View Full Version : Slayer... :( (+rep)

18-07-2006, 09:34 AM
Tips, tricks and notes

It is better to range some creatures, such as Elves. Other creatures may be in multi-player combat areas. Try a few types of attack and equipment to see what you should use.
If an assignment turns out to be too hard halfway, don't hesitate to get a new one. You get experience per monster, not for an assignment overall.
Start with the right slayer master. If you go to one that's too high, you might have to go back to Burthorpe and get an even worse assignment.
If you can't kill the enemies assigned by the slayer master for your level (the one called by your enchanted gem), try training your combat to a higher level.
Using a cannon to hit higher does not affect the amount of slayer experience you receive from a kill. So using a cannon is a quick way of training. The cannon cannot be set up in the Slayer Dungeon nor in the Slayer Tower. Learn about the cannon in our Ranged Skill Guide (http://www.tip.it/runescape/?page=ranged_guide.htm#cannon).
Training slayer and combat go hand in hand. For each monster you kill as part of an assignment, you receive the normal combat xp as usual, as well as slayer xp.(Taken from Tip.it)

Ye, anyway, i didnt think you could change your assignment. In the past when i have selected "I need a new assignement" they say, your already doing one.. come back in a bit :P

Somebody explain how you can get a new task?

18-07-2006, 09:38 AM
Go to the guy in burthrope, he's the only guy who does change your task.

18-07-2006, 09:39 AM
Yeh the first guy you use in burthrope you go to but can only change task if you get a task of him you dont like you have to do it no matter what.

18-07-2006, 09:42 AM
So now ive got 166 trolls from Cheldear or w/e, and i can or cant change? :)

18-07-2006, 09:44 AM
IS he teh guy in burthrope, if hes not guy in burthrope you can change.

18-07-2006, 09:45 AM
No, its the fairy in Zanaris.. which means i can change?

18-07-2006, 09:46 AM
You can only change if you haven't got a task from Burthrope guy and if it's not a task that could be assigned by him. So if the canifis guy gives you a task to kill 100 cave slimes you can't switch.

18-07-2006, 09:49 AM
Erm ok, i think i should be able to change then.. ill try later :) Ty

+rep if i can

18-07-2006, 09:52 AM
I got 104 ice warriors at the 2nd assisgnment at burnthorpe. :S
Was only about 55cb

18-07-2006, 01:39 PM
Ok.. :( :( :(

http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/7366/slayermessagehd6.png (http://imageshack.us)

18-07-2006, 01:40 PM
Ok.. :( :( :(

http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/7366/slayermessagehd6.png (http://imageshack.us)
Not that guy!

18-07-2006, 01:44 PM
You can only change if you haven't got a task from Burthrope guy and if it's not a task that could be assigned by him. So if the canifis guy gives you a task to kill 100 cave slimes you can't switch.

Well, according to this.. :s

I havent got a task from him.. and my task is trolls which he doesnt assign? :(

Oh well, ill just do it :P

18-07-2006, 02:10 PM
Well, according to this.. :s

I havent got a task from him.. and my task is trolls which he doesnt assign? :(

Oh well, ill just do it :P
You went to the wrong guy.

18-07-2006, 02:14 PM
You went to the wrong guy.

I know, i realised later and went.. Sorry - feel stupid now :P

Anyway, 22 banshees now, im ok :D

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