View Full Version : WELL DONE ISRAEL! NOT!

25-07-2006, 10:05 PM
sorry for the capital title but still, look at the bbc.co.uk headlines

Israel bomb 'kills UN observers'

http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/41930000/jpg/_41930122_khiamap.jpg Israel had hit Khiam a number of times earlier on Tuesday

Four United Nations peacekeepers have been killed in an Israeli air strike on an observation post in southern Lebanon, the UN has said.

EDIT: i aint being offensive as i am israeli

25-07-2006, 10:07 PM

25-07-2006, 10:08 PM
Not taking sides but I pity Lebanon, more people killed and buildings destroyed. Israel are sick "/

25-07-2006, 10:09 PM
i am israeli but i mean come on israeli thats not right!

25-07-2006, 10:13 PM
I think ima go n roundhouse kick Israel.

25-07-2006, 10:14 PM
go on kick me then? as i am from there?

25-07-2006, 10:25 PM
i don't get whats actually going on.

25-07-2006, 10:27 PM
i don't get whats actually going on.
me either, I never get any of this war/politics rubbish. We can be dumb together.

25-07-2006, 10:28 PM
hezbollah kidnapped 3 israeli soliders killed 1 and throw bombs into israel so israel started attacking lebanon where hezbollah are based and then they declared war on israel so israel are just using there arming and blowing the hell outta hezbollah/lebanon

25-07-2006, 10:29 PM
I don't think what Isreal is doing is right but Lebanon brought it on themselves by taken those Isreali soldiers and not releasing them.

25-07-2006, 10:31 PM
it wasnt lebanon who kidnapped them it was hezbollah, sorry to have a go heere but i wish people would get it right! lebanon and israel never had anything againist each other til hezbollah came along, oh ye syria and iran now have a reason to attack israel, maybe my grandperants will have to use there bombshelter :(

25-07-2006, 10:44 PM
I don't think what Isreal is doing is right but Lebanon brought it on themselves by taken those Isreali soldiers and not releasing them.

Apparently these Israeli soldiers were attacking Lebanon, so Israel is to blame.

EDIT: So were these Israeli soldiers going after Hezbollah?

25-07-2006, 10:46 PM
dude get your facts right!, they where standing there doing there job being flippin security at the border, israel where busy fighting down at the gaza strip and west bank! :@

25-07-2006, 10:51 PM
For those who dont know, a group called Hezbollah (sp?) kidnapped 3 Isreali soldiers-- so naturally Isreal desided to kill hundreds Lebanese (who have nothing to do with it) for no reason.

And to make it even better, every country is calling for Isreali cease-fire, except for the country that controls them ( because they gave them the guns for this war in the first place), THE U.S.! Yay for us! Heaven forbid the president do something the rest of the world wants him to do.

25-07-2006, 10:52 PM
To be honest, I think this was a bit foolish of Isreal. But, I don't sympathise with Hezbollah, they are a terrorist organisation, and were voted in by the Lebanese, some now dislike them. They kidnapped isreali soldiers.. why shouldn't Isreal react? I know other countries would do something similar to regain their men.

25-07-2006, 10:52 PM
dude get your facts right!, they where standing there doing there job being flippin security at the border, israel where busy fighting down at the gaza strip and west bank! :@

More than 380 Lebanese and 42 Israelis have died in nearly two weeks of conflict in Lebanon, which began after Hezbollah captured two Israeli soldiers in a cross-border raid on 12 July.
Who raided who?

I find it rather funny how Israel is killing more civilians than army/Hezbollah people, so that is my reason for taking the Lebanon side of this conflict. I fear for Lebanon, not Hezbollah.

25-07-2006, 10:53 PM
israel designed alot of the us weapons and us built them and gave them in return, the uk want israel to carry on so do us and alot of the bigger countrys that realise hezbollah are a huge threat, people don't realise that they are they did have connection will 9/11 aswell and alot of other huge attacks on israel, the leader of hezbollah has known to have been in touch with osama binladen on tapes been posted on the internet, every terriost group is a threat!

to gommeinc: israel have now attacked hezbollah bases etc in lebanon, yes they have done it with alot of deaths and i dont disagree with that, buit now iran and syria will get involved and there is no question of how, or why, its a matter of when this shows great threat to israel is it will be fighting on 50-60% of the border, iran also have this nuclear missle thing going on at the moment. israel are trying to get rid of a link of terroist groups and if this is how it will be done it will have to be, loads of peopel died in 9/11 and israel have suffereed over 500-1000 deaths a year due to suicide bombs no body realised that all these are some what way conencted to hezbollah

25-07-2006, 10:56 PM
israel designed alot of the us weapons and us built them and gave them in return, the uk want israel to carry on so do us and alot of the bigger countrys that realise hezbollah are a huge threat, people don't realise that they are they did have connection will 9/11 aswell and alot of other huge attacks on israel, the leader of hezbollah has known to have been in touch with osama binladen on tapes been posted on the internet, every terriost group is a threat!
So the reason for bombing and missiling innocent Lebonese people is...? And the reason behind air rading innocent UN people is...?

What I find amusing is Israel and America are similar in a way, spilling innocent blood. Iraq and civilians and allies! America missiled a convoy in Iraq which had the UN flag on and they also shot many civilians and tortured many people because they were bored. Although Israel hasn't tortured anyone, they do seem to like killing hundreds of innocent people, especially in a convoy..

to gommeinc: israel have now attacked hezbollah bases etc in lebanon, yes they have done it with alot of deaths and i dont disagree with that, buit now iran and syria will get involved and there is no question of how, or why, its a matter of when this shows great threat to israel is it will be fighting on 50-60% of the border, iran also have this nuclear missle thing going on at the moment. israel are trying to get rid of a link of terroist groups and if this is how it will be done it will have to be, loads of peopel died in 9/11 and israel have suffereed over 500-1000 deaths a year due to suicide bombs no body realised that all these are some what way conencted to hezbollah
A problem with this, Israel aren't even bothering about the fact they are killing civilians. They destroyed a convoy which had a bus filled with children in, and missiled buildings besides a beach. Where were the Hezbollah in that?! They seemed to of just randomly missiled and asked questions later "/

25-07-2006, 10:58 PM
israel designed alot of the us weapons and us built them and gave them in return, the uk want israel to carry on so do us and alot of the bigger countrys that realise hezbollah are a huge threat, people don't realise that they are they did have connection will 9/11 aswell and alot of other huge attacks on israel, the leader of hezbollah has known to have been in touch with osama binladen on tapes been posted on the internet, every terriost group is a threat!

Then why didnt they do something about it earlier? Why does it take the kidnapping of soldiers to relize that terrorists are a threat? Is this really about anti-terrorism, or is it about the kidnapping of their soldiers? Everyone is saying something different.

25-07-2006, 10:59 PM
The UN are surpose to say where they wil be at a certain time, and they didn't say where they were, plus israel have leads on every place where hezbollah leaders and worked stay etc. alot of there bomb bases as they are called are located in high populated areas, such as next to the airport etc, the highest threat is next to a school of what israel know

to red: hezbollah arent the highest of well known terroist groups israel decided to take it, slowly at first asking for them back hezbollah disagreed with this action and throw bombs into israel and declared israel to war, at first israel resisted but then realised this was getting serious, iranian and syrian hezbollah rockets where found aswell which is why israel has had to step up the attacks if they attack quickly, yes it causes alot of ddeaths it will have to be done but if it draws out more and more it will kill more, and maybe from differant contries as i have sed iran and syria

25-07-2006, 11:08 PM
to red: hezbollah arent the highest of well known terroist groups israel decided to take it, slowly at first asking for them back hezbollah disagreed with this action and throw bombs into israel and declared israel to war, at first israel resisted but then realised this was getting serious, iranian and syrian hezbollah rockets where found aswell which is why israel has had to step up the attacks if they attack quickly, yes it causes alot of ddeaths it will have to be done but if it draws out more and more it will kill more, and maybe from differant contries as i have sed iran and syria

Why does it have to be this extreme? I dont get it. If they could communicate with Hezbollah, why cant we find them and kill them where they are? It doesnt make any sense to just throw random bombs.

25-07-2006, 11:10 PM
Why does it have to be this extreme? I dont get it. If they could communicate with Hezbollah, why cant we find them and kill them where they are? It doesnt make any sense to just throw random bombs.
I think they are working on the "Bomb now, ask questions later" tactic. Or they really don't care who they're attacking. There is no good answer for this random bombings.

25-07-2006, 11:11 PM
I think they are working on the "Bomb now, ask questions later" tactic.

Has that tactic ever REALLY worked?

25-07-2006, 11:11 PM
hezbollah don't like the west, or israel, they are agianist both they don't want to give up they want to destroy both they don't realise they don't have the strength they believe they can do it however they, wish, and again back to the iranian nuclear missle thing, hezbollah have faith iran will use it againist israel if it ever suceeds getting built, there is no way of stopping how it is happening frankly i wish it could aswell, communication is only via the hezbollah member of "parliment" in lebanon, don't ask its a very long story hezbollah show there lower members, where they are positioned etc but the people at the people at the top of it are hard to find

2 gommeinc: as i have already said each bomb is strategic, there has been only 3 reported misses on hezbollah areas and a member(s) of hezbollah have been killed, tbh i would like to see you aim a shell out of a tank and get it on target and not kill innocent lifes?

25-07-2006, 11:18 PM
hezbollah don't like the west, or israel, they are agianist both they don't want to give up they want to destroy both they don't realise they don't have the strength they believe they can do it however they, wish, and again back to the iranian nuclear missle thing, hezbollah have faith iran will use it againist israel if it ever suceeds getting built, there is no way of stopping how it is happening frankly i wish it could aswell, communication is only via the hezbollah member of "parliment" in lebanon, don't ask its a very long story hezbollah show there lower members, where they are positioned etc but the people at the people at the top of it are hard to find

2 gommeinc: as i have already said each bomb is strategic, there has been only 3 reported misses on hezbollah areas and a member(s) of hezbollah have been killed, tbh i would like to see you aim a shell out of a tank and get it on target and not kill innocent lifes?
Why would I use a tank? Get men in there "/ That's what they were trained to do! If I was this Defence Minister or whatever they call the Israeli attack person, I would ask whoever defends or runs Lebanon to allow my men to go in to these Hezbollah areas and take them like that, then resort to war if they decline. But I wouldn't be incredibly stupid enough to randomly bomb or fire shells at random. Perhpas that is what this Israeli Defence, War thing is, an incredibly stupid idiot. Surely it would be more easier to take them head on rather than be stupid and fire from a long range?

25-07-2006, 11:22 PM
the israeli army is ran differantly they always have tanks etc on stand by due to them fighting everyday pretty much they have just recently had a call up for 10000 men in israel so they are now geting ready to go in on foot, but think about it a rocket fired at a building can blow it up, and this is a hezbollah rocket, now imagine 1000 man brigade going into lebanon with no strong protection and hezbollah got perfect aim and hit them they have a radius of 50m metres on them with metal inside the rocket i think more men will die this way don't you?

25-07-2006, 11:33 PM
Well hezbollah practically run the government in lebanon so I spose it is understandable why israel is blowing up lebanon. They did say they are taking care not to attack or injure civillians but I think they are making a half hearted effort.

As we can obviously see from this UN death situation

26-07-2006, 12:11 AM
Ok, my take on it is this.
hezbollah = problem

From Israils point of view
hezbollah a terrorist group whom reside in lebanon attack israel there fireing missles, and kidnaping soldures.
Israel cant exsactly sit back and let them do this, it has to deffened itself, so it does so, the terrorist are in lebanon so they go over to get them.

Lebanon which realy has nothing to do with the terrorsits is then getting bombed by israel whom are after hezbollah. So theres under attack, but cant realy do much without declaring war on Isreal, so are kinda stuck.

The big problem is that lebanon has no control over hezbollah, but hezbollah are pulling them in to a fight they dont want to be be in.
Israel is basily walking in to hezbollah's hand, if they create a conflict then iran will probaly use it as an excuse to join in and pretty much set about what its been clameing to want to do, and pretty much wipe both contarys off the map.

So hezbollah cause the probelm. And israil are walking directy in to there trap. hezbollah are gorrilla fighters, they draw in isreal, but they can hide and get out the way, so isreal just ends up hurting innaccent lesbonese people insted of the targets.

26-07-2006, 01:12 AM
I think ima go n roundhouse kick Israel.

I just love your "I don't give a crap" attitude. :P

Even though this is quite serious.

26-07-2006, 01:49 AM
way to go isreal. i smell a war.

26-07-2006, 08:05 AM
What I think. War sucks, isn't there enough death without war making more?

Virgin Mary
26-07-2006, 11:08 AM
They're going to Hell.

26-07-2006, 11:10 AM
They're going to Hell.

For once Mary darling, I totally agree with you...

26-07-2006, 11:10 AM
i don't get whats actually going on.

Me either lol :[

26-07-2006, 11:12 AM
To mary i could take that as a racist comment and the perverse, am i going to hell? no I don't think so, so wish up with your pathetic answers

26-07-2006, 11:13 AM
She doesn't mean YOU and neither do I. She means those that are killing each other that don't need to. It could be stopped...

Virgin Mary
26-07-2006, 11:17 AM
I was referring to those who are currently engaged in a pointless war.

26-07-2006, 11:18 AM
Killing can't be stopped its a fact of life and frankly get use to it! you didn't hear all these problems when america and uk first hit iraq due to everyone knowing the facts about iraq, and becuase of who it was, yes there was complaints by certain groups etc but nothing to huge, israel are a hated country due to the religious belief it is known that the pope now was in the SS and very anti-israeli, the talks are getting held in rome aswell its a differcult time for israel and if this is how they feel they ned to do it let them do it!

Virgin Mary
26-07-2006, 11:22 AM
Well Israel is mainly Jews and Muslims so I don't see why the Pope should hate the country :l

26-07-2006, 11:26 AM
anti-semitic (i think thats the word) and the SS was the organsastion to do with the holocaust aswell

26-07-2006, 11:29 AM
People forget that Israel have been bombed constantly over the last few years. How many thousands of innocent people have died in the bus bombings, the suicide bombers and now the Hezbollah rockets. Hell, Hezbollah even crashed a bomb-laiden UAV into a Israeli warship.

People often forget the war with the I.R.A in Ireland. Didn't we use extreme force to combat them, but often killing innocent civilians in the process. We stuck at it though and I.R.A attack have been reduced dramatically to almost zero. Perhaps Israel might have the same luck.

26-07-2006, 11:31 AM
Killing can't be stopped its a fact of life and frankly get use to it! you didn't hear all these problems when america and uk first hit iraq due to everyone knowing the facts about iraq, and becuase of who it was, yes there was complaints by certain groups etc but nothing to huge, israel are a hated country due to the religious belief it is known that the pope now was in the SS and very anti-israeli, the talks are getting held in rome aswell its a differcult time for israel and if this is how they feel they ned to do it let them do it!

I might of read this wrong or took it the wrong way but I assume by what you are saying in bold could come across as 'Israel get stressed and upset so bomb people' that's how I took it. I could be completely wrong though so sorry if I am. xP

26-07-2006, 11:37 AM
ssorry i was meaning that its hard for israel due to fighting as i have said they are fighting on 50-60% of there border etc

26-07-2006, 11:41 AM
ssorry i was meaning that its hard for israel due to fighting as i have said they are fighting on 50-60% of there border etc

Ahh, I see. I tend to read into things alot... xD :)

I just hope it all gets sorted. Was watching the evacuations on GMTV the other day... Well mad.

26-07-2006, 11:43 AM
I didn't watch didn't wish to

26-07-2006, 12:24 PM
People often forget the war with the I.R.A in Ireland. Didn't we use extreme force to combat them, but often killing innocent civilians in the process. We stuck at it though and I.R.A attack have been reduced dramatically to almost zero. Perhaps Israel might have the same luck.
o.0 i would strongly recommend not following are example with the IRA, its been going ona few 100 years and there still blowing each other up "/

26-07-2006, 12:31 PM
The IRA have disarmed to persue political routes as of 2005.
Ultimately, we beat the terrorist aspect of the IRA.

Isn't it the same with the Taliban? We are fighting them and the drug lords in Afghanistan as opposed to the actual country?

26-07-2006, 12:34 PM
mrpresident is 100% right

26-07-2006, 12:53 PM
wait hold up hezbollah kiddnaped 2 israel soldiers so that israel releases innocent palestine prisoners which r everyday kidnaped by israel forces but iseral and us want more then hezbollah they want the whole middleeast thats y it started with iraq now lebonon soon syria and iran and they keep goin on killing thoulsands of innocent ppl look what isreal done to palestine everyday killin hunders of childern and women and the whole world dosnt say anythin apart from sayin palestine ppl are terriost because they fight back with rocks against 1 of the strongest countrys come on ppl wake up open ur eyes but when hezbollah kidnapes 2 soldiers to realese a few palestines innocent prisoners the US, UK even arab leaders make somethin big out of it try make them look ilke terrisrost now i dont hate israel or the jews cuz i belive in jew's Christian's and islam but whats wrong is wrong and i even know ppl from isreal who lives nxt to us say this is wrong bombing childern and women. and sadly most of the media is showin the world from 1 point of view not both i aint sayin the hezbollah is right to bomb israel no that wrong aswell but im tryin to say look at the whole story from both ways not just from one place and thank u lol :D

26-07-2006, 12:58 PM
The Palestinians were bombing innocent Israelis way before they struck back. The media is showing the terrorists as the victims and not the Israelis, who have endured constant fear for the last few years.

26-07-2006, 01:04 PM
Israel rarely use there army they spend 33% of there money on there army, you rarely see the force of its be annouced that this attack is 1% of the army israel has so thing o fhte force we have and able to use

26-07-2006, 01:08 PM
The Palestinians were bombing innocent Israelis way before they struck back. The media is showing the terrorists as the victims and not the Israelis, who have endured constant fear for the last few years.

?? what fear isreal is packed up with the latest weapons ?? palestine fights back with rocks look at gaza or palestine be4 70 yrs ??? a diffrenet place now look at it a grave yard ??? and seriosly rocks dont kill. tryin out latest deadly weapons shipped from the us does kill and kill hunderds so if one bus oe car bomb scaries u then think of the palesitne ppl and kids who walk to schools under bombs and heavy fire shootin dont really now if they ever come back home thats fear but a 1 car bomb a month ¬¬ dont think of me as im against any 1 i aint but im sayin what i think is wrong

26-07-2006, 01:10 PM
mc-scorpion STFU, they fight with stones whats a suicide bomber? whats a rocket? whats a missle? they recieve alot from iran and syria

26-07-2006, 01:12 PM
Yes, a person stepping onto a bus strapped to the brim with explosives is really fighting back with a rock.
There are no ways to prevent these suicide bombers as they are willing to die, they don't care where they get blown up aslong as it takes as many people out with them.

Try sitting in a bus or a cafe or whatever, knowing that the next person to walk through the door might be saying one last prayer before they push a little button and blow you to smithereens. That's not fear?

26-07-2006, 01:13 PM
mc-scorpion STFU, they fight with stones whats a suicide bomber? whats a rocket? whats a missle? they recieve alot from iran and syria

lol u cant take it ??? STFU for what ??? and lol isreal recieves weapons from US, UK, and different countries and dont get p*****d im sayin what i think is right unless u got soemthin against me ??

Try sitting in a bus or a cafe or whatever, knowing that the next person to walk through the door might be saying one last prayer before they push a little button and blow you to smithereens. That's not fear?
i never said thats no fear YES the wrong and i never saud thats right ???

26-07-2006, 01:15 PM
israel design the weapons and the US make them the uk don't send israel any weapons it stopped before 2000

26-07-2006, 01:17 PM
and postgresql if u cant take it say it dont swear at me cuz i said somethin ?? i dont wanna start anythin with u god sake

26-07-2006, 01:20 PM
sorry but i have enough of the crap abut people thinking they know what they are talking about they don't listen/watch the news and then they make up things

26-07-2006, 01:20 PM
what fear
I answered that.
And as far as I was aware, the only American designed weapon the Israeli forces have is the F15.

What you think is right is infact wrong. Dave has had to experience this first hand and i've read into this alot from proper, unbiased, non-media based sites.

26-07-2006, 01:44 PM
lsn this will never work out lol every1 got his own point of views u think that i think this it will never work out so...... nvm

26-07-2006, 01:55 PM
I feel sorry for Lebonan, as they have nothing to do with this.

Also, I'd like to add that I hate President Bush. He is such a FACHIST!!!! He does actually think he is the Presidant of the World!

Virgin Mary
26-07-2006, 01:57 PM
George Bush is president of the rednecks.

26-07-2006, 02:02 PM
ok virgin mary you really need to watch the way you act, this is how he wants to take it and let him do it, lets see you do better

Virgin Mary
26-07-2006, 02:04 PM
Okay, when I am president.

26-07-2006, 02:04 PM
I feel sorry for Lebonan, as they have nothing to do with this.

Also, I'd like to add that I hate President Bush. He is such a FACHIST!!!! He does actually think he is the Presidant of the World!
Lebanon were harbouring terrorists and allowing them a lauch pad for their rockets. They turned a blind eye to this instead of opposing and actively trying to stop Hezbollah.

What makes you believe Bush is a facist? Did one of your favourite bands write a song about it? The majority of the Anti-Bush movement is people jumping on the bandwagon, but at it's core are people who disagree with what he does within his own country and not the war he fights.

Afghanistan was ruled by a Government who supported Terrorism, this government had to be removed and replaced, which it has been. Afghanistan now rules itself, it is not ruled by the Coalition.

Iraq did seem like a threat at the time, they have been in the past and again, the tyrinical government had to be removed and replaced for the safety of it's neighbours and most of the civilised world. Iraq now rules itself.

Just the high troop presence in these 2 countries gives the terrorists a battlefield to fight on. They are attacking trained soldiers who can fight back instead of innocent civilians.

26-07-2006, 02:07 PM
Lebanon were harbouring terrorists and allowing them a lauch pad for their rockets. They turned a blind eye to this instead of opposing and actively trying to stop Hezbollah.

What makes you believe Bush is a facist? Did one of your favourite bands write a song about it? The majority of the Anti-Bush movement is people jumping on the bandwagon, but at it's core are people who disagree with what he does within his own country and not the war he fights.

Afghanistan was ruled by a Government who supported Terrorism, this government had to be removed and replaced, which it has been. Afghanistan now rules itself, it is not ruled by the Coalition.

Iraq did seem like a threat at the time, they have been in the past and again, the tyrinical government had to be removed and replaced for the safety of it's neighbours and most of the civilised world. Iraq now rules itself.

Just the high troop presence in these 2 countries gives the terrorists a battlefield to fight on. They are attacking trained soldiers who can fight back instead of innocent civilians.

I really didn't want a essay from you tbh. And actually, my old English teacher told me he was a fasict, and when people like Hitler and Margret Thatcher were facists too, its not something I am going to like really.

26-07-2006, 02:08 PM
I really didn't want a essay from you tbh. And actually, my old English teacher told me he was a fasict, and when people like Hitler and Margret Thatcher were facists too, its not something I am going to like really.
My Maths teacher told me the Romans invented the SuperSoaker1800. Their legionaires carried them onto the battlefield and used them to distract the enemy cavalry whilst their own made a charge.
So you got with the opinion of someone else and not your own. No point arguing eh?
The essay was nessessary to reply to your comment in a coherant way which actualy offered a semi-decent explanation.

26-07-2006, 02:10 PM
My Maths teacher told me the Romans invented the SuperSoaker1800. There legionaires carried them onto the battlefield and used them to distract the enemy cavalry whilst their own made a charge.
So you got with the opinion of someone else and not your own. No point arguing eh?

She helped me sway my opinion actually, as I didn't know what a fasict was (Dumb I know) But once I knew, I knew what she meant and agreed with her.

OMG, The romans thing was so FUNNY. And its obvious you used the essay to try and make like you had a valid argument to what I said, when really it had nothing to do with matter at hand

26-07-2006, 02:15 PM
Fascism is a radical totalitarian political philosophy that combines elements of corporatism, authoritarianism, extreme nationalism, militarism, anti-anarchism, anti-communism and anti-liberalism.
Basically, a dictatorship as it bans any other political ideas.
Thatcher Britain had democracy, as does the United States.

26-07-2006, 02:25 PM
heres something simple, look past the meida, the news and everything that you hear about israel and whats happening, israel is a small country, it needs to defend itself and this how they wanna do it, i have tried my hardest since yes night to defend where i was born and raised the fact is alot of you believe what you see on the news etc its not always right I would like you to see this http://www.jerusalemonline.co.il/home.asp maybe watch

EDIT: Its rare i do this but i wish you to just look at http://www.jerusalemonline.co.il/home.asp and see what it is there

26-07-2006, 02:32 PM
Basically, a dictatorship as it bans any other political ideas.
Thatcher Britain had democracy, as does the United States.

Hitler's Germany also had a democracy, but used force to get voters to vote for him. So in a way, yes, Hitler was a Dictator as he made people have him as there ruler, but fully.

Corporatism - Wants the best for its country, via businesses, architecture, youth. A good part of Fascism. Hitler, Thatcher and Bush all did this

Authoritarianism- Strict Goverment, strict rules. Strict Leaders. Hitler, Thatcher and Bush all give that

Extream Nationlism - Hitler wanted a pure Germany (No jews) Bush strongly belives in the American Dream (All life is about is money, and material goods) Perhaps only Thatcher didnt have this

Miliatrism - All 3 of the example leaders have got into wars and had strong armys

Anti -Archanism - Archanism means a loosely tied organization. The three leaders did not agree with this. They all had a strong goverment, probably a good thing, but a quality of facist.

Anti - Communism - Communism means everyone is equal, and most famously known as the opposit if fasicm. Hitler fought against communist and Bush and Thatcher also belive in that some people are better then others.

Anti - Liberal - Another good point, belives citizens should have rights. But, fasist all the same

26-07-2006, 02:33 PM
The IRA have disarmed to persue political routes as of 2005.
Ultimately, we beat the terrorist aspect of the IRA.

Isn't it the same with the Taliban? We are fighting them and the drug lords in Afghanistan as opposed to the actual country?
Humm true, Where doing alot better in afghanistan becuse where actaly seen as fighting the bad eliments as opposed to irack where we are seen by many as the enemy "/

Lebanon is stronly allied with the west, Its in the wests interests to protect them. There one of the few contarys with a democracy, Israel is the same.
hezbollah are a TERRORIST GROUP funded by contarys which wish to see BOTH of them collapse.
Do you realy think the US or UK wouldnt try and deffend itself if terrorist started fireing missles at us? Lebanon and Isreal arnt at war isreal is just trying to stop itself being attacked by terrorists.

The only problem is there not being discrimate enogh about who they attack and the way there going about it isnt realy helping since there fighting an enimy trained to hide from the attacks and fight useing gorrilla tatics, isreal is realy just walking in to there hands.
Destableisng both contayrs is in the interests or iran for exsample whos funding the hezbollah gorup..

Lebanon were harbouring terrorists and allowing them a lauch pad for their rockets. They turned a blind eye to this instead of opposing and actively trying to stop Hezbollah.
its a little unfair on lebanon as a whole since Hezbollah have pretty much infltrated the contary on many levels and have alot of control and influcnce over the inccent people, who couldnt realy do much without ending up in a smoldering wreak themselves "/

26-07-2006, 02:35 PM
just look at http://www.jerusalemonline.co.il and have a see what the media here isnt reporting

26-07-2006, 02:36 PM
I'm going to stop here and agree with Mentor.

26-07-2006, 02:38 PM
We are just repeating the same arguements in this thread and I really am starting to lose interest in it.

Pull out of this debate then?

26-07-2006, 02:38 PM
http://www.jerusalemonline.co.il :rolleyes:

26-07-2006, 02:40 PM
I think ima go n roundhouse kick Israel.

i'll join ya.

26-07-2006, 02:42 PM
voodoo its people like you thats ****ing **** me off thinking you can do thats see you get the guts to ****ing walk into that conflict, lets see you pick up a gun and fight, i doubt you ****ing would wise your head you *******!

**** like this can be taken as racist to me as you may not realise, it says at the beginning of the ****ing thread you should ready before you post brainless ****

26-07-2006, 02:56 PM
i'll join ya.
Now really isn't the time for that.

26-07-2006, 02:58 PM
yes it really isnt!

26-07-2006, 02:58 PM
Let them kill the hell out of each other.

It's their problem, not ours.

26-07-2006, 03:02 PM
iif u say so

26-07-2006, 03:17 PM
Let them kill the hell out of each other.

It's their problem, not ours.
yea exactly, just like the US did with Afghanistan after the russians pulled out, as you can tell by 9/11 that worked out Really well...

26-07-2006, 07:03 PM
Dont get involved is what I say.

Look, Britain went into Iraq because the US went in.
Now, the US have pulled out and left Britain to retain order.

I really dont care if lebanon and israel bomb the hell out of each other.
What have they done for us lately?

26-07-2006, 08:00 PM
The UN outpost even told Israel who they were. It is disgraceful.

27-07-2006, 04:56 AM
Israel wont loose. Definatly. I think that the whole middle east is going to get involved into a war. Ofcourse, the US backs up Israel no matter what. So if Israel goes into war with Iran or any other country, were going to be helping them. Fgs just let the 2 soldiers go! Actually, I applaud Israels guts. They are fighting no matter what to save those 2 soldiers. What does America do? "Sorry we dont negotiate with terrorists so you can kill him" Wt.f? Why cant America do whatever they can and save US citizens from terrorist captiviaty? "Oh well. Gohead. Torture him and cut off his head and send us a video tape of it like usual." F4ck that! God bless who ever is in terrorist captive. If i ever was, id know straight off the bat i'll be dead in the next week or so.

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