View Full Version : Selling White smoke machine

26-07-2006, 09:12 AM
Offers of 25t + only

26-07-2006, 12:01 PM
i smell another cribert
there are currently only 2 white smoke machines in circulation

i own one of them and last time i checked naal owns the other, unless you are naal in which case i doubt he would come on here under the name of lodidodi... :rolleyes:
Nothing irritates me more on this forum than nubs claiming to have and to be selling items theyve barely even seen around the hotel, unless you provide proof that you own one i dont think anyones going to be offering for it just yet

26-07-2006, 12:07 PM
he is a newbie noob claiming to have stuff he dosent, i wouldnt turst him- look at his post count and he has been a member for 1 yr

26-07-2006, 12:10 PM
well the fact that hes advertising something that theres only 2 of in existance just *****s himself over completely, it also brings down the other thread
both are selling 2 extremely rare items, if one is proved to be bovine excrement then it doesnt reflect too well on the other ;)

If i were you i would just leave the thread to rot and drop off of the main forum page and just pray he doesnt do it again

26-07-2006, 12:12 PM
very good nick

26-07-2006, 12:53 PM
and nothing irritates me more than some body i know accusing me of not having something, Because i have a noob habbox forum account doesnt mean anything, dont under estimate anyone,

Moral for you nick especially: just judge a book by its cover

p.s naal has never owned a wsm

26-07-2006, 01:01 PM
i apologise for my behaviour in the other thread and this one, i must admit i wasnt expecting the answer to be yes ;)
the majority of the time it is usually is some nub pretending, its become habit after criberts spam spree claiming he has 4 of every super including purple and gold dragons

And Naal told me he bought it off of you :o

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