yea it should be called "Trade Market" or "The Black Market" and it can hold 80 people, and people who repeat the same thing over and over gets auto kik :p

24-07-2004, 09:40 PM
This idea is mostly good and has one problem that I know of. I'd definitely use it a lot. It'd be a great place to be able to trade. But if it can fit say 70-80 people, it would be too hard to read everything. In busy trade rooms with 24-25 ppl, the words move quickly as it is... Maybe they could have 2 trade rooms or something.

24-07-2004, 10:20 PM
maybe they could do it like cunning fox game hall...
with different sections you could walk between. one sec for rares, one for norms etc.
i like the auto kik idea for flooders.. hehe

24-07-2004, 11:48 PM
Another Idea For That Room but probably impossible would be to have a hobba in the room to prevent scammers and tha

24-07-2004, 11:55 PM
they coud make a special hobba with a special badge, make like 5 of them, who patrol on different shifts, and maybe make them able to walk thru people sum how, cuz i can imagine a mob scene around ne sorta hobba, especially in a room like that, plus with so many oblivious traders, the hobba would have trouble getting around ne way. I see the potentional of a room like that, but i dont think its crucial with the numerous guest trade rooms :eusa_naug

24-07-2004, 11:56 PM
just curious but do you know why its impossible to trade in any of the current public rooms?

25-07-2004, 12:33 AM
just curious but do you know why its impossible to trade in any of the current public rooms?

the trade Button is disabled Duh --; :eusa_booh

25-07-2004, 01:15 AM
aanndd its disabled because the public rooms are there mainly to chat with friends and hang and chill and stuff...i gues they dont want people going around and offering everyone

25-07-2004, 01:20 AM
just curious but do you know why its impossible to trade in any of the current public rooms?

I think buzz was refering to the fact o nwhy the button is disabled

02-08-2004, 10:03 PM
Ive never been a huge fan of public rooms, but i think it sounds good anyway

15-08-2004, 06:50 AM
Has anyone thought about a guy with a error pic lol sure theyd be banned...but it could happen also imagin the lag some peoepls computers cant hold a room with everyone yelling trades and people would be offering everyone and there would have to be a hobba there incase someone floods, scams, swears, eror's everyone...and id ont think habbo would go through all that trouble for it...thats why there is guest rooms u can trade there lol...i dont really see the point when theres enough trade rooms out there as it is...

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