View Full Version : [China] BETA Test 2

06-08-2006, 01:37 PM
China BETA Test 2 with the theme Donnie Santini will begin on August 10th at 3 PM (The Shang Hai hotel will open firstly, THEN the other regional hotels).

All newly registered users will receive 500 Habbo credits. For all the users who came onto the hotel before, their furnis still currently remains untouched. A new public space will be opened by Donnie Santini once the hotel opens and most probably there will be a DEALS section in the catalogue. In the Donnie Santini quests, there will be fabulous prizes, rares, survivors points and many more to be won!

Click here (http://bj.habbochina.com/hotel/news/article_036.html) to read the full article!

06-08-2006, 01:52 PM
Click here (http://bj.habbochina.com/hotel/news/article_036.html) to read the full article!

Read? We sure can read that.

06-08-2006, 02:20 PM
Sorry, Most UK Habbo's can't read chinese... And what time is Chinese 3pm in BST/GMT?

06-08-2006, 03:31 PM
LOL! Anyway.. sounds cool.

Read? We sure can read that.

06-08-2006, 03:54 PM
For those who dont understand chinese:



哈宝坞的大导演Donnie Santini在哈宝新加坡宾馆遇到了很多来自中国的哈宝,当他从哈宝们的口中得知,哈宝中国宾馆的试营业 (内测)告一段落,宾馆目前进入了调整期。他就想亲自来中国看看。见识过哈宝们口中的中国哈宝宾馆和哈宝论 坛后,中国哈宝的想象力和创造力让他为之震撼了,中国哈宝期盼宾馆重新开放的心情也深深打动了他。他决定投 入巨资,重新装潢哈宝中国宾馆,加快宾馆调整进程,让试营业(内测)继续开放!

哈宝的二次内测将从8月10日15:00开始。为了能对全体哈宝提供更好的服务,将首先开放上海宾馆。其它 地区的宾馆将在稍后的公测逐步开放。

酷爱探险的Donnie Santini,显然不想让哈宝们在这期间过得太平淡。他将二次内测的主题定为“哈宝探险总动员”,目的是 考验一下中国哈宝是否具有哈宝探险家的潜质。

在二次内测期间,所有哈宝老用户的家具都会保留,而每个新注册用户会免费得到500哈币。Do nnie Santini会开放一个新的公共空间,为一些家具提供优惠价格,并资助各种各样的活动和竞赛...更重要 的是,每周通过考验的哈宝们都会得到一个实物哈宝徽章、一个特殊家具和一定的生存点数,对于集齐所有徽章和 获得足够生存点数的哈宝,他会提供价值不菲的哈宝珍品作为奖励--这可是哈宝内测以来最慷慨的奖品,并且可以留到哈宝公测!

Sounds good eh?

06-08-2006, 04:12 PM
Kazak valuable China The collection badge, wins the points, must breathe out the coin The Kazak valuable shipyard greatly directed Donnie Santini to meet in the Kazak valuable Singapore guesthouse has very come from China's Kazak to be valuable, when he knew from the Kazak valuable mouth, the Kazak valuable China guesthouse tried business (in to measure) was completed, the guesthouse at present entered the adjustment time. He wants personally to come China to have a look. After has experienced in the Kazak valuable mouth Chinese Kazak valuable guesthouse and the Kazak valuable forum, the Chinese Kazak valuable imagination and the creativity let him shock for it, the Chinese Kazak valuable hope guesthouse reopened the mood deep deeply has also moved him. He decided the investment large amount of money, redecorates the Kazak valuable China guesthouse, speeds up the guesthouse adjustment advancement, lets try to do business (in measured) continues to open! In Kazak valuable two will measure from August 10 15: 00 starts. In order to can breathe out to all valuably provides a better service, first will open the Shanghai guesthouse. Other local guesthouses in later male will measure gradually opens. Is very fond of the exploration Donnie Santini, obviously does not want to let Kazak be valuable in this period passes too lightly. He the subject which measured two in decides as "the Kazak valuable exploration general mobilization", the goal is tests the Chinese Kazak to be valuable whether has the Kazak valuable explorers to dive the nature. Measures the period in two, possesses the Kazak valuable old users the furniture to be able to retain, but each new registration user can free obtain 500 Kazak coin. Donnie Santini can open a new public space, provides the preferential price for some furniture, and funds various activity and the competition.. More importantly, each week valuable can obtain a material object Kazak valuable badge, a special furniture and the certain survival points through test Kazak, and obtains the enough survival points to the Yuji uneven all badges Kazak valuable, since he has been able to provide the value Philippines the Kazak valuable valuable thing not to take reward -- this but in the Kazak treasure to measure the most generous prize, and may remain to Kazak is valuable male measured!

07-08-2006, 04:14 PM
3 more days :D then i can get back on my china user

09-08-2006, 11:15 PM
I didnt understand a word of SnowTwist's post, english or chinese. Now wheres that google translator... Good news btw, i have to go see that, event of the year ^_^

10-08-2006, 08:19 AM
Good for them. Can't understand it though, English or Chinese.

11-08-2006, 07:35 AM
lol he used a translator obviously :P

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