View Full Version : How do i make a Recently Played Sig?

17-07-2006, 03:58 PM
How do i make a recently played sig without using Last.fm i have seen that some people use http://sambro75.freecoolsite.com/ wich some one probably set up for them. I would like to know how to do this aswell. So i dont have to use Last.fm.

I post this here because it involves XML and stuff but i dont know how.

Any Help??

Will +REP!!


17-07-2006, 04:35 PM
Well, To get mine i did.
Sign up at www.last.fm (http://www.last.fm) make a account on there
And then i PM'd Redstcraous(sorry i dont know spelling but he goes alot in the 'Music' Forum) and he designed me a sig and then coded it and uploaded for me and i just added it to my sig.
So basically
Get in touch with him =]
Thanks alot and hope it helps

17-07-2006, 05:52 PM
doesnt it cost to get the last songs played into a custom image?

lol found this:
/* ScrobblerSig 2.1 by Timothy Humphrey (Humpty), http://timothyhumphrey.name/scrobblersig
* Contributors
* electrichamster - The original creator of ScrobblerSig
* russ

/* ---------- Main User Config ---------- */

* The options that are listed below may be specified in the url if the allowParameters option is
* true. To do so first append a question mark ? to the end of the url. Next, specify the option
* name followed by an equal sign = and then the value; for example, option=value. Multiple options
* are specified by separating them with an ampersand &; for example, option1=value1&option2=value2.
* Enter %26 to specify an ampersand & character in the url, %3D for an equal = sign.
* The username option is an exception and is always allowed to be specified in the url, but whether
* or not it is actually used depends on other options.
* All parameters may be specified by their regular name or by a short form; the short form that can
* be used is specified in parenthesis at the beginning of the parameter's description. The general
* naming convention for the short name is to use the first letter of each word comprising the name.
* Be aware of conflicts though, such as backgroundColor (bc) and borderColor (bdc). Whether the
* full or short name is used specify the parameter name in lowercase.
* Examples
* scrobblersig.php
* scrobblersig.php?fontsize=24
* scrobblersig.php?labelcolor=aa0000&trackcolor=a9b200
* scrobblersig.php?fs=24
* scrobblersig.php?lc=aa0000&tc=a9b200
//(u) Audioscrobbler username, see the allowAnyUser and allowWhitelistedUser options for info about
//using this option in the url.
$username = "slstratocaster";

* All of the "-label" options below can display the time the track is played by specifying time
* variables:
* - <date> Outputs the date according to the dateFormat option
* - <time> Outputs the time according to the timeFormat option
* - <zone> Outputs the timezone according to the timeZoneOffset and timeZoneLabel options. The
* timeZoneLabel is output instead of the timeZoneOffset if it is present.
* Example
* "This song was played at <time> <zone> on <date>"
//number of tracks
$numberOfTracks = 10;
//(cpl) Text to display if track is currently playing
$currentlyPlayingLabel = "Currently playing:";

//(lpl) Text to display if track isn't currently playing
$lastPlayedLabel = "Last song played:";

//(el1 and el2) Text to display if the song parse failed
$errorLabel1 = "Error:";
$errorLabel2 = "Unable to parse song title from audioscrobbler.com";

* Time formats, see http://www.php.net/date for details about the dateFormat and timeFormat
//(df) Format used to replace the <date> pattern
$dateFormat = "D, M j, Y";

//(tf) Format used to replace the <time> pattern
$timeFormat = "g:i A";

//(tzo) Time between your time zone and GMT in [-]hour[:minute] format; that is the beginning minus
//sign is optional and so are the minutes, if minutes are included separate from hours with a colon.
//This is also used to replace the <zone> pattern if the timeZoneLabel option isn't specified.
$timeZoneOffset = "-5";

//(tzl) Replaces the <zone> pattern
$timeZoneLabel = "EST";

* Formatting options. The various "-color" options specify colors using the RRGGBB format, where
* RR represents the hexadecimal numerical amount of red, GG the amount of green, and BB the amount
* of blue; for example FF0000 is red, A9B200 is a dull golden color.
//(f) The filename of the truetype font to use. Native PHP font searching rules are used:
// - If the .ttf extension is not specified it is appended.
// - Most systems will search in the same directory as the script for the font and if it can't be
// found search system font directories, this allows you to use any font on the system as well as
// custom fonts.
$font = "slkscr.ttf";

//(fs) The size of the font in points
$fontSize = 6;

//(fc) The foreground color; the labelColor and trackColor parameters override this if set.
$foregroundColor = "000000";

//(lc) The color of the track label, the first line of text
$labelColor = 000000;

//(tc) The color of the track text, the second line of text
$trackColor = 000000;

//(a) Whether antialiasing should be applied to the text; specify 1 for true and 0 for false in the
//url. If set to true you should set the backgroundColor to match the background of the page the
//image will appear on for best results.
$antialias = false;

//(ha) Horizontal alignment of the text, can be "left" or "right"
$horizontalAlign = "left";

//(b) Whether or not a border is drawn around the image; specify 1 for true and 0 for false in the
$border = false;

//(bdc) The color of the image border, see the border option
$borderColor = "000000";

//(p) The padding to appear on the sides of the image; the horizontalPadding and verticalPadding
//parameters override this if set.
$padding = 0;

//(hp) The padding to appear on the left and right side of the image
$horizontalPadding = 27;

//(vp) The padding to appear on the top and bottom of the image
$verticalPadding = 40;

//(bc) The background color
$backgroundColor = "000000";

//(bi) Background image to use; may be GIF, PNG, or JPEG format
$backgroundImage = "blurlistening1.png";

//(bt) Whether the backgroundColor appears; specify 1 for true and 0 for false in the url.
$backgroundTransparent = false;

//(it) The image format, may be "png" or "jpg"
$imageType = "png";

//(mw) The maximum width of the image, 0 means unrestricted; ignored if a backgroundImage is used.
$maxWidth = 0;

//(mh) The maximum height of the image, 0 means unrestricted; ignored if a backgroundImage is used.
$maxHeight = 0;

* The following options may NOT be specified in the url
//Whether or not parameters specified in the url are used; setting this to false will result in
//fewer variations of images being cached on the server.
$allowParameters = true;

//Whether or not any username can be specified for the username option in the url; this takes
//precedence over the allowWhitelistedUser option.
$allowAnyUser = false;

//Whether or not whitelisted users can be specified for the username option in the url, see the
//whitelistedUserFilename option.
$allowWhitelistedUser = true;

//The filename of a list of usernames, one on each line, that are allowed to be specified for the
//username option; also see the allowWhitelistedUser option.
$whitelistedUserFilename = "scrobblersig-whitelist.txt";

//Whether or not the browser's cache should be used to help minimize bandwidth usage
$useBrowserCache = true;

//Number of seconds information is cached from Audioscrobbler
$cacheDuration = 160;

//Number of seconds to wait for a response from the Audioscrobbler server
$timeout = 10;

/* ---------- Main code, do not edit past this point ---------- */

//error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING);

function GetParameter($name, $altName, &$value, $bypassExtensionCheck = false) {
//Get parameter while checking for disguising file extension
if(isset($_GET[$name]) || isset($_GET[$altName])) {
$name = isset($_GET[$name]) ? $name : $altName;
$value = !$bypassExtensionCheck
? preg_replace("/(.*?)(\.png|\.jpg|\.gif)*/i", "\\1", $_GET[$name])
: $_GET[$name];

/* Get values from parameters */
GetParameter("username", "u", $username);
elseif($allowWhitelistedUser) {
GetParameter("username", "u", $paramUsername);
if($paramUsername) {
$whitelistedUsers = @file_get_contents("./$whitelistedUserFilename");
$username = preg_match("/\b$paramUsername\b/", $whitelistedUsers) ? $paramUsername : $username;

if($allowParameters) {
GetParameter("antialias", "a", $antialias);
GetParameter("backgroundcolor", "bc", $backgroundColor);
GetParameter("backgroundimage", "bi", $backgroundImage, true);
GetParameter("backgroundtransparent", "bt", $backgroundTransparent);
GetParameter("border", "b", $border);
GetParameter("bordercolor", "bdc", $borderColor);
GetParameter("currentlyplayinglabel", "cpl", $currentlyPlayingLabel);
GetParameter("dateformat", "df", $dateFormat);
GetParameter("errorlabel1", "el1", $errorLabel1);
GetParameter("errorlabel2", "el2", $errorLabel2);
GetParameter("font", "f", $font);
GetParameter("fontsize", "fs", $fontSize);
GetParameter("foregroundcolor", "fc", $foregroundColor);
GetParameter("horizontalalign", "ha", $horizontalAlign);
GetParameter("horizontalpadding", "hp", $horizontalPadding);
GetParameter("image_type", "it", $imageType); //supported for compatibility
GetParameter("imagetype", "it", $imageType);
GetParameter("labelcolor", "lc", $labelColor);
GetParameter("lastplayedlabel", "lpl", $lastPlayedLabel);
GetParameter("maxheight", "mh", $maxHeight);
GetParameter("maxwidth", "mw", $maxWidth);
GetParameter("padding", "p", $padding);
GetParameter("trackcolor", "tc", $trackColor);
GetParameter("timeformat", "tf", $timeFormat);
GetParameter("timezonelabel", "tzl", $timeZoneLabel);
GetParameter("timezoneoffset", "tzo", $timeZoneOffset);
GetParameter("verticalpadding", "vp", $verticalPadding);

/* Fix certain parameters to ensure proper values */
if(!isset($labelColor)) $labelColor = $foregroundColor;
if(!isset($trackColor)) $trackColor = $foregroundColor;
if(!isset($horizontalPadding)) $horizontalPadding = $padding;
if(!isset($verticalPadding)) $verticalPadding = $padding;

$antialias = (bool) $antialias;
$backgroundTransparent = (bool) $backgroundTransparent;
$border = (bool) $border;
$fontSize = (int) $fontSize;
$horizontalAlign = $horizontalAlign == "right" ? "right" : "left";
$horizontalPadding = (int) $horizontalPadding;
$maxHeight = (int) $maxHeight;
$maxWidth = (int) $maxWidth;
$verticalPadding = (int) $verticalPadding;

$temp = explode(":", $timeZoneOffset);
$timeZoneOffset = (int) $temp[0];
if(count($temp) > 1)
$timeZoneOffset += (int) $temp[1] / 60 * (substr($temp[0], 0, 1) == "-" ? -1 : 1);

/* Check to see if the song info needs updating */
$safeUsername = escapeshellcmd($username);
$dataFilename = "./sig-$safeUsername.txt";
if(!file_exists($dataFilename) || (filemtime($dataFilename) + $cacheDuration < time())) {
//Delete cached images
$tempFiles = array_merge(glob("./sig-$safeUsername*.png"), glob("./sig-$safeUsername*.jpg"));
if($tempFiles != null) {
foreach($tempFiles as $filename)

//Get user track data from Audioscrobbler
$data = "";
$fp = @fopen("http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/txt/recent/$username", "r");
if($fp != null) {
stream_set_timeout($fp, $timeout);
$data = fread($fp, 100000);

if(trim($data) != "") {
$dataFile = @fopen($dataFilename, "wt");
if($dataFile != null) {
@fwrite($dataFile, $data);
elseif(file_exists($dataFilename)) {
//Remove currently playing track info and preserve cached Audioscrobbler data
if($data = @file($dataFilename)) {
$data[0] = "\n";
if($dataFile = @fopen($dataFilename, "wt")) {
@fwrite($dataFile, implode("", $data));

/* Determine if client cache should be used */
&& isset($_SERVER["HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE"]) && file_exists($dataFilename)
&& strtotime($_SERVER["HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE"]) == filemtime($dataFilename)
) {
header("Status: 304 Not Modified", true, 304); //HTTP status set this way to work on IIS

/* Create image if no cached version of it exists */
$imageFilename = "./sig-$safeUsername" . ($allowParameters && $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"] ? "-" . md5($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]) : "") . ".$imageType";
$image = null;
if(!file_exists($imageFilename)) {
$trackData = @file($dataFilename);
if($trackData != null) {
$trackData[0] = trim($trackData[0]);

if($numberOfTracks > 1) {
for ($t=1; $t<($numberOfTracks*2); $t=$t+2) {
$track = $track.$trackData[$t];
else {
$track = $trackData[1];
$label = $lastPlayedLabel;
$date = strtotime($trackData[2]);

$track = html_entity_decode($track);

if($timeZoneOffset != "")
$date = strtotime((int) ($timeZoneOffset * 60) . " minute", $date);
else {
$label = $errorLabel1;
$track = $errorLabel2;
$date = time();

//Replace time format variables with actual values
$label = str_replace("<date>", gmdate($dateFormat, $date), $label);
$label = str_replace("<time>", gmdate($timeFormat, $date), $label);
$label = str_replace("<zone>", $timeZoneLabel ? $timeZoneLabel : ($timeZoneOffset < 0 ? "-" : "+") . sprintf("%'02d", abs($timeZoneOffset)) . sprintf("%'02d", round(abs(($timeZoneOffset - (int) $timeZoneOffset) * 60))), $label);

$label = trim($label);
$track = trim($track);

/* Generate the image */
//Get the text sizes
$labelBounds = imagettfbbox($fontSize, 0, $font, $label);
$labelWidth = $labelBounds[2] - $labelBounds[0] + 1;
$labelHeight = -$labelBounds[7] + $labelBounds[1] + 1;

$trackBounds = imagettfbbox($fontSize, 0, $font, $track);
$trackWidth = $trackBounds[2] - $trackBounds[0] + 1;
$trackHeight = -$trackBounds[7] + $trackBounds[1] + 1;

//Get image dimensions
$dimension = max($labelWidth, $trackWidth) + ($horizontalPadding * 2) + ($border ? 2 : 0);
$maxWidth = ($maxWidth > 0 && $dimension > $maxWidth) ? $maxWidth : $dimension;
$dimension = $labelHeight + $trackHeight + ($verticalPadding * 2) + ($border ? 2 : 0);
$maxHeight = ($maxHeight > 0 && $dimension > $maxHeight) ? $maxHeight : $dimension;

//Generate image canvas
if($backgroundImage != "") {
preg_match("/[^\.]+$/", $backgroundImage, $extension);
switch($extension[0]) {
case "gif":
$image = @imagecreatefromgif($backgroundImage);
case "png":
$image = @imagecreatefrompng($backgroundImage);
case "jpg":
$image = @imagecreatefromjpeg($backgroundImage);
if($image == null)
$image = imagecreate($maxWidth, $maxHeight);

//Set the colors
preg_match_all("/[\dabcdef]{2}/i", $backgroundColor, $backColorParts);
preg_match_all("/[\dabcdef]{2}/i", $borderColor, $borderColorParts);
preg_match_all("/[\dabcdef]{2}/i", $labelColor, $labelColorParts);
preg_match_all("/[\dabcdef]{2}/i", $trackColor, $trackColorParts);
$blackColorPart = array(0, 0, 0);
if(count($backColorParts[0]) != 3) $backColorParts[0] = $blackColorPart;
if(count($borderColorParts[0]) != 3) $borderColorParts[0] = $blackColorPart;
if(count($labelColorParts[0]) != 3) $labelColorParts[0] = $blackColorPart;
if(count($trackColorParts[0]) != 3) $trackColorParts[0] = $blackColorPart;

$backColorIndex = imagecolorallocate($image, hexdec($backColorParts[0][0]), hexdec($backColorParts[0][1]), hexdec($backColorParts[0][2]));
$borderColorIndex = imagecolorallocate($image, hexdec($borderColorParts[0][0]), hexdec($borderColorParts[0][1]), hexdec($borderColorParts[0][2]));
$labelColorIndex = imagecolorallocate($image, hexdec($labelColorParts[0][0]), hexdec($labelColorParts[0][1]), hexdec($labelColorParts[0][2]));
$trackColorIndex = imagecolorallocate($image, hexdec($trackColorParts[0][0]), hexdec($trackColorParts[0][1]), hexdec($trackColorParts[0][2]));
imagecolortransparent($image, $backColorIndex);

//Check to see if antialiasing is used
if(!$antialias) {
$labelColorIndex = -$labelColorIndex;
$trackColorIndex = -$trackColorIndex;

//Draw border
imagerectangle($image, 0, 0, $maxWidth - 1, $maxHeight - 1, $borderColorIndex);

//Draw label
$x = ($horizontalAlign == "right" ? max($labelWidth, $trackWidth) - $labelWidth : 0) + $horizontalPadding + ($border ? 1 : 0);
$y = $labelHeight - abs($labelBounds[1]) + $verticalPadding + ($border ? 1 : 0);
imagettftext($image, $fontSize, 0, $x, $y, $labelColorIndex, $font, $label);

//Draw track
$x = ($horizontalAlign == "right" ? max($labelWidth, $trackWidth) - $trackWidth : 0) + $horizontalPadding + ($border ? 1 : 0);
$y = $trackHeight - abs($trackBounds[1]) + $verticalPadding + $labelHeight + ($border ? 1 : 0);
imagettftext($image, $fontSize, 0, $x, $y, $trackColorIndex, $font, $track);

//Save image
if($imageType == "jpg")
@imagejpeg($image, $imageFilename);
@imagepng($image, $imageFilename);

if(file_exists($imageFilename)) {
$image = null;

/* Output the image */
//Output image headers
if($imageType == "jpg")
header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
header("Content-type: image/png");

if(file_exists($dataFilename)) {
header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", filemtime($dataFilename)) . " GMT");
header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", filemtime($dataFilename) + $cacheDuration) . " GMT");

//Output image
else {
if($imageType == "jpg")

17-07-2006, 06:28 PM
sry for double post but i found the files to do it i just keep getting fatal error ill post again when i get it sorted.

17-07-2006, 07:34 PM
Im not sure of that code, All i did was get in touch with Redstcraous, Sorry for spelling wrong.

17-07-2006, 07:39 PM
if you look on taht web page he provided the one page has a linkt o the script used and on that webpage is your sig tucker and redstractos sig ect.

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