View Full Version : [Building] A few more of my rooms.

20-07-2006, 07:47 PM
I don't really like any of them except the Cinema, and thats missing somthing big. I have major lack of rares atm, and practically all of them are unfinished. I can afford most of the stuff, but most people are asking rediculous prices.. But thats life. They all need paint bar one, so don't comment on that please - I have no credits.


Schlurple Purple - Need; Paint&Floor, Puple Petballs, Habbo Colours posters.


Cinema - Don't know what it needs really, but its missing somthing.


Grocery Store - Err, pretty pointless I suppose? But I kinda like it.


Treetop Hangout - Don't like this room at all, looks too plain boring and empty but I don't know how to improve it.

Thats all of them for now, but, also my 'English Pride' room is totally finished aswell now.


20-07-2006, 07:53 PM

YUSH! LOL 2 many cinemas about and try and make a popcorn stand!

20-07-2006, 07:54 PM
I thought that but.. Out of what?

20-07-2006, 07:56 PM
I like the purple one, cinema one and the grocery store.

Purple one because it's purple and I love purple.

Cinema because it's nice and small and looks really good.

Grocery Store because its pretty and has a calm feel to it lol.

20-07-2006, 07:57 PM
Thanks Stick :] How do I improve the treetop hangout?

20-07-2006, 08:00 PM
Would look much better when it's painted because the grey and browny colour don't go with the walls. You could add some eating up in the tree top. Maybe add some jungle posters to make it feel more "jungle-e"

20-07-2006, 08:00 PM
change big mat 2 green in treetop hangout and some rainforest posters k?

make popcorn out of a mode thing?

20-07-2006, 08:07 PM
Yeah, I need loads of posters and paint and flooring. Weec0 the big green rugs are ugly and I refuse to use them :P But I seirously don't think the popcorn thing would work, sorry. Considering the room colour scheme is gold and red.

20-07-2006, 08:09 PM
Yeah the green rugs are wayy to green for the room. Needs a dark green or a browny colour.

20-07-2006, 08:11 PM
Rainforest posters would do the Treetop Hangout wonders! :)

20-07-2006, 08:11 PM
Thanks Ellis, but EVERYONE wants 10 per HC, and its a rip off ;/

20-07-2006, 08:14 PM
That's a complete rip off. 10 is only 30 credits ;l. Not even half a HC. Try buying them seperatly. Will take longer but you will save alot.

20-07-2006, 08:15 PM
Exactly, & yeah. I wouldn't mind doing 15 or so for a HC, but everyone wants 10..

20-07-2006, 08:16 PM
Yea, true true. But Rainforest are hard as hell to get 1 at a time I think. But if you're willing to work for the room, then go for it.

Also, if you decide to take apart the room later, you'll still have loads of rainforest poster which will come in handy in future rooms. :)

20-07-2006, 08:18 PM
Just keep looking. Someone could sell at 15. You could try hagling like at 12 or 13.

20-07-2006, 08:26 PM
Yeah, I'll get it sooner or later ;P

Thanks guys.

20-07-2006, 08:33 PM
No problemo. *Increases post count* Lmao ;)

Yea, but rainforest posters look nice.

20-07-2006, 08:39 PM
The purple room i think i could do wonders for, a full purple oval rug floor + purple flooring to fill in the gaps, purple pet balls, pink marzipan men, purple rollers, all can be incorporated and dont cost all that much ;)
8/10 (10 if you can consider my ideas :P)

The cinema i think could look great with a full red floor rug floor with red doormats and a similar shade of red flooring to cover the stairs, could also use swiss flags to tie in with the red and white of the pillars
7.5/10 (prefers purple to red)

Perhaps a cash register made out of a lert on a mode bar or something similar for the grocery store, atm i can walk in and and walk out without paying ;)
9/10, very well designed

Maybe add some bonsais/pineapples in specific areas for the treetop hangout, bonsais in the upper area instead of yukkas and pines stacked inside the pods in the lower area
9/10 so far, 10 if you incorporate this

Just a few ideas, hope theyre useful ;)

20-07-2006, 10:46 PM
Oooh purple, smurple and grocery store have great potential for awesome looking rooms :)

21-07-2006, 09:50 PM
Ahh Nick, your ideas for the Purple room and the Cinema are great! Thanks for that dude, and thanks Cat ;)

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