View Full Version : behind the scenes august

01-08-2006, 02:43 PM
Welcome to the Behind the Scenes – August edition!

For many of us, August brings sun, holidays, cheap souvenirs and sunburn… but in RuneScape it’s a whole different story! So, in no particular order….

Gnomes on holiday often miss the sweet taste of home - so it's up to you to bring it to them all wrapped up in a gnome delivery bag! Players who have visited Aluft Gianne’s restaurant in the Grand Tree may have offered to help out with orders in the past, but just keeping the restaurant in stock of worm battas and fruit blasts is hardly a challenge for today’s gliding, spirit tree hopping adventurers. So, in August, why not help out with Aluft Junior's Gnomic delivery service? Make the stuff and trek over the world delivering this, erm, “Gnourmet” food and you’ll find you are rewarded with some very interesting gear as well as some vastly improved XP for the actual cooking. If you’re really good, you may be able to get fresh gnome cuisine delivered to you!

Also in the gnome kingdom this month, we dig deep into gnomic history after the discovery of a strange old machine from the era of King Healthorg the Great, whose glittering reign preceded that of King Narnode Shareem. What is its purpose and why didn’t anyone notice it before? What secrets can be unearthed, and will all the gnomes appreciate a human nosing about again? Only time will tell…..

Later this month we release a new batch of prayers, this time adding the ability to temporarily boost your ranged and magic attacks with prayers like “Hawk Eye” and “Mystic Law”. All these new additions will match the existing attack and strength boosting prayers.

In addition to all the above, we also bring you the new sailing transport system. Many of RuneScape’s ports will be connected via a network of high quality sailing vessels. Although the initial cost can be quite heavy, players familiar with piratical ways and those handy in the art of persuasion will find it a lot easier on the wallet. The crew members will no doubt be able to sell you a few choice goods from their travels, so keep a look out for them too.

And finally for the month of August, the Dragons, Giants and Demons have all been at the rehab clinic for the last few months getting a well deserved makeover. Gone will be the flabby bellies and dull claws of the past… we will be saying goodbye to weak-limbed, flailing attacks and hello to the sparkling-eyed, razor-sharp, meaty new look of the future! Demons who actually look like they could destroy you from a badly-directed sneeze are far more fun to fight than ones that, well, don’t. Dragons that swagger as they walk and moss giants with beards that actually are alive are just a few of the magnificent changes we will be making. Don’t worry! We won’t make them tougher.


looks cool new prayers

01-08-2006, 03:00 PM
Yeah, I just read it. I like the sound of the bit about the changes to some monsters.

Stress Free
01-08-2006, 03:16 PM
W00t new prayer i hope you need like 55 and 58 for them

01-08-2006, 03:19 PM
Runescape never actually says when they are going to happen! ¬¬

01-08-2006, 03:19 PM
W00t new prayer i hope you need like 55 and 58 for them
probably i rekon theyll do some really high lvlv prayers like 70 80 etc

Stress Free
01-08-2006, 03:21 PM
Thats be cool i now have a reason to get higher prayer lol wonder what the dragons are gonna look like now

01-08-2006, 04:25 PM
Thats be cool i now have a reason to get higher prayer lol wonder what the dragons are gonna look like now

Maybe lyke real dragons kay?

01-08-2006, 04:34 PM
probably i rekon theyll do some really high lvlv prayers like 70 80 etc
yea becuase a lot of high level's work on getting 99 pray for a few cmb lvls, they dont get anything like new prayers out of it

01-08-2006, 04:39 PM
i hope these prayers are good beacuse atm like 60 is the best prayer lvl u can get which sucks, they should add lvl 90 prayers which are very good like extra speed attack and stuff, unlitedted speacial, that would rock

01-08-2006, 05:02 PM
Lv 99 prayer Disable and it renders a random combat thingy unusable till your prayer runs out 1 prayer point per second eg strength mage etc

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