View Full Version : selling a gd accoiunt

07-02-2005, 03:59 PM
ok i am selling a very gd character he has a gd mining level about 3k, has high smithng, he doesnt do fiting. but if u buy him he culd. his name is battyjepatti. ok i will take a mocha for him. or a speaker. or a petal patch.



Edited by Simonac55

Warning. You have just broken the Runescape rules, wich clearly states not to sell accounts. Thread closed.

08-02-2005, 04:08 PM
you are kinda dumb to go posting the name of ur character on the website when it is illegal to sell runescape accounts. I would remove it before jagex sees it and bans ur account

08-02-2005, 04:10 PM
i dont go on there ne more they can ban it if they want. i havent played it for about 5 months. but i noit is still there cause i occaisionally see if ne of my m8s will buy it so i see iof its still up and runnin.

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