View Full Version : nintendo wii !!!!!!!!!!!

18-07-2006, 07:34 PM
Ok i thought i was going along with the ps3 but after this video i changed my mind. It will proberly convince you to buy it too, make sure you watch this vid!!!!


18-07-2006, 07:49 PM

18-07-2006, 08:08 PM
Still PS3 FTW.

18-07-2006, 08:14 PM
Ohmygod, how old is that?

Anywho, I DO want a Wii more than a PS3.

18-07-2006, 09:26 PM
Wow, Sony really have hit rock bottom this time. Nintendo are holy converters.

18-07-2006, 10:25 PM
Don't count the chickens till they've all hatched. The DS looked great before release, hell so did the XBOX 360. Things change.

I miss the days of SNES. ;(

18-07-2006, 11:48 PM
Don't count the chickens till they've all hatched. The DS looked great before release, hell so did the XBOX 360. Things change.

I miss the days of SNES. ;(

You say the DS "looked great", as if it actually isn't o.0

I'm looking forward to the release of the PS3 and Wii. My stance at the present is that I'll be buying a Wii, but not a PS3.

18-07-2006, 11:57 PM
That video is sexyness at its best :) I think the ping pong one looks fun :P

19-07-2006, 01:50 AM
Its cool and all but a few things.

Number one the controllers.. Whats with the shape? Look like a TV remote.

Also its getting to physicial.. Like with all othe systems you use buttons and all.. I'm not trying to come off as lazy but come on!!! Its video gameing!! Its not ment to be so you have to move all around and everything. It will also be hard to get used to. In some games your going to have to be the exact right spot moving which will also be hard, it is easy to adjust what ever you are doing with a joy stick but it could be harder with this.

And what about people with confined space? They might not have room to move around in and all!!

Im sticking with the PS3:)

19-07-2006, 02:13 AM
Its cool and all but a few things.

Number one the controllers.. Whats with the shape? Look like a TV remote.

Also its getting to physicial.. Like with all othe systems you use buttons and all.. I'm not trying to come off as lazy but come on!!! Its video gameing!! Its not ment to be so you have to move all around and everything. It will also be hard to get used to. In some games your going to have to be the exact right spot moving which will also be hard, it is easy to adjust what ever you are doing with a joy stick but it could be harder with this.

And what about people with confined space? They might not have room to move around in and all!!

Im sticking with the PS3:) 1. That's hardly an argument. The NES controller was the same, but horizontal. "/

2. Gaming on the Wii isn't good? Let's look at a highlight from the E3 presentation for the PS3:


If you have ever seen the E3 Sony Presentation, the guy that was demonstrating Warhawk could barely land the plane, proving just how inefficient the PS3's control is.

The promotional video for the Wii is exaggerated so that people who don't know about are able to see how the controller functions. If people just sat down and flicked their wrist for gaming in the promo, it wouldn't exactly seem eye-catching. There are no set rules for video gaming, so you can't possibly say it's not normal. The nunchuku attachment is a joystick, so again, your logic fails.

3. People wirth confined space isn't an issue either. First off, the Wii is now said to be smaller than 3 DVD cases stacked together, so space won't be an issue. Can we say the same about a PS3? Well, we could, but we'd be lying since its actually bigger than the original Xbox. Also, the Wii has a traditional controller attachment for those not wanting to use the Wiimote. So, in reality, there aren't any real issues, just lots of whining.

19-07-2006, 01:44 PM
Wow, Sony really have hit rock bottom this time. Nintendo are holy converters.

How have sony hit rock bottom?

19-07-2006, 02:31 PM
How have sony hit rock bottom?

Because everyone basically wants a Nintendo Wii now. Everyone has gone mad for Nintendo. Sony have just done so bad this year, alot of things are putting people off. Such as the price and the controller (which has been the same FOREVER). Everyone is going to go for the Nintendo Wii because Xbox 360 is so last year, PS3 is well, I just explained that. I think that Nintendo are being very brave by keeping things to them selfs and not letting anyone know the price and other features just yet (YES, Theres more features to come!). And the games, woah! Have you seen the In-Game Trailer for Excite Truck? No? Well this is the most I've been excited about a racing game... EVER. Not to mention an all star line-up with Super Smash Bros. Brawl and The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.
But yeah, I would bet my life on it that somone will say its just for kids like the Gamecube. The people that say that have no idea what they're on about, what-so-ever! Resident Evil 4, Eternal Darkness, Geist? Are they kids games? NO. And now I bet someone will say 'but they're on the other consoles aswell' Well, whoever says that is wrong. Geist is ONLY for Nintendo Gamecube. So there you have it, grown up games are also avaliable on the Gamecube. So theres no way on earth that the Gamecube is only for kids, so I bet that the Wii won't be either.
Oh and last, but not least... Downloadable games. Do any other consoles have that feature? No. Yet the Wii can download almost any game from the NES, SNES and N64. Now that will certainly get Retro Gamers attentions.

I rest my case. Feel free to reply, I always have much more info up my sleve. ;)

@Karl - The DS did look great, and it is great. It beat the PSP by loads.

19-07-2006, 05:41 PM
Dude NO sony has not hit rock bottom.

There is only 4-5 games being releced for the WII so far, Yes new super smash bros is one of them but sony has about 10-15.. Also the PS3 has more features as the Wii. The Wii won't be able to use the internet in the same way as the PS3 will or anything like that.

Also sony has not put people off. And if they have tell me how?

And it is a good idea to put out the price as sony has done. That gives people an idea of how much they need to save and all. And company's can start taking pre-orders which will make them money now and later.

Also as sony said at E3 they are still devolping some fetures on the PS3.

So overall NO sony has not hit rock bottom.

Sony is also the leading company in electronics world wide. So NO according to sales *which are the highest of any electronics company in the world* they are far, far away from rock bottom.

19-07-2006, 06:42 PM
Dude NO sony has not hit rock bottom. Of course not, but their gaming division is about to.

There is only 4-5 games being releced for the WII so far, Yes new super smash bros is one of them but sony has about 10-15.. Also the PS3 has more features as the Wii. The Wii won't be able to use the internet in the same way as the PS3 will or anything like that. 4-5 games for the Wii?! o_O There are close to 127 confirmed or rumoured games for the Wii already and the game library is still growing, so that is pretty much false information on your part.

The Wii won't be able to use the Internet like the PS3? How so? The Wii's online gameplay will be free or charge just like the PS3's and it will feature the Opera Browser, which the PS3 will not. Also, the Wii will stay connected to the Internet all the time for improved online play. Sony is letting developers manage how they want online gaming to be, so it wouldn't be surprising if some games require a fee.

Also sony has not put people off. And if they have tell me how? Sure.

- Pricing
- Lackluster games
- False information
- Arrogance
- Gimmicks
- Did I mention pricing?

And it is a good idea to put out the price as sony has done. That gives people an idea of how much they need to save and all. And company's can start taking pre-orders which will make them money now and later. The PS3's launch title so far include about 6 exclusive PS3 titles. The rest can be found on the 360, which is $200 less.

Also as sony said at E3 they are still devolping gimmicks on the PS3. Fixed.

So overall NO sony has not hit rock bottom. Refer to first quote.

Sony is also the leading company in electronics world wide. So NO according to sales *which are the highest of any electronics company in the world* they are far, far away from rock bottom. Refer to previous quote.

19-07-2006, 06:57 PM
@Karl - The DS did look great, and it is great. It beat the PSP by loads.

You... You are kidding me, right? o_O I know 2 people in the whole of Oxford who have DS's and they hate them. Nintendo lost their touch after the SNES. Sure, the WII will be fun for a certain amount of time, SONY have consistancy. How do you think the PS1 is still about in some places? After the SNES I changed from Nintendo over to Playstation.

The style of the games just don't apeal to me.

19-07-2006, 07:01 PM
You... You are kidding me, right? o_O I know 2 people in the whole of Oxford who have DS's and they hate them. Nintendo lost their touch after the SNES. Sure, the WII will be fun for a certain amount of time, SONY have consistancy. How do you think the PS1 is still about in some places? After the SNES I changed from Nintendo over to Playstation.

The style of the games just don't apeal to me.
That may be true for Oxford, but The DS is still beating the PSP in sales worldwide- by millions.

19-07-2006, 07:04 PM
The Wii won't be able to use the Internet like the PS3? How so? The Wii's online gameplay will be free or charge just like the PS3's and it will feature the Opera Browser, which the PS3 will not. Also, the Wii will stay connected to the Internet all the time for improved online play. Sony is letting developers manage how they want online gaming to be, so it wouldn't be surprising if some games require a fee.

Sony has its own browser which is the same as the PSP's for internet.
And NO sony wouldn't change a fee for online gaming. Only microsoft is that stupid. Duh..

And as you already said that the Wii will have free online gameplay..

19-07-2006, 07:15 PM
Sony has its own browser which is the same as the PSP's for internet.
And NO sony wouldn't change a fee for online gaming. Only microsoft is that stupid. Duh..

And as you already said that the Wii will have free online gameplay..
Yes, the PS3 will have a similar broswer to the PSP. And I never said Sony was going to charge for online. They will, however, let companies decide whether they want to charge for online or not. So in reality, it depends on the game if online play has a fee or not.

19-07-2006, 07:19 PM
Nintendo is attempting to make a comeback, and I say it is do-able after the release of the DS. But the fact is, you cant judge something only from a VT.

Playstation/Sony is currently top of the gaming industry and it has been for quite some while. I refuse to belive you can judge a unfinished console. Pricing issues...OK, Games consoles dont come cheap, The PS2 at 1st release was about £300...hardly pocket money is it? PS3 does have some amazing features, and there is no denying it...as do all of the consoles. The only bad feature I belive is the price, which I think will slow sales down at first release, but as the price lowers, PS3's will be sure to be flying off the shelves.

19-07-2006, 07:19 PM
Neversoft, PSP has downloadable retro games (emulaters) aka homebrew, Unless you are talking about something completely different. PSP completely owns ds in many ways (im typing this on PSP right now.) On the other hand Nintendo wii will probably be as good as ps3, if not better. Look at ps3, does anyone agree with me that it looks like a toaster ? Lol.

19-07-2006, 07:26 PM
Neversoft, PSP has downloadable retro games (emulaters) aka homebrew, Unless you are talking about something completely different. PSP completely owns ds in many ways (im typing this on PSP right now.) On the other hand Nintendo wii will probably be as good as ps3, if not better. Look at ps3, does anyone agree with me that it looks like a toaster ? Lol.
The DS can do homebrew as well. (http://www.winsunx.com/list.php?mod=726)

Yes, the PSP has many functions but its main function, playing games, is very weak comapred to the DS.

19-07-2006, 07:27 PM
Dude NO sony has not hit rock bottom.

There is only 4-5 games being releced for the WII so far, Yes new super smash bros is one of them but sony has about 10-15.. Also the PS3 has more features as the Wii. The Wii won't be able to use the internet in the same way as the PS3 will or anything like that.
Oh, so thats why I got a DVD free with the Official Nintendo Magazine previewing 20+ games is it? PS3 has more features than the Wii? Sorry, but you don't even know half of the features for the Nintendo Wii, not to mention the ones that they still haven't announced, so you can't possibly say Sony has more. :rolleyes_ Who cares if the Wii doesn't use the internet the same way as the PS3? Theres not just one way that is good to use you know.

Also sony has not put people off. And if they have tell me how?

I already did in my last post... Did you read it?

And it is a good idea to put out the price as sony has done. That gives people an idea of how much they need to save and all. And company's can start taking pre-orders which will make them money now and later.

Lmao! No. From what I've seen the price doesn't want to make people save, it makes them want a Wii. :P

So overall NO sony has not hit rock bottom.

Well, not exactaly. BUT, it is doing worse than its previous years.

Sony is also the leading company in electronics world wide. So NO according to sales *which are the highest of any electronics company in the world* they are far, far away from rock bottom.

Err, who was talking about sales of other electronics? Certinly not me, so why bring that into it... This is a totally different matter.

Also, you do know Nintendo was the one that started all of this. Nintendo basically invented gaming. First came the Donkey Kong Arcade, followed by the NES then the Gameboy. Now look at all the arcade machines, game consoles, and hand helds. Everyone has basically come from Nintendo. :rolleyes:

@Joord - Nintendo DS sold more than the Sony PSP. Fact.

@Anyone who says the DS is crap for media - http://uk.codejunkies.com/news_reviews.asp?c=GB&cr=GBP&cs=%A3&r=1&l=1&p=17&i=8952&s=8

@Karl again - Yes, but that is just Oxford. Worldwide the DS has outsold the PSP by millions (As already stated by some intelligent person ;)) Now that is good stats.

19-07-2006, 07:33 PM
The DS can do homebrew as well. (http://www.winsunx.com/list.php?mod=726)

Yes, the PSP has many functions but its main function, playing games, is very weak comapred to the DS.

Yes I wasn't saying psp was the only console to do homebrew. But neversoft said that nintendo wii was only console with retro games. Its your opinion about thinking psp games are weak, people have different opinion on the types and ranges of games.

19-07-2006, 07:40 PM
Yes I wasn't saying psp was the only console to do homebrew. But neversoft said that nintendo wii was only console with retro games. Its your opinion about thinking psp games are weak, people have different opinion on the types and ranges of games.

Nintendo is the ONLY ONE with retro games, seeing as they started it all back in around 1975. If the PSP can download retro Nintendo games (Dunno if it can) Then that is illegal. They have no right to do that as it is neither their brand or third-party devoloper(s) games.

19-07-2006, 07:49 PM
Nintendo is the ONLY ONE with retro games, seeing as they started it all back in around 1975. If the PSP can download retro Nintendo games (Dunno if it can) Then that is illegal. They have no right to do that as it is neither their brand or third-party devoloper(s) games.
Yes psp homebrew users can get nintendo emulaters, n64 etc. And homebrew is illegal, but you can't blame sony for that, they try to patch hb every upgrade psp has.

19-07-2006, 09:11 PM
Well, I guess, I just hate Nintendo now since in my opinion, they've gone downhill for the range of games I want. I miss the days of FF and Chrono-T on the SNES and now all I see is multiple Pokemon re-releases and loads of other 'younger' generatation games.

I think the PSP and the developments from that are for the more serious gamers.

19-07-2006, 09:23 PM
Well, I guess, I just hate Nintendo now since in my opinion, they've gone downhill for the range of games I want. I miss the days of FF and Chrono-T on the SNES and now all I see is multiple Pokemon re-releases and loads of other 'younger' generatation games.

I think the PSP and the developments from that are for the more serious gamers.

But Nintendo developed neither Final Fantasy or Chrono Trigger in the first place... So how does that stem to a hatred for Nintendo?

20-07-2006, 07:08 PM
ermm ok.... moral of the story, nintendi wii is better nd more fun xD :eusa_danc

20-07-2006, 07:11 PM
You cant judge consoles that are not even released yet. Everyone says...O, Xbox 360 will be better then PS3...How do you know that? You havnt played on a PS3, so its a totaly biased statement.

20-07-2006, 07:13 PM
You cant judge consoles that are not even released yet. Everyone says...O, Xbox 360 will be better then PS3...How do you know that? You havnt played on a PS3, so its a totaly biased statement.

stop being so biased

20-07-2006, 07:16 PM
Im not being biased. Im saying you cant judge unreleased consoles. Of course, Nintendo are going to make their console look good, and you never know, it probably will be!! But its unreleased, so you dont know what it will be like. Same as PS3, might be the worse console ever to be created, but its not been released yet, so we cant judge it.

Only thing we can judge is the 360...and in my opinion, its just Microsofts console version of a PC and they havnt used any new ideas, just ones they use on their computers.

20-07-2006, 07:30 PM
Im not being biased. Im saying you cant judge unreleased consoles. Of course, Nintendo are going to make their console look good, and you never know, it probably will be!! But its unreleased, so you dont know what it will be like. Same as PS3, might be the worse console ever to be created, but its not been released yet, so we cant judge it.

Only thing we can judge is the 360...and in my opinion, its just Microsofts console version of a PC and they havnt used any new ideas, just ones they use on their computers.
Yes, companies will make products that reflect their previous lines of merchendise, but the reality of it all is that the 360 is being marketed as a gaming system while the PS3 is being marketed as a computer. O_o

22-07-2006, 09:16 AM
Im not being biased. Im saying you cant judge unreleased consoles. Of course, Nintendo are going to make their console look good, and you never know, it probably will be!! But its unreleased, so you dont know what it will be like. Same as PS3, might be the worse console ever to be created, but its not been released yet, so we cant judge it.

Only thing we can judge is the 360...and in my opinion, its just Microsofts console version of a PC and they havnt used any new ideas, just ones they use on their computers.

well u culd still judge dem by how they are appearing so far

22-07-2006, 11:48 AM
The only people who oppose against other consoles are the rivals, which rivals do anyway!! Rivals pick up on the tinyesty features and blow them out of porportion.

22-07-2006, 06:23 PM
The only people who oppose against other consoles are the rivals, which rivals do anyway!! Rivals pick up on the tinyesty features and blow them out of porportion.

? was there any point of saying that?

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