View Full Version : Why..

19-07-2006, 04:14 PM
Why is it that all relationships bugger up. I've been with the same person since April 2nd now, we've been through a hell of alot together. Yeah, we met on the internet, not exactly the best circumstances no, but I have met him in real life and will continue too, if things go the the way I hope.. But the thing is, at first it was gret, no problems what so ever, and he ment the world to me. We met up, 2 of our other net friends came aswell, and it was a great day. The minute we got back we arranged to meet again, and it was all planned and everything, he was even going to ask if I could stop over the night, as he lives a good 2 hours away. But then, the day before the meet approached, I was talking to him on msn, and then he suddenly goes offline. So I wait a few minutes, nothing. then I get a text off him saying 'Don't come down tomorrow, I don't want to see you' By this yeah, I was pretty upset and shocked. Later on that day I tried ringing his house, and his mum picked up, I asked if he was there, she hesitated, whispered somtihng to someone close by and then said hes out and slammed the phone down. An hour or so later, his dad phones me and has a go at me, says I'm not allowed to see him until I'm 18. And that if I was to contact him again or go to his house that I'd suffer the consiquences. Yeah I see that as a threat.. But I did contact him, I witheld my number and rung until he picked up - which was never. Also, got 2 girls to ring and ask for him, but no, his parents wern't having none of it. no hear from him for what, over a month, nearly 2.. I was really upset, you can ask anyone who knows me well enough to know what I was going through. but after about a month, he got his mobile back, and we started texting loads. But then he forgot to delete the texts from me and his dad read his phone. Obviously it got taken and I got another threatening lecture from his dad. But then about 2 weeks after that [which was about a week ago now] He got his internet back, and he seemed not to be intrested at all.. So I spoke about splitting, but then he gave me stuff like. "Oh how could you, all we been through, I car about you." ect. ect. Then for a few days he seemed to act normal, and now hes computer has just 'broke' and he is ignoring my texts, but he doesn't want to split up.

Am I being strung along, I really don't know WHATS going on and its really getting to me.. Also, his dad did say a few other things that I won't post obn the forum. but I really need help. I'm so confused about what I should do and stuff.. Never really done this before so. If you can't be bothered to read it all [which most of you won't] don't reply because you proaly won't get the full story.

But if you did read it all, thanks, and what should I do? :(

19-07-2006, 04:38 PM
I read it all edit in a min
Ok do you know why hes not allowed to see you?
Is it something to do with meeting via the internet?
Or something about being gay.
I honestly think you are gonna have to meet up with him again, get things sorted.
His parents can't have control over him until hes 18.
16 maybe, but not 18.
I suggest you ring him, if he has his mobile, as his pc is broke (id trust that it is broken, its just a bad coincidence). He cant avoid a text like he can a phone call.

19-07-2006, 04:39 PM
Erm, okay.. Thanks I guess.

19-07-2006, 04:39 PM
get over it until frisc0 is old enough to move out.

19-07-2006, 04:40 PM
Oh get lost Allan, all you do is take the mick out of people, its not as if you really care for anyone, go get some emotions idiot :l.

& Tomathy, I think its because hes gay tbh, his mum was fine about it, she knew about me.. Until his dad found out, then it all went down hill. His mum has even seen me so she knows I'm not some psyco perv.

19-07-2006, 04:42 PM
buh drooped does have emotions, he cried ova habbo :(( boo hoo
yes drooped, get some proper emotions.
edit, ok umm, dads are so silly, most dads are homophobic tbh. I know there would be much information you could extract from the mum's voice on the phone, but ya know sometimes you can, do you think the mums opinion of you has changed because of the dad, or does the mum just not care

the wombats
19-07-2006, 04:46 PM
get over it until frisc0 is old enough to move out.
Get lost. Its a good couple of years before both of them can move out, ok?

Oh get lost Allan, all you do is take the mick out of people, its not as if you really care for anyone, go get some emotions idiot :l.

& Tomathy, I think its because hes gay tbh, his mum was fine about it, she knew about me.. Until his dad found out, then it all went down hill. His mum has even seen me so she knows I'm not some psyco perv.
So its all cause of his dad. Just keep trying to phone him Ben. Jamie might be the same way about you with not being able to keep in touch.

19-07-2006, 04:47 PM
Maybe the boys father didn't like the thought of his son being gay and totally stopped the relationship so that he could live easier thinking that his son wasn't gay. Thats my first impression of it to be honest.

I can't see much wrong with gay people myself, and I'm not sure how certain people can have problems with them.

his dad over-reacted a little possibly and brainwashed his son in a way.

Hope it all gets sorted out soon, if not you could always wait until you are both 18...


19-07-2006, 04:48 PM
NEXT TIME ADD "DROOPED DON'T REPLY" not that i'll listen BUT STILL at least you said it. and the weird guy who can't spell craig... urm NO?

19-07-2006, 04:50 PM
Drooped, a little less aggressive, K?

If you want to be agressive, dont do it in this thread.

"go get some emotions idiot :l." - Posted by Fuddle. I think i agree in a way

the wombats
19-07-2006, 04:50 PM
NEXT TIME ADD "DROOPED DON'T REPLY" not that i'll listen BUT STILL at least you said it. and the weird guy who can't spell craig... urm NO?
I can spell it weirdo, I meant to of spelt it like this....

19-07-2006, 04:51 PM
Wow Ben. His dad sounds like a complete Homophobe.. :l

I'm really sorry to hear about this. :(

My opinion is that it's not his fault, and from reading what you posted above i think that he still has feelings for you but his dad's restricting him from showing them. It's an awkward situation. :(

Maybe you could try waiting until he gets somthing back that you can contact him on, and plan to meet in complete secrecy. Don't let anybody know that could aid his dad in finding out.

Alternatively, you could try writing a letter to his dad telling him how you feel about his son and that you two have feelings for each other, and it's not just sex (I'm assuming this is what the dad thinks you've been up to as of the "until 18" comment he made) and that you really like him etc. If he's a loving parent he won't restrict his son from his natural behaviour/ exploration w.e.

Sounds like you're in a bit of a pickle. Have you done anything else to try and contact him since his dad had the most recent outburst?

Keep me posted dood, and don't get too down. x

--- Very sensitive, -rep.

get over it until frisc0 is old enough to move out.

19-07-2006, 04:51 PM
i Y
hes a twta

19-07-2006, 04:53 PM
Wow Ben. His dad sounds like a complete Homophobe.. :l

I'm really sorry to hear about this. :(

My opinion is that it's not his fault, and from reading what you posted above i think that he still has feelings for you but his dad's restricting him from showing them. It's an awkward situation. :(

Maybe you could try waiting until he gets somthing back that you can contact him on, and plan to meet in complete secrecy. Don't let anybody know that could aid his dad in finding out.

Alternatively, you could try writing a letter to his dad telling him how you feel about his son and that you two have feelings for each other, and it's not just sex (I'm assuming this is what the dad thinks you've been up to as of the "until 18" comment he made) and that you really like him etc. If he's a loving parent he won't restrict his son from his natural behaviour/ exploration w.e.

Sounds like you're in a bit of a pickle. Have you done anything else to try and contact him since his dad had the most recent outburst?

Keep me posted dood, and don't get too down. x

I'm assuming this is what the dad thinks you've been up to as of the "until 18" comment he made)

oooh never thought of it that way
ok, im sure he would have said 16 then, maybe he meant 18 because adult, thinking for yourself i dont know.

19-07-2006, 05:04 PM
Drooped, a little less aggressive, K?

If you want to be agressive, dont do it in this thread.

"go get some emotions idiot :l." - Posted by Fuddle. I think i agree in a way

read through your first post, you'll notice i said quite similar to you at one point but in less words.

stop crying you bunch of babies, all i'm saying is dad's are like that, they're the one's who care about sexual orientation, frisc0 will need to either speak with his dad, run away or wait until he is the legal age to move out.

19-07-2006, 05:06 PM
Allan go away fgs, you'll only end up trying to wind me up.

Now back to it, I did write Jamie/his Dad a letter. Well its weird, as soon as he went, I wrote him a long letter, then at the end, I put about 100 words to his dad, explaining the situation and things. Becuase I knew Jamie wouldn't get the letter, and he never did. So his dad must have read it. I appriciate all of your advice guys, its a great help.

&lol did he cry over habbo?

19-07-2006, 05:07 PM
yer when his furniz got picked up lmao at him,

19-07-2006, 05:09 PM
Oh yeah, and since the most recent outburst he has text me once or twice, all he said was his computer has broke, and in a week or so he is going on holiday :(

19-07-2006, 05:09 PM
hmmmn no i never? i kicked everyone from my room and spoke with mod-bengal then i urm... was bored for a while cause i had nothing to bet with then i got my REFUND

19-07-2006, 05:11 PM
We don't care if you got a refund or not. ;l

19-07-2006, 05:12 PM
I'm assuming this is what the dad thinks you've been up to as of the "until 18" comment he made)

oooh never thought of it that way
ok, im sure he would have said 16 then, maybe he meant 18 because adult, thinking for yourself i dont know.

Well no, because the Gay Sex age in the UK is 18. The straight is 16. :P

19-07-2006, 05:13 PM
well don't talk crap. Especially when about the ONLY person i did talk to at that period between when i lost my first yellow gate to losing everything to getitng the refund was YOU. i only told YOU everything so don't play stupid.

19-07-2006, 05:13 PM
& The thing about the Gay Sex age, I thought about that once, but then for him to think that, he must have got around the fact of his son being gay and think all gay boys/men are playa's.[

& If that was aimed at me Allan, how the hell am I playing stupid, and why would I care you got a refund though? :s

19-07-2006, 05:14 PM
We don't care if you got a refund or not. ;l

Here, here.

Ever heard of karma drooped?

19-07-2006, 05:15 PM
& The thing about the Gay Sex age, I thought about that once, but then for him to think that, he must have got around the fact of his son being gay and think all gay boys/men are playa's.[

& If that was aimed at me Allan, how the hell am I playing stupid, and why would I care you got a refund though? :s

My dad's ok with me being gay but i dont think he would like the idea of me having anything other than a conversation with anybody else with a *****. haha!

19-07-2006, 05:18 PM
Yeah, well only my mum and dad know [well and net mates] my dad doesn't talk to me, which I'm kinda glad about and my mum doesn't mind. BUT I'm hoping, his dad doesn't like him being gay. That may sound weird but, sooner or later it will sink in, and when it does he will reliased he can't control him all his life.

19-07-2006, 05:19 PM
Grr drooped go make a thread on your habbo life, im sure its more interesting then your real one...
Ben, good thats hes going on holiday, put his parents ina good mood
tis true, im ok with my parents about anything, not being gay, nor ever having an online meet up relationship, ive never had this experience of parents not being there, but im pretty much sussed with parents over other things

19-07-2006, 05:21 PM
Here, here.

Ever heard of karma drooped?

I believe in Karma...
that's why i'll hover between heaven & hell when i die :)
also the reason why i got my refund, what goes around comes around.
And my habbo life is amazing, just like my giant big ego and my giant big head y'know? NOT. I'm sick of people jumping on my back all because someone starts an arguement with me and they can't handle the heat.

19-07-2006, 05:22 PM
That may sound weird but, sooner or later it will sink in, and when it does he will reliased he can't control him all his life.

Yerp. That's it.

Your dad doesn't talk to you at all? Does he live with you?

19-07-2006, 05:22 PM
Yeah, I hope it will do somthing to them to know some sense into them. But what I still don't get is, that his mum has seen me, spoke to me, known her son was gay BUT THEN, his dad comes along, and she suddenly hates it?She was fine with it until he found out, I think his mums being a bit defenceless and just following Jamies dad. If she didn't do that, and stood up to him, he might actually see hes in the wrong..

& No he don't live with me, me and my dad have a bad past, he only talks to me when he needs to. But every other weekend I go round his house, to see my little brother and little sister, my step mum drops me off and picks me up n stuff.

& Allan, your litterally arguing on your own, we've all said we really couldn't care less...

19-07-2006, 05:24 PM
I believe in Karma...
that's why i'll hover between heaven & hell when i die :)
also the reason why i got my refund, what goes around comes around.
And my habbo life is amazing, just like my giant big ego and my giant big head y'know? NOT. I'm sick of people jumping on my back all because someone starts an arguement with me and they can't handle the heat.

What heat? You have no compassion, or understanding. As long as you have your pixels that you swap and scam (yes, betting is equal to scamming in my book) you're fine, if anybody has a problem its THEIR concern.

On this forum we help people if they have problems. Stop talking about your stupid habbo furniture like your life has no possible other meaning, you silly child.

19-07-2006, 05:28 PM
Yeah, I hope it will do somthing to them to know some sense into them. But what I still don't get is, that his mum has seen me, spoke to me, known her son was gay BUT THEN, his dad comes along, and she suddenly hates it?She was fine with it until he found out, I think his mums being a bit defenceless and just following Jamies dad. If she didn't do that, and stood up to him, he might actually see hes in the wrong..

& No he don't live with me, me and my dad have a bad past, he only talks to me when he needs to. But every other weekend I go round his house, to see my little brother and little sister, my step mum drops me off and picks me up n stuff.

& Allan, your litterally arguing on your own, we've all said we really couldn't care less...

That must be hard on you? I don't get along with my dad sometimes but i dont think i couldn't talk to him.

My dad can be really controlling over my mom too though, Ben. It's what dads do. Maybe you should try talking to Jamie's mum? She sounds alot more open minded than his dad and i think that the only reason she's stopped allowing you and Jamie seeing each other was because Jamie's dad could possibly have put things into her head about gay guys? Not sure.

You need to think about Jamie too. If he says he needs space you might have to think about cooling off for a while. I can't imagine how awkward he must feel when his dad finds a text or letter that you send. :(:(

Put yourself in his situation. I know it's not what you want to hear, but you need to think about the both of you. xx

19-07-2006, 05:29 PM
Gawd, Drooping, even if you're Habbo life is great as you said in a post before, I dont know who the hell you are...obviously can't be that great

"Habbo Life" - to be honest I find sad. All Habbo is is an addictive game, not a seperate life. you only get one life, real world life...

Drooping, you havent made a great first impression towards me, and I dont particularly like you for acting like an idiot especially in this thread.

Sort things out?

19-07-2006, 05:31 PM
That must be hard on you? I don't get along with my dad sometimes but i dont think i couldn't talk to him.

My dad can be really controlling over my mom too though, Ben. It's what dads do. Maybe you should try talking to Jamie's mum? She sounds alot more open minded than his dad and i think that the only reason she's stopped allowing you and Jamie seeing each other was because Jamie's dad could possibly have put things into her head about gay guys? Not sure.

You need to think about Jamie too. If he says he needs space you might have to think about cooling off for a while. I can't imagine how awkward he must feel when his dad finds a text or letter that you send. :(:(
Yeah.. Well I can't get in contact with her because they blocked my number calling them apparantly? They said I was harassing them, :rolleyes: I hardly call 2 calls where I get abuse giving them harrasment, but hmk.. & Yeah, I know what you mean about dads over powering, its tough. Also, when I say things to him about asking him if he wants to cool off, he says no way and stuff, and says he wants to be with me, but his actions tell me the opposite?

19-07-2006, 05:33 PM
Ok, he obviously doesn't want to cool it off but from what i can tell he feels awkward when his dad shouts at you etc, from the text he sent you "I dont want to see you" either sent by himself or his dad.

He probably really likes you, but feels torn between your's and his dad's love.

Btw, Plus rep Barwy.

19-07-2006, 05:35 PM
Yeah, I keep forgetting to ask him about that text, I'm pretty sure it was his dad. It was the way it was said, when you know someone aswell as I know him you kinda know how they would have said it, if you get me?

19-07-2006, 05:41 PM
Yeah, I keep forgetting to ask him about that text, I'm pretty sure it was his dad. It was the way it was said, when you know someone aswell as I know him you kinda know how they would have said it, if you get me?

Yep. I know exactly what you mean. Like.. A friend would say somthing like
"Stp txtin me cuz i dnt wna c u no mor"
and a TECHNO Whiz dad:
"Please stop texting me as i don't want to see you anymore"


19-07-2006, 05:42 PM
Yeah, well all I can do is hope really.

Thanks for all the help - Thomathy I was gunna rep you aswell as the others but I've given out too much :(

19-07-2006, 05:46 PM
Yeah, well all I can do is hope really.

Thanks for all the help - Thomathy I was gunna rep you aswell as the others but I've given out too much :(

I REALLLLLLY Hope it all works out Benji. :(

Keep us posted. ;)

Jo x

Btw, you're automatically in the cool kid's gang because you've got the same name as my dawg.. Benji. :D (ignore the ****** picture, he hadn't been cut in ages. :D

19-07-2006, 05:53 PM
i, too, have a big ego, i think its the reason why imso great ;)

19-07-2006, 06:51 PM
Thanks for the Rep, both of you, possibly expect some back? :P

I owe Drooped a bad rep because of his actions earlier...

19-07-2006, 07:45 PM
i, too, have a big ego, i think its the reason why imso great ;)No offence but yours isn't as big as his. He thinks he came out of gods but. & I will keep you informed Jo, thanks for the help everyone.

19-07-2006, 07:57 PM
No offence but yours isn't as big as his. He thinks he came out of gods but. & I will keep you informed Jo, thanks for the help everyone.

you said several hours ago to get over it... yet your still going on about me? FOMG MY EGO IS GETTING BIGGER..i'm untouchable.

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